Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Zac looked up at the road from the paper he had been given by his parents with some directions printed on it, on the top a large header saying Summer Camp. Why his folks wanted him to go was beyond him, but if it made them happy then fine. He started driving again as the road went from pavement to gravel and his truck rattled slightly. I wonder how many people are going to be there. He thought to himself as the day reached mid-morning. He looked in his mirrors to see if someone was behind him, but only saw the dust kicked up from the road. Zac slowed down as he reached the entrance gate and rolled through finding a spot to park his truck. He looked around after turning the ignition off. I must be first here. He got out of the old truck and grabbed his two duffel bags out of the bed of the truck and set them down to grab a hard, rectangular, case and slung it over his shoulder across his back then picked up his bags and headed to the furthest cabin from the front that he could take: 11.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hanna looked at herself in the mirror fixing her hair and putting on red lipstick makeup. She had long beautiful blonde hair and her Outfit was on point for the Summer Camp. Eventhough she didn't want to go, but hell. She had no idea where else to go, besides! It said in the paper that, it will be fun and all. Hanna grabbed all her luggages and walked to the taxi waiving at her parents goodbye. She got in the taxi and it drove off. Half an hour later she arrived in the camp and closed the door behind her. "Woaaaah." She was amazed by how the camp looked. Hanna chose her cabin which was cabin number 6, opening her door she threw her luggages in her bed and walked outside, she noticed a guy and his truck but shrugged ignoring him, for now. She would love to make friends but now she wanted to explore around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Another truck pulled down the road to the camp, on the back was a big trailer used for transferring horses. As the truck stopped a girl jumped down out of the drivers seat taking off her sunglasses and leaving them in the car. Her long wavy brown hair fell down her back with a white cowboy hat on top of it. Her emerald green eyes looked around the camp, her outfit and just the way she looked next to the big truck and trailer screamed southern cowgirl. Kat walked to the trailer and when she came back out there was a beautiful brown horse following behind her.

When Kat had shut the trailer she tied up her horse to a handle on the outside meant for that reason. Kat quickly collected her stuff and took it to her cabin, number 12, which she requested so she was closest to the stables. Kat put her stuff inside the cabin then ran back to her horse, Winny. Kat untied Winny then climbed on Winny's bare back. She took ahold of the bridle and willed Winny forward. Soon Winny was walking at a normal space towards where the camp's horses were kept. First Kat passed a girl and smiled with a wave, "howdy" she said with her southern accent as she kept moving towards the stables. Shortly before reaching the stables she also passed a boy, she took the tip of her hat and pushed it down then up along with a nod of her head as a greeting. Soon Kat was at the stables and she hopped off of Winny leading her into a privat stable stall and taking off the bridle. "Now you be good Winny." Kat said before running to the truck grabbing all of Winny's stuff/ supplies then bringing it back, she brushed Winny and gave her a carrot before heading back into the main area of the camp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Zachary saw a young woman walking around the grounds as he walked to his cabin a little ways back in the woods from the main area. He opened the door and tossed his bags on the bed and slid his case under it then proceeded to organize his things which only took a few minutes. After making sure everything was in its place he removed the case from under his bed and left the cabin once again making his way behind the small cabin nodding to another youn woman. I really hope that I am not the only guy here. He thought setting the case down and knelt as he opened it, removing a compound bow and a arrow, closing the case he stood again and notched the arrow. Looking around Zac found a tree some distance away, brought up the bow, pulled back the arrow, took a single breath and let the arrow fly. There was a short high whistle before a thunk as the arrow sunk into the tree he aimed at. "Gottchya." He said with satisfaction then walked to retrieve the arrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NikkiBlake


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jude had finished his pancakes in the dining hall, "Campers are here" he grinned. Jude walked over to Derek and patted him on the back. "You ready?" He asked. Jude was excited for another year of camp, he used to be a camper here and it was amazing. He was pumped about getting paid to party. "By the way, i got you a present to get you in the spirit of things" Jude threw Derek a tank top. Jude was just wearing red shorts, he loved being shirtless.

Derek quickly caught the tank top and rolled his eyes. "Ready as i'll ever be" Derek stood up and brushed the crumbs off his cargo shorts. He quickly took off his black t shirt and put on the white tank top that said LIFEGUARD.

Jude and Derek headed to the main area of the camp. Derek noticed a new horse at the stables, he raised his eyebrow. When Jude and Derek arrived. Jude stood on a nearby log and pulled out his megaphone, "ATTENTION CAMPERS, PUT YOUR STUFF INTO YOUR CABINS THEN MEET AT THE MAIN CAMPING AREA FOR ORIENTATION"

Derek noticed a girl who had a hat on, he slowly walked over to her. "I'm guessing that horse over there is yours?" He pointed at the stables.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 41 min ago

Zack was glad to see the camp head. Katherin had been reading the whole trip and the quiet was driving him insane. Zack preferred noise and activity. Hopefully this camp would give him some of that. If it was all peace and quiet he would go insane. "Do you have the cabin numbers?" his sister held up a strip of paper she had been using as a bookmark. Zack rolled his eyes. He would be see other kids.

Katherin smiled. She knew she was driving her brother crazy. She considered it her sisterly duty to keep him busy. Zack tended to get himself into mischievous if he wasn't busy. So too keep him out of trouble Katherin found ways too occupy his time. On a long trip there hadn't been many choices on how to do that. So Katherin did the one thing she knew would drive him to distraction. Absolutely nothing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hanna walked back to her cabin and walked to a nearby mirror seeing if her hair was good as she walked to her bed opening one of her luggages and she changed her shirt into a white nothing on it top. Just a blank white top. She still had her jeans, but she took of her heels because she was not going to walk around dirt with heels. She grabbed her black low boots putting it on and hearing the announcement. Hanna walked out of her cabin and to the main part of the camp, for orientation and looked around to see who was gonna arrive. She saw a guy with a truck a cowgirl and thats it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 6 days ago

John pulled up into the parking lot and turned off his car. He stepped out of his car a camera hanging around his neck and a camcorder in his pocket. He looked at the notes his parents had given him. The first bullet point told him that he was in Cabin 1. He looked up and saw the Cabin was at the front of the main area. He walked around his car to the trunk and popped it open. He grabbed his duffel bag and walked up to his cabin, opening the door and throwing his bags in. He looked around the interior of his cabing, noting that is was a pretty nice place. No five star hotel, but nice enough. "Let's go take a look around," John mumbled to himself as he set his camcorder on his bed. he walked outside and to the main area of the camp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kat turned to Derek when he came over to her. "Yes it is. I was informed I could keep her there. I reckon that isn't a problem?" Kat said kindly her southern accent adding a respectful tone. "Oh, I'm Katherine by the way but ya'll can call me Kat." She said her emerald orbs shining happily as her bright white smile was enhanced by her tan skin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UltimatePuzle

UltimatePuzle Cinnamon Bun Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"And don't forget if you need me, Im just a phone call away."
"Alright Lance, calm down, I got this. " Kenzi said, smiling as she got off of her step dad's motorcycle. "Tell mum nd the rugrats I love them and miss them already. I'll see you later Lance." Giving her stepfather one last hug, Kenzi walked into camp and found cabin 4, hearing the announcement, she placed her stuff down and started to wander, one earbud in, listening to Benny Benassi's latest remix.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katerina


Member Offline since relaunch

When Natalie stepped out of the car she had her guitar strapped to her back and around her neck was a camera, "see ya when camps over dad," she turned to shut the door of the truck and waved her dad off. Going to this camp was her idea she wanted to get out to some fresh air and she loved nature. When she arrived she heard the announcement to go straight to the main camping area and since she was feeling a little lazy at the moment she didn't want to go drop her stuff off. "Welp, time to see what kind of people there are," she muttered softly to herself as she readjusted the guitar on her back and started walking she spotted other campers, but she wasn't one to go talking to them. When she arrived to the main camping area there were a couple of people, a loud western chick, some guy and a girl that just seemed way to flashy. She gave a slight eye roll and stood in a spot that was far away from the group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NikkiBlake


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Derek smiled, he looked down at the dirt and looked back up at Kat. "No problem at all" Derek rubbed his arm with his hand, he suddenly felt self conscious in his tank top. "I'm Derek, but you can call me Derek" Derek winced at the terrible joke he had made. Derek laughed nervously. "I'm a counselor here, so if you need anything you can ask me"

Jude watched Derek as he embarrassed himself, he chuckled as he put on some sunglasses. Jude looked around the camp, watching more people arrive. It was a nice day, the sun was out and the lake was shimmering.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hanna looked around as she stood there alone, she crossed her arms closer to her chest sighing. She wasnt so good at making friends. Hanna ran a hand through her blonde hair ruffiling a little and clearing her throat looking at Jude and Derek, they were the counselors and they looked so young for it. She looked up at the sky, admiring how beautiful it was and it was really hot but then cool. It was a nice weather.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UltimatePuzle

UltimatePuzle Cinnamon Bun Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Looking out at the lake, Kenzi sighed as Klaypex's remix of Katy Perry's E.T. came on, her previous boyfriend has put this on her IPhone and she hadn't deleted it yet. Grumbling to herself, she switched songs and sat in the grass, picking out blades as she whistled on them. She had been here before, so she opted not to go to the orientation meeting. Kenzi didn't want to deal with people until she truly had to, meaning meals and parties she'd be dj-ing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NikkiBlake


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

More counselors showed up at the main camp, meaning Jude could leave while they talked to the campers. Jude waved to Derek and started wandering the camp, he went back to the counselor house and grabbed his guitar. Jude wasn't going to get any peace and quiet once all the campers arrived so he decided to sit by the lake and play a few songs. Jude walked over to the dock and started playing, not noticing Kenzi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hanna sighed seeing everyone that left. She walked to the lake and noticed a guy and a girl. But it seemes they werent talking, but she isnt going intefer or anything. Hanna grabbed a rock and threw it at the lake as the rock skipped once on the water. "Damn it. I cant make it skip two times." She giggled to herself and grabbed another rock and threw it but this time it didnt skip.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kat giggled slightly, "Pleasure to meet you Derek." Kat said smiling, "if you don't mind, why are you a counselor? You seem kind of young." She said, curiosity spreading across her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 6 days ago

John walked towards the lake, snapping pictures and taking short videos. When he arrived he saw a girl listening to some music, and another girl skipping rocks. He walked up to the girl skipping rocks. "You seem kind of bored," John said, smirking his trademark smirk. "I'm John by the way."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 41 min ago

Zack ran from the car his bag in hand. He was glad to finally be at the camp. He need to move and interact. He threw his bag on his bed before running back out. Hollered enjoy at all the people he was roaming around.

Katherin shook her head as her brother raced away. She marked her spot before climbing out of the car. She slowly made her way to her cabin. Katherin studied the people she saw as she walked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 2 mos ago

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