I've been throwing my computer against the wall. Then I got another for christmas so I tried to get on RPG but it wasn't up. It's funny because the reason I found you was because I was being a stalker and I looked through the members list for your name XD
I do know him in real life, but trust knowing him online is better than knowing him in RL =p I'm just kidding Kelvin luvs ya Oniiiii-chan! Imma start calling you that again
Cry in a corner missing all of my friends. Probably RP since you know...this is roleplayer guild. That is actually me but I'm totally embarrassed so I claim its my alter ego named Yukio Hikasawa whos tumblr url is ATHANkawaii so its derp. Wait I had a picture of Yukio on my profile? Was it my profile or avatar?