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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HarukoGina


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This is the place to create your character sheets for The Never Ending Hunt.

If you wish to see the information regarding the idea behind this roleplay, click here: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/23209/posts/ooc?page=1

As stated there are 3 different species/races - Human, Demon and Angel.

Demon Species: *added* Hellhound, http://www.lizaphoenix.com/encyclopedia/demons.shtml - You may also PM me to ask for extra species to be added.

Angel Species: http://people.howstuffworks.com/9-types-of-angels.htm#page=0 - You may also PM me for extra species to be added.

Human classes: Magician, Archer, Warrior, Healer, Assassin, Cleric, Thief, Necromancer, Druid, Paladin. - You may also PM me for extra classes to be added.

Please create your character sheets as follows:



Race/Species-Demons and Angels only/Class-humans only:




Special Abilities:




Years been in hiding(Angels and Demons)/Years been hunting(Humans) and circumstances/reasons why:

Personal Background/History:

Also please use this site to create your hometown name if not taking one from another character: http://nine.frenchboys.net/country.html

Thank you every one :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HarukoGina


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Name: Eachelle

Age: 16

Race/Species: Angel/Angel

Hometown: Anias

Parent(s): Helorion and Aitra

Weapons: Dual Blades and an Angelic bow and arrow

Special Abilities: Can cast spells, only hurts those who wish to harm her (meaning her arrows won't hurt a kind/innocent soul and if her blade happens to wound an innocent they will heal instantly), she can heal mortal wounds and diseases, her voice can manipulate evil and she she has wings in which she can summon and hide when needed.

Appearance: Soft long brunette curls which come down just below her hips, different coloured eyes (Left- Pink, Right- Golden), small button nose, small rosy pink lips, pale complexion, white goddess like dress which stops halfway down her thigh, small yet curvy frame.

Pet/companion: Horse - Petunia

Personality: Eachelle is a kind and gentle soul. She tried not to trust people as she always gets hurt or betrayed. She sticks to small towns and forests to avoid conflict and makes friends with animals easily. She will not back out of a fight if someone she considers a friend is in danger, she has never killed before but has mortally wounded an enemy to protect her parents.

Years been in hiding(Angels and Demons)/Years been hunting(Humans) and circumstances/reasons why: 6 - Her small settlement was attacked once their true identities were discovered by the government of Anias. After years of hiding from the human hunters they were finally found and had their small village burned to the ground. Eachelle's parents sent her away with her horse to keep her safe and eventually come back for them.

Personal Background/History: After 4 months of travelling with Petunia, she travelled back to her village and found no sign of her parents. Feeling lost and confused she began to travel once more hoping to find her parents at one place or another. She had no friends or family, no one to count on apart from Petunia. All the humans she had encountered she had a small amount of fear in her soul, but due to her species she forgives them for the pain in which they had inflicted on her people and on herself. She had encountered very few friendly humans who have helped her and given her shelter from the hunters for short periods of time. She had now come to a point in her life which made her consider going back to her own homeland and never to return to Earth, something was telling her to stay as there was a higher purpose for her. She decided to go to the capitol of Osya and seek refuge with a small settlement of others like her who just wanted to live their lives in peace.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Name: Zabrina

Age: 16

Race/Species-Demons and Angels only/Class-humans only: Angel/Angel

Hometown: Anias

Parent(s): Unknown

Weapons: A Short Sword and Long Bow

Special Abilities: Zabrina has the ability to speak to animals and the dead, she is also able to summon cursed spirits to fight, gather information, and basically be her servant(She has two servants, one is named John and the other is named Micheal). Another one of her abilities is being able to heal wounds of innocent, she can also cast spells and can go from human to angel form.


Pet/companion: Micheal: Archer and John: Warrior

Personality: Zabrina is a sweet girl, but if you push her buttons her rough side comes out. She is not afraid to fight and has ended many lives, two of the men she had killed were polite to her before they attacked and so she kept them. She acts much older then she is, flirting with men for information and killing them without a second glance. She is not one to be challenged and usually laughs off her pain.

Years been in hiding(Angels and Demons)/Years been hunting(Humans) and circumstances/reasons why: 5 and she has been in hiding ever since she healed a man that then tried to capture and sell her.

Personal Background/History: Zabrina had always been alone since birth, once she was born or created she was left. She was made to wander and help people and continued to do that until she was nine, when she turned nine she was in a city somewhere she doesn't remember. She helped a man that had been run through with a sword, the man had thanked her and asked her to stay until dinner. She had complied and he had kidnapped her, when he did she was chained to a wall where men would come in everyday and inspect her. One day she finally got out and killed the man she had saved running from the town and killing those who were already dead inside, when she had turned thirteen she had met Micheal. He had died protecting her and when she was about to send him on he begged to stay so she let him. When she turned fourteen she had met Micheal who died in a fire that she had caused, feeling pitiful she let him stay with her and now that she is fifteen she walks with them, searching for more meaning in their lives.

Thank you every one :3

I just had to post a CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Deliranta Amagitor

Age: Unknown (thousands of years?)

Race/Species: Demon/Unknown

Hometown: Unknown

Parent(s): Unknown

Weapons: None

Special Abilities: He can teleport any part of his body to any place at will. He is also can use his voice to make people choose unwise decisions.


Personality: With no memory of his origin, his only goal is to misguide people to mislead them to their demise. Despite this, he lives under the delusion that he is not involved with anything. He often meets his victims while they are traveling at night. He does not know why he does the things he does, as he doesn't even know quite who or what he is.

Years been in hiding: He doesn't hide, he is hard to track down/find

Personal Background/History: He could be considered a rogue weapon from a long forgotten war, although that would be an assumption at best. He has existed for thousands of years, continually leading people to their doom. Be it on a large scale (such as misleading a military commander) or on a smaller scale (such as leading a traveler off a cliff in the fog), he has done it all. He has remained largely unknown thanks to the fact that all those who he does interact with, usually die without speaking of him. He usually can be found as the unknown aide to a doomed hero.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Hircine

Age: 21

Race/Species: Demon/Hellhound

Hometown: Planes of the damned in Hell/Arcannaea

Parent(s): Cerberus and Meridia

Weapons: He uses his fangs and claws though he does carry a dagger that looks like it was made from a large monster's tooth

Special Abilities: Hircine can swift from his human disguise to his true Hellhound form at will, though he tends to keep on his disguise to keep humans off his trail. He is much stronger, faster and more agile than most humans, being able to match the speed of a horse while in his Hellhound form. He has lethally sharp claws and fangs that can cut through bones and flesh. He has incredibly sharp senses like all Hellhounds that makes his a expert tracker, and like his father he can track souls them selves though he can only track one at a time at the moment. He can also summon hell fire in both his human and Hellhound form, though it is much more intense in his hell hound form, that can burn a person's very soul.


Pet/companion: He travels alone though he does have dozens of brothers and sisters roaming the worlds

Personality: Hircine is a very with drawn back person, showing little to no emotion at all times. Even while in battle he doesn't show the slightest sign of angry, joy, or even remorse like other demons would. He has no problem taking a life, seeing it as a natural part of life. Despite his lake of emotion Hircine does not shy away from speaking, he will give his point of view on a matter rather it was asked for or not. Like all Hellhounds Hircine has the need to comfort the dying, even if it is by his own claws. He will provide final words of wisdom or reassurance, even guiding the soul to the after life if asked.

Years been in hiding: 14, He has been in hiding since he was captured and stolen from his father by humans that he managed to to escape from, having to kill almost half of them.

Personal Background/History: Like most pups of Cerberus, Hircine was born to a random mate that the massive Hellhond chose for night of excitement. But as cold as that may sound Cerberus took pride in each of his children, which was quite the feat seeing as he had dozens, and would see fit that they would be sculpted into grand warriors like himself. Cerberus was one of the most infamous warriors, though others like to use the title "attack dog" but most of those people end up with a pair of claws at their throat, in Hell's army during the war against the Angles. He would guard the gates of Hell and plunge into the battle fields when called upon. It was his dream to raise his children to be just as fearsome of warriors as he, which he had succeeded with many of them. It would of been the same for Hircine if he was not captured at the age of seven by a group of humans who wished to harm Cerberus in the only way they could, destroying his children. Hircine was held for weeks and was beaten and tortured in ways that would drive any mortal insane. The worst of all was a collar that they put on him, it would dig into his flesh every time the young pup would turn his head. He was on the brink of death when one of his captors made the mistake of leaving the cage they kept him in unlock. Hircine took the chance and tried to escape. He had to attack a few men that tried to stop him, leading to his death, but he managed to escape. But sadly this just left the young pup lost in a world that hated him. He would of surely died if he wasn't taken in by a kind woman who lived in a small village called Arcannaea. She nursed Hircine back to health despite him being a Demon and cared for him for months. He may of stayed longer if he wasn't ran out by a group of hunters that stumbled upon him in the village. Hircine decided rather than go back to Hell and fight for it's army he would stay on earth and sharpen his skills so he could fight for his right to settle where he pleased. So for years he has traveled all over training his skills, even meeting his father again who despite being disappointed with Hircine for not joining Hell's army was proud of him for finding his own fight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Alex

Age: 21

Race/Species-Class-humans only: Human Warrior

Hometown: none

Parent(s): dead

Weapons: one two handed sword, Dual short swords

Special Abilities:


Pet/companion: wolf named Brutus

Personality: he is cold when he needs to be, yet he can be caring at times

Years been hunting(Humans) and circumstances/reasons why: most of his life, he hunts because his family and village were burned because of this war

Personal Background/History: Alex was so young when his family and village burned down he barely remembers them, but from then on he has trained and became a very strong warrior who is known to many people in the villages he travels through. He has killed many demons and angels and this has made some of the other humans who are hunting suspicious of him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Damien Varomere

Age: 23

Race/Species-Demons and Angels only/Class-humans only: Angel/Human Fighter

Hometown: none.

Parent(s): also dead.

Weapons: Longsword, daggers, bow, guns if he has them.

Special Abilities: Damien thinks he is human, but he is not. He is the reincarnation of the angel of death that was killed early in the angel-demon war. He has not yet awakened to what he truly is and for all intents and purposes is stuck as a human right now. His undisclosed nature gives him the ability to sense angels and demons around him, which he uses to hunt them.


Something like this.

Pet/companion: None.

Personality: He's still fairly young and innocent, but has and will kill non-humans for the benefit of humanity. He eagerly hunts demons, but isn't quite sure about killing angels. He seems to be honest and honorbound, as if unable to break some code written on his very soul...

Years been in hiding(Angels and Demons)/Years been hunting(Humans) and circumstances/reasons why: Hunts demons, because somebody has to do that job. The world belongs to humans.

Personal Background/History: I think he should be friends with Alex. They could have trained together and hunt together.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Niesha

Age: 22

Race/Species-Demons and Angels only/Class-humans only: Angel/archangel

Hometown: Niesha has no home town, instead, traveling from town to town.

Parent(s): Daughter to the archangel of light, and another angel

Weapons: an angelic sword which she can call and dismiss at will

Special Abilities: Niesha can manipulate light, can cast spells. She also has the ability to feel and effect emotions of those around her, and does have a latent clairvoyant ability. She has the ability to hide her wings


Pet/companion: a dog Leaf

Personality: Niesha is a kind and caring soul. She easily gets people to trust her, and will do anything to keep that trust. She has a stubborn nature, and feels if she gives her word, she should keep it. She can be shy, however she can also be outgoing, depending on who she is with. She is both brave, and determined, and can often get herself into trouble without knowing how. If you are her friend, you will never meet someone as loyal and giving as she is.

Years been in hiding(Angels and Demons)/Years been hunting(Humans) and circumstances/reasons why: 7 years. Her father insisted she return to their homeland, and Niesha refused. She fled from him, because she loved earth, and has been running from him ever since, trying to stay hidden from humans as well

Personal Background/History: When Niesha was 15, her father decided she needed to go back to their homeland. She said she didn't want to. He was going to force her, but Niesha fled. She revealed what they were to the human population around them, and then went in hiding, looking to by time for herself.

Since then she has wandered from town to town, helping where she can, learning trades that have helped keep her alive. In one of the towns she came across a litter of pups that had been left out in the cold. She nursed them back to health, and kept one for herself when he wouldn't leave her alone. She named him Leaf, and they have been together ever since. She has kept her nomadic lifestyle, figuring this best suits her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Ama Maria [More infamously known as: Ethereal Assassin]

Age: 17

Race/Species-Demons and Angels only/Class-humans only: Assassin Human

Hometown: Tunarcya

Parent(s): Arya and Urimer Irim. Adoptive Father, Ludice "Thresher" Maria

Weapons: Blessed dual short swords, Blessed bow and arrows, and a generic dagger
A Blessed Talisman that allows her to sense the presence of Ethereal beings, whether good or evil

Special Abilities: Minor Magic and High Stealth
Shadow Kill-Disappears completely in shadows, a spell
Silent Step-Can run without making any noise, a spell
High takedown-Regardless of range, can drop on someone and kill them instantly.
Melee-Highly trained in the arts of self defense

Personality: Demure, sarcastic, and overall just damn 'peachy,' Ama has long learned not to take life very seriously and enjoys her work. Though she has no direct hatred for the Angels or Demons, she has no problem assassinating them, or their fellow rascist humans. She doesn't let people get too close to her usually, but she does have a weakness for extremely attractive targets. Her nasty habit is seducing a few especially charming targets before taking their life. She is very fond of her Hawk Keplin and treats him as a prince, often regarding him as her 'little prince' and jokingly regarding him as the only man she needs in her life. She is also a massive Daddys girl.

Years been in hiding(Angels and Demons)/Years been hunting(Humans) and circumstances/reasons why: 10. Her name has grown in scale over the past few years and both demon and angel generals alike pay her under the table to wipe out each others biggest enemies. Neither of them know that she is a 'double agent,' but all she sees is that shes being paid either way.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Jacque Marrow

Age: 24

Race/Species-Demons and Angels only/Class-humans only: Human/Hunter

Hometown: Ursus

Parent(s): Cornelius Marrow, Adeline Scratch

Weapons: Recurve bow [arrow types depend on the prey in question, blessed silver for demons, demonic blood tipped for angels, etc.], silver edged tomahawk
Special Abilities: Peak human condition - able to preform on par with the best human athletes in terms of strength, speed, & stamina
Adrenaline surge - Can willingly increase his heart rate to the point where everything seems to move in slow motion to him
Adept in several types of hand to hand combat [his favorite being pradal serey]

Appearance: Hunter guise & Civilian guise

Pet/companion: A pair of bloodhounds named Cain and Abel

Personality: When not on the hunt, Jacque tends to act as a fairly reclusive and reserved fellow, opting to keep to himself unless he's actually required to interact with a person either to gain a lead on a target or to keep up appearances. This is merely a ruse however, his true personality is much more crude and tenacious, Jacque derives great pleasure from the hunting of demons and angels, believing that not only is it his job to rid his world of them, but that the two species are by far the greatest prey the world has ever seen. Jacque can be cold and exceedingly ruthless, willing to go so far as to injure or cripple an innocent or loved one if it means drawing out his quarry.
Years been in hiding(Angels and Demons)/Years been hunting(Humans) and circumstances/reasons why: Twelve. It originally started with his grandfather, who took part in the war seventy five years ago. After surviving the war and siring a son, Jacque's grandfather made it his mission to teach his son how to bring down the creatures that plagued his youth, Jacque's father in turn taught Jacque.

Personal Background/History: "So, you want to know my story eh? Fine then, its not like i've got anything better to do. I was born in a small town to the west of Osya to a hunter and a merchant's daughter. As it turned out, papa wasn't just a hunter of celestials and the damned, he was a zealot who believed they would bring about the end of man if not purged from the planet. So, he taught me everything he knew, my days and nights were filled with training exercises so harsh that they would bring a grown man to his knees. But I survived, no, I THRIVED. When my father was content with my training, he began to take me out on the hunt, were I discovered something about myself; I was good. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, and papa Marrow ended up losing his head to a pair of demons, which I promptly slew. Between you and me though, I think the stupid bastard got careless and deserved to be decapitated. I've been hunting on my own ever since. Well, not completely alone." *pats Cain's head with a wry chuckle*
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