Dragons of Voren
"Our peace isn't free, we paid with our children, its better than paying with all of our existances."

The people have never been free and never will be free. Our history, our present and our futures will always be this way. The realm of Voren has lived this life since the beginning of their time. A few years of peace lived with the people in the beginning, according to the history books, but it didn't last. The people lived in terrior of the dragons that had risen in the north. Villages were burned down and the people were killed without mercy. The dragon raids put a tormenting fear into the people and caused frensies among their kind. People were thrown into madness and rage as selfish desires caused further choas amongest the frightful souls in the villages that hadn't been incountered yet.

A leader amongest us, King Farren the third, went to seek out a meeting with the dragons in hope to make some kind of peace with them. The arranged meeting between the two leaders made both sides uneasy and distrustful of the other, but the meeting still went on. A deal was put in place, they desided that for the price of fourty childrens lives each year from different villages they would leave the rest of the people alone. The king agreed, with a heavy heart, to pay thier price and allowed for the threaty to be put in place. He was hated by his own people for making the scarfice without thier knowlogde and was struck down in the riots that followed the meeting. He was replaced by his eldest eir, at the age of six, who carried on the treaty with the help of a few of her advisers. The still hostile people were clamed down by forces supplied by the dragons that were a mix of dragons and people. After three years their was no more fighting between people and dragons or amongest the people themselves.

12 years later the people were a diciplined kind. There lives past by with little meaning as their children got taken each year. Most of the childrens souls were scaraficed with out much meaning when they were brought back to dragon territory, but a few were taken in. The ones with powerful souls were spared and brought to a place to be trained to fight and tuaght powerful knowlodge. They held them in high regard, although their were few with hatred of these people. The numbers increased each year and their plan was to train a large enough army and destroy the rest of the world, replacing them with 'prefected' people. Each child would train in whatever they were suited for after being tested. Weather it was healing or dystroying the world.

The story will start on the day that they will be chosen and than from their the characters will be taken to the dragons territory and will be brought to their rooms. After they will be taken and will be tested to see what they belong doing and than they will each be asigned a mentor to teach them what ever they need to learn and they will attend regular classes in the school. As this goes on they will eventually gain more freedom, maybe make peace with their new lives and the story will progess from their in whatever way the rpers take it. This is a fairly loose plot the further we go on, but it should be interesting.
*note* If you want to be a dragon please add your human apperance and your dragon apperance. Forgot to mention that dragons have a tonic that transfroms them to look human while they are teaching the others.
Current Characters
Mercy Played by Violettesaphire
Nixon Played by Violettesaphie
Daman Played by Stitchblade
Fu Played by PosionLillies
Fea Played by PosionLillies
Vanya Played by Cerberus
Taraah* Played by Forscythe
Thalia Played by BrassOtter
Scarlett Played by NarristicPotato
"Our peace isn't free, we paid with our children, its better than paying with all of our existances."

The people have never been free and never will be free. Our history, our present and our futures will always be this way. The realm of Voren has lived this life since the beginning of their time. A few years of peace lived with the people in the beginning, according to the history books, but it didn't last. The people lived in terrior of the dragons that had risen in the north. Villages were burned down and the people were killed without mercy. The dragon raids put a tormenting fear into the people and caused frensies among their kind. People were thrown into madness and rage as selfish desires caused further choas amongest the frightful souls in the villages that hadn't been incountered yet.

A leader amongest us, King Farren the third, went to seek out a meeting with the dragons in hope to make some kind of peace with them. The arranged meeting between the two leaders made both sides uneasy and distrustful of the other, but the meeting still went on. A deal was put in place, they desided that for the price of fourty childrens lives each year from different villages they would leave the rest of the people alone. The king agreed, with a heavy heart, to pay thier price and allowed for the threaty to be put in place. He was hated by his own people for making the scarfice without thier knowlogde and was struck down in the riots that followed the meeting. He was replaced by his eldest eir, at the age of six, who carried on the treaty with the help of a few of her advisers. The still hostile people were clamed down by forces supplied by the dragons that were a mix of dragons and people. After three years their was no more fighting between people and dragons or amongest the people themselves.

12 years later the people were a diciplined kind. There lives past by with little meaning as their children got taken each year. Most of the childrens souls were scaraficed with out much meaning when they were brought back to dragon territory, but a few were taken in. The ones with powerful souls were spared and brought to a place to be trained to fight and tuaght powerful knowlodge. They held them in high regard, although their were few with hatred of these people. The numbers increased each year and their plan was to train a large enough army and destroy the rest of the world, replacing them with 'prefected' people. Each child would train in whatever they were suited for after being tested. Weather it was healing or dystroying the world.

The story will start on the day that they will be chosen and than from their the characters will be taken to the dragons territory and will be brought to their rooms. After they will be taken and will be tested to see what they belong doing and than they will each be asigned a mentor to teach them what ever they need to learn and they will attend regular classes in the school. As this goes on they will eventually gain more freedom, maybe make peace with their new lives and the story will progess from their in whatever way the rpers take it. This is a fairly loose plot the further we go on, but it should be interesting.
*note* If you want to be a dragon please add your human apperance and your dragon apperance. Forgot to mention that dragons have a tonic that transfroms them to look human while they are teaching the others.
Current Characters
Mercy Played by Violettesaphire
Nixon Played by Violettesaphie
Daman Played by Stitchblade
Fu Played by PosionLillies
Fea Played by PosionLillies
Vanya Played by Cerberus
Taraah* Played by Forscythe
Thalia Played by BrassOtter
Scarlett Played by NarristicPotato