Any recommendations?
mbl said
ur mom
mbl said
I play her all the time
natsumehack said
Yes yes we know, now can we skip this topic.
Halo said
I think that's a pretty cool idea... I don't know many horror flash games off of the top of my head, though. "The Carveola Incident" (not sure if that's spelt right) is a wee bit creepy when thread music is on, but is really just a wave shooter. is an excellent site for searching.
natsumehack said
The hardest part is, a lot of the old games, has fallen threw the cracks of time, making them hard to find, given how horror is not the biggest topic in a long shot.
ActRaiserTheReturned said
Mad Father.
natsumehack said
The hardest part is, a lot of the old games, has fallen threw the cracks of time, making them hard to find, given how horror is not the biggest topic in a long shot.
mbl said
Do you play games? Flash games? Horror is one of the biggest topics.
CidTheKid said
The Ambition series? It's not horror as much as it is horrifying.