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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

With the end of the winter season nearing, the amount of snowfall had become less and less with each passing day. Simon was currently walking home from a nearby store empty handed. He hadn't really been looking for anything specific there, but he enjoyed being there even without anything in mind. At the start of his walk home, he had struck up a conversation with his dearest friend Sarah through texting. Although simply talking to someone seemed so much easier, Simon enjoyed the conversations of text, as they were there, and he could always look back at them if needed. Despite his usual lack of speech, he did seem to be leading the conversation, bringing up ideas about plots and realistic characters whenever they would pop up into his mind. He was always free in his mind, and many of his plots, ideas, and character were usually less than realistic in multiple cases. He loved many fictional genres, from fantasy to more realistic settings, and he would often veer off track from his original thoughts.

Most of the things he had texted her about recently were about more down-to-earth settings and ideas. Many of them were gritty and dark. With a setting like that, Simon saw that more emotions would be shown and discovered, rather than if the same characters were to placed in a happier, and "lighter" setting. Now that he was settling down from his rush of ideas, Simon sighed lightly and began to tap the screen of his phone. "I think you've heard me go on long enough. What are you up to?" He typed into the phone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Sarah reclined in her computer chair, staring at the ceiling. Her sister had been out with friends at a party, and had assured her she'd be back by morning. It was now 3 in the afternoon, and she was running out of ways to cover for her sister. Her mother was getting skeptical, and her father was getting angry. This was the second time Mariah had done this to her, and she was somewhat worried. She ran a hand through her hair, huffing in exasperation. She heard the phone ring in the hallway, and her mother answered it with a confused "Who is this?" Frankly, Sarah wasn't really interested so she put her headphones in, her iPod on shuffle, and tuned her mother out.

The only thing keeping her sane was Simon. His ideas fascinated her, and though she tried to play it off she was really interested in them. She wished she had the creativity and flow that he did. She hoped that he'd write a book and get it famous someday. She jumped at her phone vibrating in her hand, reading his text with a smile.
"I really don't mind listening to you, but I'm worried. Mariah still hasn't come home, and I've had no contact from her since she left last night."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Simon's phone vibrated in his hand as he received a new message from Sarah. He sighed a little and shook his head. He didn't known her sister all too well, but he had encountered and talked to her before. He was glad to hear that she was fine listening to him go on, but he was going to listen to her now, instead of the other way around. "I'm sure that she'll be back soon. She could have partied too hard and slept thought the day." He attempted to lighten it up a little, but it was three in the afternoon, so he was a little worried as well, since she was the sister of his best friend. They were very close, and when one would emote, it was usual for the other one to have the same feeling.

He hoped that she was okay. Despite not knowing her well, she was still of importance to him, since she was close to his closest friend. If something were to happen, good or bad, Simon would be sure to change his route and walk straight over to her. He wasn't sure about how her family felt about him, but he felt like he was extended family, as he had known Sarah for a large number of years, and it didn't seem all that out of place to have one visit the other unannounced.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Simon's phone vibrated in his hand as he received a new message from Sarah. He sighed a little and shook his head. He didn't known her sister all too well, but he had encountered and talked to her before. He was glad to hear that she was fine listening to him go on, but he was going to listen to her now, instead of the other way around. "I'm sure that she'll be back soon. She could have partied too hard and slept thought the day." He attempted to lighten it up a little, but it was three in the afternoon, so he was a little worried as well, since she was the sister of his best friend. They were very close, and when one would emote, it was usual for the other one to have the same feeling.

He hoped that she was okay. Despite not knowing her well, she was still of importance to him, since she was close to his closest friend. If something were to happen, good or bad, Simon would be sure to change his route and walk straight over to her. He wasn't sure about how her family felt about him, but he felt like he was extended family, as he had known Sarah for a large number of years, and it didn't seem all that out of place to have one visit the other unannounced.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Simon's phone vibrated in his hand as he received a new message from Sarah. He sighed a little and shook his head. He didn't known her sister all too well, but he had encountered and talked to her before. He was glad to hear that she was fine listening to him go on, but he was going to listen to her now, instead of the other way around. "I'm sure that she'll be back soon. She could have partied too hard and slept thought the day." He attempted to lighten it up a little, but it was three in the afternoon, so he was a little worried as well, since she was the sister of his best friend. They were very close, and when one would emote, it was usual for the other one to have the same feeling.

He hoped that she was okay. Despite not knowing her well, she was still of importance to him, since she was close to his closest friend. If something were to happen, good or bad, Simon would be sure to change his route and walk straight over to her. He wasn't sure about how her family felt about him, but he felt like he was extended family, as he had known Sarah for a large number of years, and it didn't seem all that out of place to have one visit the other unannounced.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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timaeusTestified meme queen

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

oh man ignore this
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

no stop this was not my intention
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

kill me oh god i didnt mean for this to happen
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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timaeusTestified meme queen

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sarah texted back immediately, eyebrows raising as she heard hysterical yells from the living room. "Yes, I suppose you could be right. Be right back, my mother is flipping her shit about something." She put her phone in her back pocket, frowning.
She slowly pulled her headphones out, eyes widening when she realized what she thought were just yells were actually agonized screams. Sarah shoved open her door, finding her mother on the ground with the phone next to her, sobbing fiercely. Sarah kneeled next to her, rubbing her back with alarm. Her stomach turned as her mother fought to produce words.
"Ma-mariah cr-cr-crash-ed." No. She's-s dea-ead!" No.
Sarah froze, mind racing. Her sister was dead. She had died in a car crash. Likely driving home from the party. Tears were streaming down her face long before she made a sound. A choked sob came from her mouth, and she hugged her mother tightly while rocking back and forth slowly. She whispered gently to her mother while the woman screamed in agony, trying to comfort her. First her father from cancer two years back, now this. Her mother would break. She pulled out her phone with severely shaking hands, still whispering soothingly to her mother.
She's dead. Mariah is dead.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

kill me now
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

oh man
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

ignore this
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Got it. I'll wait here. Booker typed out on his phone quickly before continuing down the road. His house wasn't that far from where he was now, so it wouldn't take more than a few minutes at the speed he was going at. reaching an intersection, Simon's phone vibrated in his hand as a new message appeared. It took a little while ti send the message, it seemed, or she could have become preoccupied with something else and would talk to him later. Simon read the text and almost dropped his phone. His eyes widened at the message and he didn't want it to be true. Shoving the phone hastily into his pocket, he immediately took off in a different direction. He was knew that he was going to be with his friend for a little while.

Simon wasn't the best runner, but he could keep at a decent pace and get where he needed to be in a hurry, so it didn't bother him all that much. He had never faced a family death before, so he had no idea how bad things could be for everyone. This was the second time that someone died in Sarah's family, and he wanted to be there to comfort her at every turn. It was his job as her friend to do so, and he wasn't going to let her down. It didn't take too long for Simon to reach the house of his friend, and he quickly opened the door and looked inside, trying to find her and comfort her as quickly as possible. "Hello?" He called out in his usual tone of voice, to let them know that it was him if that hadn't seen him yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sarah's mother continued crying, though she was starting to stand. "I-i have to go identify her and prepare the funeral, Sarah. Ta-take care of the h-house while I'm gone. I l-love you." Her mother kissed her head shakily, hiccuping as she started towards the door. Her mother saw Simon, and nearly broke down again. She hugged him, gripping him tightly before leaving without a word.

Sarah heard the door open, and Simon call out. She gave a steady "Come in!" In response, though tears still ran wet down her face. She sat cross-legged on the floor, head bowed with her hands covering her face. "She's dead. Mariah died in a car crash. She's gone." She started laughing, agony lacing her voice. "Oh my god, what I wouldn't give to know why I deserve this!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Simon accepted the hug that he was given by Sarah's mother, and knew that it would be hard for just the two of them to keep moving forward. After she left wordlessly, Simon walked over to Sarah and saw just how bad she was taking this. He sat in front of her friend in the same cross-legged fashion. He leaned forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You didn't deserve this, Sarah. No one should deserve this..." He didn't really know what to say. He hadn't even faced something this bad personally, so he didn't know what he should say or when to say it. All he could really do was be there for her and help her whenever she'd need him.

He knew that because of Mariah's death, he would be visiting her house a lot more often, and would be staying around later than usual. She needed someone next to her, and Simon wanted to be that person. He knew that she could always turn to her boyfriend, but Simon wanted to do this for her personally. He knew her better than anyone due to that fact that they've been friends for years, so he had an idea of what to say and what not to say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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timaeusTestified meme queen

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sarah turned to him, despair etched into her face. She pressed her face into his collarbone, quickly wetting his shirt with tears. "What am I going to do?" She whispered, breathing heavily and hiccuping. Her world was crashing down around her as she knew it. She could describe to you in detail how the sky bends before its going to fall. As her hands clutched his shirt, just as intensely as her tears wet it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

With Sarah clutching his shirt and pressing his face into her collarbone, Simon gently rested his his on top of hers and listened to hear heavy breathing and occasional hiccup. His breathing was slow and calm, his mind trying to sort out what to say and what not to say as he sat there for her comfort. He didn't know what to say to her, but he was going to try to help her in any way possible. "You're going to keep living. I'm not going to let you fall into depression over your sister. Me and Mark will help you through this... Okay?" He spoke in a soft and soothing voice as one of his arms wrapped around her, the other one moving to the back of her head to stroke her hair with the same gentleness that his voice had.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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timaeusTestified meme queen

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sarah nodded into his shirt, her sobs gradually getting more quiet and her shaking stopped. Still, she clung onto his him like he was a life presever. In a way, he was. She'd likely be in a ball were he not here. "I don't want Mark to help me." She whispered, voice trembling. "He won't help. Trust me, nothing he does will help. I only want you to help. You're the only one who can help." Being homeschooled her whole life, Sarah didn't really have any friends other than Simon. She only met him because her father used to be friends with his. With her mother gone for possibly the rest of the day, he was the only thing she had. "Please stay."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Although Simon wanted to question why she didn't want for Mark to come over and help her, he couldn't ask that right now. It could make things worse, and he wanted for things to get better. Mark was her boyfriend, the first person that she should go to when she was hurting. Instead, it seemed that Simon was the only person she ever went to, and he wanted to know why sooner or later. He nodded slowly at her and continued stroking her hair softly and gently. "Alright. I'll stay right here with you as long as you need me.. Okay?" He would do anything for his best friend, and he knew that he would stay with her as long as she wanted, but he wanted for her to keep talking to him, to keep a conversation of any kind going.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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timaeusTestified meme queen

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Thank you. My mom went to go id-denify the bo-o-dy and prepare the funeral." At that, she nearly started sobbing again. God, her chest hurt. Her everything hurt. All she could really hear were her sister's last words. "Cover for me, kid. I have something waiting for you in my room once I get back. Love you." She knew she wouldn't be able to bring herself to go into her sister's room for at least a week without sobbing grossly, so she decided to leave it alone for the moment. She looked up as she heard knocking on the door, to see Mark standing there with a frown on his face. Her eyes widened, and she quickly stumbled away from Simon. Mark knocked again, impatiently, and she started towards the door on wobbly legs. "Go out the back door, Simon. I'll get you in a minute once I've talked to him."
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