First, they seek to secure themselves against attack, and then they attack others.
-Niccolo Machiavelli
Year 120 of the Astric Calender:
The War of Princes begins. Prince Adel IV of Valhall accuses Prince Lucries II of Deshven of stealing the lands surrounding Lake Calcot from Valhall, who claims the lands to be under his principality. Lucries' ally, Prince Beloff I of Deshven declares war upon Prince Adel upon his occupation of Calcot. To further escalate matters, Prince Estern and Prince Belsk of Easthrope claim that Calcot is in fact part of Estern's Principality, and soon Easthrope is thrown into the melee. Five major princes from three different Kingdoms squabble over Lake Calcot and its surrounding forests for over forty years, dragging along hundreds of noble houses to fight for their cause.
Year 143 of the Astric Calendar:
No peace is ever met, however a fourth nation, Deiles sees opportunity, and defeats what remains of all three armies, reclaiming all of Easthrope and Deshven, and much of Valhall before Adel V was surrendered at his own gates. Prince Adel V was hung, but Valhall remained, his son inheriting what was left of the country. Afterwards, Valhall separates into thirty different serfdoms and principalities, none much larger than a township. Adel VI dies in childhood without an heir to his name.
The end of the War of Princes not only left those who began the war with their sons in the dust, but in the forty years it spanned marred with pestilence and dread. There were no victors, no heroes, no joyous parades leading back the proud soldiers into their hometowns, banners waving, and trumpets blaring. All that was left were the survivors, the cracks of their hands stained with blood, and glazed over eyes reflecting the memories of the past.
Five princes were in the grave, two fallen in battle, and the last three waging war upon one another until they too joined the first. In their wake, broken countryside ran on for miles, the names of lords, and their dukedoms crumbled off into the sea, their banners and colors disappearing from history, unmentioned from the books, for it was the victor who determined history. And there were no victors in the War of Princes.
Ashes were left upon the unsewn soil, and the famine that followed took the widows and orphans that the war left behind. It was said the smoke from the pyres of the dead spiraled so far into the sky it could be seen from across Culliver's Bay, and that for years after the sun was blackened with death.
From then, the continent lay dormant, undisturbed and nearly forgotten from the rest of the world, it's few surviving ports being morbid reminders of how war was hell.
The Year 152 Astric Calender:
The nobility of Valhall is united under Kaiser Caylor Brant I, with the promise of returning Valhall to it's former glory, and reclaiming every inch of land lost after the War of Princes. An army is culled together, and with an air of confidence and remarkable ease, all of old Valhall is brought back under his reign. From there, the Kaiser marches to the capital of Deiles. At his own gates, King Seiv VIII surrenders, and is hung. Deiles joins into Valhall, to form the Empire of Valhall, Kaiser Caylor Brant naming himself Emperor of Valhall, expanding her borders thrice over in little over two years.
The Year 162 Astric Calender:
Current Year, from the defeat of Deiles, Emperor Caylor has united a majority of the Eastern Continent. Three Kingdoms have been absorbed beneath his influence, and now with his victory in sight, his eyes turn out onto the rest of the world. An Imperial Fleet to rival the greatest in the known world is nearly complete, and with every passing day, the threat of invasion grows. Ambassadors within the capital of Calcot are losing influence, and the Emperor has issued a mandate to every capital city of the world; Give fealty, or be invaded. With this mandate, he brags upon an weapon without equal, unrealized thenceforth upon a battlefield; Magicks.

Any region can be claimed if it is not labelled. I will do my very best to keep the labels up to date, though do forgive me should it be a little behind. I'll try to date when it was last updated, and through the roleplay, I can change borders, add disputed areas, and mark capitols and areas of importance.
Last updated: 4/16/2014
1. This is a role-play for fun, not to spur arguments over land and warfare. I've no problem with friendly debates, but I will not tolerate arguments over in-character interactions. Expect opposition, warfare, failed diplomacy, and other problems to happen; that's what gives the plot depth, and makes these sort of role-plays fun.
2. That being said, if I believe your nation to be unrealistically powerful, I may ask you to cut down. I've no problem with some nations being weak, and some being strong, but we need a sort of balance, harmony, if you will.
3. Stick to the time period, on disputes on technologies, I will be the deciding factor. Now I'm not going to be 100% strict about it, if you want your country to be a little more technologically advanced than most, I'm fine with that, but it is only flexible to a point. I'll not have even simple guns, but cannons, ballistas, trebuchets, other siege machines, and different sorts of warships such as the caravel and carracks are acceptable. Cannons and gunpowder are extremely expensive. Iron is the metal of choice, for purifying steel is more expensive and difficult for most, especially to equip a large army.
4. I expect quality posts, with time and effort put into them. Absolutely no one liners, and I would appreciate if a few hardy paragraphs were created. If you do not consider yourself honestly a mid-to-high casual roleplayer, I would not suggest this roleplay as I plan to advance the plotline intricately, and encourage the rest of you to contribute too. This isn't just my world, wherever you feel necessary add a bit of lore. Feel free to give suggestions, I don't bite and I'm always open to ideas to help make the roleplay and plot fun for everyone.
5. This role-play is for characterization, plot development, and most importantly fun, not competition. I encourage interaction, both with positive and negative effects in the roleplay, if you want a hyper-imperialistic country, go right ahead, if you want diplomacy, be my guest, but please don't come in with the intention of destroying other nations, I mean, you're country can damn well try, but it will be much more enjoyable if there is strife and plot rather than just a country being completely overrun in a few posts.
6. I have the final say in all matters, reserve the right to make decisions as unbiased as I can, but I am human. In all decisions I will hold with plot in mind, and will often pick the in-character result I find most fitting.
Nation Name:
Population: ( Limit of 15,000,000)
Year it was founded: ( 0-162 of the Astric Calender, the newer the nation the more likely it is to be weaker.)
Where is it on the map?:
Capitol location in country: ( Either describe it, or attach a picture giving me the exact placement.)
Society: (Give me a brief description of society in your nation, how it is arranged, social norms, the works)
Military: (Give me numbers, and strength of their army)
Government: (What type?)
- People of Importance:
Economic: (How is their trade and economy?)
Religions: (Describe the major religion of it's people and government)
Technology: ( How advanced are they?)
Domestic Issues:
Issues Abroad:
World Influence: (1-10, 1 being a very weak influence, ten being the strongest influence)
-Relations with Neighbors:
Major Cities:
General Description:
Social Norm:
Level of Intelligence:
The Empire of Valhall - CorinTraven
Anika - Corin Traven
Lacria - Urukhai
Dracanica - Legion020
Feel free to create your own by submitting a race application!
So far, the plot has just begun with Emperor Caylor Brant of Valhall issuing his ultimatum to the leaders of every nation. Send tribute to Valhall, or be their next target of invasion. I will write up the actually letter in my first post, it'll be a lot more subtle, and I'll post it here.
Approved Nations