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Hidden 11 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

In the 'old guild' we had a sticky thread for battlegrounds that the whole arena community could use for when they conduct battles.

For this new guild Im going to use the OOC to put in the guidelines for the Arenas 'CS' and allow everyone to submit them here, If me or another slightly more seasoned arena battler (lookin at you skalla) approves it, it will be put the Characters Tab ready for Arena use.
I will start off with one just to get the ball rolling


Size: (feet or miles or whatever x by x)

Properties: (maybe high magical energy, vicious storms, indestructible walls?

Player Capacity: (built for 2 players only? or maybe large enough for a free for all?)

Description : (Image preferred but an in depth text description will be okay.)

Flavour Text: (basically optional, but can be used to give a bit of background/story to the location)

Remember to post all submissions here, I will post them in the IC for use when they are approved. All Arena discussion must also be in the OOC
IC is strictly for finished BattleGrounds..


West Point Back Alley -Dynamo Frokane

Wotan's Forest -Skallagrim

The Hallowed Halls-Dynamo Frokane

Eternal Battleground-Alphakoka

Cube Of Peace-Charlie

The Fighting Fields-Dynamo Frokane


The Ambassador's Ball-rush99999

Moschet Museum-Dynamo Frokane

Mountain Monastery-Shidenblades

Shrine of Daimyos-Clocktower Echos

Monolith Graveyard-Yoshua171

Merelils Mist-Yoshua171

Elande Slums-Sikako J
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
Avatar of Dolerman

Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: West Point Back Alley

Size: About 150 yards long and 12 feet wide.

Properties: All brick walls can be damaged but alley stays intact as an alley. Many street items on the floor broken bottles, bonfire barrels 2x4 planks etc.

Player Capacity: up to 3 players. (human sized)

Description :

Flavour Text: One the most dangerous alleys in the city, the site of 23 murders in the last year, this alley is home to homeless, pickpockets and stick up men from all over the capital. Enter at your own risk.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Frokane good to see you back.

Wotan's Forest: The tallest and largest trees make their home in Wotan's Forest and the magical Lake of the Wode. If you stand beneath the mighty black trees, they seem so powerful and indestructible; The average height of the trees is 1,000 feet tall and roughly 40 feet in diameter. There are much taller trees, some as tall as 1.2 miles and several hundred feet in diameter. These trees are made of Iron Wood, which is nigh indestructible to nearly any attack. In the center of this vast forest is the Lake of the Wode.

At 3,200 square miles in size and an unknowable depth, Lake of the Wode is one of the largest and deepest lakes in the multiverse, renowned for its deep blue beauty. Sunset on the Lake of the Wode is magical and best appreciated from the eastern shore. The sun bathes the trees in bright colors, and reflects its light in the deep blue of the sacred lake, before sinking below the horizon.

The combatants are in a Pythagorean triple, 120 meters apart, each combatant is atop a 15-meter tall glass pillar. Between each pillar is a glass bridge that connects the pillars. The battleground is anywhere in a 500 by 500 meter area, with the Lake of the Wode on the western edge of the battleground.

In the center of the pillars is a large, wide tree stump. Lying on the stump is a fist-sized diamond. This is the Eye of Wotan. This can be used once by each fighter. Once it is used, it vanishes and returns to the stump.

The Eye of Wotan can negate any single attack that the holder wishes, regardless of preps used against it.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: Eternal Battleground

Size: Practically unlimited but generally confined into a 100m wide circle


  • Fighters are confined into a distance of 100 m from each other before running into an invisible wall that kept them in that distance. Fighters can chase each other more than 100 m but they can't outrun or distance each other for more than 100 m

  • Increased effectivity of all magical and physical ability that affects other. Exception to mind altering effects.

  • Wounds would bleed regardless of size unless treated. Can be treated through magic or medical knowledge, but passive regeneration is generally slowed.

  • Weapons are scattered throughout the arena, standing and laying around, old and new, mundane and magical, pristine and rusted, all waiting for an eager hand to grasp and use them. What they all share is, they're all melee or thrown weapons, spears, axe, sword, javelin, knives. Judge decision on whether you run into a magical weapon and how strong it is.

  • Heightened gravity that affects ALL without discrimination. Gravity is at least twice of RL earth's gravity, increased further according to fighters agreement. In event of a different tier fight happening, decision of gravity multiplier is given to the lower tier fighter. Previous rule applies.

Player Capacity: Suggested 2 fighters. Can be more and the 100 m distance rule is changed to the most distance between 2 players is 100m.

Description :

Flavour Text: The playground of a warrior god, he often invited fighters, willingly and/or knowingly or not to either, into it to amuse him with their fight. The winner of these fights generally would gained a favor or a boon from him, which can be taken as soon as it was given by taking out a weapon in the arena back to their origin. Those who are in high enough tier might even entice his warrior blood further and subsequently received a challenge from a frenzied god.

PS: frenzied god ala Kenpachi.
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nice to see this battlefield back In action! I'll approve it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Skallagrim said
Frokane good to see you back. When I get a chance I will submit my Frostmourne Arena...some liked them.

Nice to see you too skalla, I was wondering if you could put the approved battlegrounds into the IC, in that lovley neat way with the name of the creators with the hyperlinks, Im a bit messy with all that :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


Member Offline since relaunch

Could we make hunger games arenas and use those?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 3 days ago

Eh, just go ahead and put it in, then we can talk about it. This is for those arenas that you're expecting people to use when they have no idea what place they want to fight in.
So, you can make a fight and say "This fight take place in Hunger games field" and it would be fine. If you want other people to use it anyway, you can put it here.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alphakoka said
Name: Eternal BattlegroundSize: Practically unlimited but generally confined into a 100m wide circleProperties: Player Capacity: Suggested 2 fighters. Can be more and the 100 m distance rule is changed to the most distance between 2 players is 100m.Description : Flavour Text: The playground of a warrior god, he often invited fighters, willingly and/or knowingly or not to either, into it to amuse him with their fight. The winner of these fights generally would gained a favor or a boon from him, which can be taken as soon as it was given by taking out a weapon in the arena back to their origin. Those who are in high enough tier might even entice his warrior blood further and subsequently received a challenge from a frenzied god.PS: frenzied god ala Kenpachi.

this battleground is approved
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Charlie


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: The Cube of Peace

Size: 64x64x64

Properties: The white walls that confine the area appear to made of marble but are completely indestructible

Player Capacity: One v. one or Two v. two

Description : The stark white walls of this cube look to be marble, there is a water level but it is only up to the fighters ankles(assuming that the fighter in 6ft even) is in the center of this place is a mound of sand. On the mound of sand is a palm tree, a bush, and a wooden chair. There are ghostly blue spirits that float around , there are around twenty of these 3in spheres that float around non sensibly. The light in the room makes it look like its a perpetual evening.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cseager


Member Offline since relaunch


Approximately the size of the moon

Basically a large barren field with plenty of
Mountain terrain and a few droppings of flat land areas

Used for large wars battles with highly destructive characters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gumshoe


Member Offline since relaunch


Size: Three Football Fields

Properties: It's a prairie closed in by mountains surrounding the perimeter of the grassy parcel. It's home to mystical creatures such as, elves, goblins who wish to defend their land. Occasionally you will have different items threw at you, or even a direct confrontation with a creature. [ Mudballs, Bombs, Spore-Bombs, Wood, Rocks, and Gems ( They aren't materialistic people so they toss around gems like no big deal, Literally. Gems, when consumed grant the eater temporary regeneration which last a minute. ) ]

Player Capacity: Depends but probably 50 people, tops.

Description : A massive crater, surrounded by mountains, something like a basin. The mountains are more than a 1,000ft into the air surrounding the deepest vicinity of the arena. A plain is the pit, and surrounding the great plain is a thick amount of forest where the mystics hide for refuge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Infinity Express

Size: 160x6

Properties: Incredibly high speeds, the battlefield can change at any moment by going through one of the many tunnels, woodlands or over one bridge or another.
• The train goes through these areas: (in random order.)
- City
- Forest
- Bridge (over chasm)
- Bridge (over water)
- Tunnel (small)
- Tunnel (long)
- Village
- Farm
- Airport
- Harbor

• High air velocity, due to high speeds.

• Random events and a the area of battlefield is dynamic.

Player Capacity: More of a 1 v 1 battlefield.


Flavour Text:
Express speed delivery, Infinity Express says that speeds below 200km/h isn't speeds allowed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Midnight Cemetary

Size: 2 square miles of cemetery surrounded buy an endless forest.

Properties: 2 Large 15 foot mausoleums in the centre of the cemetery, which are made of enchanted stone which makes them nigh indestructible. The whole arena is permanently night time, with very low visibility, save for a few spooky trees dotted around the place with old lanterns hanging around. The lanterns burn with holy fire to ward off demons and evil spirits. Also has many tomb stones which are durable enough to take cover behind.

Player Capacity: up to 4 players is optimum

Description :

Flavour Text:: Coming Soon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
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Robeatics Codename: Fupa

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hey, figured I'd jump in on this. Tell me what you guys think!

Name: Deadfall

Size: Has a 13-foot wide fuselage, about 120 feet in length from captain’s cabin to the very back of the plane. There are two levels, the passenger section and captain’s cabin as well as a forward and aft cargo compartment, both compartments only around 4 feet tall and very cramped. The plane is 25,000 feet in the air above an ocean. Each wing of the plane is about 1,300 square feet.


1. The walls of the plane cannot be punctured, penetrated or otherwise damaged, but it has four emergency exits at the front and back of the plane that can be opened. Depressurization would almost immediately suck all but the strongest combatants in the vicinity outside.

2. The plane is slowly descending toward the ocean at a steady rate, impacting in about 30 minutes.

3. There is one parachute pack each in the aft and forward cargo compartments.

4. Combatants, were they to go outside the plane, have no given abilities of flight, but can maneuver and grab for the plane with more control and agility than would typically be afforded under typical circumstances, as far as physics are concerned.

Player Capacity: 2-4 players

Description : An old, 1950s 707 with no pilot and no passengers. The metal on the wings and fuselage is old and rusted, and the engines smoke and emit a droning, immensely loud rumbling that sounds like the distant grinding of a hundred souls. There is a dark, grey storm brewing all around the plane, making it impossible to see where it is going, and through the clouds one can barely make out the sight of black, churning waters below.

Flavour Text: The very existence of this plane is an enigma, its intent and origin utterly unknown. From the ethereal, muffled noises like shuffling entities coming from the underfoot cargo compartments to the pilot’s cabin that emanates an ice-cold chill, any combatants unlucky enough to find themselves battling aboard will be almost instantly overcome with a ghostly sense of anxiety, doom and superstition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: The Hallowed Halls

Size: endless halls and corridors each 20 x 30 feet

Properties: Hard marble walls, endless corridors, various old coffins and weapons scattered about the place.

Player Capacity: up to 4 players (per room)

Description :

Flavour Text: This old cathedral was destroyed years ago, but was brought back by a benevolant spirit to exist on our mortal plane, it now exists and as an infinite number of corridors that lead nowhere in particular but set the stage for endless conflict for those who want to fight it out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: The Fighting Fields

Size: 75x75 feet

Properties: invisible walls at the end of the 75 feet

Player Capacity: up to 4

Description : Basic field with no special properties, Ideal for Swordfights and Unarmed Combat. A few Large Rocks to take cover behind and small hills.

Flavour Text: A small field created by some of the combat god's to watch uninterrupted combat between mortals.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 3 days ago

<Snipped quote by Alphakoka>
this battleground is approved

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Alphakoka my apologies, its now up
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: The Moschet Museum

Size: Outside arena floor space is 50 x 60 feet wide covered by mountains that reach for miles, indoors is a 120x60 feet hall

Properties: The outdoor arena has destructible stone structures and is always night time, the indoors has rickety upper level platforms and a large pit at the end of the museum, this pit is endless. Other than the mountain the Arena is fully destructable. You will start in the outdoor arena and the large entrances seen in the image will lead you to the main part of the museum. The interior structure of the Museum is mainly very dry wood which is fairly flammable, if a large enough fire is started, the whole building will burn down.

Player Capacity: up to 6 players can fight here.

Description :

Flavour Text: The Moschets were a very dangerous but powerful and famous married couple, they were rumored to be demons and had large enough egos they kept all their most prized possessions in a grand museum in a mountain construct. They were later killed by witch hunters, and the museum was vandalized on numerous occasions. But every so often the spirits of the Moschets will come to watch duels between powerful warriors in the place they were once so proud of.
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