For a long time, the CIA has used super humans to carry out top-secret missions. But the agents were not theirs in creation. Rather, they were the result of years of torture and experimentation, in the camps of Ravensbruk, Mauthausen, and Auschwitz. Taken in secret, along with many of the scientists who had created them, to U.S. soil in Operation Paperclip, hoping that they could be put to further use. Kept in cryogenic slumber, or in drug-induced stasis, they were only woken for their missions. Implanted inside their bodies were catheters full of potassium cyanide, and continuously updated tracking devices. These were used in case the subject ever went AWOL, or became uncooperative. And they served their purpose. Not one of the subjects ever escaped their captivity.

Except one.

Codenamed Damon, this subject was unlike the others in that it was subtle. He had no deformities, no unusual powers, just enhanced senses. Especially sight. And also unlike the others, he was very disloyal. On his final mission, the murder of a federal prosecutor, Damon escaped. He had found and removed the poisonous catheter and chips, and removed them. Then, with the same subtlety that made him a great agent, he disappeared. But to where? To an enemy state? To an anarchist movement? To exact his revenge?

Oddly enough, he was in perhaps the most unnoticeable locations. A public high school, inside the largest city in America. Working as a finder of lost things, and avoiding the other players hunting him in this deadly game.