"All right then lets begin here," Scorn said entering a large area ",This is where all the plans and other things come into play, still needs some organization but for now it works which is nice. Dustman has hacked some of the camera's around town which over there can be watched as survelliance, still some minor glitches but nothing to bad or hard to fix, Dusty just needs to go and tamper with the wires some more at night."
She pointed over on one side of the room where a desk was set up with a few monitors all with different videos playing and watching those who walked under the camera's gaze."For hopefully catching one of those Syndicate scum," Scorn added before moving on ",This is where also the kitchen and dinning area is, whoever had this before us never quite seemed to of finished it but at least the bedrooms were done above which can be found by going up the staircase over there." She once more pointed another area across the room where staircase lead up to the next floor."
"Oh what else? That wall is my planning wall or at least telling the others what needs to be done and then the door over there leads to an interrogation room, whenever we do find one of these Syndicate guys we need answers so that's what that is for," she said ticking off her fingers and pondering what else needed to be shown ",Oh and that entrance way over there leads to another living area, has a TV a few books, and a couch, for those moments when we aren't so busy or bored. Now I guess it is time to head upstairs."
With that she disappeared and then reappeared by the staircase, waiting fo Sam before coming up."So the first six rooms are taken by me and the others but you have free choice of the other four and feel free to do what you want with it. This is my room in case you need anything and I'm not downstairs or out and about, probably find me here organizing thoughts and plans. The next few are the conduit guys. This is white reaper 1's room, then white reaper 2's room, oh and here is the Dustman's room," she said, as they could hear some mindless gibberish of the Dustman talking with metal scraping ",Mostly leave him be at times, he is a bit of a grouch. Then it's the three orange Reapers. So for now that's about everything here, busy expanding and making things better over time of course." She noted in her head she had to give the guys names. For her it was rather easy to tell them a part oddly enough for who they were but she began to realize calling them reaper 1 and reaper 2 wasn't going to cut it with new recruits. She added that to her to do list.
"Oh and don't worry about the other Reapers and the Dustman right now. They don't talk from what I know. No idea what the last Reaper leader did. I think mind control or something but they don't seem to have the ability of speech after it and mostly speak in gibberish. You'll get use to it," Scorn said with a shrug.