Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

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Basically I figured we could use a thread to discuss either live or afterwards the announcement's being made at E3 and our opinions on them.

Xbox's has already passed, and most of it was really just them pushing games I have little interest in.
There's a couple I want to touch on so far though.

1. Assassin's Creed
Never been a big player myself, but it's always been fun from a friends house and the idea of co-op campaign excites me. I think it's something that can be executed very well, they just need to be smart about it.

2. Evolve
Too early to say much, and their low announced limit of 3 monsters worries me greatly. But the gameplay itself seems fun and solid.

3. Project Spark
Looks cool, tried to download it from PC to try it out. But it requires windows 8.1 or later... and I have no intention of updating my OS over a single game where my curiosity is only mildly peaked.

4. Halo
I gave up on the series after Halo 4. All the previous games were amazing, but Halo 4 was just a giant slap in the face that the series fell in the hands of those who clearly don't care much for the series (Even more evident whenever they talk about it at E3, the woman who speaks from them clearly has no emotion or care. It's like she just remembered a script and quotes it for her pay). They spoke way too little on Halo 5 itself to give thoughts on that, but the very fact they tried bragging "This is the first time you can play all halo games on one console" with their all in one package, just showed a total lack of knowledge/awareness in gaming and Halo itself considering that already is possible with the 360. -.-

I'll be sure to post more opinions when either something else dawns on me or the next showing happens.
->I am also interested in the talked about Dragon Age game, but since tha'ts a Bioware title under EA I'm waiting for EA's turn to speak before I give impressions on the game and it's progress.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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What happens at E3

Various devs spend twenty minutes dicking around about how cool they are.

They finally show a 30 second clip about their game, which is usually a cinematic or scripted event that actually has nothing to do with the real product.

Crowd cheers all the time like a group of easily entertained five year olds at a puppet show.

Only maybe a tenth of the products displayed actually turn out the way they are advertised, if any features about them are explicitly listed at all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Meh, The games I checked out via the trailers were exactly what I was hoping to see.

Mortal Kombat X was my favourite.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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I only say E3 this year and last year.

Last year was entertaining enough because of the Xbox One fiasco.
But after having finished seeing all the presentations I admit there's very little to get out of it.

I didn't see any other games to update the list above with even.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ApocalypticaGM


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To start, I consider gaming a guilty pleasure. What I personally enjoy in it all is the potential we as people have for creation. I make images and write stories because I love the idea of building a world that everyone can throw their part into. I would very much like to enter the gaming industry simply to be a part of that process. That definitely affects how I experience E3.

This year I feel this awkward balance. I've only watched the XBox presentation from yesterday morning and an assortment of trailers since. In terms of games, I am very happy to see each company exploring new, large ideas. Some of the developers seem extremely apologetic and careful, I take it due to the controversy with Xbox One, but the artists and creators all seemed sincerely jazzed up. I really prefer that energy over that of the business-minded reps who just introduce a product without love, like peddling some drug to an addict. I will admit I was a bit annoyed by those aforementioned developers, but really, the trailers for Zelda and Assassin's Creed seriously overshadowed whatever annoyance I felt at the time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

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Nobody's talking about Bloodborne. We should all be talking about Bloodborne.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mbl


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The only shot this E3 had of me giving a fuck was bethesda using it as an excuse to start releasing fallout 4 info, but it is pretty clear that won't be happening by this point.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Magic Magnum said
1. Assassin's Creed
Never been a big player myself, but it's always been fun from a friends house and the idea of co-op campaign excites me. I think it's something that can be executed very well, they just need to be smart about it.

Yeah, they dropped the ball with their excuses--literally, just excuses--for not including playable female characters in Unity. I used to love AC, but it's been going down hill since Revelations. And this is just the cherry on top of my bowl of misery.

I am, however, excited for Nintendo's Zelda and SSB games. But that was the case before E3, so it hasn't really changed anything for me, haha.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

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Kidd said
Yeah, they dropped the ball with their excuses--literally, just excuses--for not including playable female characters in Unity. I used to love AC, but it's been going down hill since Revelations. And this is just the cherry on top of my bowl of misery.I am, however, excited for Nintendo's Zelda and SSB games. But that was the case before E3, so it hasn't really changed anything for me, haha.

AC4 was a huge step in the right direction. I had pretty much lost faith in the series after the American Revolution one (which actually managed to be worse than Eziov9 or whatever it was), but I got talked into playing 4 and it was stupidly good. So naturally I'm stoked for the next one now.... I mean we'll see, I guess, but french revolution seems like a promising setting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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mdk said
AC4 was a huge step in the right direction. I had pretty much lost faith in the series after the American Revolution one (which actually managed to be worse than Eziov9 or whatever it was), but I got talked into playing 4 and it was stupidly good. So naturally I'm stoked for the next one now.... I mean we'll see, I guess, but french revolution seems like a promising setting.

I was willing to give Unity a chance until their "no girls allowed" decision. That just kinda solidified my disinterest, especially with their BS excuses that have already been debunked by other game makers. Hell, a major player and literal assassin during the French Revolution was a woman, so they lost a great opportunity. But, yeah, I guess the gaming industry needed more middle aged white men. Awesome.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

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It's almost as though bloodcrazed action series are targeted towards a primally insecure, primarily white, typically ignorant male audience.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

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There are two things with E3 I mainly found to be big annoyances.

1. 343 and their Halo Presentation

-Reasons are all listed in the OP.
TLDROP: 343 cares nothing for Halo, they know nothing about Halo and I really wish Bungie could come back.

2. PS4's new TV Monitor system

Basically the one where you can set up a second TV... And the price was bloody expensive for the feature too.
Now, what bugs me here is that we can do this already. I have it set up on the computer I have now even, Sony basically released an over-priced product that does something we can already do designed for people tech-illiterate enough to not know this can already be done. -.-

Kidd said
Yeah, they dropped the ball with their excuses--literally, just excuses--for not including playable female characters in Unity. I used to love AC, but it's been going down hill since Revelations. And this is just the cherry on top of my bowl of misery.I am, however, excited for Nintendo's Zelda and SSB games. But that was the case before E3, so it hasn't really changed anything for me, haha.

I'm not sure how female playable character's really connected to what I was saying, or them dropping the ball. :/
I was commenting on their co-op campaign feature, that's all. I wasn't even aware of this female character issue until now because like I said, I don't own any of the games.

mdk said
It's almost as though bloodcrazed action series are targeted towards a primally insecure, primarily white, typically ignorant male audience.

Yea... This is true, the market is changing though and video game changes will come with it. As long as developer's recognize the market change taking place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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mdk said
It's almost as though bloodcrazed action series are targeted towards a primally insecure, primarily white, typically ignorant male audience.

I see what you did there.

Magic Magnum said
I'm not sure how female playable character's really connected to what I was saying, or them dropping the ball. :/
I was commenting on their co-op campaign feature, that's all. I wasn't even aware of this female character issue until now because like I said, I don't own any of the games.

Haha, I know, don't worry. The news came up before you made the forum. I was just responding to Assassin's Creed in general.

But yeah, the co-op is a nice touch. Surprised it took them so long. However cutting playable female characters just annoys me. I always enjoyed the games, but I feel like they're getting worse and worse lately.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cpt Toellner
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Magic Magnum said 343 cares nothing for Halo, they know nothing about Halo and I really wish Bungie could come back.

Bungie ended the Chief's story with Halo 3, that is what I consider to be the way Halo was meant to be told. They moved on and I support that 100%, all good stories have an end. Microsoft brings back the chief (despite having a huge universe to pull ideas from) because they know he is an icon and that they can make more money off his appearance then. I wouldn't blame 343 too much, they are really nothing more than pawns, you could see some creativity leaking through in Halo 4, but you could also see the executive oversight.

If we see them try to make a Halo game with an original main character, its a good sign.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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It boggles me as to why so many people have mild dislike for E3. As Shon had also said, gaming is a guilty pleasure of mine and I have a deep love for it. As such, I watch E3 every year and tend to get extremely excited over it, since it's only once a year. As far as press conferences go, I personally enjoyed Ubisoft's presentation the most.

As far as games go, I'm incredibly psyched to see more of Bloodborne, Valiant Hearts and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. True to my franchise of choice, I'm also looking forward to Tales of Xillia 2 (the hype is so real from me).

As far as Unity goes, I'm willing to give it a chance because I think it may open as a great new possibility for cooperative play. I'm with Kidd, disappointed with the lack of female assassins, but it won't become a determining factor for me to not buy it (but please? Give us a badass female assassin!). I'm hoping they don't butcher the history behind it because I'm loving the idea of a setting during The French Revolution, quite personally.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Well, I was happy because I saw Battlefront, Mass Effect, and The Division! Anyways, as for the new games:

Order 1886: They have to add the zombies -.- I mean there is Dying Light, the new Dead Rising DLC, and Dead Island. I was upset because I thought it was just going to be a shooter that set in a Steampunk London.
Unity: I'm also willing to get pass the 'no female assassin' thing, but they just lost a great choice to add them. Women did play a role in the French Revolution and an assassin female might be worth it. But again, they might do a DLC that has a woman assassin or something.
Dead Island 2: Well, the trailer was unexpected and I think they're doing, what Dead Rising and Saint's Row did. They are turning from dark and serious to funny and fun, I think it will be a great move given Dead Island: Riptide. Also, I'm not such if Jack Black is going to be in the game but It'll be cool and would increase sales.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

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Kidd said I see what you did there.Haha, I know, don't worry. The news came up before you made the forum. I was just responding to Assassin's Creed in general.But yeah, the co-op is a nice touch. Surprised it took them so long. However cutting playable female characters just annoys me. I always enjoyed the games, but I feel like they're getting worse and worse lately.

That reminds me how in the most recent Aliens game they allowed half of the playable characters to be female.
But gamer's screamed sexism because it was "unfair to the male dominated audience" -.-

The gaming community is one of the few area's I would agree that women have things worse then men.
The gaming community seriously needs to grow up and not act like the involvement of women is somehow a bad thing. -.-

Cpt Toellner said Bungie ended the Chief's story with Halo 3, that is what I consider to be the way Halo was meant to be told. They moved on and I support that 100%, all good stories have an end. Microsoft brings back the chief (despite having a huge universe to pull ideas from) because they know he is an icon and that they can make more money off his appearance then. I wouldn't blame 343 too much, they are really nothing more than pawns, you could see some creativity leaking through in Halo 4, but you could also see the executive oversight.If we see them try to make a Halo game with an original main character, its a good sign.

I get that. But if the series had to live on I would want it to at the hands of Bungie and not 343.
They at least would of shown some passion and care into the series, and would stayed true to Chiefs character.

And probably make a villian who shows up for more than 20 seconds so I can actually know his name and be somewhat intimidated by...
Or not shove the entire plot in a 2 minute narrated vision... seriously. That entire scene showed nothing but massive lazy story writing at 343's part.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cpt Toellner
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Magic Magnum said
And probably make a villian who shows up for more than 20 seconds so I can actually know his name and be somewhat intimidated by...Or not shove the entire plot in a 2 minute narrated vision... seriously. That entire scene showed nothing but massive lazy story writing at 343's part.

Or maybe make him at least 30% like the character from the novels.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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I would say most of the conferences this year were average across the board, all equal to each other. Best annoucement for me was Bloodborne, I love the Souls games, even Dark Souls 2 (perhaps the weakest in the three games yes but still a great game in my eyes). Now though with Bloodborne Miyazaki is back as the lead creator and can't wait to get an entire new world. Plus the whole Gothic setting is really awesome, I love those type of settings as much as medieval setting games.

Then there was LBP3, another city that I do enjoy I will admit, it's just fun to mess around in it and create stuff even if I'm terrible at making levels.

Far Cry 4 looks pretty great, interested to see how the co-op works since they mentioned that co-op would work even if the person you co-op with doesn't have the game. How that works is a mystery but that's cool.

Scalebound looks cool though I'm not a big fan of the modern aspect of it but we shall see how that ties together when they show more of the game.

Dragon Age: Inquisition keeps looking really promising, seems Bioware has learned from their mistakes with DA2. Though I don't see DA2 as all bad, it definitely was a downgrade when compared to Origins.

Super Smash Bros and a new Zelda game that is open world, hell yeah.

Then there's other games that were shown I would of liked to see more of but unfortunately nothing really was shown: Battlefront, The Crew, whatever Criterion Games is working on, The Order 1886 (I like the setting and all but they really need to get some more gameplay footage out, we barely have seen anything of that), Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, Mirror's Edge 2, and Starfox for Wii U to name a few I would of liked to see more of.

mdk said
Nobody's talking about Bloodborne. We should all be talking about Bloodborne.

Had to quote this because heck why not. We need more Bloodborne. XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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I didn't catch it at E3, but Fantasy Life for the 3DS looks ridiculously cute and fun. Might have to check that out.
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