Hello everyone, and welcome to my first roleplay here. I used to do a lot of roleplaying here and there, especially on NationStates, but after I left NS I pretty much stopped RPing altogether, and would have stopped forever except that many of my roleplaying friends contacted me and asked me to revive my greatest RP, Levity saga. Even if you were not in the original RP, feel free to join- this RP will begin anew, completely separate from the old one, and new players will NOT be at any disadvantage, nor old players at any advantage. If you would like to join, submit a character application form, and if I PM you that your character is approved, you may begin playing immediately.
The World of Levity
The Planet: Unbeknownst to its inhabitants, Levity is on the inside of an inside-out planet. That means that Levity is in a self-sustainable pocket at the core of the planet. A mysterious crystal in the sky, "Sol", serves as the source of light and energy for Levity, and a large, unknown object that rotates around it separates the world into night and day. Nobody has approached Sol and lived to tell of it. There is also another world on the outside of the planet, filled with "monsters" and "demons". These creatures have traveled to Levity in the past through hidden portals, but not much is known about their world.
Talents: Within the world of Levity, certain people are born with magical abilities known as "Talents". Their is absolutely no hereditary pattern for presence of Talents, and anybody can be born with them, regardless of whether any ancestors had Talents, but people in the same family who have Talents are likely to have the same or similar Talents. Talents are extremely varied and can give any ability imaginable, but are usually highly specific, for example somebody with the ability to turn rocks into diamonds could not turn a rabbit into a diamond, no matter how rocky the rabbit appears. Talents are usually extremely difficult to detect until the age of 10 years old, when any powers will begin to manifest themselves. Without discipline and training, however, powers may surge out of control and become extremely dangerous.
Artefacts: Artefacts are rare magical weapons, remnants of a war with the "demons" many millenia before. These weapons grant the wielder immense power, but often at a great cost. For example, the Sword of Thirst, a weapon that completely dehydrates anything its blade comes into contact with, but which also causes its wielder to have a constant, unslakable thirst, or the Staff of Seeking, which can locate any object or person, but cannot change the target which it is locating until the wielder has come in contact with the previous target. Unknown to all but the wielders of these weapons, their power comes from "demons" who were sealed inside of them, and any who can successfully awaken and cooperate with the demon inside of their weapon will be able to use it to a much greater extent.
Religion: The religion of Levity has many gods and goddesses, and it is believed that those who serve the principles of one god, even to the absolute exclusion of the others will be granted the most favor. The 12 major gods are as follows:
Vena- goddess of flame, patron of warriors and blacksmiths
Fydan- god of the tides, patron of sailors and politicians
Ayndr- god of the earth, patron of miners and artisans
Feht- goddess of sky, patron of merchants and wanderers
Hekrd- god of night, patron of thieves and killers
Tyo- goddess of day, patron of healers and women
Ahanko- god of storm, patron of scientists and scholars
Mayv- goddess of nature, patron of farmers and those who protect life
Ela- goddess of ice, patron of tricksters and spirits
Sadym- god of war, patron of soldiers and tacticians
Lryuc- goddess of chaos, patron of demonic forces
Norus- the creator and father of the gods, patron of kings
The Four Nations: Levity is made up of four nations, as depicted by the poorly-drawn map below:

The red nation is Vorak: Vorak is the most technologically advanced of the four nations. The entire nation, once a vast desert, is now cluttered with steel cities made habitable through the power of Machina. But these Machina are fueled by a dark secret: a government organization called the Seekers, all of whom have a Talent that allows them each to detect other Talents, travels across Vorak, finding Talents and either training them to become seekers or harvesting their souls, filled with magic, to fuel the Machina. Living in a barren land, they get most of their raw resources from Morr, and plan to go to war against Ecana for a monopoly on these resources. The Voraki Empire is ruled by a single man, whose laws are implemented by a vast bureaucracy. The emperor is quite aged, and many rival gangs are now vying for succession either through choice or force, as he lacks any heirs.
The orange nation is Morr: Morr is a land that uses both magic and Machina, and in which those with Talents and those without are entirely equal. It is ruled by a fair King, to whom loyalty from all of the towns are pledged. It is often considered primitive by the other nations, because it is comprised of mostly those who toil for the riches of the earth, but all of them rely on the food and ores they provide, giving them great security. Their land, a mass of hills and fertile valleys, is also protected on all sides by steeps mountains.
The green nation is Ecana: Ecana is a nation that relies heavily on magic and religion. In this nation, those with Talents rule independent manor-states, and the unfortunates without Talents are their slaves. The country overall is governed by a coucil, whose 12 members are always descendants of the original 12 who founded Ecana. Ecana is a heavily forested nation, with scattered towns and manors. The forest itself is a single living thing, constantly shifting, so that no town is ever in the same place for more than a day. Those who are natives avoid disorientation and protect themselves from the forest by always wearing decorated masks made of the "greatwood", the largest tree in the forest. Ecana hates Vorak, believing their Machina to be "unholy abominations".
The purple nation is Shiraga: Shiraga is a nation made up of many islandic tribes, who have a democratic central Senate with representatives from all of the tribes. The Shiragans treat those with and without Talents equally, and are dedicated to peace and the advancement of scientific knowledge. Not much is known about them because of their mastery of deceptive arts, hiding whole cities from view, and because of the vast variability between tribes.
Rules of the Roleplay
1. I am in charge. If you disobey my rules or my commands, I will exile you from the roleplay and seize your character(s).
2. Be reasonable. That is all that I ask of you. You should all already know how a roleplay works, so as long as you post regularly and are fair to your fellow players everything will be fine. If you do something wrong, I will warn you first, but if I get tired of warning you over and over you WILL be exiled from the roleplay.
Character Application Form
Fighting style:
Talent (if any):
Approved Characters
Necrore Manson (dreammaster58)
Zucabr Arrim (paradox_lord)
Jamin Huist (totts)
Cynyr (the fallen star)
Jackson Delfuro (tartorus)
Kathrine O'Harre (desert fox)
Meesha Blue (sam haley)
The World of Levity
The Planet: Unbeknownst to its inhabitants, Levity is on the inside of an inside-out planet. That means that Levity is in a self-sustainable pocket at the core of the planet. A mysterious crystal in the sky, "Sol", serves as the source of light and energy for Levity, and a large, unknown object that rotates around it separates the world into night and day. Nobody has approached Sol and lived to tell of it. There is also another world on the outside of the planet, filled with "monsters" and "demons". These creatures have traveled to Levity in the past through hidden portals, but not much is known about their world.
Talents: Within the world of Levity, certain people are born with magical abilities known as "Talents". Their is absolutely no hereditary pattern for presence of Talents, and anybody can be born with them, regardless of whether any ancestors had Talents, but people in the same family who have Talents are likely to have the same or similar Talents. Talents are extremely varied and can give any ability imaginable, but are usually highly specific, for example somebody with the ability to turn rocks into diamonds could not turn a rabbit into a diamond, no matter how rocky the rabbit appears. Talents are usually extremely difficult to detect until the age of 10 years old, when any powers will begin to manifest themselves. Without discipline and training, however, powers may surge out of control and become extremely dangerous.
Artefacts: Artefacts are rare magical weapons, remnants of a war with the "demons" many millenia before. These weapons grant the wielder immense power, but often at a great cost. For example, the Sword of Thirst, a weapon that completely dehydrates anything its blade comes into contact with, but which also causes its wielder to have a constant, unslakable thirst, or the Staff of Seeking, which can locate any object or person, but cannot change the target which it is locating until the wielder has come in contact with the previous target. Unknown to all but the wielders of these weapons, their power comes from "demons" who were sealed inside of them, and any who can successfully awaken and cooperate with the demon inside of their weapon will be able to use it to a much greater extent.
Religion: The religion of Levity has many gods and goddesses, and it is believed that those who serve the principles of one god, even to the absolute exclusion of the others will be granted the most favor. The 12 major gods are as follows:
Vena- goddess of flame, patron of warriors and blacksmiths
Fydan- god of the tides, patron of sailors and politicians
Ayndr- god of the earth, patron of miners and artisans
Feht- goddess of sky, patron of merchants and wanderers
Hekrd- god of night, patron of thieves and killers
Tyo- goddess of day, patron of healers and women
Ahanko- god of storm, patron of scientists and scholars
Mayv- goddess of nature, patron of farmers and those who protect life
Ela- goddess of ice, patron of tricksters and spirits
Sadym- god of war, patron of soldiers and tacticians
Lryuc- goddess of chaos, patron of demonic forces
Norus- the creator and father of the gods, patron of kings
The Four Nations: Levity is made up of four nations, as depicted by the poorly-drawn map below:

The red nation is Vorak: Vorak is the most technologically advanced of the four nations. The entire nation, once a vast desert, is now cluttered with steel cities made habitable through the power of Machina. But these Machina are fueled by a dark secret: a government organization called the Seekers, all of whom have a Talent that allows them each to detect other Talents, travels across Vorak, finding Talents and either training them to become seekers or harvesting their souls, filled with magic, to fuel the Machina. Living in a barren land, they get most of their raw resources from Morr, and plan to go to war against Ecana for a monopoly on these resources. The Voraki Empire is ruled by a single man, whose laws are implemented by a vast bureaucracy. The emperor is quite aged, and many rival gangs are now vying for succession either through choice or force, as he lacks any heirs.
The orange nation is Morr: Morr is a land that uses both magic and Machina, and in which those with Talents and those without are entirely equal. It is ruled by a fair King, to whom loyalty from all of the towns are pledged. It is often considered primitive by the other nations, because it is comprised of mostly those who toil for the riches of the earth, but all of them rely on the food and ores they provide, giving them great security. Their land, a mass of hills and fertile valleys, is also protected on all sides by steeps mountains.
The green nation is Ecana: Ecana is a nation that relies heavily on magic and religion. In this nation, those with Talents rule independent manor-states, and the unfortunates without Talents are their slaves. The country overall is governed by a coucil, whose 12 members are always descendants of the original 12 who founded Ecana. Ecana is a heavily forested nation, with scattered towns and manors. The forest itself is a single living thing, constantly shifting, so that no town is ever in the same place for more than a day. Those who are natives avoid disorientation and protect themselves from the forest by always wearing decorated masks made of the "greatwood", the largest tree in the forest. Ecana hates Vorak, believing their Machina to be "unholy abominations".
The purple nation is Shiraga: Shiraga is a nation made up of many islandic tribes, who have a democratic central Senate with representatives from all of the tribes. The Shiragans treat those with and without Talents equally, and are dedicated to peace and the advancement of scientific knowledge. Not much is known about them because of their mastery of deceptive arts, hiding whole cities from view, and because of the vast variability between tribes.
Rules of the Roleplay
1. I am in charge. If you disobey my rules or my commands, I will exile you from the roleplay and seize your character(s).
2. Be reasonable. That is all that I ask of you. You should all already know how a roleplay works, so as long as you post regularly and are fair to your fellow players everything will be fine. If you do something wrong, I will warn you first, but if I get tired of warning you over and over you WILL be exiled from the roleplay.
Character Application Form
Fighting style:
Talent (if any):
Approved Characters
Necrore Manson (dreammaster58)
Zucabr Arrim (paradox_lord)
Jamin Huist (totts)
Cynyr (the fallen star)
Jackson Delfuro (tartorus)
Kathrine O'Harre (desert fox)
Meesha Blue (sam haley)