Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
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Robeatics Codename: Fupa

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yet another sort of creepy arena. Who doesn’t love those?

Name: The Gargling Fen

Size: Several square miles; a massive swamp surrounded by uninhabited marshland.


1. The Fen exhumes a sickening odor and colorful, gaseous clouds from its bubbling mudpits that spreads across the full scope of the swamp. Visibility is restricted to only about ten foggy feet throughout the swamp, and standing near one of the many mudpits renders one almost entirely blind. If one finds oneself breathing in the fog for too long—a minute to several, according to one’s fortitude—terrifying hallucinations take hold of dancing figures and twitching talons in the dark.

2. Many old demon hunters have stalked the Fen, camping for months at a time in the search for low-level demons and monsters of all sort to creep into their crosshairs. There are a few abandoned camps left in the forest, either from hunters that have run off or have been eaten, their supplies untouched. Each camp contains rope, a few tents, a dead firepit and several rusting swords and rifles. There are also a few abandoned homes up on stilts containing kitchen knives, a hunting rifle or two and basic home accoutrements.

3. While the living dangers of the swamp are potent, the truest killer is the pits of broiling muck so thick that being pushed into one without a way to pull oneself out is practically a death sentence. Even characters of great strength can be sucked under in their struggles.

4. The gas clouds are neither toxic nor flammable, the trees and vegetation have average durability, and the land as a whole is very flat, albeit mangled by gnarls of underbrush and interrupted by bodies of water both wide and thin.

Player Capacity: 2-20, maybe more


Flavour Text: No inexperienced traveler dares turn their gaze toward the Fen: a great green island among seas of cutting sawgrass and knee-high muck. Demons stalk the Fen’s stagnant pools and shadowy understory, striking at any time in howling celebration at yet another fallen fool. When they cannot conjure up a physical form from the mud and wood, they possess the boars, the insects, the reptiles; snakes of immense size and beetles larger than wagons are not uncommon in such a vicious, ever-shifting ecosystem. Daytime has no meaning to the ground-dwellers, as the trees are so thick above that little sunlight penetrates the overwhelming green. Visitors to the Fen will find no respite at any time of day, as the dangers never rest. They only wait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I like it a lot, approved.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: The Ambassador's Ball

Size: 20 ft X 40 ft

Properties: This arena starts off crowded, but becomes more spacious as NPCs run from the fighting. As the fight drags on, NPC guards will arrive to try and restore order.

Player Capacity: 10


Flavor Text: The Ambassador's Ball, the most anticipated event of the social calender. Anyone who's anyone attends. It is a time for pretty dresses, stylish masks and brutal assassinations. It is not unusual for fights to break out here due to petty arguments and fights between assassins and their target's bodyguards. As a result, The Ambassador has taken it upon himself to hire a small army of armed guards to quickly put down any fights that break out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@rush99999 Approved!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@rush99999 Btw you up for a match? ranked or non ranked I dont mind but I wanna try out one of these stages.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShidenBlades

ShidenBlades Here to have fun!

Member Seen 7 mos ago


I want an arena, I have it in mind, but can't find a picture to match.

I'm looking for something with platforms, ropes, maybe some pits. Something that employs the use of movement and still in an enclosed area.

If anyone could find a picture to match that'd be awesome. I'll keep looking as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

You could always Judy describe it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


I want an arena, I have it in mind, but can't find a picture to match.

I'm looking for something with platforms, ropes, maybe some pits. Something that employs the use of movement and still in an enclosed area.

If anyone could find a picture to match that'd be awesome. I'll keep looking as well.

you rang?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@rush99999 Hi rush I have character that is a suitable power level, maybe my monk Xing Yi, if youre happy with me choosing a battle ground we can get started.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Dynamo Frokane Ok then, go ahead and pick a battle ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShidenBlades

ShidenBlades Here to have fun!

Member Seen 7 mos ago


I think I can make that work for the outside.

Now just to find something that shows the inside.

Thanks for the help!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ShidenBlades

ShidenBlades Here to have fun!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Mountain Monastery.

Size: Varies. Court Yard 200 feet long, 75 feet wide.

Properties: None.

Player Capacity: 2.

Description: This Monastery in the mountains is home to a peaceful order of religious monks. It is beautifully kept with sand gardens and banzai trees. There is a small 25x25 foot raised platform in the center of the court yard that is often used for meditation.

Flavor Text: Soft chanting often fills the narrow winding mountain paths that lead to this secluded monastery. In the winter the paths are full of snow, making travel all but impossible. It is in the spring that the true beauty of this divine place becomes apparent and life blooms all around it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Automaton
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Automaton Just a simple Automaton.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name:Avian's kingdom

Size: the left most island is the smallest with a narrow outer grassy area, but with a great sized chapel hall about 700x700

The right most island contains a barn and silo but has the biggest outer grass area, the barn is any usual barn and silo about 300x500 meters.

The center island has the biggest building and a medium sized grassy area, the castle's dimensions can be difficult to determine but it sticks to these demsions when not changing 108 meters long across the front,120 meters deep and 24 meters high.

Properties: Area in general: Any person with wind or flying abilities will be yanked from them if abilities are being used outside the boundaries of the islands. Gale force winds surround all the islands, falling off any island will cause the winds to pick you up and place you on any island closest to you.

Chapel island: the wall's of the chapel cannot be destroyed, but windows and door can. The podium at the other end of the building holds the floor plan and hidden room location, hidden in riddles of course.

Barn island: the island players start on,the island contains a flying machine what can withstand the winds, and an alternate flying machine, which is faster but more dangerous. The barn and silo can be destroyed completely, but so can the flying machines.

The castle island: The castle it'self has many rooms and corridors, many of them move and change, elongate and shorten, lock or unlock, except for the throne room, and the hidden room. In these room's you can find Armour and weapons to help you fight, no magical weapons can be found here but I hear the king's scattered Armour can help with those winds. But the crown is the thing worth finding. The crown will let you walk all over your enemy and those winds. But the not the monster waiting to be released. Castle walls can be broken, but don't be surprised if they repair themselves.

Player Capacity: This map could hold probably 4-5 people, human sized or otherwise.

Description : Three floating islands so far above the earth it's assumed that this is the only ground left of this world, one island has a barn and silo, one a magnificent chapel and the center one holds a castle. While gale force winds swirl around all three of them. Almost at random.

Flavour Text: The world you are now present in was once a prospering utopia, until it was wrecked by turmoil, earthquakes and eruptions along with tsunami's pounded the people residing in the world. Until Avian came. The god of the sky, told everyone he would save the three kingdoms of man from the destruction. And he did, he lifted the ground from it's shackles and everyone rejoiced, everyone praised Avian. Until the fighting started, the leaders of the three kingdoms decided they wanted it all, each of them greedy and not thankful for what they were given. After one thousand years of infighting Avian finally stepped in, a twisted reflection of the beautiful man he once was. His skin turned a gross olive with bloodshot eyes, his hair was falling out, along with the feathers on his wings. He became angry at the Kings and decided that he would save everyone, from themselves. He broke the ground that connected the islands and surrounded them with gale force winds. With the key to their connection under their noses.Then Avain went to sleep. And since Avian was no longer focusing on keeping the ground up allot of it fell back down to the earth.

Concept picture:


Notes: I was thinking that once picking up the crown (hidden object) that Avian would awaken and their would be a third element within the battle, possibly forcing the fighters to work together. Avian's abilities can be further discussed if the idea is approved by the Map Masters.

Flying machines: the first one in the barn looks like an ancient plane, something the wright brothers would have used. Except this one has remote controlled arrow shooters on the front of it. The one in the silo are the Icarus wings, perfected. Faster and more mobile than the ship but can't take many hits.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Sandtides

Size: 1 mile by 1 mile (most won't be used)


* The various smaller sand islands scattered about the bay sink downward very easily if treaded upon by anything larger than a rodent, being incredibly unstable. Within four back and forth posts of moderate combat scenarios, half of the island will be submerged to cause water to go up to the ankles or deeper depending on how far at the edge you are. After eight posts only a small portion of the island will have ankle deep water, the rest completely submerged and reforming a bit away into another island as they drift in gentle tides. If the players agree then it can be raining, speeding up the process of islands vanishing by two times.

* Multiple small brown and reddish brown crabs skitter around the sand, burrowing and shifting it around for some mysterious purpose. Most are the size of mice but some seen around can become as large as cats. They're mostly very cautious so will scurry away when you get too close. They only attack if you provoke them or in a very vulnerable state, in which case they all swarm in, grabbing on and trying to drag the person down into the sandy depths. If both players agree then the crabs will be much more aggressive all the way down to not taking any aggressive action at all.

* The water is calm enough where it's only gently flowing around, carrying you to another of the sand islands. It's 400 feet deep at the deepest but the amount varies depending on the level of sand around.

Player Capacity: Duel on a single island with two people or multiple people spreading across the islands is recommended.

Description: A large number if islands made out of sand is scattered around the bay, always shifting around as sand leaves some islands and builds up into another. Most are around 80 feet long but the actual shapes and sizes can vary wildly.

The largest island in the middle is made out of rock, grass, plants, and tropical trees so never goes under half a mile long by a quarter of a mile wide. Sand can build up on the outskirts to increase it's size. There's a crater near the middle that's 800 feet across. The edges are rocky and steep so would take a decent amount of effort to climb back out if you fall in, which could badly hurt normal people due to being 40 feet deep, luckily not being at a 90 degree angle so could have some rolling down to help keep the damage down, if only a little.

The water is crystal clear and beautiful near the surface but due to the large amounts of sand swirling below it quickly gets murky down lower.

Flavour Text: The sand tides are famous for shipwrecking many ships long ago due to the constant shifting, although the wreckage has been cleaned up both by workers and the crabs, who mysteriously drag objects down below the sand if they're left unattended. Rumor has it, which is very likely, that the skeletons missing from the wrecks are still underneath the sand. Although the crabs aren't known to be incredibly aggressive, the creepy nature of these rumors and some instances of people disappearing is enough to stop most tourism to the Sandtides.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hey also @ShidenBlades are you still gonna finish that jungle style level with the image I suggested? I really liked the concept and if you changed your mind I'd want to continue on that idea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShidenBlades

ShidenBlades Here to have fun!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Go ahead and use it, I made the other battleground instead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 5 days ago


Order's Sanctuary


One standard American football field


  • An invisible force wall surrounds the arena, presumably made to contain the action within. It is controllable by the small pedestal in the center of the arena. If both fighters stand on the pedestal and wait for exactly five seconds, the force wall goes up. The same if it is to be taken down.
  • The myriad of light green lines are movement paths; to elaborate, when perched upon one, a fighter is propelled speedily in the direction he faces. If he/she wishes to go the other way, he can simply leap off for a second and turn around, and the path will automatically propel them in the other direction.

Player Capacity

As many as four at a time, nothing more.


Flavour Text

A battlefield, well worn.
Countless fights, years before.
Now, a wasteland.
Scattered debris.
Remnants from clashes long past.
Of titanic bouts between heavyweights.
Fights that shook the very core of the world.
So heated were they, that the force field pedestal in the center stands.
A testament to the strength of combatants past.

If you seek a fight,
Be it against a rival, or a friend,
Stand on the pedestal,
And let the battle
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