Sherlock Holmes said
Psychology. Not only is it an interesting thing to study, there's also a lot you can do with a degree in that field.
I was strongly considering that. My top three choices right now are Classics, Linguistics, and Psych with Psych being the least likely only because the requirements do somewhat conflict with the major offerings for English. But I'm always interested to hear what Spam has to say about these topics.
Jorick said
African American Studies, if your college offers it. Just for the hell of it
There is indeed both a minor and major offered at my women's liberal arts college. It's a tiny department. It was almost cut, but the Russian department bit the bullet instead this year. Fun fact.
Wayne said
I would have suggested exotic dancing instead but that's sexist. And sexism is for evil homosexual sinners.
As an evil homosexual sinner, I can concur. I would make the worst exotic dancer, though. Trust me. I'm better suited to being an underpaid teacher deep in the heart of the south.