GM(s): Skai, Yugeto
Co-GM(s): [None]
Character List: Here
REMEMBER: By creating a CS and joining you agree to two things. One: Thou shall maketh every effort to stay committed at your best to Sanctuary. Two: Shall thou decideth to quit, thou surrenders thy characters to the GM's to use for the rest of Sanctuary.
If you create a CS, I expect you to have read the rules, because you are signing a contract. If your character becomes somewhat relevant and you decide to leave, your character is now MY property. We will not just kill him/her off and ruin any plans/plot. If you do not agree to this, then unfortunately, I can't risk accepting your character.
1) Respect everyone in OOC. Your characters can hate the mess out of each other for all I care (as long as it isn't driven by OOC hate that interferes with the plot). Remember, out of character, this is a collaboration.
2) Obviously, no God modding. Never deny your character the taste of defeat. Defeat and failure are not only causes for inner struggle and/or more plot, it serves to show that no character is perfect. One of the things that can help characters bond is the presence of imperfection. Embrace failure.
3) No more than 2 characters per person (obvious exceptions if you ask and are a trusted, committed player). If a character dies, you may make another, however, everyone will be limited to 2 characters at a time. HOWEVER, if there is an absolutely brilliant plot idea and you have a third character you really want to incorporate, you may request one from one of the head GM's.
4) No double posting unless permitted for some reason/No spam/No one liners unless permitted/No OOC in the IC unless it's a few sentences in parenthesis
5) No killing characters without permission/proper combat judgement (more on this below). NO KILLING CHARACTERS ON THE SAFELIST AT ALL (unless it isagreed/planned).
6) USE CHARACTER SHEETS. If a character with the ability to not be affected by water is accepted (this is an exaggeration) and you use water, then why on earth would you be allowed to win? REFER TO CS's!
7) GM's have the last say. Co-GM's as well, but I can override their judgement. We've never had to use this rule, we always agree. But for the most part, I do want to keep things democratic. I do this for you guys.
8) PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS IF YOU'RE UNCLEAR ON SOMETHING BEFORE POSTING! The lore and concepts might be very strange and unique, so make sure you fully understand them! NO STUPID QUESTIONS! I'd rather have a barrage of questions flung at me than cringing at the concept-innaccuracy of a post.
NEW PLAYERS SKIP THIS SECTION AND PROCEED TO "THE WORLD"! RETURN HERE WHEN YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE LORE!~This new system comes with the introduction of player controlled antagonists. In order to appeal to a majority of different rp styles, we have included a unique OPTIONAL combat system. This is also an OPTIONAL death system. Me and fellow Co-GM Yugeto will moderate combat and death based on this system. This system may seem somewhat to EXTREMELY complicated for many of you, so you can choose to completely ignore it if you want. It is new, and prone to tweaking and adjusting as we see fit.~ALSO NOTE: It will be EXTREMELY UNLIKELY that you will find yourself being FORCED to fight someone to the death when you want to (I'm talking to Unguarded character players). The only way you will be forced to deathmatch is if you actually do something stupid and get caught by an opponent. Otherwise, this system is COMPLETELY for fun for people who WANT to do this kind of thing.
The [OPTIONAL] Combat System:
- Characters that are NOT on the Safelist are considered "Unguarded" and can be killed by any other Unguarded character.
- Safelisted characters are void from unwanted death, meaning they can only be killed if both parties AGREE to it.
- Any NPC's that are allowed to be controlled by a player are automatically Unguarded if they are affiliated with an Unguarded character.
- Deathmatches (fights between Unguarded characters) DO NOT have to be mutual. If one character puts him or herself in a situation where they are near/around another Unguarded character, that Unguarded character can "attack" the first character. If the second character does not want to be attacked or does not want to DM (deathmatch), they can voice their reasoning in the OOC and the GM's will either allow the character to get away or ask the attacker to edit their attack.
- If the victim of the attack does not have ample reason to call off their attacker, they must post an escape post which will be judged by the combat system.
- The deathmatch ends when one of two things happens: one side is killed off, or both sides agree to call it off (victim escapes/attacker character has a reason to stop attacking/etc).
How does the system actually work? The moderators of this system are me (Sage) and Yugeto. We will be using a simple points system to judge attack and defense. For every post, the character will be given two scores from one to ten.
The first score is for the
*1-10 for the writing quality of the attack. This means grammar, spelling, mechanics, choice of wording, etc. How basic/awesome is your post?
*1-10 for the creativity of the attack. How cool was the CONCEPT of the attack? Did you just throw a punch at the person or were you resourceful and tactical?
*1-10 for the REALISM of the attack. Was your character godmodding? Could your character REALLY attack like that? This includes your character's reactions/speech/etc.
***An average of these three creates the ATTACK score.
The second score is for the
If there is any defense. The first attack obviously has nothing to defend from)
*1-10 for the writing quality of the defense. This means grammar, spelling, mechanics, choice of wording, etc. Just like above.
*1-10 for the creativity of the defense. How cool was the CONCEPT of the defense? Did you just "dodge" or did you do some smart, tactical shit?
*1-10 for the REALISM of the defense. Was your character godmodding? Could your character REALLY defend against that? This includes your character's reactions/speech/etc.
***An average of these three creates the DEFENSE score.
Now, if someone's attack score beats the second person's defense score, this means that the second person failed to completely defend from the attack and is "hit" by the offense. Me and Yugeto will have our own hitpoint system to govern a character's total health and all, but the gist of it is that the difference between the attacker's offense score and the defender's defense score is how much damage the victim takes. If the damage is equal to three or more, the victim's attack is also cancelled or severely weakened and the defender has to edit their post to compensate.
But if the defense of the second person is greater or equal to the attacker's offense score, they successfully prevented their character from taking serious damage and can proceed to attack. TIP: Want to boost your realism for your defense score? How about making your character ALMOST get hit by the attack to make it seem like the attack wasn't an easy dodge.
Say someone successfully hits a character and that character's attack is cancelled. Since the fight already started, the next post, the person who landed the attack can choose to get TWO attack scores (which will be added to each other) since they aren't defending anymore. This means the defender must either hope they get an amazing defense score or choose to get two defense scores (which will be added to each other). Or, even if someone didn't land a hit, but their attacking post generated a really high offense score, the defender can choose to NOT attack, and instead opt for two defense scores.
For people participating in this system, it is important to realize the meaning of the scores. If someone, for a really basic example, shoots a fireball at you with an offense score of 2, it would make sense for your character to just dodge it with ease. You'd get a higher realism score than if you went overboard and said "OH SHIT MY CHARACTER HAD TO USE ALL HIS/HER SPIRIT TO BLOCK THAT AMAZING ATTACK!" The reverse also applies, if someone lands a 9 or 10 offense score, you better give your character a hard time in trying to dodge that shit or whatever.
There is a lot going on behind the scenes that I don't want to confuse you guys with. For example, all scores are also relative to the strength of the two opposing characters. This means that if a strong ass host is going against a weak little civillian kid, he'll probably get a lot of 9's and 10's while the kid will probably get a lot of 3's and 4's.
Once any character loses all his/her hitpoints, that character is dead. Again, me and Yugeto will be worrying about all these numbers and shit.
ALL YOU GUYS HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IS WRITING GREAT ATTACK/DEFENSE POSTS THAT MAKE SENSE AND AREN'T GODMODDED! If you do that, you're bound to get high scores and won't have to try to make a card game out of this roleplay.
-Raeven Souls
-Zachary Mason
-Mathias Winters
-Beatrice Magin
-Merrin Caphus
MAP~Sanctuary takes place on a planet called Aeros. It is a mysterious and wonderful world resembling a cleaner, smaller version of Earth. It is spotted with only three continents- most notably the enormous landmass of Leginia, spanning almost an entire 1/6th of the planet. Leginia itself is shaped like the head of a goat- a large, mostly rounded land mass of various climates and terrains complimented by two mountainous strips of landmass that curve inward to resemble horns. In the center of these landmarks known as the "Northern Horns", lay an arctic ocean with various islands. The other two continents,Tribus and Henele (pronounced "Try-Bis" and "Hen-uh-lay") are located to the east and west of Leginia, respectively. Aeros is teeming with wildlife and forestry, much like Earth. There are large monsters, towering over man, and trees the size of large buildings. It is a fantasy world, painted by the brush of our imaginations~Somethings to note:
- Time and date work exactly like they on Earth. It's a 24 hour clock, 7 day week, and 365 day year. The year is 2014 as of right now (after the one year time skip), and year 0 marks the day that is claimed to be the first day of the Leginian council (more below).
- Elements of Earth are all present on Aeros, plus some. There are many more metals and elements that make Aeros a much cleaner and more efficient planet. They do not burn coal/oil for fuel, and their technology is rather advanced. You will learn more about this below when "cores" are mentioned.
- We can assume that any animal on Earth is also present on Aeros, plus any original monsters/creatures you can make up (as long as they aren't TOO crazy).
- Marijuanna
The story of Sanctuary will primarily take place on Leginia, the main continent of Aeros. There will be a bit of history that all characters will be required to know unless it is completely illogical for their character. The continent of Leginia is split into 4 provinces that will be listed and explained below, once you read up on a little history. Don't worry it's quite simple, and the history can be learned IC'ly.
While Tribus is said to be the birthplace of civillization, Leginia is said to be the birthplace of man itself. It was here that the discovery of cores was made. Humankind first flourished in the center of the continent, where resources were plenty. As it advanced, it spread outward. Eras into mankind's evolution, when cities and nations began to form, an incident known as the "Northern Fire" occurred. Buried deep within the snowy mountains of Wintra, a group of miners discovered buried gems that glowed a deep red color. When trying to excavated the massive deposit of red crystals, an uncontrollable fire was started, nearly engulfing the entire mountain.
Decades later, mankind finally grasped the concept of cores, as they were called. Cores are gemlike crystals that come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from pebbles to boulders. They each have unique energies within them and can be harnessed for seemingly infinite uses. The five most common cores are cores of the five universal elements: Fire, Water, Land, Wind, and Lightning. How did humans come to harness their power?
A metal known as "Sparker" was molded into a cup shape, known as a "core slot". Here, cores were inserted, and the sparker was struck with a reactive component that caused the core to release its energies. For example, a water core could be "harnessed" to spray down a forest fire when inserted into a pipe connected to a core slot with a water core in it. As such, Leginian history is marked by the day in which cores became essential to humanity. It also marks the day in which cores caused the entire continent to nearly destroy itself.
Cores gave amazing potential to their wielders. The innate desire for power found in every man and woman was fueled by this potential, and it fed into the glory of conquest. Nations of Leginia turned on each other and warred using the power of cores, igniting each others cities when opposing nations refused to subordinate to whoever claimed the continental throne. A two hundred year war known as the "Core Crusades" (or simple the "Crusades" now a days) nearly ravaged all civillization across the continent. It was on day one, January first, year zero, he accepted started point of the new age, that the war ended. On this day, the largest nations of the continent united under a pact, formally creating the "Leginian Council." The council divided the continent into four provinces which would work together for the common cause of bettering man itself. These four provinces, while having their own governments, each had a representative in the council, which ran the entire continent as one. And as each province did have its own army, the continental military, or simply the Leginian Army, was the primary name given to the forces of the united nations. The formation of the council marked the end of a long period of warfare - a time that would not be seen again until present day. In this time, mankind's innovations blossomed, as medicine, technology, and
architecture advanced at amazing rates!
Now, the continent of Leginia boasts cities with skyscrapers towering over the grounds. Skyways (roads in the sky) twist about each other as carriages (floating cars) dash back and forth. Shuttles and aircraft carry men long distances in the blink of an eye, and sickness and disease is a thing of the past.
THE PROVINCES- Arcarus: Located in the South West, holding the western half of the entire South strip of Leginia. The Arcanians* are typically of thinner, weaker physical stature. However, they possess strong intellect and are known for their wide array of Colleges, the central one being the College of Argos. Arcarus's land is a vast connection of valleys and forrests with mystical values that attracted a lot of study. There are many ruins of ancient civilizations. In fact, the capitol of Arcarus, Argos, was built on the well preserved remains of an ancient floating city.
- Valira: Located in the East, holding the entire eastern half of the South strip of Leginia. Valirans* are typically strong-backed, and tough-bred individuals who live various lives. The majority work in agriculture (the plains are usually covered in farms and wheat fields), while others work in mining, drilling, and other land-based fields. However, the land of Valira is known best for it's beautiful land scape, which compliments the strong spirits of it's inhabitants. Valira has no said capitol, as it's citizens are much more easy going and don't really require a government to lead them.
- Warshire: The cold, Northern province. It's home to the famous Northern Horns, where many legends and myths were born. Warshirans* are forced to survive devestating winters, and live years of short supplies and long battles against mother nature. They are mountain people, used to the high terrain, and are said to be more mobile then most other humans. The capital of Warshire is Wintra, an arctic island located between the Northern Horns, where some of Leginia's finest weapons, technologies, vehicles, and tools are made.
- Gaia: The central province of Leginia, located right in the middle of the other 3 provinces. This province has a bit of everthing- the frost-tipped mountains of the north, the forests and valleys of the West, the plains and rivers of the east, and the oceans and lakes of the south. It's the largest and richest province, with Leginia's main capital: Sovereign. Sovereign is the biggest city in all of Leginia, with rarely any signs of poverty or unjustified crime at all. It is also the home of the Leginian Council, located in the Capitol Building. Most cities in Gaia are similar to it's capitol, as it is the most advanced and successful province in the entire continent. Its citizens are as diverse as all of Aeros, it is said. Gaia is also referred to as the "Mainland."
*Don't be confused by the races or the race names. Usually, the term races is pictured as different lifeforms, however, in Aeros, all "races" are in fact human, just with physical differences. (Similar to how on Earth, the word race refers to caucasion, asian, etc.)The main religion of Leginia is "Aeritanism." It is a religion that resembles a mixture of buddhism and christianity, preaching spritual harmony and devotion to the god, Aeritus. There are three tomes of Aeritanism, much like the three pillars of Islam.
One: Man must devote his spirit to Aeritus, the divine ruler of all kingdoms. Upon birth and death, the spirit is one with Aeritus. Life is merely the journey that allows a new spirit to ascend into the realm of Solace (Heaven).
Two: The Spirit is the center of all life. Every being has spirit. The soul exists much before the physical body; the soul is born when Aeritus wills life into his realm. Upon death, the soul leaves the physical realm to enter the void, where it shall receieve judgement.
Three: Spirits who follow the ten disciplines of Aeritus will attain Solace. Spirits who stray from the disciplines will fall to sin and repeat the cycle of life until they reach Solace.
The truth behind this religion is as true as anyone would believe christianity to be. Does God really decide everything? Did he really make everything? Does Heaven/Hell really exist? We aren't sure, and just as there are extremists and atheists in our world, there are believers and non-believers in Leginia. Religion is not nearly as serious as it once was, however.
Tribus is the continent located to the west of Leginia. It is made up of three major nations that occupy three separate land masses. These nations aren't as developed as Leginia, but some come close. Sajan, the largest landmass on the Westmost side of the continent, is covered in savannahs and grasslands. However, the center of the country is one large desert that is home to many nomadic tribes that move from oasis to oasis. The desert turns into a icy cold, unbearable tundra up north, where monsters like no other are found. Here, there is little to no civillization as the weather and wildlife make life for humans nearly impossible.
The island in between the two nations, Indiga, is a strange mixture of tundra and tropic. Frosty palm trees line white, snow-kissed beaches. The coastline recedes into hilly snowlands which many frozen lakes that resemble beaches themselves. Indiga is the least developed of the three nations.
The easternmost landmass is the nation of Chen. Having once been the most militaristic nation in existence, Chen has calmed down in recent years. It is extremely strict (think North Korea) on immigration, and rarely lets anyone leave without proper admission.
Religions on Tribus are extremely diverse, save for Chen, which boasts a unified culture. Sajan and Indiga, however, have multiple settlements that are spread far and thin, causing different cultures to sprout up. The people of these separate cultures sometimes even consider themselves "Tribes."
Henele is more like Leginia. Twelve countries split the large continent, and they all rely on each other for trade and sustenance. There is a strong establishment of peace among the countries, though two historic rival nations, Onha and Thar, still butt heads in economic competition.
Not much contact is made between Henele and Leginia.
A bunch of indepent islands that live their own lives, untouched by an influence from the big dogs like Leginia, Tribus, and Henele.

Characters will be exposed to a weird mix of technology.The transportation, architecture, and digital/electronic aspects of Leginian technology is more advanced than Earth. Imagine futuristic cars, boats, hovercrafts that travel real fast. If you've ever played Mass effect, the hover crafts resemble the shuttles. The weaponry of Leginia, however, is not as modern. The era of peace that the council brought resulted in an end to the thirst for militaristic advancement. Guns are rare, and function based off cores (most will focus on using a Fire Core to project forward a bullet). Other than that, swords, daggers, axes, hammers, bows, throwing knifes, etc are all weapons. BUT: add the core twist. Cores are a unique type of technology that let the user generate elemental (and other) effects. So maybe you have a chain with a sickle attatched to it that can be swung and powered by a lightning core to create lightning storms, I don't know, up to you. Some other type of common cores include Kinetic cores (they can be harnessed to project fields of constant kinetic energy in any direction) and plasma cores (fused fire and lightning cores that usually serve as ammo in new age firearms). NOTE THAT GUNS AND THE LIKE ARE EXTREMELY RARE IF NOT OWNED BY THE MILITARY!
Common Technology:
Holopads: A small, rectangular device that can be turned on by pressing a central button on the middle of the prism-shaped base that resembles the hilt of a lightsaber from Star Wars. When opened, the prism divides and separates - the space in between is then filled with a hologramic interface that is used to connect to the world wide web and instantly communicate with other holopad users. It's like an Aerian cellphone ok? Damn.
Shuttles: Like those in mass effect. These are box shaped flying vehicles that can quickly transport small groups of people. They look like this.
Aircraft: Only available to super high class people. These can do long distance flights in a very short amount of time, whereas shuttles take quite a while to travel and require frequent pit stops.
Core Firearms (rifles/pistols): Powered by one of five elemental cores: fire, water, lightning, land, or wind. Water rifles are used by fire fighters. Fire, lightning, and land core rifles are used by authorities/military and fire rounds of the element. Land core rifles shoot strong metals rather than bursts of fire or lightning. Wind rifles are usually used in riot control as they have deal no fatal damage, but can create a very strong force by launching immense gusts of wind.
Core Slots: Core slots are slots built into hardware that are shaped for specific cores that can be bonded to them and utilized for their respective energies. An example is a core slot on the hilt of a sword. Imagine a little octagonal slot in which a fire core, which resembles a fire stone from Pokemon, can be placed. Then, the sword can utilize that energy to emit flames from the blade or something cheesy like that. The core slots are built using some unique metals from Warshire. The metal is called sparker.
Kinetic Shields: One of the most popular cores known to mankind is the Kinetic Core. It's a core that is infused with the energy of pure motion. That is, it captures the unknown energies that are created when an electron simply moves. This energy can be used to power vehicles and such. However, it is most frequently used to power kinetic shields, which are the traditional shields found in military armors. How do they function? The kinetic core exponentially increases the rate of particle movement in the layers of particles surrounding the armor. So when any sort of projectile or weapon attacks the user, the particles can rapidly move at an enhanced concentration at the location of the trauma. As a result, the electrons generate enough electromagnetivity to emit a mixture of waves that successfully repel the projectile. It literally bounces off. If the force of the projectile is strong enough, it will make contact, but at a greatly reduced force since the shield is attempting to send it the other way. This sets the basis for hovercrafts.
Radio Communication: Yeah. They can talk to each other over communication channels that are broadcasted via relays set up across the continent. The communication varies from simple telephonic communication to full scale hologramic communication.
Carriages: Forget cars. They are too mainstream. Carriages are literally floating cars. They are shaped like small scale shuttles, but hover above the ground ever so slightly so there is no friction at all. Maneuverability comes with ease, as the Kinetic Thrusters which are located at the rear and bottom of the carriage can easily propel the carriage in any direciton at anytime. However, it is implausible to give every carriage the same amount of kinetic propulsion as a shuttle, so they carriages hover a maximum of about 3 feet above the ground. NOTE: Extremely heavy carriages require tires to move and have a more traditional set up. Tanks are an example. (These are called Grounded Carriages, or Groundies). Civillians CAN own carriages, but its a HUGE expense.
Tanks: Military use only. Resemble
Skyways: Located mostly in Sovereign, these are highways that are located in the air. They have Polarity Cores imbedded along them, which pull the carriages towards them and allow carriages to travel on them without having to worry about falling off. As a result, they bend every which way, twsiting around and wrapping upon one another. Imagine a spaghettic junction times 10. Oh, and the road is made out of pure blue energy.
Cities!: Architecture resembles
All basic technology like espresso machines, printers, t.v.'s, vibrating dildos, etc can be assumed to exist.
In Leginian legend, Kages are spirits from the Realm of Sin (Onikages) and the Realm of Solace (Kamikages). They are manifestations of sheer power (whether divine or demonic) and are conscious entities that were once warriors of Aeritus. The Onikages were those who embraced complete freedom, unlike the original kages, and broke free from the grasp of Aeritus, thus starting a war in which the two sides fought. No one knows who led the Onikages and why the ultimate "god" Aeritus was unable to stop them. But the war was ended with the creation of the Void. The Void is similar to what Earth's Christians refer to as "Purgatory"- a realm in which one's spirit is judged to determine whether they transcend to the realm of Solace or are constricted to the Realm of Sin until they repent for their wrongdoings. Aeritan folklore says that the Void is an endless space of light that divides the two Realms (solace/sin) and that if it were to break, the war would rage again.
The story of Sanctuary officially begins with the opening of what is to be called the Void Gate. Previously, the only means of entering the Void from the human realm was death, and the only way of leaving was judgement to the Realm of Sin/Solace or rebirth. However, the Void Gate, a mysterious pillar of light that penetrates the sky above and the ground beneath, breaks that rule. It serves as a physical door to the Void, and what's worse is that the Kages (from their respective realms) flooded into the human realm from it. The kages cannot survive in the human realm. What they can do is bind with a human's tiny spirit and live with it. This has it's consequences, both "good" and bad. The very same mystical powers that these kages are capable of can be channeled through the host and exerted. The kage remains conscious and can, in fact, speak with the human from within his/her spirit. The bonding ritual is intense: the kage shatters the host's spirit into millions of tiny fragments and then fuses its own soul in between those fragments. It then conjoins all the fragments and thus, one soul is the end result.
Kamikages are generally weaker as individuals, as they don't kill as many kages as Onikages do (when a kage kills another kage, it absorbs it's "Spirit"). They love humanity and served to protect it's realm, so once they bind to a host, they do not go against it's will. Furthermore, the Kamikages cannot be used to the same extent as Onikages, as the bind they create doesn't sap the individuals spirit and will to add to their own. The usage of the kamikage's powers is restricted in this manner.
Onikages are bent on killing Kamikages and escaping the Realm of Sin to capture a home for themselves (the Human realm being the easiest). Most Onikages start off stronger, as they have killed many other kages. Additionally, once bound to a host, they completely fuse with the spirit, allowing the Onikage to sap the host's spirit. This causes the host to lose their free will, as the Onikage bends the host to do as it likes. Without a strong will, the Onikage can completely take over the host, eating away at his/her sanity as it furthers its own intent.
A Phantom (new vocab word) is a host that has been COMPLETELY taken over by its kage. This means that the will of the host has been suppressed, and what remains is simply a human body in control of a kage. The kage can speak through the body and express all of its powers as if it was living in the human realm in its natural form. Phantoms are EXTREMELY powerful.
Note that while kamikages and onikages usually do follow their natural tendencies, the names are simply labels given to them by humans. The kages choose to accept these labels: Kamikages are the followers of Aeritus while onikages do not follow Aeritus. However, you CAN have onikages that choose not to be evil psycho douchebags, or Kamikages that are SO bent on following Aeritus that they care little for humans. Diversity and exceptions exist.
Kages' powers are fueled by an energy they call "spirit". Every living being emits spirit, but of different magnitude. Kages have the most, and use it as an energy source for their powers. Without a kage, a human cannot utilize spirit (just think of it as an energy source, like chakra for naruto fans). The kages' powers can be quite diverse. Kages usually have a central power coupled with a secondary (usually elemental) power to compliment it. A example would be a kage that can move quite fast and dash from point to point almost instantaneously, coupled with the elemental affinity of lightning which increases the speed. An elemental power also can result in the ability to mold and manipulate that element, and discharge it for offense or defense (e.g. a kage could have the power of Land affinity, allowing it to bring forth pillars from the ground for defense). Furthermore, a kage could have two non elemental powers (e.g. a kage that can create clones of itself and also create some form of an illusion) or a strong, single (and broad) power (e.g. a kage that can alter gravitational fields to resemble the "force"). Either way, the kage's power can be used by the host, on a smaller scale.
What exactly does a kage look like? Well, really, anything! It can be enormous or tiny, shiny or dull, fat or thin, etc. It must have a name, however.
Kages are separate entities with their own personalities. Only the host of a kage can hear and maybe even see the kage. Other than that, no one would know you have a kage until you used your powers or told them.
The Golden Mercenaries are a group of Mercenaries and Explorers who started off as a public expeditionary. They were formed a few decades after the ending of the Core Crusade, by civilians who banded together across the provinces (as a signal of unity). They founded their base in the capital of Sovereign (in Gaia), operating from the Gold Merc Base (a large building that would become a landmark for Sovereign citizens). At first, they would work as local mercenaries for protection against thugs, and then became escorts for people traveling the roads between provinces (the monsters would pose great threats to the civilians, and the Gold Mercs would fight them off). Later, they expanded their goals to obtain resources and explore the lands of Leginia to discover core mines, monsters, lands, etc. At the beginning of Sanctuary, the leader of the Golden Mercenaries, Victor Esteves, was separated from the co-leader of the Golden Mercenaries: his younger brother, Hector Esteves. The Golden Mercenaries were split into two as the wall of Sovereign quarantined Hector and his men inside the city. However, at the end of Chapter one, after Hector successfully contacted Victor, they were able to bring down a large chunk of the enormous wall and fight their way out. Both brothers were killed in this fight.
The Continental Army is the central army divided into 4 branches- one for each province (Arcarian branch, Warshiran branch, Valiran branch, Gaian Branch). Serving in the Army is a great honor, although not as great as it once was. The need for a military has been greatly reduced in the era of peace. It still existed, for the sake of monster hunting and local law enforcement, but not at the scale of the previous ages. To serve in the Gaian Branch is the highest honor- obtainable only via advancing the ranks from private to major in one of the 3 outer branches. Now a days, joining the army is a choice completely, and there are no drafts. The Army takes orders from the Leginian council directly. Before the one year time skip, the army was not that active. When the cataclysm happened, the army was behind Operation: Spartan, an order to quarantine the city where the center of the apocalypse took place. During the year and after, the military was ordered to protect the outside world from the evils brewing within, though the army quickly became frustrated with having to babysit the large city full of wandering monsters. The world outside was kept up to speed about the "demons" that possessed our loved ones and wreaked havoc on the city. The military was viewed as heroes trying to suppress the monsters within Sovereign, and they in turn influenced the public outside to fear and despise "hosts." They were told to accept that the human host was not the human it once was, but rather a shell harboring a malicious spirit bent on ending humanity.
The Army's quarantine of Sovereign was breached by the Golden Mercenaries, now marked as enemies of the state.
The military needed more than guns and swords to stop the monsters within the city. They decided to fight fire with fire. The military found means of containing a loose kage, meaning a kage not bonded to a human being. This was done by creating a dense chamber completely cased in sparker, and then killing a host within that chamber. The death of the host greatly damaged the kage, and while the kage could choose to die with the host, it was sure to unbind to the fleeting spirit of the host and remain isolated int the chamber. Here, the kage would slowly die until a new human was introduced, which it could then bind to.
The military's first attempt at containing kages was when a group of 8 secret service soldiers were given kages that were "extracted" via the above method. These soldiers were loyal to the cause from the start, and the military could trust them with such power. These Hunters were extremely deadly and capable. However, each Hunter was eradicated in the final battle, and now the military is anxious to create a revived faction of Hunters following the breach of their quarantine. The first of the new Hunters is a major by the name of Carol-Ann Keifers.
Leginian Council:
*Representative of Warshire- [Ingrid Yvore] (A quiet, but strict woman who values honesty and honor, age: 44)
*Representative of Valira- [Rugo Pierre] (A strong, honorable man who respects bravery and vouches for the middle and lower class. He respects hard work, age: 57)
*Representative of Arcarus- [Haythum Pierce] (A sly, cunning, yet intelligent man who dislikes barbarian mindsets like Rugos. He desires advancement of Leginian knowledge and unity, age: 34)
*Representative of Gaia- [Nayomi Black] (A young, beautiful, yet fierce woman who serves for her people and wants nothing more but peace and tranquility. Age: 26)
Prologue-All characters will begin their normal lives in the world of Leginia, choosing a province to start off with. No kage's will be released (though you should note that the world does already have minimal knowledge on what the kages are. Your character must simply live a day or two in their life to outline the type of character they are/role they want to play/goal they have. A brief setting of each province and short series of current events will be provided in the first post. After the first few posts, a world-altering incident will occur. Use the Prologue to set your character up for receiving a kage if he/she is getting one (this means be near Sovereign, the capital of Gaia).
Chapter 1: The Void Unleashed-The Void Gate opens in Sovereign, destroying much of the city and even wreaking havoc across the entire continent of Leginia via natural disasters (earthquakes, mass fires, floods, storms, hurricanes, etc). The kages spill out of the void gate, which is a giant beacon of light that pierces from the Land underneath the capitol building and reaches into the sky above. The kages hunt and bond to unsuspecting hosts, and thus, begins the story of Sanctuary.
TIMESKIP (1 year): One year in the gruesome, ravaged land of Sanctuary. Let's see how our heroes have fared...
TIMESKIP (12 days): The Golden Mercenaries have gathered and trained hosts and civillians alike. Victor Esteves was contacted and he gave a huge speech to the entire city, and now, men and women rally with Hector to train and fight back. Will their plans to assault the military work?
Chapter 1 Conclusion: The Golden Mercenaries begin their assault. United we stand, divided we fall.
Chapter 2: World's Deception-Victor Esteves used a large trap core (a mysterious core that sends matter to a different dimension) to remove a large chunk of the wall in a chaotic explosion. This sparked a large scale battle between the Golden Mercenaries and the military, with Sovereign's citizens rebelling as they fled the breached city. Golden Mercenary shuttles evacuated men and women trapped inside, and our heroes escaped in a shuttle of their own, piloted by Zachary Mason. After a brief camp out in the woods, they head to Kell to replenish, recover, and regroup before deciding what to do in this new world. Little do they know that the world they once called home has changed nearly as much as they have.

If you're interested in Sanctuary, you can join at any time the status is set to "accepting"! Simply following the steps below:
1) First post that you are interested, right here in this OOC. This will have me expect a new character.
2) Right after you post, PM me a message entitled "Sanctuary Application". In it, include your character sheet.
3) Underneath that, send me another PM of a writing sample. Submit a writing sample of your character doing something or living a day in their life before the incident. Afterwards, PM me a second writing sample of how your character escaped Sovereign. You can include anything you wish to include regarding how your character lived over the year in which Sovereign was quarantined. Writing sample should be no shorter than two paragraphs of at least five sentences each.
4) Get familiar with the lore. REAL familiar. Ask questions. LOTS OF QUESTIONS. (I love answering questions) This isn't required, but do it while I review your application (and hopefully approve). If you want, you may also pm your app to any co-GM.