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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Acacia Sage
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Acacia Sage

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Annabelle Danvers stared tiredly at the road in front of her. She'd been behind the wheel for so many hours that she'd lost track of the time. The road in front of her was dark and winding and it kept blurring together with the huge bundles of trees that lines the sides of it. Warily, she ran a hand over her eyes. Music played softly in the background--some top twenty song that she wasn't really paying attention to. Her little heart air freshener dangled from her rear view mirror, rocking wildly from side to side. Her eyes would flicker to it occasionally. But then the car would swerve and she'd be forced to staring back at the bleak road in front of her.

Anna had always enjoyed driving. There was something so nice and calming about going down the open road, letting your mind clear of everything but what was in front of you. It was actually pretty therapeutic and she remembered having been so happy when her parents had finally bought her her first ever car. It was a rusty, old beat up truck that looked like it was on its last leg. But she had loved it just the same. Even so, there was still only so much driving that she could take before even SHE got tired of it.

Six or seven hours was fine, but twelve was pushing it. She couldn't remember the last time they'd stopped for a break. All she knew was that Rhi had offered to drive about a thousand times and Anna had turned her down each and every one. It was obvious that the other girl was tired and, well, Anna needed some time to clear her head, to not think. Because every time she started to think, her mind always went THERE and she just wasn't in a place where she could think about that and not get too upset.

A sign loomed up ahead. In big block letters it informed her that they were just 20 miles from Sioux Falls. Her shoulders sagged in relief and she pressed down just a little harder on the gas pedal. The jeep lurched forward. A quick glance informed her that she was pushing 90. But she was okay with that. If she kept up this speed, they'd make it to Bobby's in no time.

"Hey," she said, reaching across the center console and tapping her companion on the shoulder. "Hey, Rhi. Wake up." She gestured behind her with a perfectly manicured hand. "20 miles to go. Almost there."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The trip had been long, Rhiannon knew that. The dark haired woman with tattoos on her upper arm knew that the trip to Sioux Falls would be long. But she and Anna were in search of information, and there was one person the Rhiannon knew would have the information they needed. Bobby Singer. Back before her hiatus from hunting, Rhiannon and her father would go to Bobby with their questions. She was 16 then, though, and the nightmares still followed her.

This time was no different, even sitting in the truck with Anna the nightmares came. Recently back on the hunt didn't help either, but she had gotten rid of the thing that killed her father, and now she and Anna were following leads. And as of lately, things were weird, and there were a hell of a lot more demons around than usual.

Still, Rhiannon had been so tired, that even her recurring nightmare wasn't about to keep her from sleep, though it was making it difficult. Her father's body, bloody and worn, staring at her, whispering to be safe. After a nearly ten year hiatus, to train and gather information, and she finally traced the polterguist and sent that thing to where it belonged. Still, her father's face haunted her.

She stirred awake and looked to Anna, the information finally sinking in. "Good. Hope he remembers." She said, stretching a bit in her seat, and she rummaged through her bag and pulled out a Coke and some Tylenol. She took a couple Tylenol to take the edge of her forming headache, and she made sure her bag was intact. She had quite a bit of cash, but she knew right now she didn't need it, and after a little longer I. The truck, she was glad they reached Bobby's. She got out of the truck and stretched, adjusting her plin black tee and jeans before she looked into her boots and saw the handles of her knives.

She walked up to the door and knocked, looking to Anna before a man with brunette hair and dark eyes answered, and Rhiannon looked to him. "Who are you?" He asked, and Rhiannon gave a look.

"I could ask you the same thing." She quipped, "Where is Bobby?"

The man looked the pair over before he brought his head back into the house. "Hey! Bobby! You have some company!" He called, and soon Rhiannon heard him coming.

"Who is it, Sam?" Bobby asked, but the man named Sam seemed to stand in the way. "Move you idjit."

When he moved, Rhiannon saw the older man, and then another man with shorter blond-brunette hair too. "Hey, Bobby. I know its been a while, but Anna and I could use your help. Figured we would drop by."

"No, you can't be..." Bobby said, looking the pair over. "Rhiannon Lockhart and Annabelle Danvers? Rhiannon, I thought you gave up hunting."

"Can't give up what is in your blood I guess. But can we come in?" She asked.

Before they could be answered, Rhiannon felt water splashed in her face, and she sent a look to the one she heard as Sam. She sighed. "Look, just because Bobby knows you doesn't mean I won't hurt you." She warned, and Bobby shot her a look before letting the girls inside. This would be interesting indeed.

"Now, Rhiannon, I didn't know you took on your father's temper." He commented, and she shrugged. "Either of you girls want a drink?"

"Nah, but who are these two?" Rhiannon asked, pointing to thr boys.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Acacia Sage
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Acacia Sage

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Maybe stilettos and a dress hadn't been the way to go. Anna was regretting her fashion choice as she wobbled across the tumbled stones and gunky mud. The heels of her Jimmy Choos sunk into the ground and she let out a little disgusted cry. She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered slightly. They'd been coming up from Florida and it had been really warm there. Logically, she'd known that it would be colder up north, but she just hadn't been in the mindset to really think about it. Besides, dresses made her feel pretty and if she was going to be crammed into a car for hours and hours she needed something going for her.

"Why didn't you tell me to bring a jacket?" She bitched at her much more correctly dressed friend. She stumbled her way through to mud, trying not to be upset about the amount of mud caking her supremely expensive shoes. She caught sight of Bobby and shot him a wave. "Hey, Bobby."

The older man gave her a strange look. "What the hell are you wearing?" He wanted to know. There was a scolding tone in his voice and Anna had to fight the urge to roll her eyes. "You do know it's October, don't you?"

Anna didn't bother responding. The sight of a warm, inviting house beckoned her forward. She moved as fast as her shoes would allow her to so. She was so focused on finding comfort that she didn't see the person in front of her until it was too late. She smacked face first into a hard wall of muscle and went tumbling back. She managed to right herself just before she hit the ground. "Shit!" She hissed. Her heel had scraped against the ground and now there was a huge scratch in the side of it.

She looked up at the person she'd smacked into and came face to face with a huge, tall, muscled guy. He appeared to be about her age with long-ish brown hair and expressive eyes deep set within his face. He had high cheek bones and held himself like he was a little unsure of her. She scowled at him. "'Scuse you!" She snapped, huffing as she brushed passed him. All she could think about was checking out the damage to her shoe.

She brushed passed another man who let out an indignant cry, but she hardly noticed. "I'm taking a bath! Don't bother me!"

Dean watched the short, pretty blonde woman stomp up the steps. Once she had disappeared from view, he turned to look out the door. Three heads were staring into the house, Bobby's exasperated. He shook his head and beckoned Dean over with a hand.

"Dean," he said. "Come here." He smiled at Rhiannon and gestured to the two boys. "These are Sam and Dean Winchester. They're staying a while."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Sam was utterly confused, to put it simply. Just a few days ago, Dean had come back, something Sam had been trying at for the last few months, among other things. But Dean was back, and here they were, at Bobby's just like nothing ever happened. But something had, and it was impossible for Sam to ignore. But today was different, and becoming distracted was actually quite easy. A blonde and brunette showed up at Bobby's door, without a call or anything. And Sam couldn't help but to be suspicious. How often did people just show up at Bobby's?

Not often. And Sam knew that much. Still, after his run in with the short, pretty blonde, he was having trouble placing who they could be until he walked into the kitchen, just before Dean, and he heard the conversation. Either they knew hunters, or they were hunters. Then Bobby introduced them, and the brunette rose a brow.

Rhiannon studied them. "Actually, I think I will have that drink." She said, placing her messenger bag on the table, and grabbing herself a beer, hitting it against the counter to get the cap off. "So, Sam and Dean Winchester? You are less than what I expected."

She took a sip of beer and looked back, "Rhiannon Lockhart is my name, but most people just call me Rhi
" she introduced herself before leaning up against the counter, and Sam rose a brow.

"You know of us?" He asked, and Rhiannon nodded.

"My father and I helped your dad with a demon problem, had to have been about ten years ago." She gave a sour look before taking another sip of her beer. "But, that was then, this is now."

Sam looked to Dean briefly as a silence fell over the room, and soon Bobby cleared his throat. "Rhiannon, what brings you and Anna here?"

Rhiannon nodded, "Right. Demons actually. I mean I am used to the few here and there, but there are tons ofthem piling out, and not to mention the oddities we ran into on our way here. Earthquakes that weren't earthquakes, and there was this psychic we heard went blind after a seance."

Sam looked to Bobby and Dean, "So, the two of you are hunters?"

Rhiannon nodded, "I am out of retirement, but far from stupid. Fucking polterguists." She mumbled. "Anna!" She yelled. "Hurry up! I was trapped in the truck too you know?!"

Sam shook his head. "Sisters?"

Bobby chuckled. "You could say that, but they are just friends. Travel a lot together, its been a very long time since I have seen either one."

Rhiannon sighed, "And I am sorry about that, but you know why I didn't come around."

Bobby nodded and Sam looked to Dean. "So, where were you coming from?"

"Florida." Rhiannon said, but after that she became quiet, sipping on her beer.

With that Sam looked to Dean. He didn't know what to think before, and this just made him more unsure..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Acacia Sage
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Acacia Sage

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dean watched the conversation going on between his brother and the girl who called herself Rhiannon. She was about average height, he would guess. Her friend--Anna--had been a lot shorter. And where Anna had been bright, this girl was dark. Dark hair, dark eyes, dark essence. It was such a contrast from what he had just witness that he was left wondering for a second how these two girls were even friends.

He nursed the beer in his hands--a PBR, his favorite. While normally he would have fired off some questions of his own, for now he was content to watch. Sam seemed to be asking all the questions he would have, seemed just as suspicious as he was. But Bobby seemed okay, perfectly comfortable. He was just leaning against the kitchen table, nodding and mumbling things every now and then. IF Bobby was relaxed, Dean really didn't see any reason to be freaking out.

He jumped about a foot in the air when the girl--Rhiannon, he had to remember that--let out a wail. His heart rocked around wildly in his chest and his instincts kicked in. Had it not been for the calming look Bobby sent him, he probably would have gone for his gun. Dean was a little more jumpy these days. He had reason to be. Everything that Rhiannon had mentioned about omens and disasters was true. It had all been happening and he felt like he kind of probably knew why. Although explaining that was another matter entirely.

"Ah," Dean said as a way to try and lighten the mood. "I love Florida. How weather, hot chicks, hot--"

"I really wouldn't finish that sentence." A voice from behind his spoke.

Again, Dean found himself jumping nearly a foot in the air. His hand fell over his heart and he turned around to glare. It was Anna. She was standing behind him, hands on her hips. Her hair was wet and she was dressed in nothing but a pink, silky robe. She gave him a stern look and then turned her gaze to Bobby. The scowl instantly melted away.

"You kept it!" She said, doing a little twirl. The ends of the robe fluttered slightly. "I thought you'd have thrown it out!"

Bobby got a little red in the face and made a few mumbles. Dean could make out what he was saying, but Anna just nodded and beamed. She looked nothing like the tired, angry girl who had snapped at him earlier.

"Go take your shower now," she told Rhiannon sternly. "Freaking make me hurry up and you're just standing there like an idiot." She shook her head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Rhiannon had fallen off into her own little world, momentarily, but Anna's voice brought her back. She shookher head, and downed the rest of her beer before taking up her messenger bag and heading out of the room. She turned before heading up, almost speaking, but she decided against it. Sam had watched her, hut his eyes were still in shock from Anna's reappearance. She was very pretty, and the robe was not what he expected, to say the very least, and it left his mind wanting to wander. As much as he forced it back, and as much as he wanted to let his thoughts run wild, he knew his luck. That and he needed to focus.

"So, Anna, something to drink?" Bobby asked, and Sam looked to him. "Since neither of these idjits will offer."

Sam shook his head and cleared his throat before getting a beer and using it as a distraction for his mind. "So, your friend said that you guys came from Florida, what was going on there? I haven't been on a job there in months, and I hadn't heard anything odd from around there."

"Well, not all of us live under rocks." Rhiannon's voice came, and Sam had to look away from her. She was in a towel that barely covered her, but he had to admit, these girls were well built, and he went back to his beer.

"Rhiannon." Bobby hissed.

"They're not virgins, they have seen women in less before, I am certain. Just came to ask if you still had my..well..." she began and he nodded. "Where?"

"Top shelf, behind the first aid kit." He answered and Rhiannon was on her way again before Sam went back to thinking about his previous topic of conversation. What was it?

"Anyway," He began, "Not to mention the long drive to Sioix Falls."

TThat was right, hunting. Hunting was a good topic. But Sam was still having trouble shaking the feeling he was getting, but he had a feeling that these two were going to either be valuable to them, or an enourmous pain in the side.
Rhiannon went back up the stairs, and behind the first aid kit, she found a small perscription bottle. When she got back into hunting, Rhiannon had went back to pills. She wouldn't tell Bobby about her problem, but she just wanted to be numb, and her extra stash of Prozac was going to do her well. Anna, she was sure, was catching on, but for the moment Rhiannon just needed the high.

After.taking it and getting in and out of the shower, she dried her hair a bit before heading back down in her towel and rummaging through the fridge when she got back in the room. "Rhi, at least Anna has a robe." Bobby said, and Rhiannon sighed. "Sorry, just need something for my throat." She said, pulling out a bottle of water and taking a sip. "Got a shirt or something I could borrow to head out to the truck."

Bobby looked to her, but Sam spoke up. "I can grab your bags." He offered, and before getting an answer, he was out the door, and Rhiannon shrugged.

"Thanks." She said, looking to Dean. "Is he always this uncomfortable around barely clothed women?"

Meanwhile, while Sam was outside, he made a call. "Ruby, its Sam, call me back."
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