Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by evershadow
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The Hallows Inn

Note: Here we can post our character sheets so that we have a collective list of easy to access character sheets. ONLY post your CS here after it's been approved.


This list will be added to when the role-play starts, it will include NPCs that are around the inn and that are either essential to the role-play OR references to the previous version of this role-play.


Name: Barden

Age: 31

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Class: Ranger


[*] A simple, yet well crafted Elvish short bow. The bow itself is made of Blackwood, a rare, durable wood from the Blackwood trees, a known Elvish territory in the lands Barden resides. The bow was a gift from a friend and lover upon his leaving. The bow reaches about three feet in length and has a higher tension on the string than usual helping to give a better shot when fired. Barden has to carry the bow unstrung to save it's effectiveness.

[*] A simple straight-blade long-sword. The hilt (hand-grip) of the sword is longer than that of an average sword of it's type with enough space for about three adult-human sized hands. This is probably just a decorative choice, something human blacksmiths have began to imitate from the Elves (although an elvish hand-grip would be much longer). The blade however is nothing special, a moderately sharp blade with a round top leading to a point. The leather wrap on the hilt is a deep brown in color and from a distance could be mistaken for black. The hand guard is also nothing special with no ornate decorations, just for practicality reasons. Barden picked the sword up cheap before he entered the Drakenwald. The blade is narrow and reaches four feet from the steel cross guard to the very tip. Designed to give the wielder a greater combination of strength, reach and quickness, many would say that this is the sword of a warrior, rather than a ranger. However, Barden finds that it suits him.

Clad in a fine linen shirt with delicate embroidery; likely made in Blackwood. He also wears dark woolen hose and tall soft boots that are made of travel-worn leather. Over his shirt Barden wears a sleeveless jerkin, made secure by braided cord ties and over this a coat of thicker and stronger leather, its sleeves are stitched along the underside of their lengths and also at the shoulders. This would have made it possible for the sleeves to be removed if needed. Barden also carries with him a medium-grey cloak and when it is not needed it is rolled up and carried upon his back.

Personal Trinkets:
Barden does not carry any personal trinkets, rather his bow has meaning to him.

Short History:
Barden was born in a land separated by sea from that where the Drakenwald resides. Born in a fishing village, Barden's father was a fisherman and his mother a fishmonger. Shortly after Barden turned sixteen, the village was attacked by a raiding band made up of Greenskin Orc's and Human's from the East with skin as black as night. It was like nothing anyone had ever seen before and without even a militia man to defend the village it was quickly leveled to the ground by the raiders.

Luckily, Barden had not been in the village at the time but when he returned was devastated to see all he knew of the World to be gone and his parents bodies strewn across their house like rag-dolls. Fleeing the ruins of the village, Barden came across a group of Rangers, travelling protectors of these lands. Having heard his story, they took him on and trained him as one of them, making him a brother.

At age twenty-one, Barden laid eyes on his first ever Elvish-maiden and it was love at first sight. However all was not well. When word of this got to the Elvish prince who was a King of sorts in Blackwood, Barden was run out of not only the forests but the lands altogether. This was not before he could receive a final gift from his maiden, a fine linen shirt and an Elvish short-bow, both of which he keeps on his person to this day. Taking to the seas, at the age of twenty-four, the last time Barden saw his homeland was from the stern of a ship, headed for riches. The journey took weeks, in this time Barden had encountered a number of harpies, mermaids and of course, pirates. The ship and its crew had survived almost everything the sea could throw at it. Yet, on one faithful night, the ocean brought up a wave like no one on the ship, even the most veteran sailors had seen before. Cries of harpies could be heard during the storm and the last thing Barden remembers of that night was the wave, inches from devouring the ship, hovering over him like a majestic bird.

Awakening on a beach, on an unknown land, with no food or water, other than that of the sea, Barden rummaged the wreckage of the ship for anything that was his. Departing the dearly departed, he made his way inland, in search of a new life. Years passed and Barden lived off the land, making the odd stop in towns and villages when need be, protecting travelers and caravans from bandits and creatures with sword and bow, appearing from the trees at the most unexpected of times and sometimes not at all. On occasion all that would be seen of the ranger was a flurry of black-shafted arrows, piercing the evil-do'er over and over again, and then silence.

At age thirty, while trying to get away from a particularly unhappy group of raiders whom Barden had foiled their plans, he found himself run into the depths of the Drakenwald. It has been a year since Barden entered the damned forest, but it has been kind to him, in the sense where it has not yet killed him or driven him mad...

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ayesha


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Lia (Formally Princess Arlia)
Race: Human
Sexuality: ? Does not have a fondness for men, so who knows!
Class: ?
Trinkets: A fake marriage license so she won't be punished for having a baby without a husband, her bag of coins and jewels she took with her from the palace.
Armor/Weapons: Nothing, but a heavy bag full of coins and jewels

Bio: Arlia was taken advantage of by one of her male servants. She is now pregnant. She has to switch places with her twin sister so that she can escape the castle walls and avoid punishment for the taboo of being pregnant before being married. The only reason she has a twin to switch with is because of the Breeding Laws in her kingdom. Each family are allowed only one male child and one female child. The king and queen are very strict with upholding laws, or at least pretending to, so when they had twin daughters, one of them was hidden away and given to the kitchen staff to raise. Arlia found out about her sister through the words of her favorite maid when she was on her death bed. The twins quickly became close and each were willing to switch so that Arlia would not be pushed, because even as princess, she could still be punished.

Name: Willow
Age: Unknown
Race: Half-Dryad
Sexuality: Does not have any sexuality taboos that humans have.
Class: Archer, Elemental Mage
Trinkets: No trinkets
Armor/weapons: Elemental magic and can materialize a bow and arrow made from leaves and twigs.

Dryad form

Human form, though they look more like elves, with the pointy ears. She is half dryad half human.

Bio: Willow is a half-dryad. Her father was human and her mother a full blooded tree spirit. She has a love for nature, though is not tied down to any tree, unlike her mother. She longs for the human life her father had, though she does not know who he is. She seems standoffish, even cold at first, because she does not have much experience in socializing with other people. She is still considered a youngling by Dryad standards, though by human standards, she looks and acts like an adult.

Willow's mother's tree was cut down many years ago, her mother dying with the tree. She has no ill will toward humans or other races, but holds hatred for the ones responsible for her mothers death. She knows those responsible are long gone from this world. Since she loves nature and life in general, she found a way to stay by it, yet still get out into the world. This is why she has attached herself to the young mother to be and her child.

Most half-dryads tend to follow the ways of goodness. Their humanoid parentage will often influence how they go about expressing it. Often, those with an elven parent are chaotic, and those with human parents are neutral. On average, half-dryads are neutral and good.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 38 min ago

Name: Tala
Age: 18
Race: Human/Elven halfing, although she looks and thinks she is human, not remembering her elven mom.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: BI, though generally uninterested
Class: Alchemist


Whatever she can craft. Usually primitive bombs, poisoned darts and the sorts, but she has no combat weapons ready on hand. She carries a hunting bow and knife, her arrows made of whatever she can find, usually bamboo. Tala is a master at laying traps though.

None to speak off. Her clothes have a rather hard leather at places to protect her from bruises and cuts she might suffer if she trips or goes through thorny bushes, but nothing that would stop either a raging bear or a raging man.

Personal Trinkets:
- The ring, a sign of a member of the alchemist guild. All of these are hand crafted by their owners to prove their skills. Tala's is a plain ring of silver, marking her as mere apprentice.
- Her sachtel. It is a rugged leather bag that has seen better days, but it contains Tala's most valuable possessions - her tools, some more uncommon materials and an amount of coins.
- A deck of cards. Whether they are marked or the girl is just plain good player is a mystery, but so far no one found any marks on them.

Short History:
A daughter of a poor farmer, Tala spent her childhood working on the field. Her mother died giving her birth, leaving her without a woman figure in her life. Naturally a bit lazy person, instead of slacking off Tala found herself ways to make her work easier, tinkering with the tools. Having no desire to live without his wife, not even for his child, Tala's father withered and his soul soon left as well, leaving the then 14 year old Tala to her own devices. Not wanting to spend the rest of her life on the farm, she sold the aging property to the neighbor, packed up the few possessions she valued and left to make a living for herself somewhere else.

Traveling across a few cities, she eventually ran out of money. Barely having enough to pay the necessary fee, she joined the alchemist guild, which provided her with a semi solid income and allowed her to do the work she liked. After a while, Tala's confidence in her skills grown enough to venture out once again to seek out the precious things she would need to create a member rank ring. Unfortunately for her, she aimed a bit too high, and her treasure hunt led her to the Drakenwald, where she got lost until she stumbled upon the Hallows Inn.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Name: Leopold Thiel
Age: 27
Race: Not even he is sure.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: "Really? It's not bloody dogs if that's what you're asking."
Class: Doctor

Appearance: A human with a dog's head and a thin coating of stiff grey fur over his body. He has a light, sinewy build.

Weapon(s): A quarterstaff, a light crossbow and a quiver of bolts. He is deceptively skilled with these weapons, but prefers to let fights come to him rather than provoking them.

Armour: Leo wears flaxen long sleeved shirt and trousers, a thick leather jerkin inset with metal rings for protection, a leather belt with a knife in a sheath and a pair of leather buckled boots. His clothing has remained simple as he maintains it himself and fashion has never been a priority for him. When it is cold, he wears a green woollen cloak with a cowl. He also carries a knapsack over his shoulders containing various supplies and belongings.

Personal Trinkets: A small surgeon’s kit, with required tools and materials, as well as magical components for other methods of healing. He tends to keep this kit close and in his bag most of the time as they were hard to obtain. Also, a pipe with the relevant accessories.

Short History:
Leopold tends to not elaborate on his past. What people have teased out of him over drinks is that he was the son of a sorceress and a courtier. How such a match was made is anyone's guess, but they were both human. In fact, Leo was born a human child, and changed into something resembling a dog over the space of two painful months. He became what he is by circumstances unexplained, but it occurred early in his life and defined him ever since. No wizards or wisemen could work it out or cure him. It was his very own inexplicable curse. Needless to say he was ostracised by his peers and developed a callous exterior, with layers of black humour and a sad filling. Nevertheless, he was raised with the drive for answers, eventually studying diligently into human anatomy and the techniques of healing wounds and diseases, all in search for a cure to make him normal again. In the process he became a skilled healer in many facets of the discipline, but had yet to find much in the way of clues as to his curse. Where he is not outright rejected in his travels, he has offered his services on many occasions, saving lives for coin.

Unwise leads and goose-chases in his travels had ultimately driven him to the Drakenwald in search for certain fae that might hold knowledge of his curse. It wasn't much, but it was something. It was unfortunate, then, that he had decided to wander into the edge of the wood where a group of bandits had decided to make their encampment. He ran as fast as he could into the trees, but he was noticed. His lapse in stealth resulted in him suffering an arrow through his arm. He could still run though, and run he did. He ran so fast that he thought he had lost the bandits, but too late did he realise that the bandits had intentionally broken off, not wanting to follow him too far into the cursed Drakenwald. He treated his wound as best as he could, but had neither the energy nor the resources to heal it completely. It was days upon days of wandering after that, he lost track of it all by the time he spotted a building through the trees.

Other: Despite being prickly, Leo is uncannily empathetic. He seems to read people like books.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zaga2575


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Caelyn D'antu
Age: 33
Race: Dwarven
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Rogue

Weapon(s): Dual Hatchets
Armor: Chain Shirt

Personal Trinkets: Cloak of Stealth, Once a day becomes invisible for 30 seconds. (stolen from his Pasha at Arvendas)
Short History: Once considered the Pasha Kylar's pet, Caelyn fell from his graces after trying to get his life straight. He was tired of the ruthless killing, and taking everyone's possessions. He didn't mind stealing from people who could afford to do without, but when the Pasha robbed the orphanage from whence Caelyn came, that was the final straw. In a small act of retribution, Caelyn stole the Pasha's favored possession; his cloak. He was pursued ruthlessly, but with the help of the cloak, he has managed to elude the band of rogues/assassins..... so far.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Seda 'Seddy' Anima






* Dual Daggers: Two daggers stolen from a town far away. Both hidden beneath her tunic, attached to her thighs via two different scabbards.
* A Walking Stick: Normally held, it is a tall, knotted staff that is somewhat pointed at the end. Somewhat heavy, but Seda has luckily grown used to the weight.

A loose outfit made of somewhat cheap fabrics. Her head is normally covered by a hooded, black cloak, and she wears a knee-length, dark purple tunic. Her pants are black and tied tightly at her ankles. Easy to move in and quiet.

Personal Trinkets:
A crystal knife which was given to Seda by her mother.

Short History:
Seda was born one winter's night to a guild of thieves who barely made living on the edge of a town. She was blind, weak, and the family knew they would be unable to care for her. Thoughts of putting the child out of her misery were out-spoken, but her mother, Arryn, refused. After a rather heated debate and many threats, Arryn ran out with the child. The women left behind the guild to live, hopelessly, in a forest beside another town.

They managed to live off both the land, eating berries and hunting game, as well as through thieving. Seda learned to live without her eyes, using the feeling, smells, and sounds around her to pinpoint people and places and things. Hearing is her greatest asset; she is able to hear a pin drop from a yard away depending on the other sounds in the area. She was trained to fight blind, to live off the land, to sneak, to act, and to dodge, among other things.

The family of two were very alike in many ways, both haughty, both stubborn, and clever as can be. A no-nonsense type of team. Her mother and she became two of the most notorious thieves in the town, too well known as it seems because they soon had to move again. Their lives continued just like that, moving from town to town, thieving and thriving wherever they could. Until, one day, they were finally cornered. With nothing else to do, her mother quickly chucked her sack of (stolen) coins to her daughter and a crystal necklace she had always held onto and threw herself into the fray. Seda was left with no choice but to escape without her mother, back to their rendezvous spot, where she waited for several days until she realized that her mother was not coming back for her. And she was alone.

She left the town and continued to the next, and the next, and the next. Seda became known across many towns as a thief, known for her 'acting blind and then pick pocketing' routine and many others. There were many bounties on her head, and many people would try to hunt her down. One particular chase gave her no choice but to flee into the Drakenwald, where she (surprisingly) found refuge in a peculiar-felling Inn.

-Blind, but manages well thanks to her other heightened sense.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

NAME : Assa'Alliyeh Kressanthar, called Assallya Kressair by just about everyone
RACE : High Elf
AGE : 87
GENDER : Female
SEXUALITY: Omnisexual:
CLASS: Sorceress

WEAPONS: Jambiya dagger, light crossbow

PERSONAL TRINKETS: Ring of the Unshod: a magical ring that protects one's feet as if they were wearing soft riding boots, Comb of Comeliness: Salon quality hair is only a few strokes of this comb away, a small selection of semi-precious jewelry that will suffice until she can get some real wealth, Vardo wagon: A portable home!

SHORT HISTORY: Assallya Kressair was born in the autumn in a small village on the outskirts of Evereska. At the young age of 26 (aprox. 11 or 12 in human years) Zhentish slavers attacked and killed her entire village except for those taken as slaves. Assallya, her sister Saeliah, and several others were transported far across Faerun in order to avoid the elven wrath sure to follow. In the city of Calimshan Assallya and Saeliah were separated when Assallya was purchased be Pasha Alkiel. Head of a powerful group of rogues, Alkiel purchased her as a dancer and concubine for both personal use and for information gathering and blackmail. She then served in Alkiel's bedchamber for the next eight years while being trained in dance, seduction and other roguish arts in order to perform her duties.

She was treated as an object and was given to allies and employees of the Pasha who performed exceptional services. Soon enough, she learned about the many different types of power and discovered that even as a slave she was far from powerless. Succeeding in seducing one of the Pasha's magicians she bid him teach her magic. At first he balked until Assallya cast for him the only thing her father had taught her at that young age, a cantrip. A small thing, it changed the colour of his fingernails, but it was magic none the less. He agreed then, for he was a lonely uncomely man who rarely received a woman to his bed. However, he placed conditions on his tutorial; refusing to train her in combative magics and warning her that should he ever target him with her spells it would mean her death. She surprised all of them by inventing an inferior version of the invisibility spell which allowed her to sneak away from the Pasha's clutches and return undetected. In this way, by filching jewels and prostituting herself she built up savings with a money lender.

It was with the aide of the Pasha's son that she succeeded in poisoning the Pasha, planning on becoming a partner to the successor instead of a slave. With her manipulative mind behind him to advise his passionate power they were sure to bring their competitors to their knees. What she was not expecting was the Pasha's extended family to hire a necromancer to speak with their departed kinsman. He quickly named his murderer and Assallya regretted bragging as he died.

She ran, the Pasha's son giving her a few moments to escape, fearing that she would claim his involvement which would lead to his family asking him uncomfortable questions. The next few months she moved slowly north, the sands left behind her and the lands becoming more lush and green.

Other: Assallya has recently picked up a new companion, a black scaled kobold by the name of Char
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Llywelyn ('Llyw') of Oaktower

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: Wizard

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Bi-curious?)

Weapons: Dagger, staff

Armor: Robe and cloak

Personal Trinkets: Spellbooks, component pouch, silver bracelet

Short History: Llywelyn was born in the village of Oaktower, to a family of free peasants. He left home from a very young age to apprentice himself to the Elven wizard Auredhel- who was, incidentally, also the local Lord. Showing a great aptitude for magic, he quickly became one of the Elf's favorite pupils. Within the walls of Oaktower Keep, he learned much of Arcana, and was also schooled in such mundane disciplines as mathematics, reading and writing, history, and poetry.

One evening, while wandering the edges of the nearby Drakenwald in search of alchemical ingredients, Llyw found himself rather lost. Exhausting every magical means at his disposal to either orient himself or contact his master, he was forced to wander aimlessly for several days. On the brink of starvation, he finally managed to stumble across the Hallows Inn.

Personality: Llywelyn is polite and courteous, but somewhat secretive about his plans and intentions. His sheltered upbringing has left him a bit naive of the wider World, and as a result he is rather ignorant of many sordid or otherwise non-scholarly persuits.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PrimezTime
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