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  • Old Guild Username: mdk
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In 0.0 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
It's funny because it was a really shitty movie. Unfunny and bad for the Korean plight, apart for the possibility of the more mindless of teenagers learning that a place called Korea exists and people apparently don't eat there... And also finding out that Eminem is gay/bi, as he comes out on the movie.

I don't see why they would greenlight the movie for production in the first place. They produce a comedy about killing the living ruler of a country known for silly threats, slate it for a christmas release, and bitch out when the terrorism threats start coming in. How did no one there see the fact that no good PR would come from this movie. If Korea did do the hack job, Sony challenged them to do it and should have been more secure; if it was just random trolls, then the whole situation is fucking hilarious.
In Nosgoth Keys 11 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
So I've got way more nosgoth keys than I'll ever need and remembered being given a few games by members on here. So here's the keys, if you haven't tried it yet and/or want free access to the game after this weekend is up go ahead and use them at nosgoth.com. 10 keys first come first serve.

So I am thinking about running a play-by-post game on here. I'll be wanting a minimum of four players to start up, and will take a max of six; though, if somehow more than six people sign up I'll start a waiting list in case people drop out. I'll be using a homebrew system similar to those I've used in PBP games I've ran in spam; if you haven't played a game I've run before just know that I try to keep things simple and leave as little number-crunching to the players as possible. You won't have to learn some crazy new system to play this and can get by without any real knowledge on playing tabletop games; this game will require about as much RPG-knowledge as it takes to play Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy Tactics.

This'll be a fantasy setting with some steampunk elements; I try to keep things comedic-but-epic in my games and will ultimately run this as a sandbox adventure, meaning that I won't be trying to lead you along some ultimate quest which the entire plot is centered around. Your character's will be able to go anywhere and do anything and split up as you wish without me trying to railroad you into some overarching main quest.

If you want to be a part of this go ahead and create your character (Which will require about as much effort as creating one for your average RP) and I'll add you to the roster, once we get four I'll see about making a OOC/IC thread which will contain more info on the system and start the game.

Had an insomniac friend who went days without sleep as the norm, a lot of the time she would just stay awake until she unconsciously passed out. That plus drugs made her one strange person.

Also not sure if 80 hours would be long enough for hardcore hallucinations, you'd barely be entering deprivation, even if you managed to make yourself go that long without passing out/microsleeping without someone helping you do this craziness.

Drugs or Lucid dreaming are the safer bets for hallucination. With the downside to drugs being that they cost moneyz and the downside to lucid dreaming being that it takes time and effort to pull off. Addiction to either would be very bad for you.
The only shot this E3 had of me giving a fuck was bethesda using it as an excuse to start releasing fallout 4 info, but it is pretty clear that won't be happening by this point.
In clouuuud 11 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
become a square shape clouud
Roll-your-owns with the cheapest, nastiest tobacco you can find.
Vortex said
For Sci Fi I recommend any Robert Heinlein book.Most notable of his books areStranger in a strange landTime enough for love (The first of his I read and it made me fall in love with his work)The moon is a harsh mistress As mentioned by halo, 1984 is a great book

As far as space opera goes: Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons, A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge, The Night's Dawn by Peter F. Hamilton, Gateway by Frederick Pohl, Solaris by Stanislaw Lem.

As for cloak-and-dagger-esc drama, I've got less suggestions: the Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson and The Black Company series by Glen Cook would be what I can think of if you've already read ASOIAF. I'm currently reading the first book in the Kushiel's Legacy series, which is advertised as being somewhat like that though I haven't really encountered such drama yet.
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