Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When the Seven return, the Three will rise. From the Shining Walls will come Night, everlasting. Weep and tremble! The Children ride the world again.

Ethnoi - the Continent

In the Old Tongue, ethnoi means the land of the family. Scholars believe that during the time of the Empire of the Sun, all landowners were essentially part of the Emperor's extended family and this could have resulted in them laying claim to all the land as ethnoi. Others believe that the term indicates the family of Man. Whatever be its origins, it has come to mean this continent that we live in.

To the east and south lies the Great Ocean, stretching beyond the Pearl Islands. Much of the land north of the Dagger Range are locked in permafrost and uninhabited. The glacial rivers originating from the Dagger are the lifelines of the Ethnoi. Alacra is the largest river, flowing from north to east. Then there is her sister, Tunga, flowing from north to south, ending in the Great Marsh. These two rivers along with their distributaries water the fertile Northern Plains.

To the south west lies the Gor Desert, the edge of our cartography. We do not know what lies beyond the land of the Gors, and even the Gors rarely venture beyond their tiny oases. The desert itself is vast and one of the most hostile places in the Ethnoi.

The Jerra Forest is the largest forest in the Ethnoi, bordering the Great Marsh in the west and extending all the way to the eastern coast. Considered by many scholars to be the place where we humans originally came from, it is home to fantastic plants and animals.

A Brief History

The Book of Faith tells us that humans were created in Sun's garden when He spread his seed of life out of compassion. The first seven humans - three men and four women - were called the Sendai, the Chosen. The Great Star then commanded the Sendai to spread the seed of life across the Ethnoi. Mithir, the first Sendai called Fire to his aid and spread the seeds with passion. Gaya, his sister, coaxed Earth to open up and receive them. Tumla, the second sister, brought Water to nourish them. Maaru, the Great Star's favourite son, watched over the growing population, protecting them with the powers of the Sun. Tamas, the precocious girl, used mischief and illusions to test the will of the humans. Vyan, the scholar among the siblings, created Wind and gave humans the power of speech. And lastly, Savan the youngest brother destroyed the bodies of humans, destroying to create anew.

Today, there exist among humans those chosen few who are born with the Spark - with the ability to channel the force of the elements around us like the Sendai of myth and lore. They too are called the Sendai. It is largely their presence that has led to so much bloodshed in our history.

It is long and about dead kings, as most histories are. So let me tell you about the most relevant periods. We currently live in the year 690 of the Emperor, though there has been no Emperor for the past three centuries. I am talking about the great Empire of the Sun, when a simple shepherd boy rode out and conquered the Ethnoi. It happened during a time of great famine and drought, when the peasants and labourers were dying everyday of hunger, during a period of great resentment against the rulers of the land, a humble shepherd boy named Altalan revolted. He was the strongest Sendai to have ever lived, and he called the rivers and the hurricanes to fight for him. He forced the tyrannical rulers of the land to bend knee to him and he united much of the Ethnoi, except for the Gors.

For a hundred years, Emperor Altalan ruled like the Great Star himself, passing justice from his Sun Throne. He established White Island - a land that he called forth from the depth of the sea with his power - as a center of learning for the other Sendai. He also realized the perils of the Spark in its ability to wreak havoc, so he placed a binding oath on the blood of the Sendai, forbidding them to use the Spark for violence.

With his death, the Empire of the Sun as it was called fell into a slow period of decadence. Within the Empire, White Island was becoming more powerful and influential than the nobles of the land. This caused a lot of bruised egos and suppressed hatred that boiled to the surface in the Civil War of year 580.

For decades, the War laid waste to the land as nobles sought to reclaim control over the land. White Island broke away from the Empire, declaring themselves to be free of any monarch. Soon, the nobles declared themselves independent, carving their personal kingdoms across the Ethnoi.

In the past century, these nations have been fighting each other over imaginary ancient borders, citing cultural differences and similarities. Today, the strongest nation is Menaria with its beautiful capital Elband located on the banks of the river Alacra. To their west lie their sworn enemies, the soft-spoken Balenians. The Kingdom of Gurg lies further west, bordering the Gor Desert, also eyeing the soft, fertile lands of Balenia. The smaller kingdoms of Hafur, Bagair and Dogor lie to the south and spend their time bickering at each other, each claiming a tiny stretch of no man's land.

On the Sendai and the White Island

"Sendai are born. Not made," the fifth Mahdi famously said and it is true. One out of every hundred humans born on an average has the Spark in them. But if this is not identified and nurtured by the 19th year, it will die out.

Those born with the Spark are called Shuna. The Shuna boys and girls are identified by the Sendai and are taken to the White Island for training. Every fully trained Sendai forges a lifelong bond with the White Island and is always answerable to its summons. The head of the White Island, and all of the Sendai, is called the Mahdi and it is an elected position.

A typical Sendai training takes about five to six years, during which the Shuna is taught to be aware of the forces of life around us. They are trained to touch the essence of the four elements - Earth, Wind, Water and Fire. On an average, the male Sendai are strong in Earth and Fire while the females are strong in Water and Wind. While a Sendai can touch all the elements, they are usually strong in just one. Emperor Altalan is the strongest Sendai known to us and sources hold that he was very weak in Water and Fire.

When a Shuna is fully trained, they undergo a secret testing ritual in the presence of the Mahdi. Should they pass the test, they will be raised to full Sendai and given a staff made of the accra tree - the symbol of life and compassion.

Once raised to full Sendai level, they are free to choose their path. Since the White Island had representatives in almost every ruler's court and constantly involve themselves in their politics, many of the Sendai choose the route of diplomacy - coaxing and forcing monarchs to quit their warring ways. The monarchs don't always see it as a peace keeping endeavour of course. But grumble as they might, no ruler will openly antagonize a Sendai.

On the whole, the common people respect and fear the Sendai, going to them only in dire emergencies - for curing dire illnesses or to solve their life's many problems. Sendai are looked upon as people with wisdom, as people who can guide them in troubled times. But there are those who would rather dice with Savan than shake the hand of a Sendai.

Due to Emperor Altalan's blood oath, the Sendai are unable to use their powers to harm unless personally threatened. Over and above this oath, the White Island has recently placed another binding oath - to speak no word that is a lie. Evidently, this move has been effected to make the rulers of the land trust them better in their dealings.

Within the White Island, the Sendai are split into four houses or Andirs. The Mithir Andir, the House of Fire; the Gaya Andir, House of Earth; Tumla Andir, House of Water and Vyan Andir, the House of Wind. Each Andir guards their secrets of working the elements and teaches only to the Shuna who have been admitted into their House, somewhere halfway during their training. Each Andir has a Head and the Four heads along with the senior most Sendai vote to decide who gets to be the Mahdi. Only the four Heads have the authority to question the Mahdi's actions.

The peoples of the Ethnoi

Menarians - The Menarians have their kingdom in the lush plains surrounding the river Alacra. Menaria is the largest producer of fish and iron. The Menarians are an uppity lot, assured of their supremacy in the world. The Queen of Menaria is very sympathetic towards White Island and has a Sendai advisor in her court. The Menarian capital, Elband, is the most beautiful city in the Ethnoi, designed by Altalan himself.
Ruler: Queen Alisande Tarmalene
Capital: Elband
Climate in Menaria - Severe cold in the winters. Pleasant weather during the summers. Menaria has short summers. The first day of Summer is celebrated as New Year.
Architecture: Think Arthurian England, with lots of stone castles and stone houses and clay brick huts in the countryside. Stone is abundant in Mineria. Elband is an exception. It has sandstone from the Gor desert, hand crafted with the power by Altalan the Great. The buildings are taller than anywhere. And sweeping canals across the river Alacra. It is planned city, with plenty of boulevards and courtyards.

Balenians - The Balenians are a lot similar to the Manerians but neither will ever admit it. A strong aristocratic lot, the Balenians are firm believers in hierarchy and authority. The Balenian nobility lives a rarified, rich existence while the Balenian peasants eke out a living. Taxes are very high in Balenia and only the richest of the rich can even think of staying in the capital, Parna.
Ruler: King Jerun al Marne
Capital: Parna
Climate in Balenia - Very similar to Menaria as they occupy the same latitude.
Architecture: Pretty much the same as Mineria, as in most cases, but in order to emphasize their differences, they have the habit of using a lot of red bricks. Pretty dreary, I might add.

Gurgs - The Gurgs are a tough people living near the western edge. The land of the Gurgs is rich in mineral deposits and pasture lands for sheep. Throughout the Ethnoi, Gurg wool is priced very high. Owing to their rather dangerous border with the Gor tribes, the Gurgs have a history of warfare and heroism, making for a rich tradition of war and honour. Even a Gurg shepherd can face a Balenian knight in the battlefield and stand his ground, it is said. The Gurgs are also known for their superior horsemanship. On the flip side, they are fiercely patriarchal and consider women clearly as subordinate to men. They also consider it a sin to channel the elements and never allow the White Island to look for potential Shuna in Gurgan.
Ruler: High King Barlo Dios
Capital: Madero
Climate in Gurgan - Warm and dry climate though they receive snow fall in the winters.
Architecture: Since the terrain is fairly hilly to mountainous, there is classic step architecture. Mostly stone buildings. Nestled amidst olive groves.

Turmens - The Turmen people are the bronze-skinned, tall ones from the South. Nearly fifty years ago, Turma was a large nation in the south, with a military might to challenge even the Menarians. However, internecine rivalry among the Turmen nobility resulted in a devastating breakup of the nation into three smaller kingdoms: Hafur, Bagair and Dogor. To this day, there is no love lost among them and not a decade passes by without bloodshed. The land of the Three Kingdoms is fertile and suited for grain and spices. The Turmens are known to be a passionate lot, and it is said that a Turmen girl learns the art of seduction in her cradle.
Ruler: King Shubran min Sidik (Hafur), Queen Sana rin Alaf (Bagair), King Kazir min Sala (Dogor)
Capital: Abra (Hafur), Bagair (Bagair), Anath (Dogor) (Bagair was the capital of the fallen Kingdom of Turma)
Climate in the Three Kingdoms - Warm and humid throughout the year, with torrential rains during the winter. Many local Turmen peasants still believe that 'snow' is a myth.
Architecture: A heavily populated region. With lots of big cities full of tight narrow streets and bustling market places. The houses are mostly made of clay and straw. The Three Kingdoms, owing to the constant wars, have the largest urban poor population and a thriving Thieves Guild.

Missenes - The Missenes live in the Pearl Islands, a chain of islands located off the eastern coast. The Missenes are relatively short people and are either traders or fishermen. The Missenes live in a republic set up, with a Council ruling at the top. Their watercraft is unmatched in all the Ethnoi and is only comparable to their shrewd business practices. To a Missene, everything is a deal and every person a customer waiting to be fleeced. They also conduct river trades in Alacra.
Ruler: The Council of Five is the highest authority
Capital: Shemma
Climate in the Pearl Islands - Warm and temperate. During the winter, they experience fierce storms.
Architecture: They have harbour based cities, with mostly wood or brick houses and concentrated along the coast. Beyond their cities, they have left the forests of the islands largely untouched.

The Gors - The Gors are a secretive people living in the western desert. Black haired and black eyed, the Gors are often used to scare little children into eating their food. So many misconceptions exist about the Gors, that they eat human babies and go to war covered in ritualistic blood. Of course, none of this is true. The Gors live as a number of tribes in the desert, going from one oasis to another with the changing seasons. They fight furiously with their spears and daggers and have very rigid notions of duty. Every member of the Gor tribe is a warrior immaterial of their profession and is expected to fight for the tribe. The Gors are also unique in that the women fight alongside the men. The Gors frequently raid the border villages of Gurgan for livestock and food. Despite their violent lifestyle, they have very strict rules about killing the Outsiders as they call anyone who is not a Gor.
Ruler: Chief Vyooma of the San tribe
Capital: No known capital
Climate in the Gor Desert - Extremely hot and dry, with absolutely no rainfall at any time. The nights are severely cold.

Character application rules

I am currently looking for players who can take on one of these available characters. Once these positions are filled, I will accept new character applications. To apply, pick an open character that appeals to you, understand the character's culture and beliefs and motivations, and write a post as that character. Treat the description as the guidelines and make the character seem believable. Don't stray too far from the essence of the character. And please, no pictures.

  • The Miner's Apprentice (played by CraftWork) - A Gurg youth of 17. Well built, wide shoulders. Helps his father mining for copper and iron. Stubborn as a rock. Born with the Spark but doesn't know it yet. He and his father live pretty much in seclusion in the mountains, coming down only to sell the metals. His father is a widower who still mourns his dead wife. She was killed during one of the Gor raids when she was caught in a burning barn. The boy has inherited his father's hatred for the Gors though it is not difficult to hate the Gors as a Gurg. He yearns for revenge against the Gors for the killing of his mother though it was accidental.

  • The Thief - A Turmen youth of 21. Thin and lanky. Sly and mischievous. Quick fingered. Very dexterous. Earns his living picking pockets and forging coins but dreams of joining the Theives Guild in Bagair. He is a nimble climber and loves scaling the walls of noble houses. He is already too notorious for his age. He is carefree and never thinks about the next day. An incorrigible womanizer who flirts at the drop of a hat. The serving girls in taverns enjoy a cuddle or two with him, but always wag their finger in a motherly fashion and shoo him away later. Women either want to kiss him, kill him or clean him up.

  • The Princess (played by AmazinglyVivid) - She is the only daughter of her Royal Highness Queen Alisande of Menaria and the heir to the throne. She is just 16, but already the weight of her station is bearing down on her. She does not yet understand her duty, her destiny to rule. And it worries her endlessly that she will have to step in her great mother's shoes, as fancy as they may be. But the good news is she is born with the Spark and the Queen is delighted that the next ruler will have closer ties with White Island. The Mahdi is also overjoyed at the prospect of training the future queen of Menaria, not to mention a potentially powerful Sendai. While she is not vain, she does enjoy fine silk and good shoes. She believes good shoes make for a clear mind.

  • The Soldier (played by SonofJET) - He is the most promising recruit in the fancily titled Imperial Army of Balenia. Orphaned at a very young age, he was raised by his dead father's regiment. He has been serving as a page boy for a wealthy noble knight and has just entered sword training at the age of 18. His natural fluidity with movement has earned him quite a reputation and everyone agrees that he will make Captain at a very young age. He is born with with the Spark and he doesn't know it yet. Accepting to train in White Island would mean an end to his ambitions of making his father proud by rising up the ranks of the army. He is fiercely patriotic.

  • The Outcast (played by Halvtand) - She is a Gor woman, and like most Gor women, a warrior before anything else. She is 28 and considered by many in her tribe as one of the finest spears. She is fiercely loyal to her tribe and the simple way of life that the Gors stand for. She despises the Outsiders, the people outside the desert, as being too soft. She prides in being hard and cold. But she has been cast out of her tribe and is now tribeless. Because she did what every Gor is forbidden to do. She killed one without a weapon. And an Outsider to boot. A fatal mistake that has cost her everything. She is now roaming somewhere in the hills of Gurgan - a bad nation to be in for a Gor.

  • The Rebel (played by Catharyn)- A peasant girl of just 17 and she is already making a few people in the Court of Balenia uneasy. After endless droughts and hefty taxes, she's had enough. She has started to speak out in her village and people are coming in droves to listen. She has a flair and a charisma that is magnetic. She is calling on the peasants to take up arms against the nobles. She is born with the Spark and knows about it, having been told by a visiting Sendai. People in her village are already claiming her to be some sort of Holy Spirit. She is a tomboy and dresses in breeches more than in skirts.

A note on character naming conventions

  • The Balenian names are usually made of soft sounds. The nobles of Balenia have an 'al' prefix to their family name.

  • The Menarian names sound very much like regular Christian names, with a first name and a second name.

  • The Gurgs have a lot of rounded sounds like o and u in their names

  • The Gors only have single-word names. When saying their names, they always follow it with the name of their tribe

  • The Turmen names have a lot of z's and r's. The males have a 'min' prefix in front of their father's name, while the women have a 'rin' prefix.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cath
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Cath Holographic

Member Seen 1 day ago

You have my bow. Though i'm not sure why but the word 'Sendai' makes me grind my teeth. Doesn't fit in!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thank you! I am heavily influenced by the works of JRR and Robert Jordan, hence the choice of the name. I am, of course, open to suggestions on names.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cath
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Cath Holographic

Member Seen 1 day ago

My only objection with the name 'Sendai' is that it is in fact already a name. It's a place in Japan, and it confuses me so much that an organization and a prefecture have the same name It's an important aspect of the roleplay and it's going to be said a lot; i just think it should be original.

What is the tech level as well as architecture, fashions etc?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A lot of the words used here are borrowed. For instance 'ethnoi' is what the pre Abrahmic people of the Fertile Crescent called their nation. But I see your point. You should also concede that it actually makes sense for a prefecture to be named after the people or vice versa. RP-wise, sendai in the Old Tongue means Children. Another interpretation, the more modern one, is that it means the Chosen.

About the tech level: I would say pre-medieval. Since the...ahem...Sendai are forbidden to use their powers to reshape nature, people use conventional methods to force the elements to do their job. Water wheels, wind mills, ox carts, horses, bullock-driven iron or wooden ploughs, extension of the pulley system, decent metallurgy (which is a thriving industry I might add), steel swords, chain mail, no cross bows though. The chain mail was mainly a reaction to the famed longbows of Mineria. And no gunpowder. I am open to both these things appearing in the course of the RP but that's where it will stop. No hand held fire arms certainly.

Architecture. Well, let's see

Mineria - Think Arthurian England, with lots of stone castles and stone houses and clay brick huts in the countryside. Stone is abundant in Mineria. Elband is an exception. It has sandstone from the Gor desert, hand crafted with the power by Altalan the Great. The buildings are taller than anywhere. And sweeping canals across the river Alacra. It is planned city, with plenty of boulevards and courtyards.

Balenia - Pretty much the same as Mineria, as in most cases, but in order to emphasize their differences, they have the habit of using a lot of red bricks. Pretty dreary, I might add.

Gurgan - Since the terrain is fairly hilly to mountainous, there is classic step architecture. Think pastoral Spain. Mostly stone buildings. Nestled amidst olive groves.

Three Kingdoms - A heavily populated region. With lots of big cities full of tight narrow streets and bustling market places. The houses are mostly made of clay and straw. The Three Kingdoms, owing to the constant wars, have the largest urban poor population and a thriving Thieves Guild. Think Crusades Era Palestine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 12 mos ago

I am here too.

Love all the background, would be nice if we could get some form of map or other visual aid with the countries and stuff, but other than that I like how its set up.

The only thing I would like to complain about is the fact of chainmail being a reaction to longbows. I'm a history-nerd and this sort of thing is right up my alley, chainmail is actually worse than nothing against arrows. As the arrow penetrates the mail the links close in on the shaft which makes it virtually impossible and extremely painful/dangerous to pull it out. With no protection you don't have that problem.
Link to proof: (3 min video) http://youtu.be/-4gPgHyaG1Q
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I stand corrected, Halvtand. And that's an interesting fact about chainmail. So where do you think the armour technology would have reached in this world? Plate armour padded with leather?

And I have been meaning to create a map. I will put it up soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Also, please tell me if I go overboard with these things. Once I get going it's hard to stop. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

No, that's not overboard at all. Just the right amount :)

I think I will go with lamellar. And yes, you read me correctly. I wanted a bit more flexibility. But you know what? I want to make the Balenian wear heavy armour. They are known for their heavy cavalry charge.

Thanks, Halvtand! That's good to know!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 12 mos ago

If you want heavy infantry in a medieval setting there is no better way to go than full plate. It also comes in size horse.

It would suit the Balenian culture pretty well since you've described them as strongly aristocratic. Each armor has to be tailored to the individual user, this would mean that every nobleman's armor would be unique and can therefore be "pimped" to suit the wearers house or style.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

That is exactly what I had in mind for the Balenians. Well done! And I like size horse. Complete with sigils of royal houses.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cath
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Cath Holographic

Member Seen 1 day ago

Thank you for clearing that up. Do you have a CS for me to fill in? Also, apart from the White Island, are there no outlying regions? In the Great Ocean for instance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cath
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Cath Holographic

Member Seen 1 day ago

Double post, sorry. I'll just leave this here instead.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The character guidelines are up, so you can start creating.

The Pearl Islands are further east than the White Island but there is nothing beyond that. Some scholars believe that there are lands beyond the ocean and many hold that the everlasting Night mentioned in the prophecies will come from this land. But there is no proof yet of anything there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cath
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Cath Holographic

Member Seen 1 day ago

Oh sorry, i overlooked the Pearl Islands.
Must we pick from those roles? If that's the case i'm caught between reserving the Princess or the Rebel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I would prefer it if these roles are filled first. You can audition for more than one role in case you are confused and let me decide :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cath
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Cath Holographic

Member Seen 1 day ago

I prefer the Rebel but i'm not sure if i can pull off Tomboy. And the princess is younger, so i'ma need to find a different character picture.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Did I forget to mention? No pictures, please. I want to see the character in your words, not with a picture.

Also, the ages are flexible within a few years. But remember that if the Spark isn't nurtured before the 19th year, it will die out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cath
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Cath Holographic

Member Seen 1 day ago

Oh wow, what a task. That's a real shame because i've just procured the perfect peasant girl rebel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maybe when the cast is finalized we will have a picture gallery. Not until then. :)
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