akje said
"Alright, Good luck to you both then. Kaldis, take my spear. It's enchanted to give the likes of me the martial skill to rival the likes of these people. Add that to your clumsy luck and you'll be a fearsome opponent indeed" Sam laughed before giving them a serious look before turning around and walking into the battlezone.He tried to go unnoticed and move in the background, though this proved quite difficult when the background was on fire.He sprinted not for the fight but a large chunk of ice near the place they entered so dramatically. "Always nice to have an ice dragon slayer hanging around." Sam muttered to himself as he broke of a fistsized chunk of ice. "Magical ice..."He then wiped of his brow and rubbed his hand onto the pale ice shard. "Drops of sweat shed in times of stress..."He lifted the ice rock in the air and took aim. "And flash boiled at extreme temperatures!"With a fastball Sam slung the frosty surprise right at Measha's back.
To explain wtf Sam just did:
He makes potions by adding ingredients to boiling water and infusing it with magic.
He has water (a shard of ice), ingredients (sweat and the concept of boiling it fast) and magic. He boils it in Measha's flames so it evaporates and washes all over him. The skin absorbs the potion and
bam! Ranged potion bitches!
Oh and for the potion: Haste potion, to Measha the next 5 minutes will seem like for eeeeveeer!
So he's really damn fast and has intense fucking reflexes. Have fun!
The spear is pretty much as explained, you now fight like you have divine inspiration. So genious skill.
All temporary ;)