Shrapnel was still a bit on edge from the battle.
Needless to say, a giant purple dragon didn't help.
Shrapnel wasted no time in constructing a minigun, and opening fire upon the violet abomanation. As he fired, he soon came to his senses, his brain now running on more than instinct alone. He refused to cease fire, shut he rather pointed the stream of bullets at the centre of the beasts mass, not the lantern. He knew that they would need all of the help they could get.
Soon enough, the gun ceased fire, and started clicking. Rather than refill the ammunition, he simply allowed it to deconstruct itself. Shrapnel floated back, allowing a rather primitive spear to appear in his hands. He kept it at the ready, unsure of what the lanterns intentions were.
He hadn't really paid much attention to the other Star Sapphire. He sighed now, seeing the stop sign.
"Nice trick." He said sarcastically, turning to her. "Why didn't you try that with the Manhunters? I'm sure that it would've worked stupendously."