The element Bycorium, the fuel source that powers the entire Human civilization. The chemical in it's crystallized form is inert, harmless and for the mostly part useless but when heated at extreme temperatures, it turns into a gas that is the most potent energy source man has ever known. Just a cubic inch of the glowing rock when turned into it's gaseous form has enough energy to match 5,000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs. Never has humanity grasped such a powerful resource. For the substance in it's gaseous form to explode, it has to be exposed to carbon dioxide and thus it must be kept in special containers that would insure it would not be exposed with the outside atmosphere. The element has completely revolutionized the way we live. The element has no negative impact on the environment and mining the substance is completely safe so long as it isn't heated to become it's gaseous state. The only problem with Bycorium is that it is extremely rare, until now...
During the year 5023, a small colony ship of Humans, the E.R.S Hudson, approached the newly christened Columbus Sector of the Parhatti galaxy. Inside the ship were little more than 70 million inhabitants searching for a new home. Most of the residents of the ships were lower-class minimum wage construction workers trying to earn a living. They're first order of business was to build a worm hole gate which would allow for quick and easy access to this area of the universe. Worm hole gates are the primary access the express ways of Humans from one part of the universe to another, connecting Humanity from vast distances. This gates however consume massive amounts of power to keep the gates open and keep them stable. As the colonist searched the near by asteroid belts, debris fields and dust clouds in the sector for any fuel source available, they found something truly remarkable. They found great abundances of Bycorium localized in this little sector of the galaxy. This set off a great rush for those who would seek to exploit the resource and gain wealth for themselves. The year now is 5035, 12 years after the first explorers came and 3 years after the Worm hole gate was completed. The demand for Bycorium is at an all time high and the new settlers of this sector are now in completion to strike it rich or strike out.
Solar Systems of the Columbus Sector:

The star at the center of this solar system. It is a yellow dwarf star which is 5 billion years old, half of it's estimated lifespan.

The nearest planet to Archimedia, the terrestrial planet of Bolton is desolate and almost uninhabitable unless it's settlers would want to use advance and expensive supplies and equipment. The planet has no atmosphere and the amount of Bycorium on it's surface is limited. Recent scans have showed however that there are rich Bycorium mineral veins inside of the planet.

The second nearest planet to Archimedia, Talon's surface is remarkably hotter than that of Bolton. The planet has an atmosphere which is primarily made up of Carbon Dioxide and no living organism have been yet found on it. Talon is a terrestrial planet and there are evidences to show that bacterial organisms once thrived on it. The planet is in a run away green house effect causing the abnormal temperature on it's surface. The planet has one natural satellite. The planet is also bombarded regularly by debris from the neighboring Belle Asteroid system. The planet has no known trace of Bycarium on any part of the planet and like Bolton, settlers would want to use advance and expensive supplies and equipment if they want to survive here.
Belle Asteroid Belt:

A region in the Archimedes filled with asteroids and other irregularly shaped bodies. The four largest asteroids in this region are
the Marco Polo,
the Timugin,
the Amerigo and
the Trox. This four asteroids and the rest of the belt are currently exclusively licensed to the Goldmann & Ledger mining corp. Bycorium is extremely abundant in this region.

A terrestrial planet where the conditions are perfect for life. The planet has 2 natural satellites, the
Tyson and the
Sagan. No known native lifeforms has been found on the planet yet which makes the planet perfect for colonization. Bycorium has been detected in veins deep underneath the soil of this planet.The planet is however subject to occasional bombardment of asteroids and other irregularly shaped bodies from the neighboring Belle Asteroid belt.

Another terrestrial planet perfect for life and does have it's own native lifeform which are simple microorganisms and more advance simple plant life such as ferns. Bycorium is also extremely abundant below the surface of the planet.
A gas giant notable for a ring of dust debris orbiting around it, it has 4 natural satellites and a gigantic storm orbiting it's western hemisphere popular referred to as the "Black Typhoon" because of it's distinct dark color. Bycorium is abundant here near the core of the planet where the pressure acting upon forces it to become a solid but it isn't crystallized and thus would still explode if exposed to carbon dioxide. It's 4 natural satellites are are also found rich in Bycorium. This four satellites are:
-Hephaestus - A rocky sphere nearest to the planet Newton. Because of it's close distance to the gas giant, it's surface is constantly stretched and brought to extreme stresses from Newton's gravitational force. Because of this, the planet is surface and interior is molten because of the extreme friction created. The temperature of the planet is not enough to turn Bycorium into it's gaseous state and Bycorium crystals float from the interior of the planet and sink back again carried by magma and lava currents.
-Napoleon - A rocky sphere which is the second nearest to the planet Newton. It's distance to the gas giant also have cause extreme friction but not as drastic as Hephaestus. The planet has a molten core and moving tectonic plates. It also has a magnetic field like in terrestrial planets that give it protection from radiation from other space. It does not however have a atmosphere suitable for any life to live there without any artificial equipment and shelters.
-Porter - The third planet from Newton and is also a rocky planet. Similar to the planet Napoleon.
-Uxcc 1220 - An icy sphere which the forth natural satellite from Newton. It is remarkable for it's frozen geyser which blast supercooled water far beyond it's gravitation pull and into space which makes up the rings of Newton.
A gas giant a quarter of the size of Newton. Bycorium gas is also abundant on the surface of this planet along with Carbon Dioxide and as a result, the planet is subject to constant Bycorium explosions. From above the planet, observers would note the brilliant flashes of blue light which are in fact Bycorium detonations. the gas giant has two natural satellites, the ice sphere of Seattle and the rocky sphere known as Hal.
Roma: A rocky planet on the very edge of the solar system, Roma one natural satellite named the Washington. Roma's core has been frozen and no life can exist here without artificial equipment and shelter.
Copernicus(Star): A yellow dwarf aged at approximately 3.8 Billion years old.
Wade: A gas giant that is slowly being consumed by the star Copernicus. Because of this, a large gas cloud trail is being left behing by the planet full of Bycorium gas.
Einstein: The second planet from Copernicus, the terrestrial planet of Einstein is home to a number of complex alien species although none of them is intelligent. The different bio-spheres of the planet interact with each other to create an perfect environment for it's native lifeforms. Bycorium veins have been found deep within the planet. Einstein has one natural satellite named Zeke.
Korhal (Formerly known as Dagon) : The third planet from Copernicus, the Terrestrial planet of Korhal is similar to Einstein's in which the planet's own geology and it's native ecology has created a perfect place for it's native lifeforms to thrive. Like Einstein however, none of those lifeforms are intelligent. The planet's interior is also abundant in Bycorium veins. Korhal has one natural satellite named Lorre.
Cobalt Asteroid Belt: An asteroid belt located between the planets Dagon and Juno, it is an abundant place for Bycorium. The largest asteroid in this field, the Henry, is notable in that Bycorium crystal are abundant and can be seen scattered and partly buried on it's surface.
Juno: The largest gas giant in the Columbus sector, the planet's gravity attracts nearby bodies from the Cobalt Asteroid system. Bycorium gas is extremely abundant on this planet. The planet has two natural satellites, the icy spheres of Jupiter and the Minerva.
Adriana: A gas giant twice smaller than than Juno. As all most gas giants in this sector, Adriana is extremely abundant with Bycorium gas. The planet has also two natural satellites known as Jannah and Pysis which are both rocky in composition and have trace amounts of water as well as large amounts of Bycorium crystal veins underneath their surface.
Golem: A gas giant roughly the same size as Adriana, it is also extreme abundant in Bycorium gas and has two natural satellites, the Kyoto and the Nagasaki. Another notable feature above Golem is that it's axis rotates in a horizontal manner.
Narsus: The most distant planet from Copernicus, Narsus is a rocky planet with frozen water on it's surface and Bycorium deposits underneath it's surface. It does not have any natural satellites and for any life to survive here, it would need artificial shelter and equipment.
Lucius: A red dwarf aged at approximately 3.2 Billion years old. The star is known to have solar flairs occasionally and experts have predicted that the star would give off gigantic solar flairs every 20 years or so.
Caesar: The nearest planet to Lucius, the rocky planet Caesar is baron and desolate. It has no known natural satellites and or any life to survive here, it would need artificial shelter and equipment.
Henderson: The Super-Earth, water world that is the second closes planet to Lucius. The planet is home to a number of simple and complex aquatic life although none are intelligent. The planet has one natural planet, the Imeria, which is large enough to have a molten core, moving plates on it's crust and a livable atmosphere. Imeria itself has simple native microorganism thriving on it's surface. Both Henderson and Imeria are rich with Bycorium deposits underneath their surface.
Crasus: A gas giant roughly the same size as Golem, it is also extreme abundant in Bycorium gas and has one natural satellites, the Kayli.
Johnson: A gas giant roughly the same size as Golem, it is also extreme abundant in Bycorium gas and has one natural satellites, the Johnson.
Cabal debris field: An asteroid belt that is an abundant place for Bycorium.
Clara: A pulsar star that is the corpse of a super giant that has exploded here estimated about a million years ago. The pulsar sends out deadly waves of radiation throughout the dust cloud that would kill any lifeform within minutes of exposure.
Horus Gas Cloud: A massive dust field sorrounding Clara. This dust cloud was once a solar system until it's star died and destroyed everything in the previous solar system. What is left are fine dust and vast quantities of Bycorium cystals. Because of the deadly pulses of radiation from Clara however, this entire system is off limit from the rest of the sector.
Welcome to the Great Rush, where you could create a planetary nation and lead your people to riches or ruins. This particular rp would focus on the chemical element Bycorium and the Colombus sector of the Parhatti Galaxy, which is extremely abundant in the said element. The Element Bycorium powers the whole of Humanity and the search for it has led Humans to almost every edge of the universe. Now that we've found great amounts it in a far away sector of a far away galaxy, a great rush for riches has started. People are being urged to colonize this sector and great amounts of people who dream of great riches now rush for their chance.
Now to ensure everything goes smoothly, here are some basic rules to follow in this rp;
1. Basic guild rules. Any heated arguments are discouraged here and if there's a problem, you go to me. Period.
2. This rp would be a casual rp which means that everybody is required to post at least a paragraph or two with acceptable spelling and grammar.
3. If there are disputes that cannot be settled between two parties, I would try my best to settle it myself. I'll try to keep things as fair as I can but if you have any problems with my decisions, try to address them with me in a calm manner.
4. Just remember to have fun. That's what we're all here for, right?
Now for the nation sheet. Anybody who would want to apply would have to fill up this form bellow:
Nation's Name:
National Flag:
Location: (You would post your desired Home planet or natural Satellite here)
Planetary Capital City:
Government and politics:
-General description of Government and Politics-
-Government Spending-
-Branches of government(If applicable)-
-Description of Law Enforcement and Penal System-
-Foreign relations-
-Notable People concerning nation's Government and Politics-
-Coat of Arms(If applicable)-
-Size of Military-
-Generalized description-
-GDP(Nominal, Measured through Universal Currency System(U.C.S) )-(Remember that richer countries have higher GDP's while poorer nations have lower GDP's. I also haven't come up with a solid value for the U.C.S. If anybody has any questions about this, just ask me).
-National Currency-
-Main Sources of Income-
-Trade Partners-
-Generalized description-
-Race and Ethnicity-
-Generalized description-
That pretty much covers the basics. If anybody has any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer to them. Anyways, everybody have fun.