Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HarukoGina


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In the Main city of Osya, there has been a war raging for the past 75 years. Families have been torn apart and friends have become mortal enemies. Although this is no normal war...oh no...This has been a war between angels and demons. The mortals were in too deep with the wars to begin with and went into hiding, but after they decided that their homeplace was not to be the war ground for both demon and angels they decided to fight back. Although they were only mere mortals and had not much strength to attack against the mighty beings they began to slowly bring them down. Now there are only few factions still fighting within all three parties. Angels and Demons have been forever banished from the world of the humans...but what happens when some young deities are left behind by their factions and choose a life worth living instead of fighting?
A young maiden is seen travelling into one of the small cities of Minbark on her pure white horse. She is wearing a torn brown cloak with a hood, her face is not visible yet she has a very calming feel to her presence. Once arriving at the local tavern she strings up her horse, and makes her way inside. She enter with caution assessing her surroundings before taking a seat at the bar. As she puts one had on the bar a first glimpse of her pale, pure skin is seen. She coughs slightly to get the barman's attention.

'How may I help you miss?' He smiles kindly to her.

'Could I please have a glass of mineral water?' Her voice is kind but a little anxious as she continues to look around her. The barman notices this and bows to her respectively before fetching her a cold glass of mineral water. The girl remains at the bar but continuously feels her anxiety mounting higher and higher, she jumps as she feels someone touch her hand.

'Hey there pretty thing. I've not seen you here before.' A slimy voice comes from over her shoulder as she backs away from the drunk.

'Please leave me be I am not looking for any trouble...' Her voice trembles as she feels a pair of hands on her waist. She turns around to see another drunk smiling at her with a strong stench of alcohol enveloping her nose. A gun shot is heard and the girl makes her back to the bar.

'Come on, we only want to see the pretty girls face!' He slurs his words out as he pulls her cloak hood down, this reveals her true identity. 'YOU! You're one of them! Men get your weapons!' The man shouts as an uproar commences, the girl back up to the bar side. We get a first glimpse of her pale face, she has soft long brunette locks which just below her hips, a small button nose and plump rosy pink lips to match. Her eyes are naturally big and hold both a pale pink and unearthly golden colour. Her small figure is hugged by a short white goddess like dress which stops half way up her thigh. Her feet are bare yet there are no scratches nor and dirty on any part of her. The barman stands in defence of the young maiden.

'You shall not hurt this girl!' He yells out while holding a long samurai sword in front of him.

'Her people have killed thousands of us!' The men begin to yell.

'I shall not harm you! I'm only here for a glass of water, I shall be leaving soon! I promise you all, I mean you no harm...' She pleads as they grabs their weapons and begin to slowly creep towards the barman and herself. 'You're harbouring a criminal! You should be put to death!' The men continue to ignore the young girl.

'What is your name?' The young girl looked at the barman with a small frown as she now understood what fate he had accepted for himself. 'I am Eachelle...Daughter of Helorion and Aitra.' She breaths the word out in a small whisper, the man smiles before pushing her out the door. 'Run! I promise to buy you as much time as you need Eachelle!' He yelled as she scrambled onto her horse, she shut her eyes for one moment before throwing a hand forward to him, some small speckles of glitter can be seen floating through the air towards him, he shines and feels his muscles begin to burn with strength, he bows to her before turning back inside the tavern.

Eachelle rides back out towards the forrest with a single tear running from her golden eye.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Amagitor watched the girl enter the forest. Yet another weary traveler for him to assist. He teleported in front of the horse, hopefully spooking it. This would be a good way to stop her. After being in its way, he realized that if he didn't move again, he'd be trampled. Jumping out of the way, he watched the scene unfold.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Zabrina is walking along in the middle of the forest when she sees a woman and her horse riding out of the city, she looked at them carefully but shook her head slightly and called upon Micheal and John. They appeared before her and waited for further instructions, she glanced at the woman that was already far ahead of them. They nodded and started running, the horse would be afraid of the spirits and start to slow pacing around and bucking slightly. She shook her head when she saw the man that appeared in front of it and Micheal and John reappeared next to her. Zabrina waked up to the lady on the horse and the man and crossed her arms leaning against a tree. Micheal had his bow out and raised, John had his great sword out both ready to protect her like they should.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Alex was just arriving in the town when he saw the commotion and saw the girl running away on a horse.
Alex looked a Brutus who growled almost as to confirm what Alex was thinking.
"another angel" he said
Alex and Brutus both went to follow the girl on the horse but noticed all the other beings around her.
Alex said "too many, let's fall back and wait to see what happens."
Alex and Brutus then hung back a good distance away and watched the commotion.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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A hooded figure was seated by a roaring campfire, it's light could easily be spotted in the darkness of the forest. Not far from the figure was the carcass of a large buck with what seemed to be claw marks moving from it's throat down to it's chest. If someone would have to guess the cause of these wounds the most obvious choice would be a bear attack, but the much darker truth lied with the figure sitting by the fire. If one would dare look under the figure's mask they would see a scared face of a young man with the eyes that would give away his true nature, that of a demon.

Hircine had set up his camp just outside of a city for the night, though he didn't expect anyone to venture out into the woods. He was about to set upon carving up the deer he caught when he heard the sound of something approaching. Out of pure instinct he dropped to all fours and willed the fire to put it's self out. His ears trained in on a horse running by. He was about to dismiss it but he suddenly heard the sound of two others running after the rider. With that Hircine began to creep towards the sounds, making sure to stay low and in the shadows. He soon came to the sight of one girl on a horse, three armed people, and one man standing off to the side. He decided rather than jumping in he would stay where he was before jumping in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Micheal and John looked towards the sounds and back at Zabrina. Zabrina shrugged and sent them off before turning back to the girl on a horse, she was getting bored and went with Micheal to see what he was up too. When she did Micheal turned back to face her and slowly crept forward going into full spirit form as to not get hurt, Zabrina sighed and hung back. What Micheal saw didn't surprise him, a man in the bushes looking at the scene before them. Micheal notched an arrow and glared at the man. "Who are you and what are your intentions?"
John walked towards the noise already in spirit form, when he saw the hunter his eyes widened slightly and he backed off as if nothing had happened. He walked to Zabrina and Micheal and cleared his throat, he got into a defensive stance behind Zabrina and waited. Zabrina looked back at John and shrugged before turning to Micheal. "Micheal who is that?" Micheal didn't turn or respond.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Damien followed his friend. Seeing Alex distinctly hiding himself and Brutus, Damein crept up behind them. "Alex?" He whispered. "My senses are going crazy. Did you find one of them?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Things were really starting to get heated, this was more than he had expected. However, he decided to continue, hoping that he could find a way to diffuse the situation. Of course, if things turned violent, he could always escape.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Alex whispered "not just one, there are three demons and one angel over there" Alex had the big two handed sword out and ready.
Alex then whispered. "I haven't seen a meeting like this in a long time, which means there must be more nearby." Alex sighed and said "we should return to the village, attacking them in that number would be suicide."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HarukoGina


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Eachelle gently soothed in Petunia's ear and caressed one of her ears, she looked around her to see at least 4 figures around her, she decided the best course of action would be to stay with petunia. She turned towards the man who had tried to spook Petunia and felt her heart begin to go cold. She could feel some type of cold aura coming from him, it made her very soul shiver in disgust before she shook it off, fearing that her instincts could be right. This was when she noticed the girl with her two human souls, she took in a deep breath and assumed that this girl meant her no harm, Eachelle felt in her bones that this girl was someone from her own race, she began to feel at ease when she reluctantly dismounted Petunia.

She inched closer to the girl before remembering about the strange man who had appeared in front of her. She turned towards him cautiously. 'May I ask, why did you jump in front of Petunia? What is it that you want or need?' She asked carefully not forgetting that she must talk to the girl, she could be from her village after all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Hircine noticed the spirit that was approaching him and decided that he had been found out so there would be no sense in staying there. He rose from the ground just in time to have the spirit point his arrow at him. "I would ask the same of you lost soul." He said in a cold, calm tone. Hircine looked over the soul for a moment before he picked up the faint sound of talking off in the distant. Yet another group of on lookers that he was going to write off until he heard the word attacking. He may have went to investigate but he still had to deal with the soul in front of him. "Lower your weapon lost soul and cast you cursed presence upon someone else."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Damien gasped in awe. "Four of them?!?" He tried to keep his voice down. "I don't think we should go back to the village, Alex. You know this is something we can't miss. Surely god had us discover them for a reason. We need to find out what is going on. I'm going to try to get closer."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

HarukoGina said
Eachelle gently soothed in Petunia's ear and caressed one of her ears, she looked around her to see at least 4 figures around her, she decided the best course of action would be to stay with petunia. She turned towards the man who had tried to spook Petunia and felt her heart begin to go cold. She could feel some type of cold aura coming from him, it made her very soul shiver in disgust before she shook it off, fearing that her instincts could be right. This was when she noticed the girl with her two human souls, she took in a deep breath and assumed that this girl meant her no harm, Eachelle felt in her bones that this girl was someone from her own race, she began to feel at ease when she reluctantly dismounted Petunia.She inched closer to the girl before remembering about the strange man who had appeared in front of her. She turned towards him cautiously. 'May I ask, why did you jump in front of Petunia? What is it that you want or need?' She asked carefully not forgetting that she must talk to the girl, she could be from her village after all.

"I had no intention of scaring your horse, I was merely walking along when you nearly hit me" he said in his silly smooth tone. He subconsciously used his powers, making his voice sound convincing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Saarebas said
Hircine noticed the spirit that was approaching him and decided that he had been found out so there would be no sense in staying there. He rose from the ground just in time to have the spirit point his arrow at him. "I would ask the same of you lost soul." He said in a cold, calm tone. Hircine looked over the soul for a moment before he picked up the faint sound of talking off in the distant. Yet another group of on lookers that he was going to write off until he heard the word . He may have went to investigate but he still had to deal with the soul in front of him. "Lower your weapon lost soul and cast you cursed presence upon someone else."

Micheal snarled at the man and laughed a little, he turned and walked back over to Zabrina getting in the same defensive stance as John. When Zabrina noticed that the other lady was walking towards her she shook her head and leaned against another tree. She wasn't in the mood for introductions, both John and Micheal were acting up so something had to be wrong. Zabrina watched John and leaned closer to him. "John, what's happening?" John glanced at her and shook his head. "Hunters." Zabrina scowled at the words and her hands balled up into fists.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HarukoGina


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Eachelle sighed as she looked the mysterious man over, she patted Eachelle's side gently as she took a step closer to him.

'I'm sure that I didn't see anyone on the road, you must've been a in a blind spot. I apologise, I did not mean any harm.' She bowed her head respectfully before turning to the young girl. 'And you...You're like me...are you not?' She felt quite inquisitive about the young girl and her origins.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Alex said "we're already too close, demons and angels can sense us human from 200 yards away" Alex then sighed and said " though it is odd to see demons and angels together like this." Alex smirked "i guess we will have to get closer" Alex then put his sword away and said "stick close" Alex and Brutus both moved to a tree closer to the group. Alex now could make out the face of the angel on the horse (Eachelle). Alex muttered "This one is much fairer than other angels I've seen." Brutus nudged Alex's arm to get him to focus. Alex shook his head and said "right, sorry Brutus" Alex then went back to watching and listening to what they were saying.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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HarukoGina said
Eachelle sighed as she looked the mysterious man over, she patted Eachelle's side gently as she took a step closer to him.'I'm sure that I didn't see anyone on the road, you must've been a in a blind spot. I apologise, I did not mean any harm.' She bowed her head respectfully before turning to the young girl. 'And you...You're like me...are you not?' She felt quite inquisitive about the young girl and her origins.

"Who cares, we are in the middle of being hunted!" Zabrina pulled out her long bow and notched and arrow into it, she looked around and backed up against a tree. Micheal and John were in front of her as guardians. "Now I think that you should get on your horse and go." She looked at the trees and cleared her throat, a bird came down to the floor and they started to have a hushed conversation. When it was done the bird and two others started to sweep the area, she sighed and waited for their return.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Hircine's expression remained it's calm and emotionless self despite the spirit's snarl, though no one would be able to tell under the mask anyways. He moved his gaze from the soul and it's obvious mistress to the sound of rustling bushes. His cold eyes watched the brush for a moment before they moved back in front of him. "It is recommend you return to the city hunters." He said in a cold tone just loud enough it could be heard down the path.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Alex said "Damn it they sensed us" Alex then pulled his two handed sword out and turne to Brutus "we need a dstraction now" Brutus then ran over to a hill nearby and howled. A pack of wolves within earshot replied with howls and began to head in their direction. Alex said "hopefully that will buy us some time."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Zabrina stood firm, a pack of wolves didn't mean much to her. She looked around and waited for another hunter to come out of the woods and try to kill her, Micheal and John held ground, as spirits things like wolves didn't frighten them anymore. Zabrina waited for the wolves or the hunters to come, she saw a wolf on the hill and figured that was the cause of this. She didn't shoot at it yet, instead she waited. She decided to cast a spell of protection on the lady with the horse and lowered her bow to cast it. Micheal and John walked closer together while she did so she was covered. They both yelled "Come out cowards!" .
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