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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorinTraven
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Member Seen 10 days ago


Men rise from one ambition to another:
First, they seek to secure themselves against attack, and then they attack others.
-Niccolo Machiavelli

The History of the Empire of Valhall

Year 120 of the Astric Calender:

The War of Princes begins. Prince Adel IV of Valhall accuses Prince Lucries II of Deshven of stealing the lands surrounding Lake Calcot from Valhall, who claims the lands to be under his principality. Lucries' ally, Prince Beloff I of Deshven declares war upon Prince Adel upon his occupation of Calcot. To further escalate matters, Prince Estern and Prince Belsk of Easthrope claim that Calcot is in fact part of Estern's Principality, and soon Easthrope is thrown into the melee. Five major princes from three different Kingdoms squabble over Lake Calcot and its surrounding forests for over forty years, dragging along hundreds of noble houses to fight for their cause.

Year 143 of the Astric Calendar:

No peace is ever met, however a fourth nation, Deiles sees opportunity, and defeats what remains of all three armies, reclaiming all of Easthrope and Deshven, and much of Valhall before Adel V was surrendered at his own gates. Prince Adel V was hung, but Valhall remained, his son inheriting what was left of the country. Afterwards, Valhall separates into thirty different serfdoms and principalities, none much larger than a township. Adel VI dies in childhood without an heir to his name.

The end of the War of Princes not only left those who began the war with their sons in the dust, but in the forty years it spanned marred with pestilence and dread. There were no victors, no heroes, no joyous parades leading back the proud soldiers into their hometowns, banners waving, and trumpets blaring. All that was left were the survivors, the cracks of their hands stained with blood, and glazed over eyes reflecting the memories of the past.

Five princes were in the grave, two fallen in battle, and the last three waging war upon one another until they too joined the first. In their wake, broken countryside ran on for miles, the names of lords, and their dukedoms crumbled off into the sea, their banners and colors disappearing from history, unmentioned from the books, for it was the victor who determined history. And there were no victors in the War of Princes.

Ashes were left upon the unsewn soil, and the famine that followed took the widows and orphans that the war left behind. It was said the smoke from the pyres of the dead spiraled so far into the sky it could be seen from across Culliver's Bay, and that for years after the sun was blackened with death.

From then, the continent lay dormant, undisturbed and nearly forgotten from the rest of the world, it's few surviving ports being morbid reminders of how war was hell.

The Year 152 Astric Calender:

The nobility of Valhall is united under Kaiser Caylor Brant I, with the promise of returning Valhall to it's former glory, and reclaiming every inch of land lost after the War of Princes. An army is culled together, and with an air of confidence and remarkable ease, all of old Valhall is brought back under his reign. From there, the Kaiser marches to the capital of Deiles. At his own gates, King Seiv VIII surrenders, and is hung. Deiles joins into Valhall, to form the Empire of Valhall, Kaiser Caylor Brant naming himself Emperor of Valhall, expanding her borders thrice over in little over two years.

The Year 162 Astric Calender:

Current Year, from the defeat of Deiles, Emperor Caylor has united a majority of the Eastern Continent. Three Kingdoms have been absorbed beneath his influence, and now with his victory in sight, his eyes turn out onto the rest of the world. An Imperial Fleet to rival the greatest in the known world is nearly complete, and with every passing day, the threat of invasion grows. Ambassadors within the capital of Calcot are losing influence, and the Emperor has issued a mandate to every capital city of the world; Give fealty, or be invaded. With this mandate, he brags upon an weapon without equal, unrealized thenceforth upon a battlefield; Magicks.

Any region can be claimed if it is not labelled. I will do my very best to keep the labels up to date, though do forgive me should it be a little behind. I'll try to date when it was last updated, and through the roleplay, I can change borders, add disputed areas, and mark capitols and areas of importance.

Last updated: 4/16/2014

1. This is a role-play for fun, not to spur arguments over land and warfare. I've no problem with friendly debates, but I will not tolerate arguments over in-character interactions. Expect opposition, warfare, failed diplomacy, and other problems to happen; that's what gives the plot depth, and makes these sort of role-plays fun.

2. That being said, if I believe your nation to be unrealistically powerful, I may ask you to cut down. I've no problem with some nations being weak, and some being strong, but we need a sort of balance, harmony, if you will.

3. Stick to the time period, on disputes on technologies, I will be the deciding factor. Now I'm not going to be 100% strict about it, if you want your country to be a little more technologically advanced than most, I'm fine with that, but it is only flexible to a point. I'll not have even simple guns, but cannons, ballistas, trebuchets, other siege machines, and different sorts of warships such as the caravel and carracks are acceptable. Cannons and gunpowder are extremely expensive. Iron is the metal of choice, for purifying steel is more expensive and difficult for most, especially to equip a large army.

4. I expect quality posts, with time and effort put into them. Absolutely no one liners, and I would appreciate if a few hardy paragraphs were created. If you do not consider yourself honestly a mid-to-high casual roleplayer, I would not suggest this roleplay as I plan to advance the plotline intricately, and encourage the rest of you to contribute too. This isn't just my world, wherever you feel necessary add a bit of lore. Feel free to give suggestions, I don't bite and I'm always open to ideas to help make the roleplay and plot fun for everyone.

5. This role-play is for characterization, plot development, and most importantly fun, not competition. I encourage interaction, both with positive and negative effects in the roleplay, if you want a hyper-imperialistic country, go right ahead, if you want diplomacy, be my guest, but please don't come in with the intention of destroying other nations, I mean, you're country can damn well try, but it will be much more enjoyable if there is strife and plot rather than just a country being completely overrun in a few posts.

6. I have the final say in all matters, reserve the right to make decisions as unbiased as I can, but I am human. In all decisions I will hold with plot in mind, and will often pick the in-character result I find most fitting.
Nation Application

Nation Name:

Population: ( Limit of 15,000,000)

Year it was founded: ( 0-162 of the Astric Calender, the newer the nation the more likely it is to be weaker.)


Where is it on the map?:


Capitol location in country: ( Either describe it, or attach a picture giving me the exact placement.)

Society: (Give me a brief description of society in your nation, how it is arranged, social norms, the works)

Military: (Give me numbers, and strength of their army)

Government: (What type?)

- People of Importance:

Economic: (How is their trade and economy?)


Religions: (Describe the major religion of it's people and government)

Technology: ( How advanced are they?)

Domestic Issues:

Issues Abroad:

World Influence: (1-10, 1 being a very weak influence, ten being the strongest influence)

-Relations with Neighbors:

Major Cities:





Race Application



General Description:

Social Norm:

Level of Intelligence:



Accepted Nations

The Empire of Valhall - CorinTraven
Anika - Corin Traven
Lacria - Urukhai
Dracanica - Legion020
Acceptable Races


Feel free to create your own by submitting a race application!
Plot Development

So far, the plot has just begun with Emperor Caylor Brant of Valhall issuing his ultimatum to the leaders of every nation. Send tribute to Valhall, or be their next target of invasion. I will write up the actually letter in my first post, it'll be a lot more subtle, and I'll post it here.
Approved Applications within Heroics

Approved Nations
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Working on a Were/ human nation now
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

In the process of creating a Viking influenced nation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Smiter19
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Smiter19 Eye in the Dark

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nation Name: Mayaok

Population: 5,000,000

Year it was founded: 0

Flag: (I need to make one)

Where is it on the map?: The dark blue island by itself

Capitol: Maya Temple

Capitol location in country: It is located in a labyrinth of cave tunnels that only the Mayaok's know somewhere near the center of the Island.

Society: Their houses are all decorated differently. Bones and Flesh to Wood and Stone. Their clothing is skin or fur from any form of animal, and soldiers wear armor for their formal and informal clothing.

Military: Strength in military ranges from 50,000 to 80,000 approximately.

Government: Theocracy

- People of Importance:
The Skull: A skinny muscular man who performs Torturous Acts in the name of the Blood God. He is also the leader of everyone, the only one who has been touched by the Blood God's Incarnation and lived. The Skull is a very talented acrobat and one of the only marksmen in the nation.

More can be introduced later. I really just based this off of Mayan Society. Just solely around the sacrificer and the sacrificed.

Economic: Blood, Bones, and other fleshy parts. Blood is sacred to the Blood God. To the Mayaoks, if you spill your blood, you are rich. In a later life, if they consume the flesh and use the bones of a family member, they are looked at by the Blood God with eternal happiness.


Religions: The Blood God, is who they worship mercilessly. A deity and unknown god to many. The power of the Blood God is almost limitless, but only the truly insane can speak for him.

Technology: Their weapons are made out of bones of animals and humans or anything else that falls prey to them.

Domestic Issues: None

Issues Abroad: Secrecy. The Blood God demands their civilization to be secret and if anyone finds them, they shall be slain.

World Influence: 1 for they have been hidden for years!

-Relations with Neighbors: None

Major Cities: Mayao

Landscape: Dense Forest and Rocky Mountains

History: The Blood God rose above all and created his own breed of human. Poor souls tortured by internal damnation and desire to feast on human flesh and blood. They were first born out of the flesh of the Great White Stag and from it ten were born. Five men and Five women, ten inherited the land after massacre of local natives. The Blood God took over the form of a boar and gored one of the men. He survived after slaying the boar and placing it's skull over his head. The Blood God now lives inside him, The Skull... The leader of Forever.

Strengths: The Mayaok are very dedicated in their training. It isn't just for fighting but to keep their bodies healthy and acrobatic. They are talented free-runners and ambushers.

Weaknesses: Their weapons are made of bone and stone so they have to rely on blunt force trauma or the fleshy parts of armored opponents.

Summary: I suck at making these kind of sheets, so It's really shitty. Just wanted to claim that blue island. I'll be back in a few hours to fix it though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Dog

Blue Dog

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I think ill do a were cat nation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Smiter19 said
Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!

Kill for Khorne!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorinTraven
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Smiter, overall I think your app has potentials, however there are a few issues.

1. Your military over-populates your population by 3,000,000. I think that is more than likely a typo mistake though. Generally, we're going to want to keep it to less than 1% of the population in the military. I've not a clue what you mean by '75' in melee.

2. I feel like you dwelt on individual people, which is fine, but society as a whole, I've no clue of their norms and what not.

3. Strengths and Weaknesses refers to the country itself, not the people. By that I mean, where it excels, such as 'Powerful army', 'warlike mentality', and weaknesses such as 'backwardness' 'inferior technology' 'isolation'.

Other than that, I think you're going in the right direction, so if we can get in touch and clear some of that up, I'll be happy to accept you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jeray2000


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Can I do a giant, intelligent ant nation?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorinTraven
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Member Seen 10 days ago

....Sounds pretty weird, I'd prefer for most things to be humanoid.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Nation Name: Lacria

Population: 7,000,000
Year it was founded: 10

Where is it on the map?: The Purple Plot

Capitol: Va-serak

Capitol location in country: situated a tiny bit north east of the center of the nation

Government: A Monarchy led by the Daise bloodline, they also have a council set up as the step before the rulers called the 'Voice of the Clans'

People of Importance:
*Daise Bloodline*
- Grand Lord Varris Daise, aged 54
- Grand Lady Sarah Daise, aged 49
- Prince Sarin Daise, aged 21
- Princess Tella Daise, aged 16
*Military Branch*
- General Corria Veralin, aged 53
- Admeral Twirac Fesarii, aged 52
*Voice of the Clans*
-Voice Jaralis, aged 65 (He is the Voice for the Human population)
-Voice Fenra, aged 42(?), (Voice of the Wolves)
-Voice Berrak, aged 59, (Voice of the Ursa)

Economic: Their economy is strong, as Lacria has a stranglehold on ground trade routes between the two halves of the larger landmass and their navy protects most of the southern water routes in the bay as well. Their economy is based off of a gold mark, called a Talon, a silver mark, called a Paw, and finally a copper mark, called a Scratch.


Religions: Polytheistic, they worship the gods of the 'Aspects' of the universe, the four primary being Life, Death, War, and Peace. The gods are often portrayed as dragons or Wyrms, though they do have their human aspects .
Society: The society of Lacria is divided up into two distinct groups, the Morallic (The everyday person) and the much smaller Caln (The noble class. Mainly Pack leaders compose this class). The Morallic class itself is divide up into different groups based on what one dose, both social classes are fluid and one is able to rise or fall based on ones actions. Unlike most others women have a near true equal place in the society, this is due to the fact that one’s ability as an individual is prized higher than most everything else. Slavery is outright banned and is not practiced anywhere within Lacria

Races Within Lacrina:
-Very close Minority(s): The Werewolf and Werebear tribes
-Of myth: WereDracs

*70,000 Infantry troops*
-30,000 Warden troops

-20,000 Lupine troops

-20,000 Ursa troops

*8,000 Naval Units (Personnel, not ships)*
-Combat Galleys, approx. 190-200 personnel on each, armaments are heavy Ballista and a ramming beak
-Assault Galleys, approx. 220-240 personnel on each, armaments include Heavy ballista, ramming beak, and heavy armor along with its larger size.

Technology: High medieval/ Early Renaissance, tempered by Roman-esque public works (Ex. public bath houses, and sewers)

Domestic Issues: General inter Clan bickering, nothing too major

Issues Abroad: Various attempts to break up their stranglehold and growing influence on the sea

World Influence: 7

-Relations with Neighbors:N/A

Major Cities:
- Va-serak: Built into a mountain at the end of the chain that runs from the south east of the nation up to Va-serak, Serak is a sight to behold,its buildings large avenues hewn from the mountain side. It is multitiered for defense, in case the first level falls to the enemy each level after that can be made into a fortress all by itself, and an enemy must take each preceding level to progress. It is said no outside force has ever taken Serak. The most spectacular sight however is the four large spires, almost fang like in shape, that erupt from the top of the once mountain, representing the four main Aspects

- Va-Ursa: A huge stronghold built in the south west, it is the Ursa mythical home

- Va-Lupa: More of a large hunting camp surrounding the entrance to a sizable cave network, Lupa is home to the Wolves. It is situated in a large fores to the north west

Notable Locations:
-Forest of Blades: Hundreds of swords are placed in the ground here, the location of the last battle of unification, it is an important cultural site and every few years a ceremonial "Renewal of the Alliance" is preformed within it.

-Barrows of the Rulers: Each ruler when his time comes is interred in the burial mounds of his ancestors, this site is important to the Rulers especially, though most people recognize its importance.

Landscape: Mostly Highlands and rolling hills. There is a mountian range that starts in the south east and goes most of the way up the east side of the nation, ending a Serak. The nation is also not lacking in trees or forests in any way, for that matter

History: Once Lacria was little more than warring tribes and clans who fought over territory, food, and general bloodlust. This was also the time that the WereDracs lived among the other races. The WereDracs were unlike any Were race before or since, they were wise beyond their years and live incredibly long life spans. It was them who first shaped the mountain, and first began lifting the spires form her peak. But as they built and the others warred a new enemy emerged, they came from across the water, no one was sure from where they hailed from originally, but what they knew was that they were being wiped out and enslaved. It began first with the Ursas, who pushed further into Wolf territory to escape. The wolves in turn moved into the Human territory, and the Humans could only watch as the dark army burned its way across the land, scattering the once proud people.

It was at that point that the first Daise begged the Dracs for help. He first gathered to him the leaders, or sons of, the other two leaders and entered the Drac's mountain stronghold. The Dracs promptly refused to get involved, they had neither the numbers nor the will to fight an entire army. Dismayed he was about to leave when the Ursa leader spoke up, enraged at the inaction, the Wolf leader shouting for action as well. Daise stopped, surprised by this action, and watched the shouting match continue. In this moment he realized that both clans were indeed strong, but lacked direction. Acting on a thought and hope he strode back into the hall and forced the other two into silence. The whole while the Drac leader simply smiled, and when order was brought to the two he agreed to help.

Under the leadership of the humans and with the knowledge of the Dracs, the three were forged into an alliance that would forge a new nation. They pushed back the invaders, crushing them at every turn. When they had forced them back to their boats and away once more, Daise was declared the permanent leader of the alliance by the other leaders. The Drac leader abstained from the vote and instead presented his daughter to Daise, a beautiful creature (in ether form), as the two had secretly caught each other's eye a few years before at the first plea. Thus began the Daise bloodline and the nation of Lacria.

Over time the Dracs faded, it is unclear where they went, if they died, or if the even left at all.

(Note: the Daise bloodline is part WereDrac and Human and as such each child may be born with certain traits, such as the ability to shift wings or claws, but none as of yet have been able to do a full shift to a Drac form)

Strengths: Very strong standing army, the pubilc health buildings have allowed Lacria to remain near pestilence free, trade presence

Weaknesses: Though they may seem progressive the people of Lacria are very traditional, just their traditions. Their navy is also a deceptive size as it is mainly used for coastal defense, and not for offensive tactics. They also value Honor highly, very highly.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nation Name: Dracanica

Population: 25.000

Year it was founded: ( 0-162 of the Astric Calender, the newer the nation the more likely it is to be weaker.) 142

Flag: (working on making one)

Where is it on the map?: The little red island on the right in the Southern Sea. Right under the empire of Valhall.

Capitol: Archus

Capitol location in country: At the highest tip right of the little island. Closest to the coast of the empire of Valhall.

Society: You have the lower and middle class people whom work the fields and keep shops inside the city. The upper-middle class and everyone higher is member of a certain house (or order). It is possible to switch houses through marriage or apprenticeship. This is pretty normal.
Furthermore, there is a council composed of the Patriarch of Matriarch of each house or order. The council’s chairman is of the house of Natulus.
Almost only humans.

Military: The Templar order itself counts a fair 1.200 knights trained for battle. 10 dragons that could be used when the need is at its greatest. The House of Taos also expressed their interest in aiding any military campaign but this is still in discussion.

Government: Form of Democracy
- People of Importance:

Ridrik of House Natulus, Chairman of the council, 48 years old.
Natalia of House Muriël, Head of Trade and taxes, 38.
Nemur of House Auraxus, Head of Craft and farming, 32.
Jurich of the Templar Order, Head of Defense, 25.
Amelia of House Taos, Head Sorceress and researcher, 45.

Anita, daughter of Natalia, leads most trading expeditions, 20 years old.
Imast, brother of Jurich, protector of most trading expeditions, 22.
Food: harvest as almost constantly been high in yield and there has not been any starvation as of yet. This is due to the warm climate and plentiful springs flowing through the island. Fishing also greatly aids the supply of food.
Production of goods: metals are scares, so are jewels. Most of these goods are being imported. Coral, pearls and wood are in fair supply. Stone is sometimes mined from the mountains deeper in the island but this is rarely done. All by all, luxury products are being exported and imported.

Religions: The lower and middle class of the population often believe in traditional gods like the god of rain and fertility. The higher class (members of the houses) believe that their dragons are newborn gods and worship them in that way. Except for the house of Natulus, whom seem to believe that dragons are much like humans. They believe that all the creatures can achieve divinity.

Technology: They have a rather medieval level of technology except for the house of Auraxas whom started use geared machinery and donkeys to power them.

Domestic Issues:
Council has a hard time ever to get a unanimous vote.

Issues Abroad:
Quickly surrendered towards the demands of Valhall. Will probably be commanded to use its full force and maybe even its dragons in battle. Needs to follow every order of Valhall out of fear of being easily invaded by them.

World Influence: 3
-Relations with Neighbors: Swore loyalty to Valhall. Trades with Valhall and several other peaceful nations.

Major Cities: Only Archus.

Landscape: The right tip of the island is mostly plane with several tropical trees and small streams following through it. The coast here is made out of a long coast and a few cliffs here and there along that coast. The more you go the left on the island, the more cliffs and the higher they go. Until you reach all the way to the left (or west part of the island) where there are huge mountains. Between the inland mountains on the west and the planes on the east there is a thick tropical forest.

History: The country was created out of fear of the Valhall war. 5 Noble houses of Valhall’s more northern regions fled in fear of the war towards the south to the island. With a vast armada of quickly build ships they crossed parts of the Southern Sea to reach the island. Upon arriving they quickly started building a small town to live there, breaking down the ships they came on.
A year later, several young people of each house started exploring the warm, tropical island. They returned with something mythical. Dragon eggs. 10 in total. 2 blue, 2 red, 2 white, 2 purple and 2 black.
Each house adopted 2 eggs and when they hatched, they were given to the youngest of their house. The houses started to focus on certain aspects of society.
The House of Muriël started to build a harbor and ships. Their blue dragons, female and male, prove valuable in this as they were very fond of water. Water dragons they were and are currently guarding the harbor. Their house is slowly starting to build up trade with neighboring nations, city states, villages and empires (like Valhall).
The House of Auraxas gained the red dragon eggs. These dragons seemed to be the only one capable of breathing fire. Auraxas became the house of crafters. Large smithies were build. Quickly followed weavers’ shops, pottery factories and jewelers. The smithies sometimes produce weapons and armor with aid of their dragons’ fire. They maintain a strong relation with the house of Muriël and the Templar Order.
The Templar Order. Not so much of a house. They were created from the old house of Archas but changed themselves into an order. They gained the two white dragons, whom seemed to have the largest wings, creating a strong wind if needed. The Templars have a double role. Protecting the city of Archus and its merchants when they go abroad and venturing deeper in the thick tropical forest in the island, slaying the dangerous creatures there. They are the bodyguards of the merchants of the house of Muriël and often go to the House of Auraxas for their equipment.
The House of Taos is a house obsessed with Magicks. In a mystical way, their purple dragons seem to slightly enhance they little ability they have. They often have the double role of archive keepers and researchers. They often go with the house of Muriël when they go trading to harvest the knowledge of foreign countries and places. Never the less, their powers are growing.
The final house is the most shrouded in mystery. It’s the house of Natulus. They gained the black dragon eggs. They made several strange temples outside the city and are often seen meditating or practicing martial arts.

Strengths: Their dragons and the fact that invading the place could prove difficult as they are on an island.

Weaknesses: Isolated and very depending on Valhall.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorinTraven
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Both Urakhai and Legion020 are accepted. When you both get the chance, submit your app to the accepted app dump, please and thank you!

The Map has been updated to incorporate your nations.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

CorinTraven, i just wanted to be sure my future plans would be alright in your mind. I was thinking of making my island sort of a island for dragonknights and riders. I hope this is alright with you. Also, i assume you take control over the Empire of Valhall?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorinTraven
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Member Seen 10 days ago

I sure do, but I will be playing Anika as more of my nation, Valhall's going to be for plot and dickishness.

Alright, Dragonknights and riders, that'll give it reason to not get completely destroyed by Valhall the first chance Brant gets, but he still would be quite interested in Dragons, so I'm alright with it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorinTraven
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Flag of Valhall

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SlowPlow


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Here are both an application for a race and their nation. Will update details in the future.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Smiter19
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Smiter19 Eye in the Dark

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

CorinTraven said
Smiter, overall I think your app has potentials, however there are a few issues.1. Your military over-populates your population by 3,000,000. I think that is more than likely a typo mistake though. Generally, we're going to want to keep it to less than 1% of the population in the military. I've not a clue what you mean by '75' in melee.2. I feel like you dwelt on individual people, which is fine, but society as a whole, I've no clue of their norms and what not.3. Strengths and Weaknesses refers to the country itself, not the people. By that I mean, where it excels, such as 'Powerful army', 'warlike mentality', and weaknesses such as 'backwardness' 'inferior technology' 'isolation'. Other than that, I think you're going in the right direction, so if we can get in touch and clear some of that up, I'll be happy to accept you.

Damn it. I'll need to fix that on Monday. I knew I should have proof read it!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorinTraven
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Love both your nation and your race, accepted, just dump your APP in the App thread whenever you can :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Writing up a sheet
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorinTraven
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Member Seen 10 days ago

I'll wait on a couple more sheets before I'll work on an action, and we'll start some IC.
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