But in all seriousness, was I the one being talked about in terms of mood killing?
But in all seriousness, was I the one being talked about in terms of mood killing?
Slypheed said
:lBut in all seriousness, was I the one being talked about in terms of mood killing?
Slypheed said
:lBut in all seriousness, was I the one being talked about in terms of mood killing?
deadpixel101 said
I wasn't meaning it in a bad way, I just like it how a demon chick just drops out of the sky all cutesy on Jason while he is trying to be all serious and make amends with people.It seems like the kinda thing that should happen to him more often.
Slypheed said
Wouldn't that be more like mood switching? o 3o
deadpixel101 said
So now it's established, Sly has cannons, I have a pointy stick, Jason has an army of undead, and Cart has prods...Neat.
Cartwright said
Right then.. So it's Lyra and Nyte we waiting for?
Slypheed said
Slypheed said
Takes out whole platoons of T-80 Main Battle Tanks
deadpixel101 said
Now does this mean, you didn't understand the reference, or you chose to ignore it?
Slypheed said
Chose to ignore it :3
Cartwright said
Such a rebel