Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aoi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Flashing of lights that rolled off from the camera's never seemed to end their relentless assault. It often made him glad that he was use to this. Of course it would make sense with all the time he spent being a model. The shoot took a break when his phone seemed to go off. He looked around the studio, moving away from the massive glare that came off of the massive lamps that were set up to give a better picture. So many things seemed to fall into place when it came down to the work needed for these shoots. Though it wasn't too hard in comparison for him. He merely had to dress up, not mess up what was needed, and keep a smile on his face. Be kind, that was all that was really asked from him, kind and treat any fans with utmost respect.

He flipped the phone open with his slender fingers while he sat down in the chair that was presently free. It was just a standard quick set up chair, he had to make sure the dress like Gothic Lolita clothing didn't tear from his own footing. With a light and happy tone he answered the phone finally, which he knew came from the IISO.

“Hello, what do I owe this call?” He stated happily, or atleast as happily as one could make such a statement. He merely heard the man sigh.

“It's not obvious? We have found an Initiator for you. You'll have to pick her up.”

Pick her up? Where they serious? He was in the middle of a shoot as it was...gah now to explain this to the photographer and the company? Lovely... he thought to himself, though he made sure to keep his face in it's normal smile as one of the female grips passed by, smiling at him for a moment, while he did the same back and waved at her.

“Oh? I'm going to assume you want me to pick her up now? So where is she?” He stated over the line, his tone staying the same happy like form.

“She'll be at the holding building. We'll send the information.” The man hung up before he was able to ask about other information on this. He had indeed planned to be a Promoter, but he wasn't really officially one till he managed to get his partner. He figured that now this wouldn't be so much of a problem, being that his partner was going to be picked up by him. He sighed, closing the phone and looking to his agent.

She had managed to come closer to him, when the call ended. He looked up to her and sighed. She merely made a confused face in return as she fixed her glasses lightly and patted down her white blouse to bend down to listen to what he had to say. Her black hair was fixed up as she blinked her hazel eyes lightly. Her skin was lightly tanned, and her lips were slightly small, matching the rest of her more small figured face. She was supposedly once an idol, which he couldn't doubt based on her body over all. She still kept in shape, and seemed to be quite competent in her field. That and he would on occasion be allowed to come with her and her friends to go to their meet ups where they would have fun at karaoke and such. In the end she was probably one of the few friends he had in the industry so far.

“What's wrong Hizumi?” She asked friendly like and blinked once more.

“Ahh, well it seems that duty calls...” Hizumi whispered to her calmly, his gold gaze meeting hers for a moment as she sighed and pulled herself up.

“Well if that is the case, i'll just tell the photographer that is all for today. I think it's fine though, we did start ate 6, and it's 13:00 now, so no need to worry to much about it.” she said with a cute tone at the end of her sentence, a tease of sorts.

“Well, I never said I was worrying~” he stated in return, giving back the same tone. For the most part this was just how they talked to one other. She may had been quite active, but she did have her own husband. Which he had met on several occasions. He seemed to be one of those odd people that enjoyed supporting most people. Though it wasn't like he didn't have the money to do so.

He stood up brushing down the dress for a moment before turning to see the photographer give him a cheesy smile and a thumbs up. No doubt he was affirming that he was agreeing to push the shoot later on. Not like he didn't take enough pictures as it was. He merely waved back to him in return with his usual smile while his agent, ms.Matoi moved herself back towards him and stopped.

“We have a car ready for you. So were are we going?” She asked calmly and looked to the door, which the two then started to walk side by side towards the door.

“Well-” before he could finish stating that it would have come to his phone it began to buzz as he pulled it to his face once more. And pointed the screen to her face as she took it and looked at him, laughing at the seemingly kidish situation they seemed to have played out. Though he really didn't laugh to much back he did giggle while covering his mouth lightly.

She pushed open the metal doors of the massive studio and the light poured in, causing his eyes to freak out for a moment before they adjusted to the over all sunlight that was around them. He sighed as they continued to walk towards the tinted car that was before them. It wasn't per say a limo, but it was an all black vehicle with heavily tinted windows. Hizumi made his way into it while opening the door, and letting in Ms. Matoi before he himself moved in and sat beside her. Putting his seat belt on as she knocked on the window for a moment so the driver slide open the slot and was given the location which was written down on a piece of paper. He merely took off the annoying platform boots and put on a more elegant leather like boots so that he wouldn't have to much trouble walking around. Though at the moment he was still in his full make up and more. He just didnt' see a the point in even bothering taking it off yet.

He looked to the window for a moment before sighing. Though he had to keep his little happy facade on for just a little while longer it still annoyed him. The Car would probably bring them to the needed location eventually. Though it made him often ponder so many things he would have rathered not think about while going towards his destination.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

The crack of a rifle then the ping of bullet hitting metal.
Flint pulled back the bolt on his rifle and placed his eye to the back of his scope. His left hands index finger clenched and the trigger was once again pulled.
The rifle recoiled harshly but was controlled within the mans left shoulder.
The bullet pinged off the target once again. A crude piece of armour plating, now riddled with small dents.
Flint was outside of Tokyo. Within the ruins where he could shoot from large ranges without anyone being endangered.
At the moment the small 10 inch plate he was firing at was only a dot to the naked eye. But through Flints powerful scope it filled the lens.
Despite this, the shots had to be aimed high due to the range and so the challenge was a large one. Flint continued to hit it though, perfecting his aim as he did so.
He sighed loudly sitting up from his prone position to stretch his legs. Flicking his phone on and finding a few missed calls, he ignored who they where from though.
"Probably nothing" He thought to himself as he began to pack away the rifle.
"I should get back though.." Flint muttered hooking the sling of the case around his shoulder as he headed back to Tokyo. Planning to return to Nomura Security Corporation HQ.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was a pretty ordinary day for Yuki. In her school, no-one knew about her being an initiator, being a Curse Child. She had played a trick on her teacher today, Ms. Ushio. Prepared at home the day before, she made a drink for her teacher, involving some insects. It was a big laugh for the class. And when Ms. Ushio was about to go into a fit of rage, Yuki ran out of the classroom. This was part of Yuki's normal life, when she did not have any work. Fun and simple life, surrounded by friends and family. She wished this could happen to the other Cursed Children, and feels very fortunate for herself. While on the run, she bumped into the principal, and was reprimanded.

On the way home, the mobile Yuki was given by Nomura Security Corporation HQ told her she had a miss call and a message. It read that they were being called for, and to come immediately with her promoter. Yuki decided to try calling Flint White, her promoter. *Ring ring*. "The person you have di...". *Ring ring*. "The per...." *Sigh* His probably out at the ruins practicing his shots again. Yuki thought. She rushed home to grab her bag with her spear and retractable javelins, and made haste to the ruins.

As she spotted the ruins, she made a giant leap and landing just beside Flint as he was packing his rifle. "Flint, pick up your calls!" She yelled. Yuki didn't hear him mutter that he would start to return to Nomura Security Corporation HQ. "If you don't start making your way, I'll spit on you and drag you to HQ again. They asked us to come in!" She raged, she was throwing her head back, ready to spit and paralyze her poor promoter Flint.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Flint turned to find Yuki standing there.
"Hey I told you to not follow me out he.."
"Flint, pick up your calls!" Yuki yelled before he could finish.
"If you don't start making your way, I'll spit on you and drag you to HQ again. They asked us to come in!" She raged
"Woah woah calm down!" Flint lifted hands up in mock surrender
"I was on my way anyway.." He grumbled as he began walking back to Tokyo, Yuki in tow.
"How was school?" He asked, skipping over a hunk of debris to avoid its sharp edges. His boots hit the soft ground and he continued to walk.
He adjusted his tie, straightening it as he was probably going to a meeting of sorts, he dusted off his pants as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gargoyle


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nozomi sat patiently in the small room she was told to wait for her new promoter in. Her left leg was crossed over her disabled one as she patiently stared at the door. What was taking so long? She was bored of studying the brown door, it's silver handle, and the plain tan wallpaper that surrounded it. She felt her foot tapping rhythmically, mimicking a song she had heard when she first arrived in the district. Nozomi remembered loving music the moment she had heard her commercial jingle. The liveliness of it all. She loved upbeat songs that contrasted the bleakness that engulfed her when she still lived in the outside. Thankfully there was no music playing the night she was betrayed. Association is a powerful thing, and currently she was associating her new partner with tardiness.

Her right hand rubbed the velvet of the bench she sat on, until she bumped it against her cane. Nozomi stopped, and gripped it fiercely. Either the man was going to enter the room within the next five seconds, or she would go out on her own. Five. She felt her eyes straining as she attempted to will the door to open and reveal someone to her. Four. Who did he think he was, forcing her to resort to such distasteful methods. She just knew she would despise this man. "Three." She said softly. The sound of her voice surprised Nozomi. She could not believe that she would be so impatient, but then again she was never put in such a situation before. Impatience. For better or worst it seemed to be a new trait of hers. "Two." She continued forcefully. Her eyes nearly bore holes into the door. "O-one and a half!" She realized that she didn't want to meet her new partner. She sat back down with a huff, leaning her cane on the bench beside her. "One." Nozomi sighed.

Nozomi went back to staring at the door, feeling the excitement grow within her. What kind of person would her partner be, she wondered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

With Flint mockingly submitting to Yuki with his hands up. Yuki stopped the gathering of her spit and the red from her eyes disappeared. Hearing that he was actually just about to be on his way, Yuki smiled, and skipped behind him in tow. Suddenly she was asked about school. she had a big smile.
"Well ... today, Ms. Ushio drank some insects! You should of seen her face!" She attempted to mimic the face of her teacher.
"It was fun as usual." Skipping happily.

Yuki noticed Flint was straightening his tie and dusting himself. She thought about playing a trick, but that might hinder the job today. So it could come later.
"Why do you still keep practicing your shooting? It is already really good you know? Although, probably not as good as mine." She teased a little at the end of her question, taking out a retractable javelin, and pretending to get ready to throw it back to the small 10 inch plate that they left behind, quite a number of kilometers away now.
With the pace there were going, it would take about 30 mins to walk back to Nomura Security Corporation HQ.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
Avatar of salamimike

salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Well ... today, Ms. Ushio drank some insects! You should of seen her face!" Yuki said excitedly
Flint rolled his eyes at Yuki's response. She was definitely known for her pranks...
"Why do you still keep practicing your shooting? It is already really good you know? Although, probably not as good as mine." Yuki asked.
"I don't want to get rusty. We haven't had a job in awhile so I haven't been able to use my rifle..." Flint adjusted the strap on his case a little.
"And I can always be better with practice..." Flint muttered "I want to be able to fire the rifle without having to zero it for range, that I can tell just by the distance how far I need to elevate the shot. Im still not too great with that yet.... anyway you better not throw that or else you will have to go pick it up..." Flint said softly, it probably wouldn't matter but Flint wouldn't be the one who would go back for it.
Flint just wanted to get back into the city as soon as [possible and get this over with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aoi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She was pissed. That was all that ran threw her head at the moment, sure she was hiring some new members into her group, but the one she was currently contacting seemed to think it was fine to just dolt around instead of actually pick up his calls. However, she'd make him pay for it one way or another. She flipped the pen that was in her hand around her fingers and a rather particular manner as she paused for a moment. Looking down at the sheet with her brown eyes. Her gaze focusing on the new team she had hired, and the one she had called in. People needed to communicate, but they seemed to be opposites to some extent. She sighed as she pushed herself back on her leather chair and adjusted her tie for a moment in what seemed to be a meticulous stretch more then anything.

Her room was a separate section in the corporate building, though the whole building was indeed owned by her and her fathers company, he had told her to limit the security to this one floor. Though there were many offices within it, each person generally having there own, and a lounge room for them to rest in, it was still more of an annoyance to her then it was anything else. Merely because it was her building. She looked at the phone once more tapping her finger on her forearm before throwing the pen into the wall, managing to break it on impact she just sighed. Stood up from her chair, and moved away from the oak desk that was reinforced by the anti-bullet protection it held. Her father was a little paranoid about these things. She pushed open the blinds that were shielding out more of the light that was coming from the sun outside. She looked out to the black cars that were lined outside, while the occasional red one was also parted there, just resting calmly. All of them were the PMC's that were hired by the company to watch after her. She just looked on at them and sighed. It was as if her father thought she was straight up defenseless. As if all the years in the various martial arts would bring nothing to the battle field. Plus she doubted that the Promoters would just let their payroll get killed off anyways.

She looked to the buildings across the way, a mixture of old brick buildings to ones made out of steel and glass. She really wasn't one to care too too much about the impossible aspect of fighting them all off. Her grandfather made it clear to her that the only way to win in most situations of business was to dominate the field. Of course, that being said she doubt he ever thought of this type of work for her.

The phone rang, setting off her thought progress as she moved to answer it, and began talking to one of the suppliers about the cost and supply ratio once more, it was always the same thing. But most people weren't aware of how much a weapon store house this place could be turned into if the worse had come. She had a good amount of men to protect the area and even the ability to deal with other situations. She then noticed the other line was ringing again, no doubt about that Gastrea contract that she wanted to get her promoters on. It was more then annoying to hear the constant whining from police because they weren't allowed to investigate the situation till someone showed up at the location. She just sighed, crunching the phone lightly as it cracked she tapped her foot on the ground. Where were those too?
The car made it's way to the building, pulling up at a sort of normal speed as the doors where opened by the driver. He helped out Ms.Matoi first, then moved to help him out which he merely took the mans hand and pulled himself out. It was still a pain to walk around in a dress all the time, but to say anything less...he was sadly more use to it then not. He took a light breath as he moved towards this massive building that was owned by the IISO, they seemed to think this would be a good match too him. Or maybe they really didn't care. He kept his smile on his face while he walked. Matoi seeming to look on in a sort of impressed state for a moment before she pulled out a pda and began to work on the needed works for the schedule.

He was sure she was hoping to give him some time off or something, or at least make it so he was able to work on his other things. It wasn't like he wasn't well known to some of the people in the fashion world. Though it was still a pain to deal with at times when he would walk around like this. He was basically a target for most of the fandom if they would see him, but so long as he was able to change into a more casual wear he would probably be able to pull off his needed expertise that his family had to some extent taught him. He brushed his red hair back for a moment while his golden eyes looked around to make sure there wasn't a mob forming up to meet him or anything. Just the occasional worker it seemed that looked at him oddly. It wasn't like he didn't expect it though he was to say the least in a dress, and for the most part looked like a lolita to some of the people that were passing by. Not something that they would normally see in this was even if there were use to odd types it would still seem pretty weird to most people. Plus ms. Matoi probably didn't help with her finally done her PDA work and looking around like as if she was some sort of tourist who had lost her way and was looking for a means to get directions.

He just sighed at her and took her wrist lightly with his hand and pulled her with him towards the main buildings doors. Pushing lightly on them as the opened up into the reception room where he seemed to have been expected. Of course to say he was perfectly on time wasn't really something that was capable to be said. But he did have to drive across all of Tokyo to even get here, so they probably were expecting this anyways. He looked to the man who had called him here.

“So, is where is she?” He asked him. It was still in his normal fake happy tone. He was often told by his agent, that it would be best if he acted happy around her. If only because of potential fans seeing them like this. It would easily smooth over the entire situation. But he had already earned a minor reputation in the underground world as a cold killer. He really hated injustice no matter what it was.

The man blinked for a moment then pulled out his cell which seemed to hold the data needed for the location in the building. “We'll escort you to the hallway for her to come and see you. Then you two...well three will have to leave. I hear that Nomura offered to hire you, so you should be able to get a job quite easily.” The man stated. His tone just annoyed Hizumi, but he needed to try his best to not snap at him. He just permeated an annoying aura of superiority complex. He merely nodded though as he let go of Ms.Matoi's wrist and followed them. They didn't seem to think she should have come with them. So she just nodded and waited while she probably played the latest game that was in on her phone.

There was silence for most of the walk threw the plain halls. They never seemed to even change. Though he figured this made sense so long as it was cheap and easy to maintain, it would cost much less for the government like company. He just sighed though at the lack of punch it had. He merely thought over what he could possibly do next, but still it was better for him to remember this was a place that wasn't known for it's kindness to anything.

They finally stopped, before a door that they opened rather abruptly. “This is your initiator. Have fun.” The man stated calmly while he moved out of the way to allow him to see the child that was sitting down. It was one of those moments that you don't believe it till you see it. He just looked her over quickly, from her silver hair to her eyes and the way she seemed to sit. All the while he kept his face in a light non creepy smile. It was just so he could keep up his appearance before these people. Then he stopped on a cane. Looking away from it for a moment, his blood boiled lightly, someone did something to her. She seemed to be clean, but how hard did she work at keeping herself that way? He didn't know...

“Hello,” he state kindly as he looked to her, his golden eyes looking to meet her gaze. “My name is Hizumi. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.” He stated.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yuki was skipping backwards as she heard Flint explain that he could always get better.
"Hai~" She replied as he told her not to throw the javelin. She replaced it back into her backpack.
"I believe you need more practice on moving targets in the first place, and predicting movements, or helping co-ordination." She criticized him.
"You need to think about how you target the enemy. Do you go for the kill? Or do you guide them and act as support? Using the shots to make the enemy dodge in a particular way. You've been hitting them only because I have been paralyzing them or pushing them into clear shooting conditions. Sure this works for now, since we have only dealt with only one Gastrea at a time, but it would help if you can shoot them yourself or guide them to me in cases of multiple infestations." She continued. Yuki was lecturing Flint on his performance, as they finally reached the front of the Nomura Security Corporation HQ. She was rather talented as a combatant and despite being young and childish, she grew up learning tactics and strategies.

There were a line of PMCs outside the building. Yuki straightened up, she was unfamiliar with them. She attempted to appear as normal and proper as possible in front of unfamiliar adults. Once inside, she returned to her skipping and energetic self. She was known to many of the people inside of the HQ, and she got along with quite a few. She plays tricks on them too. Since they know about her, she plays some more elaborate tricks, like paralyzing and drawing all over them. Some of them do look at her in disgust, but she was fine with that. Eventually she will be friends with them she believes.

Yuki approached the door to the section they belonged to. Opening the doors, "Oha Kiri! I brought along Flint!", full of energy, she called out to the president of Nomura Security Corporation, Kiri Nomura. Yuki jumped into Kiri giving her a hug. It had been a while since they last met, or at least it felt like it to Yuki. About a week. "What's going on today that you called us in for?" She asked, looking up at Kiri.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aoi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She caught Yuki while she jumped up towards her, the sight of the little girl made her smile, but didn't put away the fact that she was pissed off at her Promoter. She held her lightly and patted her head. “Oh~ it's good that you brought him along~” She said with a song like tone to her. She loved the Cursed Children, everyone in staff knew how bias she could be when it came to dealing with them. But she didn't care, she was called Witch for a reason, and even if she didn't like it. It was only because she loved these little girls. Maybe she was psychotic herself though....she pondered the thought for a moment, but didn't care less as she tightened the hug abit on Yuki. “Such a good girl~” She said kindly and smiled. Her gaze however moved towards the possible next target that was going to enter the room. And it wasn't one of joy. She hated the fact they hadn't come sooner.

“I have many things to tell you both” She stated with a stern tone. “ First off we have a possible Gastrea attack. I would like you two to take our new recruits and bring them to the residence on this paper.” She pointed to the paper, while still holding onto Yuki if she willed it. Managing to make herself sit down with her. Of course she wasn't holding her there against her will. Yuki could leave her lap whenever she wanted. “The new Recruits will be arriving here shortly, so be sure to greet them kindly.” She said, still stern and to the point.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by infinitumxx


Member Offline since relaunch

A crowd wearing black gathered around in a desolate looking graveyard. They were motionless, painting a picture of complete stillness was it not for the rain.

Ah, even the heavens seemed to be drowning in sorrow.

Hitoshi looked at the sky buffeted with grey clouds and lamented. All the sorrow had already been drained out from him, and he felt so empty inside, as though life itself had been snuffed out of him. He avoided looking at her grave, knowing fully well that it was empty. He had been forced to shoot Midori that day, and since she was already half-Gastraea, her body wasn't able to survive the damage.

"I'm sorry... For being unable to even give you a proper burial," Hitoshi murmured.

The various Promoters (without their Initiators) who had come for the funeral were mostly strangers - the company that Hitoshi used to work with was so huge that he couldn't have known every single one of them who worked there. It was ridiculous. This funeral only had one singular person who actually cared about the deceased in question. If not for the chairman's orders, these people wouldn't have even been here.

Of course this was not true: there were a bunch of Promoters present who honestly felt for Hitoshi; their relationships with their Initiators were as close as his. However, Hitoshi seemed to refuse to see this fact, thirsting for some time alone with Midori. When he asked politely for the mourners to leave, to his surprise, all of them offered their consolations and acceded to his demand. Watching their backs grow smaller in the distance, Hitoshi felt that he could finally let his tears flow. He knelt in front of the grave in apology for what seemed like an eternity...
Hitoshi woke up from his afternoon nap, startled. He gained his bearings, alert and ready for combat, and when he confirmed that there was no visible threat, calmed down. He noticed that his pillow was wet, and the dream that he had had swept through his mind once more. He sighed heavily, then got up and threw on his favorite long sleeved shirt (he was sleeping topless). Grabbing his gear, he left the room.

Walking along the streets, he noticed children escorted by their teacher on their way home. He thought to himself, 'It's peaceful, seemingly, but it is a mere illusion after all. Who knows when a Gastraea will pop up and chew your head off? Why must children live in fear like this day after day? It's wrong.' Hitoshi felt indignant. He wanted to do his part to defend the Tokyo that he loved from danger, but governmental law forced him to be unable to work without a company. Furthermore, most Civil Security Companies these days enforce the rule of a Promoter-Initiator pair, even though it wasn't exactly set in stone. Hitoshi refused to work for these companies, which he called 'Money grubbers who are willing to endanger the lives of children'.

Annoyed at the general lack of flexibility throughout Civil Security Companies, he walked and walked without a destination, just wanting to blow off steam. After a while, he walked past a building that had loads of PMCs guarding it. "Nomura Security, huh," Hitoshi read the sign outside the building. "Isn't this that organization that has loads of money, but negligible achievements? Well, they must be loaded indeed, judging by the number of patrols and guards they have. This is interesting. I think I'd like to see the way this organization works."

He spotted a man with glasses walking alongside a skipping young girl, and knew immediately that they were a Promoter-Initiator pair. They turned and entered the building.

Hitoshi walked up to the entrance of the building as well, but was stopped by a guard. "Halt," the guard commanded. "Who are you and what is your purpose of visit?" Hitoshi deduced from the amount of openings that the guard exhibited that he wasn't a combatant, just a meat shield. But even so, he had a baton, so he had better not provoke him too much.

"Ah, I'm a Promoter that your president hired recently," Hitoshi threw out a blatant lie, knowing full well that he would be exposed. He didn't even know the name of the president after all. He showed the guard his varanium sword and shield, however. "Oh, is that so? It's true that we've been ordered to expect new blood. So you're the new Promoter, eh?" the guard laughed merrily. Hitoshi smiled awkwardly, astounded by this turn of events. He prepared to turn and enter the building when...

"Oi, you! What kind of security was that? You didn't even check his identification!" a supervisor came up and yelled at the guard. The guard scuffled away, intimidated. The supervisor then turned to Hitoshi and asked, "Say, where is your letter of acceptance? Or your identification?" Hitoshi replied simply, "I have none. It was just a joke, and now I'll be on my way." The supervisor whipped out a stun gun and ordered Hitoshi not to move, but he did anyway. Hitoshi provoked the supervisor into stunning him, and hoped that when he woke up, he would be brought to the president of the company, if things went according to plan.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
Avatar of salamimike

salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Flint listened to his initiators lecturing, the worst part was, she was right.
"Well maybe I should practice on you" He threatened jokily smiling towards Yuki as they walked into the building. Passing the guards outside.
As they entered the office of Kiri Nomura, Kiri gave Flint a looked that could cut paper. And yet gave a smile and hug to his initiator.
Flint rolled his eyes at the gesture,he had gotten pretty used to it now but it still annoyed him how she wasn't scolded like he was.
The president began to explain
“I have many things to tell you both” She stated with a stern tone. “ First off we have a possible Gastrea attack. I would like you two to take our new recruits and bring them to the residence on this paper.” She pointed to the paper.
Flint picked it up and glanced over it as he listened.
“The new Recruits will be arriving here shortly, so be sure to greet them kindly.” She said, still stern and to the point.
Flint looked up from the paper after reading it.
"I don't work with others, especially recruits..." Flint said matter of factly in a drone like voice of seriousness.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gargoyle


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“This is your initiator. Have fun.”

The words were audible from within the room Nozomi was left in. She had been staring at her feet before she had heard them, her eyes feeling heavy as she nearly fell asleep, but nearly jumped out of her seat when she realized she would finally meet her partner. She had only been familiar with the with a few adults since she had arrived in the main town, but still she wondered what kind of person he would be. Most people would either baby her or treat her with contempt. Nozomi hoped that her partner would do neither of those things, and prepared herself to face whoever was behind the door.

When the door finally opened, it relieved a red headed woman wearing Woman? That can't be right. I was told by the agency that my promoter would be a man. Well, his features are somewhat masculine, but he seems to be wearing makeup. I was under the impression that makeup was for women. No man Nozomi had ever seen before looked like this one had. He was clad in almost regal black clothing, which somewhat contrasted the semi-paleness of his face. The man smiled Nozomi, in an assuredly non-creepy way, which all but calmed the girl. She couldn't tell what, but something felt off by the way he did it. You're over analyzing. Don't let a few miserable individuals ruin this.

The man introduced himself as Hizumi (So he is a man), prompting Nozomi to grab her white cane and stand up to return the favor. "My name is Nozomi." She answered with a slightly off balanced curtsy. Though she had practiced, it was still ridicule to pull off flawlessly with only one fully functional leg. "The pleasure is all mine." Nozomi stood straight and smiled back. Though she had questioned it earlier, she now admired the way the man appeared. He seemed dignified. Almost as if he were royalty. Nozomi glanced past Hizumi at the man behind him, who had most likely guided him here, then back to her promoter. "Would it be alright with you if we left as soon as possible." Nozomi didn't feel completely comfortable in the room, or building, they were in any more. She hoped to get to her new home as soon as possible.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aoi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kiri sighed while she continued to pat the head of Yuki, though she had stopped finally to look at Flint.

“If you want to get paid you'll do it.” She stated, she knew she couldn't really do much else with the initiator that was around her at this moment. “Plus you aren't really showing them the ropes. From my understanding the Promoter is pretty ready, just they are new into this gig.” She stated calmly while her com seemed to blink a conflicting orange-yellow color on one of the light areas. Completely contras sing against the black look for the phone itself. She moved over to push the button that was registered with the light as the intercom turned on.

“Miss, we have captured a suspected enemy.” The man stated calmly, though his voice was more rough then anything else.

“Jared...be honest, was this person actually an Enemy, or were you guys just following my fathers orders and taking down anyone who came into this building, on the just incase they could be Gastrea or Terrorist?”

“You can never be too careful mam.”

She expected the reply, but it still to no end annoyed her. She sighed and looked at Yuki for a moment. Then back to the phone. “well, even though I was busy with my own. Send them up...well at least i'm assuming the unconscious body.” She looked to Flint now after closing the line before getting a response.

“Well, it seems we will be getting some company. I'm sure you wont let little old me get killed by the evil Gastrea or terrorist monster will you~” She said teasingly as she moved to pat the head of Yuki once more.

She breathed out heavily though once more. “Like I said, it's merely more of an evaluation then it is actually showing them the ropes. Sure i'm willing to hire anyone, but it doesn't mean i'll set them on aggressive missions if they can't carry them out correctly. I don't intend to kill off my units...yet.” She stated and laughed.

The elevator doors far in the back opened up, as the PMC's brought the unconscious body into one of the rooms. And locked it. As they stood guard infront of it awaiting for her to go to it, it was just some weird protocol. She sometimes wondered if people thought she was some major aggressor, or mob boss because of this at times.
Hizumi heard her speak for a moment, so unexpected from a person of her age. He merely bowed back to her when she curtsied. It was of course out of his own understanding that she was somewhat injured. However, for the moment it wasn't appropriate to ask such things. He kept his false smile on his face as he looked to her gaze once more.

“Of course, we'll be sure to leave when able. I didn't plan on leaving you here. I have a car waiting for us outside, though I guess you'll have to meet my agent as well.” he stated calmly and looked to the men who were obviously looking at him. “ You heard the lady, is it fine that we leave now?” He stated calmly as he had seemed. It was still odd that she wanted to leave so quickly but a place as boring and blan as this seemed that maybe that alone was the reason for it. But there was always something else. He didn't want to ponder to much on it though.

The man behind him looked at the girl for a moment before turning to Hizumi. “Of course you can leave with her. We already finished up most of the papers, though it would be best to see your employer first. To confirm, merely a formality...” He stated calmly as Hizumi turned to meet his gaze.

“A formality? That's fine. I was planning to meet her anyways before I returned to my home. I need to know if I have a job or not.” he feigned ignorance, pretending to know that he didn't already had a job. With the light smile on his face to match the man merely nodded before moving his hand as a means to show it was okay to go.

“So ready? We'll be heading down by the elevator, then going to the main floor to meet my agent before we head off to HQ.” He stated calmly to his new Initiator.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"YAY!!! New recruits! New friends!" Yuki bounced happily while she was being patted. Hearing the news of new recruits. This could be her first Cursed Child friend she would make.
Upon hearing that they were evaluating them, Yuki looked up at Kiri, she was about to speak, but was interrupted as there was an intruder to the building. As they discussed about bringing the unconscious body up, Kiri had laughed about not sending her units to die ... yet.
"So, we are there to test them? Will we not help them?" Yuki finally asked.
When the elevator doors opened, the PMCs brought the unconscious body of the intruder into one of the rooms. From where Yuki was sitting, she could see the face, it was someone she was familiar with.
"Masanori-san?" Yuki softly spoke.
It looked like the father of her old best friend, Midori. Well it was her adoptive father. Yuki had seen him a few times at parent's day at the primary school she went to. When Midori suddenly disappeared, Yuki was shocked to hear of her death. Unknowing to this day that she was an initiator. She had seen her father cry for Midori at the funeral, she was far back during the service and could not see anything that day.

Seeing the body get dragged off into another room, as per the procedure. Yuki looked up at Kiri again.
"Um... is it ok if I spoke to that man just then?" She wanted to make sure it was Masanori-san, and what he was doing here.
She then hopped off Kiri's lap to stand. She didn't leave the room yet. Before Kiri could finish replying, an idea came to Yuki, although Kiri would probably let her, on the off chance she didn't .... Yuki expected that Kiri would start telling Flint off if she were to tell her about Flint's joke to use Yuki as target practice. And at that point go down the hall and have her chance to talk to Masanori-san about Midori and why he was here, if it was him. If it wasn't, she could just leave the room with ease, after playing a trick on him. In fact, even if it were Masanori-san, she would play a trick on him. Super-gluing some conveniently nearby cat ears on his head, and a tail. Either way, once she heard Kiri's reply, she would either bow and leave, or tell her about Flint's joke and leave, entering the room where Masanori-san was, gluing the cat ears and tail and trying to wake him up to talk to him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Flint rolled his eyes.
Money was the best persuader and Flint did like money.
"Fine I will see what they can do..." Flint shrugged
Kiri looked to her phone as a message about a suspect came through. She called the suspect up then looked to Flint. “Well, it seems we will be getting some company. I'm sure you wont let little old me get killed by the evil Gastrea or terrorist monster will you"
She seemed to be joking but Flint felt like Kiri's father some times, over protective of Miss Nomura. He placed his case on the floor and moved his left hand into his blazer, removing the large handgun from within and checking it was loaded. He then racked the slide and placed his now armed hand to his side, keeping his finger off the trigger as was the correct way to safely hold a gun.
He heard the man come through the elevator and into another room. Flint kept at his 'post' though and continued to stand by the door where he had been for the last few minutes, wondering why his initiator was so interested in the man.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Outside of the corporate building, what looks like a taxi pulls up to the front of the building. The two guards there were curious as to who the visitor was.

The taxi driver, though, did show some nervousness to the passenger he was dropping off. The drivers fears, though, were calmed when the passenger gave him a tip along with the fare money and a pat on his shoulder.

The two guards at the gate, though, had their hands on their pistol hostlers when the man stepped out with what looked liked a nasty looking rifle and a japanese sword, the rifle just being slung onto his back and the japanese sword at his side in it's sheath.

One of the two, though, recognized him as sort of a regular here.

"Hey. He's cool", the first guard said, taking his hand off his hostler.

"You sure? This guy looks like he's ready to storm the place one-man-army style", the other said.

"He's a mercenary. Though a frequently hired one by the president's father. Guy's name is Marius "Kyosuke" Twilight."

The other guard's eyes widen in recognition of the name. Even he had heard the stories about that man. Although he quit his civil security job due to being accused of treason, he exposed his higher ranking official to treason against the IISO which led that guy, Hazama if that was his middle name, having the biggest death mark slash bounty in all the known Monolith's out there. While this Marius guy was a merc, he heard rumors that he had either brought in or even killed some nasty individuals or Gastra threatening innnocent lives. Whether those rumors were true or not he didn't know.

But what he DID know was that this corporation was known to hire the guy when they needed some expertise over some gun-crazy individuals with no brains.

"Marius", the first guard said with a salute. The second guard then saluted him as well.

"Hello", Marius simply said with the nod. He then said, "Can you please inform president Kiri that I'm here for work by her fathers orders please?"

"Of course. Though I should have figured as much that he'd ask you to come", the first guard said. Pointing to the second guard, he nodded and headed inside to pass the message to the front desk so they can contact Kiri.

Marius simply waited patiently outside with the remaining guard. Based on what he was told, this job could get nasty...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aoi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She looked to Yuki who seemed to be quite content about the situation. A sort of contras to her seemingly anti-social partner. But she knew all to well, that most people couldn't avoid the thought of losing money. Money was sadly a controller in this world. No matter who it was, if you didn't have money you were going to be a slave to it. She just sighed in her head though while watching Yuki's excitement bring a much needed cheer to the room. At least for the moment. She rolled on her chair for a moment, sighing at the obvious contempt that Flint had to it. But it wasn't like this was the time for it. She stood up and walked towards the door, taking a step into the hallway.

“So long as you don't put yourself in harms way Yuki...i don't want someone to be brought to an early funeral just because they were dumb enough to attack a child in my presence.” She replied, though it was happy, the murder like intentions that seemed to be hounding deep behind it rolled off of her tongue. She knew that Flint would do what he needed to protect her, more so with all the pmc's around. She merely sighed though outloud as another message came on her cell which vibrated in her pants. She pulled up it rather quickly taking it to her ear. “Yes?” She stated professionally, though the two guards before the door nodded to her and the rest of the group as the one closest to the door itself pushed a button to open the door behind him. The room wasn't the most well lit , though it was a holding room for humans, it still held a light dim light.

“Just let him come up, it's not like I have to say no to him. And even if I did, Father would have probably told him to take down anyone in his way to get up. So I would say it's best they just let him do what he wants.” She stated. Closing the phone before even letting the man finish. She looked at the unconscious man for a moment from a distance. Though she was willing to let Yuki do whatever she wanted she was still awaiting the reaction of the man on the table itself. The other PMC's seemed to be like statues though, just waiting for a reason to spring into action.

“Marius is coming up.” she stated allowed, it was on purpose more then anything. It was best that the PMC's were aware of who or what traffic would be coming threw. She pondered when the man would wake. She wasn't one to rush things, but she did run a company.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A little while later, the second guard came back outside and said, "Marius. You've been cleared entry. Miss Kiri awaits in her office floor."

"I've been here before. Don't worry though. I'll behave", Marius responds with a nod.

The guards allow him through as he begins walking through the lobby. Some people recognize him simply due to his red clothing. Some nod and some say hello. Same stuff, different day. Only now, he maybe here for more than simply baby-sitting a president who could probably kick his rear as much as he hated to admit that.

Approaching the elevator, the guard there gives a salute and Marius returns it with a simple nod as he enters. He then presses the button that would take him to the exclusive floor.

...well at least she's easy to work with. Least I know what I'm getting into with this place...just wish the father would lighten up some..., Marius thought as the doors opened.

Sure enough, two guards at the elevator entrance on that floor but they both nodded to him.

"Miss Kiri is in her office and as always Marius, mind your manners and the current happenings in there", the guard said.

"...oh here we go", Marius responds. That last part meaning something was already going on.

After a brief walk in the hallway, Marius saw the fancy doors and a nearby guard opened it. And he entered president Kiri's office...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Flint followed President Kiri into the other room, staying by her side as per usual.
Flint didn't recognise the unconscious man, Flint wasn't very social after all, and so would have no qualms in hurting him if he attempted to hurt Yuki or Kiri. His grip on his handgun grew slightly tighter.

“Marius is coming up.” Kiri stated allowed
Flint felt hurt at the new mans arrival "What can he do that I cant.,.." Flint thought, annoyed as he tried to not show it on his face.
"Im here baby sitting some new recruits.." He continued in his head.

In the corner of his eye he spotted someone walk down the corridor and into Kiri's Office. Flint recognised Marius and internally judged him.
"Taking any job for the money... makes me sick." Flint thought the irony being the only difference between the two was that Flint only followed one persons orders.
He hoped he wouldn't be meeting him.
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