What the heck happened? I lost track of everything...
CallaLily180 said
I may have to leave....
KatherinWinter said
for the night?
CallaLily180 said
I may have to leave....
CallaLily180 said
No, I may have to leave this RP.Celia has to beg for interaction, has literally no friends, and really can't carry on alone like she is. I also have no idea what is happening half the time.
LiegeLord said
Ok how about this.... since I'm not in the mood... I might leave.... ya I said it... I'm not feeling in the mood right now.... -.-
CallaLily180 said
That is simply ride. *Hugs you anyways*
CallaLily180 said
*Leaves* Fuck it, I'm leaving.
CallaLily180 said
*Leaves* Fuck it, I'm leaving.
YamiCuoreLaroux said
...I feel like this is partly my fault somehow...