Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Drill Instructor Keith Shadis walked in front of the 105th regiment, and stared down at all the new faces across the dirt field. Petty, pathetic individuals he would be responsible for hardening and making into true soldiers fit for the titans mouth. His job was indeed bitter, and extremely important the to the survival of the residents within what remained of the walls. Though he took it seriously, he had fun doing his job. In a world where joy was few and far between, why not take advantage of the career you enjoyed?
"Listen up and Listen well!" Keith called out to the rows of greenhorn military wannabes. "I know you're all here to become the next generation of soldiers to defend our walls. I will tell you right now, that NONE OF YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO COMPLETE YOUR TRAINING!" His eyes narrowed at the crowd becoming unsettled, but Keith Shadis was just warming up. "That's right! You pussy-willowed tube socks will fail...." He called out louder now, "If you do not obey my every command!"

Ava Elizabiet stood in the second row, holding her salute tightly. She stood two heads higher than everyone around her and was visibly sweating; both from the hot sun beating down onto her as well as the heated words coming from the Drill Instructor. Just what had she gotten herself into? Her ankh earrings jingled as she tilted her head, squinting under the hot rays of sunlight to see past the glare gleaming off the Instructors bald head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Cesare Held his Salute with a look of sickness. He had been in the sun all day and hadn't eaten in forever. His stomach was turning over trying to digest itself it seemed. The drill instructor shouted and barked at them, telling them how much of a pussy they all were. With a scoff Cesare looked to the guy next to him and grunted "I mean, I'm OK with being a pussy. My pap always said 'You are what you eat' and this guy's a bag of cocks." He snickered. He eyes drifted to the person next to him who remained unmoving but a slight smile crept across his face. He had heard the joke and that's all that Cesare needed.
Cesare continued imaging all the ways he knwe how to cook the food he brought with him. He couldn't focus on anything else and began drooling a bit onto his shirt and the ground. His back slouched a bit, his eyes half closed, and a low moan escaping from his mouth, it was certain. He was in his own world.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aoi Bloom stood with her back straight and with her salute as tight as her body could possibly make it. Although she would never admit this, she'd practiced the 'perfect' salute nearly everyday for the past year or so just to prepare for today. However, she had no been expecting it too be like this: her stomach growled every five seconds, telling her that it was time to eat and sweat poured down the back of her neck, even though she'd made sure to pull her long hair back to avoid getting too hot.

Even though she suffered on the inside, Aoi held a look similar to boredom on her face. She didn't enjoy people yelling at her, so she'd turned out the drill instructor almost as soon as he opened that mouth of his. She did tune back in when a person behind her cracked a joke that she did find a bit a amusing, even though it was slightly perverted. As a result, a slight smirk formed on her face but it was gone nearly as fast as it appeared. No, I mustn't make any facial expressions...the old guy might think I'm laughing at him or something. Aoi thought with a soft sigh. For now, all she could do was wait as patiently as she could until he dismissed them so she could go get some much needed food and sleep.

Her thoughts were momentarily interrupted as she heard a moan from behind her and a look of surprise crossed her face. Just what was going on back there? Aoi made sure that the drill instructor was busy yelling at another poor soul before sneakily glancing back. The guy behind her looked like he was about to pass out or something and the girl figured that it would make the old man more pissy if he passed out or something, so she decided to call to him.

"Sit up before the old man comes over here." She muttered, barely moving her lips as she did so.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Silas was standing among the other cadets who all gathered at these dry grounds. Silas didn't notice what was going on, he knew that there was a man walking around trying to encourage the cadets or something, he didn't really see the purpose of this gathering. He was just standing there with his fist slammed against his heart, as if he was a statue. But like always when there wasn't much going on, Silas would drift away from this world. His eyes were blank, he was in his own world now. To others it may seem like he was just a lifeless puppet.

If the commander would pass him, and notice that his mind is not within these walls then he surely would get mad. However it would take some effort for him to wake Silas back up again. Once in his dreamworld, it may take some time before he returns. Unless he was shaken, hurt or whatever, something he actually expects the old man to do. However he wasn't near him so his nice dream could simply continue.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CaptainCaptcha
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CaptainCaptcha Spiral Powered

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aleks held his salute firm despite the beating sun. He had been standing here for a while trying to listen to the drill sergeants yelling but it all sort of just melted into a continuous noise that he didn’t care enough about to decipher. It was probably something about them being failures and they’re never going to make it and overall stuff he didn’t need to hear. He instead started watching some birds circle overhead, like the massive group was just another carcass to be picked to the bone. He was sure that was how the drill instructor saw it. Stifling a yawn and scratching his back Aleks realized he was letting his guard down. He snapped his arms back to the salute position and tried to focus on the old mans words. All he did was rant and rave though, and his eyes had dark rings and were sunken in. Had this guy not slept since the wall fell? It definitely wouldn’t be a surprise. For now all Aleks could do was stand in line like a good little soldier boy and hope that maybe he was short enough not to be noticed by the old man if he went picking on people.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Keith Shadis's beady eyes flicked as he heard someone speaking. He made his way toward a boy with blue hair who had evidently made the joke, as two subordinates beside him were smiling. He stood tall over the short italian male before him and looked down at him, the glare of the sun only more prominant closer to the cadets.
"State your name and area your from."
[Cesare que]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Megz


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Minna was sweating, whether because she was nervous or hot she couldn't really tell; not like it made a difference though. Everyone else looked like they were having as good a time as her, the growl of stomachs sometimes more prominent than anything else. However, it was nothing she wasn't used to at the farm, and Minnas biggest problem right now was to keep herself from laughing. She was behind the boy who had cracked the joke and started drooling and while she was amused the drill instructor did not appear to be. As he approached she tightened her salute and tried to look serious.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 mos ago

As his head dropped, a voice told him to straigten up. Must've been a girl in front of him, but before he could the sun no longer shown on Cesare's face and a cool shadow was cast on him. His eyes were closed and he slowly looked up. Slowly taking in a deep breath the whole way, with a goofy smile on his face. His eyes opened a little, then shot open the rest of the way. Shadis was staring him down. The words were hard to make, and the wrong words came first. "Puss Sh uh, CESARE! I am Cesare DaRagusa of Karanese!" He shouted, making his stance more straight and pounding his hand on his heart. His backpack shuffling about as he did so. He had packed terribly but everything was packed inside. The light shone around Shadis like he was a saint, but his breath smelled like that of a devil. He couldn't help but chuckle as he thought of a part two of his joke.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aoi quickly turned back around when she noticed the drill instructor coming their way. Aw hell. Now he's gone and attracted attention to himself. She thought to herself with an annoyed eye roll before focusing on the solider in front of her, though her ears were busy listening in on the conversation behind her. When the guy, who she soon found out to be called Cesare, responded to the old man in such a way, she wanted to turn around and hit him in the head. Didn't he know that such a response could get him punished? Then he had the audacity to laugh afterwards! Aoi sighed. This boy would probably end up on the old man's bad side before their training even started. However, the most she could do now was sit and wait until he finished with Caseare and move on to the next person so she could get something to eat. As if on cue, her stomach decided to rumble loudly but she never removed her hand from her salute.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"So," Keith Shadis clicked his tongue. "What's in the backpack?" He seemed casual, and rather... too chilled out, his eyes focused down at Cesare. "You got a little spot there on your uniform. Did you ah, not clean it?" His eyebrow slowly raised.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Ingredients, sir." His eyes gazed straight ahead. He didn't glance at his coat with a drool spot on it. In fact, he didn't care. It was the coldest spot on his body. "I washed this shirt better than you brush your teeth, sir." He replied without thinking. A look of shock jolted upon his face. He actually just said that. Out loud. He couldn't open his mouth as his teeth were clenched too tightly together. His breathing had stopped as his pulse grew faster. He would sweat if he had any fluids in his body other than the piss that was about to be scared out of him, but somehow stayed in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

All was silent and Keith Shadis slowly smiled. Then he ripped the backpack from the Cadet and unzipped it, pouring all the contents on the ground. He stomped out every spice shaker, speck of flour, everything in the bag... and stepped back to straighten the cuffs on his coat.

"95 laps around the camp. No food tonight and dish duty for a week." Then his voice picked up in volume. "GET MOVING MAGGOT."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Without hesitation, the laps begun. The ingredients were crushed, as was his happiness. For now, it would be back after 95 laps.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The rumble had not missed the Drill Instructors keen ear and he turned toward the girl who was in front of Cesares place. He stepped over to her side, his arms at his back. "So," He started, looking at the teardrop birthmark. "'See you got a lil' mark right there. Think that makes you special?" His eyes narrowed, not waiting for an answer. "How about it then? State your name and where do you see yourself in three years."
[Aoi Que]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aoi resisted the urge to turn around and punch the boy as he blatantly disrespected the old man. She wasn't surprised when he was sentenced to a ton of laps and no dinner but Aoi figured that she could save the guy something to eat for after his run. Her train of thought was suddenly interrupted as the old man appeared in front of her and demanded information from her.

"My name is Aoi Bloom and I plan to be a part of the survey corps in three years."she stated almost in a bored tone. The old man wasn't scary enough to her to make her freak out like the others.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Keith squinted his eyes at Aoi. "Ah. You're awful calm for a newby. Most cadets practically wave their penises in the air for me. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders... I trust that won't change, cadet."
His head snapped over to the tallest woman in the crowd, and Ava snapped her head forward, she had been looking over at Aoi when she talked. Keith Shadis narrowed his eyes but turned his attention to the girl behind the cadet now running 95 laps at his expense.
"And what's so funny, Cadet?"
(Minna Que)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Megz


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Minna was red in the face and biting down on her lip to keep from laughing; this kid really was a hoot. She felt bad for him having to run all that but it's not like it wasn't unwarranted; certainly worth it though. Her face lost it color when she was addressed; she hadn't even noticed him speaking with the other girl until now. Minna tightened her salute and craned her neck to look up at the instructor. She knew she would get in trouble at some point for not being overly serious but she had hoped it wouldn't be the first day. " Nothing, sir" she replied in a squeak.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Megz


Member Offline since relaunch

Minna was red in the face and biting down on her lip to keep from laughing; this kid really was a hoot. She felt bad for him having to run all that but it's not like it wasn't unwarranted; certainly worth it though. Her face lost it color when she was addressed; she hadn't even noticed him speaking with the other girl until now. Minna tightened her salute and craned her neck to look up at the instructor. She knew she would get in trouble at some point for not being overly serious but she had hoped it wouldn't be the first day. " Nothing, sir" she replied in a squeak.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Megz


Member Offline since relaunch

Minna was red in the face and biting down on her lip to keep from laughing; this kid really was a hoot. She felt bad for him having to run all that but it's not like it wasn't unwarranted; certainly worth it though. Her face lost it color when she was addressed; she hadn't even noticed him speaking with the other girl until now. Minna tightened her salute and craned her neck to look up at the instructor. She knew she would get in trouble at some point for not being overly serious but she had hoped it wouldn't be the first day. " Nothing, sir" she replied in a squeak.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cinderella Man
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Cinderella Man shall become the wings of Rebellion

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Feofil stood , his salute as solid as he could get it. With the Sun pounding down on his face harshly and the sounds of grumbling coming from his lower gut, showing that he was obviously hungry. His head pounded as the Sun intensified in his eyes, irritating and bothering him. As his eyes drifted slightly, past the loud commander that was sizing everyone up, going to the other cadets, he began to feel somewhat insignificant, especially since it'd seem that there was at least a 2 foot height difference between the two people next to him. Growth spurt couldn't come soon enough. He took special notice of the few people that had been barked at, noting them down in his mind for future reference. As well as the one that had been forced to run. At that point he made a huge mental red flag. Hanging around him could only mean bad things,

Feo realized that he was slacking and instantly moved back to the position of attention and tried to look as though he hadn't been distracted.
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