Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorinTraven
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Member Seen 10 days ago


Ink bled across the thick, fine paper like water down a stream, following the master strokes of penmanship without fault. For several hours, Alik had been staring down at the slightly crumpled paper, its weight no more significant than any scroll, yet it seemed so hefty to him. Taut fingers shook as he once more read it over, lips pressing into a fine line, and his clear blue eyes shifting nervously to a candlestick that burned no more than three feet in front of his face.

Addressed in a golden leaf, his name and titles were spelled clearly across the top, the font large and bold, seeming to pick up the fire's light, and glow. His eyes shifted across it twice over, ' To their Imperial Majesties, Czar Alik I and Czarina Innya of Anika'

Beneath that, the inky blackness began, and despite this being the dozenth time the King had read it over, his gut did not fail to tighten, and his lips became parched.

" The Empire of Valhall has officially won out against her civil war, reuniting the eastern continent in her fullness. In victory, her eyes now turn out upon her neighbors. And in doing so, she has seen the world to be backwards. All around, barbarism reigns; the beasts rule over man, when it rightfully should be man who rules over the beasts. The uncivilized creatures build up their mongrel armies, plotting against humanity, and planning a Great War to wipe away civilization in a streak of blood. Emperor Caylor Brant I, Protector of Men, denounces all beasts, all creature of pelt and fur, of claw and talon, who think themselves fit of a crown. Their sovereignty is no longer recognized by the Empire of Valhall, as it is a impossibility that an independent nation could be headed without oppression by any creature other than man. For proper civilization is the kin of man, all else is the unbridled barbarism of beast.

In this declaration, all nations of men are extended the Empire of Valhall's grand protection. Her powerful armies will come to the aid of any who swear their fealty to man, and the nations who refuse her hospitality and choose barbarism over civility, shall soon find their strongholds under siege, and their people liberated by the Valhallian armies and her righteous allies.

After three full moons passing, the Empire of Valhall will declare war upon all her enemies, and the Great War for Mankind shall begin."

At the bottom, in gold, Emperor Caylor signed, and the seal of Valhall marked it's legitimacy.

He wished Innya was there, to counsel him, but the Czar sat alone, unsure of what these words meant to him. Anika was no country of beast-...nor did she bias against the other races. Yes, in many ways they were primitive, inferior, but they kept from her soil, and thusly, Alik hardly cared how they warred and tore through their own lands. In such a war, neutrality was the best option, and yet Caylor left no room for neutrality. The world was black and white, and Alik had never been one to choose. Pressing his hands together tightly, he thought himself best to sleep on the issue, in the morn he might come to a more definite decision, when his thoughts could digest, and the world might become clear again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The letter addressed to the people of Dracanica was expected. Truly they already knew that a new emperor had risen. One with enough ambition to want to rule the world. Even before the letter the answer must have been clear to the whole world. Dracanica would bow for the might of Valhall. Never the less, the council members felt grim when the reader finished.

Ridrik of House Natulus was the first one who talked after a long and dreadful silence. “The Council of Dracanica accepts the offer of protection. Therefor we are ever in the service of Valhall.” The reader and messenger bowed and left the circular room. It was a formal answer. Prepared long ago. Not council member would object.

The fact that they were now in protection of Valhall didn’t bother them much. What bothered them was the war. They would be called upon to send their soldiers, the noble Templars. Maybe even their dragons! No House liked the prospect of losing their dragons.

“I cannot send more than 500 of my Templars.” Jurich finally spoke with a harsh tone. Despite being 25 he was a harsh man. The small beard he grew made him look older and the armor he wore was large, indicating he was a large man.

“He will demand more.” Natalia of House Muriël said.

“The House of Taos could provide more.” Amelia spoke. But Ridrik glared at her. He would not accept it. Spell casters were good to enchant your sword or armor. But they had no place on a battlefield in his opinion.

“Let us not bicker over these numbers as of now. What is more important is that Valhall is preparing for war. At a fast rate. And wars, as you all know, are expensive.” The face of every council member grimed again. They disliked the notion of going to war themselves.

“But, this means that there will be an increased demand of many goods. I propose that we increase our amount of ore we buy. House Auraxus can then process this extra ore into more weapons and armor. Then we sell this towards Valhall, who will need every forge-made weapon they can lay their hands on.” The older looking man spoke with more wisdom than all the other council members. But his final words struck everyone with disbelief.

“In adition, I propose we also start selling our Dragon Forged weapons. They will be of great value for many of the southern knights and lords of Valhall.” The old man said. But Nemur shot up in anger. “Surely you must be joking!” he shouted. “No, Natalia told me about this ‘demand’. It will bring us much money and good relationship.” The old man explained.

The council continued for more than 7 hours. Until they reached a conclusion. Dragon Forged metal would be sold, in small quantities and to the highest bidder. The metal itself was no longer iron of course. It was stronger, harder. Some claimed it to be magical and indestructible. That, of course, was a lie. But it was many times stronger than normal armor and in addition to that, forged with the help of a dragon. Anita was send at once to announce in Valhall’s southern coast that Dragon Forged metal could be bought.

A messenger was send towards Valhall’s capital. In the letter he carried Dracanica offered 400 Templars and an additional 100 wizards, sorcerers and mages from the House of Taos. This was more of a battle test than an actual offer of troops.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Grand lord Varris leaned deeper into his stone chair, the barely cushioned seat losing any remaining comfort for the ruler as he listened to the letter that had just arrived from the newly formed empire in the east. He kept his face calm and impassive as insult after insult were delivered from this single scrap of paper, and he could see from his seat the voices were trying their best to keep their composure as well, the wolf voice and the human voice were doing a much better job of it than the Ursa voice, who sat with his jaw set and his fists clenched on the arms of his chair. After the message was read to the council the paper worked its way around the voices, who verified it's authenticity. After they were alone once more the Ursa slammed his fists down on the meeting table "I will not accept this, I will not accept some pompous cub from across the sea threatening my people!" He roared as the table shook, hairline fractures splitting out from the impact points.

"Calm yourself Bear." Fenra retorted, her voice calm, yet cold. "No one said anything about submitting. Even if they did shouting would get us nowhere, so clear your head and use you brain." The Ursa voice opened his mouth to make a retort when he was cut short by Jaralis.

"She's right Berrak, shouting and arguing are now luxuries we do not have." He said, his eyes meeting the Ursa's as he spoke. After this Berrak slid his hands back down to the arms of his chair, his jaw still set, but a calmer look creeping into his eyes. "So, now that we are done with this nonsense, may we continue with civil discussion?"

Berrak snorted at this "Civil? There is nothing civil about that, thing, it is a paper of insults and threats!" his voice hovered near a roar.

"Berrak!" Fenra sternly shot back "Control yourself!"

"Control myself! Why don't you care you little pup!" This spawned a shouting match between the two, Jaralis looking on rubbing his temples in exasperation.

Varris gripped his chair's handle, claws slowly extending from his hands, usually he would allow the counsel its sillyness from time to time, but this was not one of those times. What began as a low growl escalated quickly into a deep roar "ENOUGH." At this all the voices stopped their arguing and turned to the Grand Lord, with a slight look of apprehension. "This is not the time to be at each other's throats. But if you insist on such a course, then I will release you from the council so you can fight it out in the woods. I have no intention of letting this upstart take us," He looked at each Voice in the eye as he spoke "Long have we lived here, long have we fought and died for this land, it is ours and shall remain so. So unless you have any objections I believe we have our response." Silence answered the Grand Lord. "Good, bring me a pen and ink." A servant came in carrying an inkwell, writing pen and a sheet of stiff scroll paper. As he wrote Varris addressed the three "With this we enter our stake. Fenra, Berrak, Jaralis." He looked up meeting their gaze "Marshal the armies."

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dawnon Aeris

Dawnon Aeris

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Adan sighed deeply reading the letter delivered to them by a foreigner on a war ship of terrifying size, dwarfing even the largest ones of his people. He made the effort to learn several of the foreign languages in his years and could read fairly well enough. The news that reached him had a sour taste to it, would they submit to foreign rule once more after generations of freedom or risk open war with the empire so close by, it was the hardest most decision he had yet faced, so the Summoning was announced to happen at Lightthrone peak in three days time to discuss the matter.

Three days have passed and the village elders have gathered as summoned around a stone obelisk carved by their forefathers as a standing monument to their won freedom. Each of the elders came accompanied by a retinue of bodyguards merely formally, not really needing them. The most well armed were those from Thunderward village that held the most metals, the poorest were of the village Moonlay who were for the most part pearl divers.

The high elder looked to each of his friends and begun "My friends, my brothers and sisters. We have been given a letter from one of the foreigner kingdoms that demands us to submit to their rule in exchange for "protection" or we will be marked as enemies on their crusade against beastfolk"

As he finished most of the elders were left stunned by the news, new slavery? they could not have that again. However they've come too far to risk their lives.

The elder of Thunderward, Domm spoke up first "This is outrageous!, why would we side with either them or the beastfolk! They have no right to demand this from us!"

The Elder of Sunsparrow hushed the warrior down and spoke "my friends, we must look beyond the immediate. Yes they do demand our servitude, yes they threaten with war but then again so do the beastfolk if they are allowed to grow in strength. I implore you Adan take their offer for the time being, once this war is over we will return to our lives."

For hours there was harsh debating and well made points for and against the offer but in the end Adan demanded silence and said "we will accept the offer, we don't need to make new enemies"

The council was concluded and mixed emotions went home with their elders, Adan had the difficult task of writing the response and sending his eldest son Dorne and a retinue of the best warriors to the mainland to find the king of this hostile kingdom and deliver the message.

So it was that a young man and sixty warriors set off across the sea to foreign lands.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The great circular hall of the Council was filled with yawns and drowsy eyes. The Monthly Tax Report was being read. Even Nemur and Natalia where near asleep when suddenly the doors from the hallway burst open. Jurich, who was nearly fast asleep suddenly shot upright, casting an angry glance at the intruders. But anger quickly flew away as it was seen who entered the circular chambers. Anita, quickly followed by Imast.

“Council! I bring news from Valhall!” she shouted out. The reader surrendered his spot in the middle of the chambers. Anita took that place and rolled open a parchment. “At the far West from here, above, what people call the Uncharted Ocean, is a country by the name of Lacria. This nation has recently declared themselves no allies of the Empire of Valhall.” She spoke out loud. Many members looked around. Advisors began to whisper. Until eventually Natalia, her mother stood up. “How does this concern us, my child?” she asked in a ceremonial way.

“The letter send from Lacria to Valhall bore 3 seals. A Wolf print, a bear print and-“ she tried to continue, but behind the council members the advisors where whispering too much. Nobody would be able to hear what she said. Like a class full of children they noticed the Council Members their silence, and followed their example. “and a human hand…containing a dragon.” An explosion of murmur erupted. Jurich and Amelia shot upright. But Ridrik, wised of them all finally spoke. “Calm my children, calm. This could merely be something ornate. The seal does not tell us anything. Or do you have more information my child?” he spoke like an old grandfather. Anita nodded. “Yes Lord Ridrik. A merchant recently returned from these lands. He told me about the old local legends. Creatures named WereDracs used to live there.” Murmur erupted again. Again it was calmed by the hand of Ridrik. “He said there used to be an ancient bloodline that fused with the WereDracs!” she eventually said.
The Council went on until deep into the night. It was eventually decided that an expedition force would be gathered and sent out. The Empire of Valhall was informed that this force was merely to find a diplomatic solution so no war was needed between Valhall and Lacria.

The boat chosen was the only dragon carrier: Oceanus. In the past it could carry 2 dragons. But they have grown and now only one could fit in the ship. A White Dragon of the Order was chosen to accompany the expedition force. Along with the force went the merchant as a guide towards the lands. Finally, one Water Dragon also came along. It did not require place to rest, eat or sleep like the White Dragon. It could perfectly well survive in the ocean and kept swimming around the ship. Anita and Imast lead the expedition. Together with them where a few sailors, 5 Templars and 5 mages of the House of Taos.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Smiter19
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Smiter19 Eye in the Dark

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Skull watched over his people as they gathered for the sacrifice that would determine the weather and the crop that would come in. Since everyone wasn't able to come, those marked with blood represented villages and or towns spread across the island. The marked ones, kind of like lords that would come from royalty in more advanced social empires. The marked ones weren't only lords, but they were also elite warriors for the Blood God. Warriors found worthy to be granted eternal happiness. Their armor composed of their parents and their sanity of their flesh.

Before the ceremony began, the Skull allowed them all to kiss the tusk of boar, the dagger that would be used to severe the body parts of the young naked female that lay before them. The woman had her legs forced apart as the Skull spoke to her. He whispered only words she could hear, whilst the marked ones and the other Mayoak's remained quiet. He grabbed her hands and tied them together, then raised them above her head and pulled them back far enough for them to dislocate. She wasn't allowed to scream in pain because it was disrespectful to her god.

Her tears spilled from her face as her skin was twisted until her hands were fastened to the device she was spread out upon. The Skull, smiling as he did so, licked the girls face tasting her tears. He turned to the crowd of Mayaok's and stepped behind the girl. He grabbed her hair and forced it forward.

"I am proud to be sacrificed for the BLOOD GOD!" She screamed as in one swift movement, The Skull ripped her head from her shoulders with the help of his blade. Her blood spewed from every artery in her neck in quick bursts. The Skull watched intently as he read the signs that the Blood God gave him. Her heart stopped as she ran out of blood. The Skull pressed his tongue against her chest as he ran over her bloodied breasts and down to her stomach. He raised his head with a smile of pure terror.

"The Blood God is pleased with us! He will supply us with water for our crops! A storm of plenty will become," The Skull announced, "my beloved family... we will feast heavenly in the future to come. Wait..." The Skull turned quickly to the body that was shaking. The skin holding the lifeless body ripped apart as the girl jumped to her feet. Her arms dangling at her side by tendons. It grabbed the Skull and lifted him into the air.

"What! A black cloud! What does this mean?! How will it pass over us... a storm of fire," The Skull cried out as the girl held him up his hands holding hers, "we have been hidden for years! We will be ready for it!" The girl released the Skull as her body fell to the floor. The Skull clutched his throat gently as he felt the girls grasp.

"Marked Ones! Get to your homes! Something vile is coming our way," The Skull choked as he looked at the body laying on the floor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dawnon Aeris

Dawnon Aeris

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The warriors took up arms when the mermen attacked the shore, destroying a few fishing boats and killing the fishermen with their mighty tridents. The warriors of Sharkfin were quick to respond and dived into the water with nets and harpoons and so another skirmish began. The mermen were numbering in several dozen opposed by the Sharkfin near a hundred.

The mermen were more agile in the water than even the more experienced fishermen of the tribe. Still the fishermen outnumbered them and carried nets in pairs to snare the fish-men and then stab them to death. One veteran of the Sharkfin, a grizzled older man, still tough for his age was wielding one of their tridents after he pried it from a merman he had killed alone while on the open sea fishing years ago. He swam swiftly always trying to outflank the fishmen as the others pressed on to swarm them. One stab, two and three, a fishman goes up to the surface with his side full of holes. He dodges a thrust at him and grabs the end of the weapon, when the fishman pulled it back he was impaled by the veteran.

The fight lasted for about twenty minutes before the fishmen retreated having lost three but killed a dozen men whilst fighting and another four in their ambush attack. The mermen were drug onto the shore, their fiery amber scales removed to make decorations and their bodies burned on a pyre so as they could not be resurrected by their god-king.

Athlas returned to his elder triumphantly raising his trident and so a feast was organised, many from the surrounding tribes had seen the fires and came over to celebrate their comrades victory, share some drinks and stories.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Grand Lord Varris was walking with his wife, The Gand Lady Sarah, they were winding their way through the palace gardens. It was a nice enough day, a mask of calm was nestled on the city below the Palace. Down there in the streets many were doing what the grand lord and Lad were doing, enjoying the time and company of each other, before the dark shadow of war robbed them of their chance. Varris was rounding a corner, his arm entwined with Sarah's each smiling at the conversation and stories of old, when he heard the unmistakable sounds of a person rushing through the paths at a break neck pace. Stopping his and his wife's walk he waited as the sounds neared, soon enough a young Wolf hurried up to the pair, almost crashing into them in his haste. The young Wolf kneeled quickly, "I'm sorry My lord and lady I did not see you there"

A slight smile spread across both of the ruler's faces, "BUt you were looking for me correct" Varris asked the kneeling wolf, who shook his head in conformation "Well then, you have found me. So stand up." Reaching out he helped the young wolf to his feet "Now what is so important it would cause you to be heard and distracted?"

"Sir a ship has been spotted near our east coast by one of our patrols." The young wolf stammered out "It bears the markings of Dracanica sir."

"Why would they send only one ship?" The Grand lord wondered out loud

"Perhaps they came for more than the blood of tomorrow, of their own reasons." The Grand Lady shot back

"Hm, possibly. Any other news?"

The young wolf bowed slightly "Yes sir, two creatures have been spotted on and around the Dracanica ship, both appear to be draconic in origin."

Both the Grand Lord and the Grand Lady stopped whatever they were doing, a moment passed before Varris spoke up "So the stories of the Dragons across the sea are correct.. Is This information current?"

The Wolf nodded once more "Yes Sir, we just received the Eagle no more than half and hour ago at the most. It is believed that they are on heading to Karis sir."

"That would make the most sense" Varris pondered, "Alright, go and fetch my son, tell his to gather together a contingent of Warden Gaurds, and Ursa, no more than 12 in strength. He is to take them into Karis to greet our guests, he is only to attack of attack, and bring them here. Understood? Good, now go." The wolf bounded off to find the Prince.

Sarin and his guard made their way down the east road, each man was given a horse and the Ursa's had shifted for speed's sake. Within a reasonable time the reached the outer wall of Karis. Breathing deeply Sarin drew in the smell of the ocean and the city that lied before him. Karis is considered the largest eastern port city, the city is set in the back of a small Bay, a Cliff face creating a half circle completed by the Massive sea wall that would greet visitors as the rounded the point, beneath the sea wall sit the docks, on the wall is carved two ornate dragon statues. The city itself was a trading town, it saw people come and go, but like all Lacrian cities it was surprisingly clean, with access to public baths and aqueducts. This was all observed by Sarin and his guard as they made their way through the streets, most people standing to the side of the armed soldiers. The continued unto the docks where Sarin dismounted, to wait for the Dracanica's arrival.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A few hours ago and the sailors had shouted the blessed words. “Land!” Imast was delighted that their long journey was finally at an end. But still, a grim expression was painted on his face. He was standing on deck, next to the White Dragon, Hurricana. She was the female of the White Dragons. Restless like Imast. The trip must have been gruesome for her, he thought. For weeks she had to remain still on deck. Six days of seven she was fed fish, and only one day meat. She could only stretch her incredibly massive wings when they made port. The last time that happened has been two weeks ago.

Imast himself was being prepared. With him the other five Templars were being helped into their armor. They already wore their leather outfit. First a layer of chainmail was put on. Above that, a heavy plate armor that covered as much as possible. The chest piece was in the form of a dragon spanning open its wings. On the sides of each helmet a dragon wing could be seen. The metal was polished steel and shined in the afternoon light. Squires were helping them. Then a chest appeared from beneath deck, carried by two squires. It was opened by Imast. Inside there were 3 blades, 2 axes and a massive bastard sword. Each were made of pearl white metal. Imast picked up a weapon at the time and gave it to a Templar. Finally he took his own sword and said: “These weapons are Dragon-Forged. They are harder than stone. Sharper than obsidian. Use them wisely.” Each Templar bowed and said. “Wisdom. Power. Justice. Holiness.” The Code of the Templars.

Then Anita come from the quarters at the rear of the deck. She wore a beautiful green silk dress, embroiled with many rubies. A tear was placed on hear head. In her long, golden hair. It was made of silver. On top of it was a dragon, holding a ruby. She looked beautiful in the eyes of all the men. Behind her came her servants. Carrying a little chest in their arms. A gift for the rulers of Lacria. Insade was a little dagger. It was Dragon-Forged but unlike the other Dragon-Forged weapons it was ornate. The cross guard was in the form the wings of a dragon and the pummel was a sapphire. For the wife of the ruler there was a jeweled necklace. A simple golden chain with several pearls on it and in the center a deep green emerald. But on the necklace there was no Dragon-Forged metal.

The sails where pulled up, making way for Hurricana. Imast and one of the Templars, the one with the bastard sword, mounted her. They were a few miles outside of the port but Oceanus already made anchor. “I will watch over you from the sky, my lady.” Imast said. Anita blessed him with a gentle smile. They have grown fond of each other over the years. Hurricana lifted from the ship and started flying high up in the air.

She herself however took place in a little boat that was lowered onto the water. Several thick ropes that were attached to the boat laid in the water. Attached to Aquarius, the blue Water Dragon. With her several servants came and the 4 other Templars. They were roughly the same size and all their armors where the same. It would be difficult to tell them apart from each other.

Eventually the boat was pulled forward by Aquarius. In half an hour they began to enter the port. Hurricana was still high above them. Finally they stopped at a pier. Lady Anita stepped out of the boat and announced herself. “I am Lady Anita of Dracanica. I have come to speak to your leaders.” She said. The Templars were getting on the pier and Aquarius his head was lifted above the water, looking around curiously.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

The honor guard marched down through the streets as the foreign ship pulled into port, as they reached the docks the Wardens marched two either side in a disciplined silence. When they had all reached the docks the Wardens stopped and turned to face the other line, creating a corridor to walk down the pier between them. Sarin and the two Ursas flanking had been walking in front of the Wardens and were already nearing the tie off point. Motioning with his hand Sarin stopped the two large soldiers and continued on alone . As he approached the docking ship he caught a glimpse of a huge white form in the air above the port, he smiled "So they have brought a full dragon, fantastic" He grinned as the image of his fathers stewards scrambling to gather together the food required to feed such a thing, flashed through his mind. He shook off the mirthful grin as the ship approached, replacing it with a stoic look.

As the boat docked Sarin winced slightly, his head had begun to throb as the ship had gotten closer, not painful but almost like faint whispers in the back of his mind. He shook it away, now was not the time for such nonsense. As the occupants of the ships began to exit the ship Sarin watched them, taking note of their armor and style as they made their way onto the docks. As Anita introduced herself Sarin bowed slightly "And speak to them you soon shall, I am crown Prince Sarin at your service, may I be the first bid you and your party welcome to Lacria." As he spoke to Anita he caught a glimpse of the dragon's head as it lifted it above the water line. He turned to the Dragon, the whispers growing in volume as he looked at the dragon and his eyes unconsciously shifting to their dragon state, smiling he bowed slightly to the dragon as well "I bid you welcome as well, may you hunt well in our waters." Turning away the whispers died down again as he focused back on Anita and her soldiers "If you would follow me my lady, it is getting late and Voice Jaralis has given us use of his summer home here in Karis. We will give you a chance to rest yourself and your men, we will move on to Va-serak tomorrow at daybreak. That is if you have no objections."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Anita gave a faint smile to the young man that introduced himself to be Sarin. “My Lady. I advice you to object.” Whispered one of the Templars behind her. She was tense, you could here in her voice. She kept a hand on the hilt of her blade and her shield ready. “And why would that be?” she then asked her. “What if they mean us harm? They already objected to the will of Valhall. This could very well be a trap.” The Templar told Anita. “I shall heed your words, Templar. But you forget. We come in the name of Valhall, as diplomats. If they capture us, Valhalll will no doubt bring down their entire wrath. Beside, should we be captured, I know that Aquarius would rampage inside this harbor.” She said, then turned slightly to look at the animal. There has always been a certain ‘connection’. She and Aquarius had played in the water many times when both were younger.

She turned again to Sarin. His eyes had shifted, something that, for a moment, amazed the Lady. But she was a diplomat. Her mother would not have allowed this kind of behavior. “Your eyes seem rather mystical, Lord Sarin.” She said as neutral as possible.

A servant behind them readied an arrow, lit the tip and shot it up the air. It was aimed in such a way that the arrow would arch down and fall into the water. It was meant as a sign for Hurricana and Imast. “I hope you don’t mind that our other dragon would land on a nearby square?” she said with a little smile. Hurricana, when seeing the smoke trail of the burning arrow, plunged down, folding her wings inwards. At low altitude she spread them again and immediately she flew again. At the nearest square she began decent, creating rather strong winds with his giant wings as she softly landed.

“I assume we can go towards said square and then go to this summer house?” she then said. She was bold and would not take no for an answer as she started walking. Behind her, the 4 Templars began to march. After that several servants followed. The arrow also signaled Oceanus. Soon four other little boats would arrive at the port. One with the possessions of Anita, Imast, the servants and the Templars.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Sarin bowed slightly shifting his eyes as he did, a thought as to why that had happened crossed his mind, but he put it aside and returned to the matter at hand. "As you wish Lady Anita, if you and your soldiers would follow me." He turned and began to lead the way back to the Lacrian soldiers, stopping only to speak with a Warden in a hushed tone "They should have some baggage arriving later, keep yourself and a few of your men here to insure the safety of those things and guide them up to the house." The Warden snapped a quick salute and motioned for three other Wardens to step out of the lines and move further up the docks to wait. The other Wardens would stand firm until the guests were walking between them, at which point they would lift their shields in disciplined harmony and turn to walk along side the Templars, The Ursas flanked Sarin as they walked.

As they neared the square where the Dragon had landed it would become apparent that a large crowd had gathered around the entrances, hushed exited whispers running through it. "Good thing we told the Defensive Ballista and archers to stand down beforehand" The Ursa to Sarin's left grumbled in a joking tone.

Sarin chuckled slightly "A good thing indeed, send a Warden to guide the two to the House." He looked away from the Dragon, which could be seen over the top of the crowd, the shadowy whispers beginning the longer he looked at it. Thankfully the house wasn't that far from the square. It was a single story brick building, longer than it was wide, its two wise front doors sat open, Wardens stationed at the entrance saluted as the party neared. Sarin would enter last, after ordering the Wardens to stand guard outside. Inside would be just him, the Ursas, and their guests.

The interior of the house was more finely decorated, not ostentatiously so however. Each wall was painted, some containing various scenes from the history of the country, the most ornately decorated wall however stood in front of them, in the center of the main hall. Its surface was carved and painted into four figures, the first was a white dragon, its skin pulled taught over the bones beneath, it was intertwined with a emerald green dragon, this one looked much more healthy than the white. Flanking the two were one red dragon, wearing what appeared to be armor, and a sliver dragon, clutching a flowering vine. both Sarin and the Ursas would remove their weapons, placing them at the feet of the Silver Dragon. Before turning back to Anita, the Templars and her servants. "The guest rooms are to your left, the Master bedrooms are to your right, feel free to use whatever room you desire." He said, indicating the rooms with his hand "This is Lara and Seror" Both the Ursas stepped forward "If I am unavailable they are to be your guides, so feel free to call on them for anything. Now I do believe the Hand's servants are preparing dinner as we speak, so feel free to settle in, the bath house is just a few blocks down the street if you wish to use it. So until dinner rest easy, you have my solemn word no harm will come to you here, though if you do go out into the city I recommend you take one of us it is easy for a new person to get lost in the maze of streets." He motioned to himself and the two Ursas.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Templars, including Imast, looked over at Lady Anita as they entered the house. She knew what eyes they had, even though they were barely visible. “Do it.” She said. And so the Templars did. They followed the example of Sarin and the two Ursas. None of the Templars liked leaving their Dragon-Forged weapons behind. But none the less they stood behind her once again, un-armed but still clad in armor. “We thank you for your hospitality.” Lady Anita said as she made small bow. She then ordered where each and every one would sleep. The Templars would sleep in the Guest Chambers closest to the Dining Hall. Lady Anita and her two maiden would sleep in the room next to that one. In the third the necessary servants would sleep. All the others were ordered to return to the Oceanus.

And so it happened. Except for the Templars. They did not like to leave their weapons unguarded so a watch schedule was made. At all-time there were to be 2 Templars in the main hall, guarding the weapons. Imast and Lady Anita soon both started staring at the carving in the middle of the Main Hall. “A white Dragon and a Red one. Those are known. But I haven’t heard about an emerald one. Nor a silver one.” He said, wondering. “We do not know all about Dragons. In fact, I doubt we truly know anything about them. But these people do seem to have a history with them. We should learn from them.” She said. Then she quickly added. “I am going towards the bathhouse.” Imast looked at her with a fierce look. He had removed his helmet to look better at the carving. “I will take one of the Templars. Don’t worry.” She said with an easy smile. But then her face became stern and serious. She inched closer to his ear. “We are here on a diplomatic mission of Valhall. We must keep that appearance. The Emperor will not like it if we act so freely alone with a nation that he sees as hostile. So listen, at the dining room, we shall not mention the dragons. Not a word unless they make a reference to them. If so, keep the talk minimal. Don’t talk about the Dragon-Forge, nor about what they can do or how we found them.” She said. Imast gave a small node but she wasn’t finished. “But now, go to this Sarin. Request a private audience and make sure it is private. Take off your armor. Try to get anything lose about the Dragons. Anything.” She insisted. Then she walked off. Her two maiden followed her. Behind that, one of the Templars. The one who had carried the bastard sword. He had picked it up again.

Anita approached the Ursa introduced as Lara. “Lady Lara. Would it be possible to escort me to the bathhouse.” She said with a gentle tone and a nice smile.

In the mean-time, Imast had rushed towards the room and took of his armor except for the leather. It looked more like a nobleman’s riding gear he was wearing now. Then he quickly searched for Sarin. And found him. “Lord Sarin. I hope I do not interrupt any important business. Could I talk to you for a second? In private?” he asked him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Sairn slightly bowed as he was thanked, after which he retreated into the study with the two Ursas. As he entered he began to remove his armor, placing it on a wooden rack situated in a back corner. As he did the Ursas more or less copied him, finding their own racks to hang their armor from, except they kept their studded leather and padded clothing on. As Sarin undid the knots on his scale armor, he thought back to the dragons and what had happened as he looked at each, "Interesting, that has never happened before. Why now?" He shook the though out of his head as he turned to the two Ursas. Seror was still tugging at the knots in his armors strings, Lara was already done, and was watching the Templars and the two looking at the Shrine wall from the entrance to the study. Walking over he stood beside Lara. "So what do you make of our guests so far?"

She thought for a moment "Im not quite sure, Lady Anita seems quite capable, same as the rider. Their soldiers seem well enough at ease, for being in what would, understandably, be a nerve wracking situation. Though I do confess I am no wolf when it comes to the matter of reading people."

Sarin nodded in agreement "Still, its always good to get a second opinion on such matters."

The two stopped talking as Anita approached. Lara returned the smile, and bowed. "Of course Lady Anita. It would be my pleasure. Right this way." Lara would walk over and retrieve her longsword, opting to leave her large two handed warhammer behind. Tieing the sword to herself she would lead the way out of the house and through the streets. The diminishing light has done little to clear the streets, people still doing business, people shopping for food, children playing, the city was alive. As they walked a few children would stop to look at Anita, one of them a small girl with dark brown hair, and a small design painted on the outside edge of her right eye "Pretty.." was all she said before running off to join back with her friends. Lara smiled as he continued on "Wolf children". The Bathhouse was only a few blocks away, it too appeared as a single story brick building, though its walls were much higher and painted designs wove their way around the building. Two large double doors stood open, each on the far side of the street face wall, crowds coming and going even at the late hour. The symbols that hung above the door quickly indicating that one side was for Women, the other for Men. Lara would guide Anita and her servants through the crowd and into the first room of the Bathouse. This room consisted of recesses set into the various walls, the recesses had cloth covers that could be pulled down to provide some measure of privacy for the objects that rested inside. Beyond a pair of stone doors in the back wall of the changing room sat a large open space, windows set high on the wall allowed light in. A shallow warm pool was set to the left hand side, it mosaic floor glinting up from the water, separate rooms on the right side partitioned off the Steam baths and in the back a single door led to the cold bath. A hidden system fed warm water into the baths and carried out the dirty water, insuring it was always clear, and servants meandered around tables outside of the steam baths, massaging those who wished it. Soap and towels were set on shelves next to the doors leading to from the Changing room.

Sarin walked over to a basin that held cold clear water, grabbing a towel he washed his hands and face. As he was drying them he was approached by Imast. He nodded "Of course." and led him into the study where he closed the partition curtain. Pouring himself a small glass of wine, he would offer one to Imast as well before sitting down on one of the cushioned chairs, motioning Imast to sit down if he wasn't already "So, what is it that you wish to speak of." He asked, as he took a sip.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Imast refused the wine. “No thank you. It dulls the senses.” He said with a soft smile. “I’ll cut straight to the question.” He then said. Imast wasn’t a man of words. He wasn’t trained to use his mouth. But in sword fighting he was one of the very best. He could even defeat his own brother, as was shown in the annual tournaments. But it did not matter. His brother held the Masters’ Seat because he was older. But also because he was more capable in management. “The shrine. What could you tell me about those dragons?” he asked.
Anita followed Lara into the streets. Close behind her trotted her 2 maiden and behind that, the bastard-sword wielding Templar in full armor. Anita noticed the city was still alive. Archus itself was lively enough. But only in the afternoon and near the trade markets. Around Dusk the traders would retreat to their taverns and workers to their pubs. She was also amazed by the children playing on the street. Unheard of in Archus. Children inside the city were mostly members of some lesser, yet still important families. That meant that most of them were supposed to join a house. A house often chosen by their parents. From the age of 7 a boy could join the Templars or one of the 4 other houses. Girls had to wait till they were 8. They could also join all the houses. But not the Templar Order. A point Anita and her mother fiercely fought in the Council. Children growing up outside the city were mostly farmers’ children. They would often share the same fate as their parents. Unless an extraordinary talent was discovered by the right person. She gave a gentle smile towards the child Lara called a ‘wolfchild’.

As soon as they reached the building, Anita entered. The Templar knew his place and waited outside. He planted the bastards-sword’s point into the ground in front of him and held the hilt with both hands. Luckily the blade itself was still in its scabbard. So he stood as a sentinel next to the door that seemed to be for women only.

Anita in the meantime changed. Her maiden also changed and all went towards the baths. Slowly Anita descended into the warm, steaming water. Feeling the warm touch of it. She always loved water. “What do you want us to do, my Lady?” one of her maiden asked. Inia, she was called. A fair girl. Just turned 19. Sadly the birthday was during the trip on the ship so they never got a chance to celebrate. Anita stood close to her maiden. They were like the sisters she never had. “Let’s soak for the time being. I want to get the salt of the sea out of my skin.” She said with a smile. “My Lady. If I may ask a question.” Inia said. “Of course you can.” Anita answered. “My Lady…what is a wolf child?” she asked. A good question, Anita thought. She knew very little this nation. “I do not know. I am sorry.” She replied. Then she added. “But I’ll make sure to ask Lady Lara or Lord Sarin first thing I see them.” She promised.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

((Colab by Legion and I))

Sarin set his cup down on a side table, in thought on where to begin for a moment "The dragons of the shrine are, put simply, representations of our gods. The sickly white dragon represents Death, the healthy green one is Life. the red and silver are representative of War and Peace respectively. They are often depicted as you see them outside, though they do have their human forms. A few have speculated that we picked the practice up from the Weredracs." He shrugged "It would make sense, as the records do indicate that the Weredracs came in various colors." Sarin stood slowly and paced over to the window, the last warm rays of the sun filtering through "Now I do have a question for you, Lord Imast. Do your dragons speak to you?" It was a faint hope, "But perhaps I can learn something about these damned whispers." he thought as he finished his question.

"They do not. Lord Sarin." Imast answered. 'But we have a connection. They are still young. Gods, talking to them? What could the future hold for us?' he thought. "These WereDracs. What could you tell me about them?" Imast asked. His thoughts were split. On one side he was curious after there WereDracs. But his mind was also partly thinking about what Sarin said. 'We have a White and Red Dragon. But no Silver or Green. Could that be a bad omen?' he thought. Imast however, remained seated.

"The Weredracs? Hmm, where to begin." Sarin pondered as he returned to his seat "Well I suppose I must start by saying they were beings with the natural ability to assume a human form or a dragon form. That being said, they did control much of Lacria, and built Va-serak, at a time when we were nothing more than warring tribes, fighting each-other and raiders from across the sea." He paused to collect his thoughts on where to continue for a moment "They were also reported to be creatures of great beauty, intellect, but also power, though we are still not sure the extent of the last one." Sarin took a sip from his cup as he finished "If you dont mind me asking, what are your dragons like? What is their story?"

“Our dragons?” Imast said. “They are creatures far from what you describe as WereDracs. They don’t talk for one. Nor can they change into a humanoid form. I highly doubt they could raise cities.” Imast explained. “But they are powerful. For example, Hurricana, my dragon. She has massive wings. Right now she can knock over men in heavy armor with the winds she can create. But for their story, you must forgive me, Lord Sarin. I fear I cannot share that with you right now.” Imast said. He actually already said too much. But only if Sarin listened well enough. He said that Hurricana was ‘his’ dragon. Something that could point out that they might have a connection.

Sarin nodded "His dragon? Interesting.." he thought to himself as Imast finished "Ah I understand my lord, dont worry I will not press the issue." somewhere in the city a bell tolled, signaling the suns final decent under the horizon, likewise a smaller chime echoed through the house. "Well I do believe dinner is ready for us." Sarin stood and opened the curtain "After you Lord Imast." Four tables were set up along the edges of the garden, food of many different variate sat upon it. Sarin motioned for his guests to sit first, and would wait to take his seat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Anita had just returned from the warm baths. She and Imast took their seats next to eachother. Soon the Templars followed, yet one still remained at the weapons. This was the first time the Templars had removed their helmets and armor. Underneath they were clearly different in face and hair. After that the maiden of Lady Anita. The Templars ate in silence. Only Imast spoke, and it was for Sarin. “Please do apologize the one Templar guarding the Shrine. The weapons there are rather valuable.” He explained. Hoping it would be sufficient. Then he continued eating a giant fish. Then Anita took the word. “I must confess, my Lord. I’m intrigued by your country. What could you tell me about your people?” she asked him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Most of the Wardens had come inside from guard duty and were seated opposite of the Templars. They too had removed their hoods, but unlike the Templars, the quiet buzz of conversations drifted through their tables. Lara and Seror sat with the wardens. their voices the loudest, a sizable amount of food sat in front of each. Sarin waved off Imast's apology "Think nothing of it, I understand your desire to guard your weapons, and as far as I am concerned it is with your right to do so." He took a small drink from the cup in front of him, water having replaced the wine that was inside of it. Setting it down he listened to Anita "Well the simplest answer would be that they are made up of three ditinct groups,the Wolves the Ursas," He motioned to the two large forms of Lara and Seror that were currently eating with a polite abandon with a smile "And the Humans. Three parts that make up the whole. I suppose you want to know why some are called Wolves and Ursas, well to be blunt, they call themselves that, and are called that, because of their ability to shift into the vary creatures they are named after." He took another drink as his finished, and allowed his eyes to wander over the assembled group.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The ability to change himself into a certain creature was unheard of within Dracanica. Sure, legends crossed the sea but nobody at the higher houses truly believed any of it. Until now. For a split second Anita’s face betrayed her amazement. But she quickly hid it by drinking a bit from her glass of wine. Imast in the meantime took the word again. “Wolves and…bears I presume.” He said. He had heard the legends. Men turning in to mauling bears. “Must be very valuable troops when you march for battle. My friends and I once battle a wild bear. He nearly mauled me and a few of my friends.” He said with a smile because of the memory. But Anita shot him slightly angered eyes. But then she turned towards Sarin again. “So…if I may, which one of the two are you? Are you a Wolf or an Ursa?” she asked, remembering the shifting eyes.

In the mean times two Templars brought a plate to the guarding one so he could eat as well. The other two remained at the table, looking around. The few researchers that had come along had barely touched their food as they compared notes, greatly amazed by practically everything of the new culture.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Sarin grinned but grew silent, he took a long drink as he collected his thoughts and watched the groups of soldiers before them. Some of the more outgoing Wardens had wandered over to the Templars and were attempting to engage them in conversation, others were trying to talk to the researchers. Finally after a small bit Sarin begain to respond, his grin slipping from his face "I can safely say that I am no Wolf or Ursa, my family traces their blood back to Daise, a human man who led the war that united our nation, and Anistatia the Silver, the daughter of the Drac lord at the time." He looked back across the tables at the people sitting there before continuing "Which means I am of WereDrac blood." As he finished he refilled his cup and took another long drink. "But there will be explanations abound for that tomorrow. Tell me about your people, what kinds of people are there? What is the empire really like?"
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