Name: Morgan Deeplyg
Age: Ageless (physical age is 21; actual age is estimated at 40)
Gender: Female
Yes, that's her skin color. Combine that with her suit having no mask, and it's all too easy to recognize her as Necrohead.
Hero Name: Necrohead
Power: Undead PhysiologyHaving this power means that Necrohead's body behaves as being dead, although she is (for a generous definition) quite alive. This bears both strengths and weaknesses.
Agelessness: Morgan does not age. May be seen as purely beneficial at first, but living forever will eventually take its toll.
Defunct Physiology: With the body being dead, Morgan requires no sustenance. This includes nutrition, rest, and oxygen. It's still nice to grab a bite to eat or take a nap once in a while just because, though.
Enhanced Endurance: Exactly what it sounds like. Unless you target her weaknesses, Morgan is very, very hard to kill.
Matter Ingestion: Ability to consume matter that would otherwise cause harm to the stomach or mouth, in any amount.
Pain Suppression: Complete abscence of the ability to feel pain. This may not
always be beneficial, though.
Enhanced Bite: Exactly what it sounds like. A nasty bite powered by enhanced jaw muscles. Morgan has tested that she's capable of biting through glass, wood, flesh, arm bones, leg bones, and ribs.
"No Going Back": Morgan has found no way to "resurrect" her body. This means her powers are permanent and always applied.
Zombie Diet: Requires consumption of living flesh to sustain herself. Fortunately, the rules of Hero TV only specified that she can't kill anybody, and never said anything about taking a nice bite out of the legs of crime to prevent escape. It's also good that her bite doesn't cause others to inherit her condition.
Ultimate Weak Spot: Even though she can't age, and even though she can take a serious beating before giving in, Morgan's brain is the ultimate weak spot. Even slight damage to the brain could be serious for her, and a bullet to her brain would probably lead to instant death.
Weakness to Fire: Continuing in the theme of things that can kill her, there's a reason she says "Nobody ever cremates the hatchet, right?" Fire is very dangerous for Morgan's body, and being lit on fire would probably lead to a quick death if the flames weren't extinguished quickly. Serious burns are a given.
Susceptible to Black Magic: Necromancy, voodoo, and other such powers that affect the undead can all be used on Morgan. As such, people who use these powers would have an easy time making Necrohead their puppet.
Hero suit/armor: 
Please note that the above image only denotes the outfit present. Morgan does not reverse-age when in costume.
Sponsor: Burger King
Bio: Born and raised in the upper-class heart of New York, New York, Morgan was treated well and left completely ignorant to the stuff going on in lower stages of society. For a time, at least. Give a 20-year-old girl who showed no prior signs of being a NEXT freedom to wander the Big Apple as she pleases, and stuff's eventually going to happen. On her first day of wandering she wound up right in the middle of a bank robbery and became a hostage, but that was before she became Necrohead, and therefore doesn't even matter to her. It did give her a good impression of heroes, though. No, the awakening of her powers came later on.
Her first day wandering into such places as Harlem was the onset of the awakening of her powers. There was some hunger strike about something she can't quite remember. The point of it is that she joined the hunger strike and a few days in, Morgan blacked out for a few minutes. The next thing she remembers, there was blood dripping down her mouth and the guy next to her was missing an arm. Since things had gone
so splendidly, and since she wound up being arrested for something she didn't even remember, her family freaked out when they received the news of "Hey, you guys know your only child? She ate a guy's arm." A quick trip to the doctor later, and it was discovered Morgan Deeplyg was a late-blooming NEXT with undead physiology.
A prim-and-proper family like the Deeplygs didn't really want a zombie-like person living in their home. They gave her some money, said "Now get the hell out," and sent her on her way. Not needing food or rest came in handy for a time, but nobody really wanted to hire her, especially since the arm-eating scandal was in the news archives. But, she did get lucky enough to be recognized by Hero TV when she survived getting hit by an armored truck during a chase. She's since become Necrohead, fighting for justice, but keeping in mind that points are still important in this business.