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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The element Bycorium, the fuel source that powers the entire Human civilization. The chemical in it's crystallized form is inert, harmless and for the mostly part useless but when heated at extreme temperatures, it turns into a gas that is the most potent energy source man has ever known. Just a cubic inch of the glowing rock when turned into it's gaseous form has enough energy to match 5,000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs. Never has humanity grasped such a powerful resource. For the substance in it's gaseous form to explode, it has to be exposed to carbon dioxide and thus it must be kept in special containers that would insure it would not be exposed with the outside atmosphere. The element has completely revolutionized the way we live. The element has no negative impact on the environment and mining the substance is completely safe so long as it isn't heated to become it's gaseous state. The only problem with Bycorium is that it is extremely rare, until now...

During the year 5023, a small colony ship of Humans, the E.R.S Hudson, approached the newly christened Columbus Sector of the Parhatti galaxy. Inside the ship were little more than 70 million inhabitants searching for a new home. Most of the residents of the ships were lower-class minimum wage construction workers trying to earn a living. They're first order of business was to build a worm hole gate which would allow for quick and easy access to this area of the universe. Worm hole gates are the primary access the express ways of Humans from one part of the universe to another, connecting Humanity from vast distances. This gates however consume massive amounts of power to keep the gates open and keep them stable. As the colonist searched the near by asteroid belts, debris fields and dust clouds in the sector for any fuel source available, they found something truly remarkable. They found great abundances of Bycorium localized in this little sector of the galaxy. This set off a great rush for those who would seek to exploit the resource and gain wealth for themselves. The year now is 5035, 12 years after the first explorers came and 3 years after the Worm hole gate was completed. The demand for Bycorium is at an all time high and the new settlers of this sector are now in completion to strike it rich or strike out.
Breaking Headlines:

*Columbus Sector organizational treaty under construction- A new organization approved by the Universal United Nations is now under construction. The purpose of the said threaty is to unite the nations of the sector, restrain them from using unprovoked warfare, production and use of unconventional weaponry and to bring closer trade ties with one another. Heading the construction of the organization is renowned Earth Republic Governer Eon Kurtz. Governer Kurtz stated that the orginazation will not only bring peace and stability to the region but will also combat any threat that would seek to cause a disturbance in the sector. The said organizational threaty is expected to be completed by the next year.
*More patrols sent to the Horus gas cloud- Recent reports have reached the Universal United Nations that several unidentified crafts have been spotted entering the restricted Horus debris field. The U.U.N peacekeeping force in the are has now declared that they would be sending more patrols to secure the area. Major General Andrew Holmes, who is in charge of the operations in the area, has approved sending 4 patrols daily around the area. So far, noone has yet been caught by the authorities.
*Broken Cresent group spotted in the sector- The radical extremist Muslim terrorist group simply known as the 'Broken Cresant' have been reported to now be operating in the Columbus sector. This has made a number of world leaders across the universe to worry as the group may use the extreme abundance of Bycorium in the area as weapons for their own gain. Major General Andrew Holmes have sent more patrols across the sector, specially to the Horus Gas Coud, to prevent the group from harvesting Bycorium. All attempts at contacting the group has since been fruitless.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hessian Territory Purchase Request, directed towards the UUN
The Hessian Government is offering to purchase the space that makes up the Horus Gas Cloud, discreetly saying that the Hessian military will patrol the sectors in place of the UUN patrols, so that they wouldn't have to put their own lives at risk by coming so close to the radioactive cloud. The Hessian request also says that the government's R&D department is wanting to test radioactive shielding, to see if the shielding works correctly and energy-efficiently. Hessian politicians have gained public support for using the Horus Gas Cloud to test various items, such as the emerging technology of stasis shielding, radioactive element shielding, ship-structure testing, and deeper research into Bycorium, its origins, and its properties, due to a high concentration of Bycorium in the sector.

The offers is as follows:
In return for the territory of the Horus Gas Cloud, including Bycorium-collection rights, the Hel System Nation, HEL, or commonly "Hessians," will provide increased support for the UUN, the new treaty for unconventional warfare restrictions, assistance with guarding sectors, including the Horus Gas Cloud, schematics for any effective stasis shielding, radioactive shielding, and Bycorium research, as well as 50 million Hessian Dollars, or 100 million UCS, as an opening payment, and then 10% of income from any kind of Bycorium-collecting. Any other research will more than likely be shared with the UUN.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 11 days ago

Ventium Head Lines:
Ventium stock market opens with an increase in sales of all elite stocks.
Hubble Mining Corperation: (Undisputadely one of the largest mining companies to cone out of human mining industries) 23,776 * +102.7
Carbo-Tech: (one of the largest graphene and carbon nanotube producers in the intergalactic open market.) 13,456.7 * +78.3
Vertical Computation: (a company that specializes in the IT sector, renting out server space and selling quantum computers) 10,556.2 * +45.2
General Atomics: (the largest producer of power in Ventium, they work with reactors of fission and fusion, they also do sheilding and repair.) 10,399 * +57.1
Hyper Optics: (A company that specializes in optics and lenses, they also work with fine lasers and telescopes) 8,472.4 * +31.21

Private message from Consul and Commander in Cheif Voltus Ventus to the High Counsil of The HSN:
I as the elected representative of the Ventium people, extend my warm welcome to you, the High Counsil. I would like to male clear that our people are firm supporters of your cause to keep the environment of your planet as natural as possible. However, you should not devel into the trap that is bycorium, you will find that it will bring nothing but bad. I know, my predecessors have left behind a vast arsenal of weapons constructed from this material. And it is not nice.

Private message from Ventian Dramatic Association to The City Councils of The HSN:
We would like to open schools for the arts across the new system and where can be better then over at The HSN, so if you could please consider our offer we would be grateful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 11 days ago

High Cosmonaught Abdulallah Ventus and Colonol Simon Archangle to Major general Andrew Holmes:
We the Cosmonaughtic Forces and The Anarchist Brigade would like to forward our combined forces in the defense of the system from the hands of radical extremists who plan on bring chaos. The high Cosmonaught: "These infidels do not justly represent the religion of god and must be exterminated at all costs. I will not allow these disgusting cretins to continue existing in this system and if you refuse my offer I and my collegue Siman Archangle will carry ahead any and any resistance will not be taken kindly, over and out."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Response message to Consul and Commander in Cheif Voltus Ventus by Richard Fortress, on behalf of the HSN High Council:
We thank you for the welcome and the acknowledgement of the lengths we go to keep our planet's environment completely stable and independent. However, Bycorium is the best energy source, other than antimatter, and we need very large amounts of energy. We have neither the funds or proper research to efficiently produce, contain, and use antimatter. And, Bycorium is one of our central means of government income. If we were to cut ourselves off from Bycorium, we would drop up to 35% of our profits. We will not avoid Bycorium entirely; it is the source of our success and income. However, we can replace Bycorium for Hessian purposes and ships if you supply us with the proper research, technology, and blueprints needed to produce and utilize antimatter.

Response message to the Ventian Dramatic Association by Darius Brasilia:
I am speaking to represent the various City Councils that you have sent an encrypted message to. As a member of the High Council, I can speak for the various councils in our nation. To address your offer, we will allow it, and we will allocate some amount of money in the form of education grants. Any workers or people that of Ventian origin will be kept under watch while in Hessian space and on Hessian soil, for obvious reasons. We have too many Bycorium storage facilities across the planet to allow outsiders go unattended, especially those who oppose the use of Bycorium. Should we find suspicious activity, your people in our space will be watched openly. Should we find illegal activity, your people in our space will be detained and questioned. Should they be entering areas such as Bycorium mining or storage, and will not allow themselves to be detained or try to escape, they will put their lives at risk. We will not claim responsibility for anything damaged by your people; you will pay for any damages or destruction.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 2 mos ago

The halls of Korhal's Palace echoed with the steps of its Emperor Mengsk. It was obvious that no expense had been spared in building the palace, despite the hot temperatures outside the entire palace was kept cool. The halls were lavished with fancy artworks with rugs of golden and red thread placed here and there. The Palace itself had brilliant mahogany colored walls, with marble lining the bottoms, and marble pillars to support the structure. Mengsk came down the hallway, having is usually scruffy appearance and wearing a robe of brilliant red and gold threads. He was tall, and had long hair. His hair was a mix of grey and black, being mostly grey from his old age. He seemed to be the only one in the halls of the Palace, but another man foot steps echoed approaching Mengsk. The man coming at him had the same scruffy appearance with long hair, but it was completely black and much shorter, and he also looked much younger. Mengsk walked up to the new many and spoke.

"Raynor! I'm sure you have some progress reports for me?" asked Mengsk in his scruffy voice and tone

"The usual, Bycorium trade is on the rise and we continue to export quite a bit of it back to sectors beyond the Columbus Sector. The metal industries are also well on the rise, and we continue to be one of the most economically powerful nations in the sector. I have also mentioned your wants for research to the scientists and they are working on the new assignments as we speak." finished Raynor.

"Any news on our development of Bycorium based weapons?" posed Mengsk.

"We have some applications but they still need time. The scientists are aware that there are nations that already posses Bycorium weapons and they are hurrying, but it is a complex thing Bycorium." replied Raynor.

"Good then Raynor, continue to your normal duties." said Mengsk. The two departed, Mengsk heading for the throne room and Raynor to wherever he was going. Mengsk entered the room and continued with his usual routine. He handled all the requests of the populace and the higher classes, and began preparing for what was likely to be another long day in handling his duties.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 11 days ago

From Consul and Commander in Cheif Voltus Ventus to The High Counsil:
The Plans have been drawn up and the accords struck, I have got General Atomics interested in investing in the HSN's powor grid at Ventium prices so cost will not be a large issue however they want something in return which I would quite like as well, an embassy. And in exchange we will help in the refinement and containment of antimatter.

Hubble Mining Corperation: (Undisputadely one of the largest mining companies to cone out of human mining industries) 23,776 * +102.7 (stocks: unavailable)
Carbo-Tech: (one of the largest graphene and carbon nanotube producers in the intergalactic open market.) 13,456.7 * +78.3 (stocks: 700 available)
Vertical Computation: (a company that specializes in the IT sector, renting out server space and selling quantum computers) 10,556.2 * +45.2 (stocks: 479 available)
General Atomics: (the largest producer of power in Ventium, they work with reactors of fission and fusion, they also do sheilding and repair.) 10,399 * +57.1 (stocks: 1328 available)
Hyper Optics: (A company that specializes in optics and lenses, they also work with fine lasers and telescopes) 8,472.4 * +31.21 (stocks: 213 available)
All sticks are priced 50 UCS.

Other news:
construction of the Ventian Dramatic Association has began in Henderson and other HSN cities and stations. The organization is also celebrating it's 1000 year in operation with a enactment of the famous broadway musical: "A Chorus Line."

A new space destroyer, The Moon Cracker has been commissioned into service today, weighing 70,000 tons and propelled by an advanced ion thruster engine array and powered by 6 fusion reactors it is indisputablly the new flag ship of the Cosmonaughtic Force.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Latest headlines from the Columbus Sector:
*Hessian Government Purchase Hazardous Debris Field- The deadly Horus debris field has now been confirmed to have been soled to the Hel System Nation. Members of the Universal United Nations voted on whether Horus dust cloud should be purchased by the Hessian government. The dust cloud is notable for having a pulsar star that emits deadly pulses of radiation that reaches to the very and edges of the dust cloud. Several activist groups have been outraged by this move and are planning on non-violent protest across the Hessian planet of Hendersson. The Hessian government have yet to give any comments on this matter.
*Second Columbus Worm Hole Gate In Construction- Because of heavy traffic in the Columbus sector, the Universal United Nation have approved the construction of the second worm hole gate in the sector. U.U.N Columbus Sector representative Alexander Gosse has stated that a second worm hole gate is needed in the sector because of the amount of traffic to and from the sector. All haste is being done on the gate as more and more complains are mounting on the U.N.N Columbus Sector authorities. The construction is being inspected and guarded heavily by the U.U.N Peacekeeping forces to avoid any malicious attempts.
*U.U.N Reveals New Arsenal- The Universal United Nations Peacekeeping Forces have given the public new demonstrations on their newest equipment. The U.U.N Peacekeepers have unveiled their brand new equipment to the public for the standard use of their personnel. One of this new equipment is the Mk. 3 Jacob's Power Armor with a slicker design then it's predecessor and is able to provide it's user with more maneuverability and protection. The U.U.N have also publicized their newest standard rifle, the Delos Reyes 10mm Coil-gun assault riffle. The U.U.N expects their entire Peacekeeping force to be outfitted with the newest equipment by the next year although certain areas, such as the Terra, Nesiros and Columbus sectors.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

[Double Post]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Response Message to Consul and Commander in Cheif Voltus Ventus by Richard Fortress, on behalf of the HSN High Council:[/b]
You offer a one-sided deal, Ventus. You suggest the gift of using, containing, and creating antimatter, a powerful and destructive force, in return for a building on our planet at which to carry out diplomatic duties? Very well. It is a deal, however, we will be keeping a very close eye. We will not allow, of course, foreign tampering with the Hessian power grid, as we are sure you understand. Another thing is that you will submit to thorough search upon entering Hessian space. For now, shipping of contained antimatter outside of a ship's fuel supply is forbidden. Any who attempt to smuggle antimatter or another dangerous weapon or substance will be detained, as well as all possible associates.

Public Response to the Non-violent protests against the HSN's purchase of the [u]Horus debris field
With the new protests rising up to parade outside of government facilities and occasionally a HSN private government spaceport, the police gave them two days to disperse, setting up a Hessian Police Mobile HQ and various other mobile types around the area. If protesters did not disperse, police Enforcers were dispatched to forcefully disperse. Only three protests required the Enforcers' to forcefully disperse, and none of them reacted violently. Only an estimated 20 people reacted violently to the Enforcers' presence, and were arrested and detained for attempted assault.

Messaged Request to the UUN, Collaboration Message from the HSN High Council
Greetings, Columbus Policers.
The HSN has another request regarding the Horus Debris field. Because of our limited connection with outside nations, besides from trade, we request that you act on our behalf to gain energy shielding against the radiation that permeates the Horus Debris Field. Should the UUN assist us in this matter, we can agree upon a percentage of the income from the debris field to be given to the UUN, so that fuel costs can be cut with Columbus-provided Bycorium, without the expensive prices. We hope for a reply soon, and wish for an agreement to come between us so that we may begin collecting the large amounts of free-standing Bycorium crystals in the Horus sector.
--The HSN High Council.
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