The element Bycorium, the fuel source that powers the entire Human civilization. The chemical in it's crystallized form is inert, harmless and for the mostly part useless but when heated at extreme temperatures, it turns into a gas that is the most potent energy source man has ever known. Just a cubic inch of the glowing rock when turned into it's gaseous form has enough energy to match 5,000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs. Never has humanity grasped such a powerful resource. For the substance in it's gaseous form to explode, it has to be exposed to carbon dioxide and thus it must be kept in special containers that would insure it would not be exposed with the outside atmosphere. The element has completely revolutionized the way we live. The element has no negative impact on the environment and mining the substance is completely safe so long as it isn't heated to become it's gaseous state. The only problem with Bycorium is that it is extremely rare, until now...
During the year 5023, a small colony ship of Humans, the E.R.S Hudson, approached the newly christened Columbus Sector of the Parhatti galaxy. Inside the ship were little more than 70 million inhabitants searching for a new home. Most of the residents of the ships were lower-class minimum wage construction workers trying to earn a living. They're first order of business was to build a worm hole gate which would allow for quick and easy access to this area of the universe. Worm hole gates are the primary access the express ways of Humans from one part of the universe to another, connecting Humanity from vast distances. This gates however consume massive amounts of power to keep the gates open and keep them stable. As the colonist searched the near by asteroid belts, debris fields and dust clouds in the sector for any fuel source available, they found something truly remarkable. They found great abundances of Bycorium localized in this little sector of the galaxy. This set off a great rush for those who would seek to exploit the resource and gain wealth for themselves. The year now is 5035, 12 years after the first explorers came and 3 years after the Worm hole gate was completed. The demand for Bycorium is at an all time high and the new settlers of this sector are now in completion to strike it rich or strike out.
*Columbus Sector organizational treaty under construction- A new organization approved by the Universal United Nations is now under construction. The purpose of the said threaty is to unite the nations of the sector, restrain them from using unprovoked warfare, production and use of unconventional weaponry and to bring closer trade ties with one another. Heading the construction of the organization is renowned Earth Republic Governer Eon Kurtz. Governer Kurtz stated that the orginazation will not only bring peace and stability to the region but will also combat any threat that would seek to cause a disturbance in the sector. The said organizational threaty is expected to be completed by the next year.
*More patrols sent to the Horus gas cloud- Recent reports have reached the Universal United Nations that several unidentified crafts have been spotted entering the restricted Horus debris field. The U.U.N peacekeeping force in the are has now declared that they would be sending more patrols to secure the area. Major General Andrew Holmes, who is in charge of the operations in the area, has approved sending 4 patrols daily around the area. So far, noone has yet been caught by the authorities.
*Broken Cresent group spotted in the sector- The radical extremist Muslim terrorist group simply known as the 'Broken Cresant' have been reported to now be operating in the Columbus sector. This has made a number of world leaders across the universe to worry as the group may use the extreme abundance of Bycorium in the area as weapons for their own gain. Major General Andrew Holmes have sent more patrols across the sector, specially to the Horus Gas Coud, to prevent the group from harvesting Bycorium. All attempts at contacting the group has since been fruitless.