Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Daniel Anders

Much as he predicted, his flock proceeded to do stupid act after stupid act. All three of them were eager to engulf themselves in the fog without as much as a glimmer of common sense. He recalled a girl that came to his congregation: very young thing that had no interest in god and more interest in one of his sheep. Even if she was a hungry wolf, she had seemed interested in an almost child-like way to the sermons Daniel gave.

The reason he remembered the strange girl now, was the fact that she’d turned accidentally invisible from the hips down. If a listener could do that, what would a full blown mutant do?

The lord must have been testing Daniel, and he refused to fail in his task. The two Non-pilots advanced towards the APC, and Brucie followed suit after radioing Daniel himself. The Australian heretic was apparently asking him to act the proverbial wingman, and Daniel would oblige. He may have spoken gutter-slang and pseudo-words, but he was proving the most sensible of the trio of allies Daniel had on hand.

“I’ll cover you, Heathen. Just don’t go nuts with your flamethrowers yet.”

Daniel reached up and flicked a switch on his main monitor, switching his main scanning package over to the Infrared scanner. He wanted to get that done before Brucie started acting the fire-worshipping savage that he was, and it might give him enough time to stop Nathaniel and Chris from walking into a death-trap.

In the meantime, Daniel started allocating some power towards the sprint module, keeping it ready for a quick movement. Battle would come soon, and Daniel would need to close the gap in an instant if he was to save as many of the flock as possible. Preping the Sprint Module’s burst of speed could be the difference between one of the squishy pair below being smeared by a Mutant or Daniel smearing a mutant on the end of his powerfist. Daniel gave a small kiss to the hanging Rosario beads in his cockpit, before speaking out loud a passage of the scripture.

“If you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer.”

Kiku found herself liking this group of individuals very much: because none of them spoke too much, or complicated things with shit like ‘moral duty’ or ‘obligation’ or stuff like that. They said smart stuff, or they said nothing at all. That shit flew by Kiku. It was the ‘Get shit done’ mentality!

For a moment though, Kiku’s eyes dwelled upon the masked-ninja lady. If she didn’t know better, Kiku could swear that the woman was giving her the eyes or something. Did she bat for the other team? Kiku hadn’t really thought about a woman like that in a long ass time, and now probably wasn’t the best time to start thinking about poontang, but still…Flattery got you far.

“Right then, twinkle toes…” She seemed to almost sing out the words as she pointed at the guy with the sword. Her face, still visable through the translucent gas-mask, bore a big, happy smile. She wore her feelings on her sleeves, did Kiku. After a second of thinking, she realised she actually had no reason to call him Twinkle toes, except the notion that he just seemed like a twinkle-toes. “…Just thought it’d be fair to warn ya. If you die, I call dibs on the sword, M’kay? It’s pretty...Not that I plan to shank you or anything, then you'd never be able to tell me where you got it! How boring would that be?” With nothing left to say, Kiku giggled before her entire body shimmer out of existence.

Camouflage was a fun mutation because it basically let you cheat if you were good with Close-quarters combat. Nothing wins a knife fight better than the other guy not having his knife out, and being sneaky-sneaky meant that 60% of the time, she didn’t have to fight anyone…100% of the time! The fact that even her clothing shifted colour and form to match the background was a bonus: imagine how inconvenient having to strip every time you wanted to go invisible would be?

Kiku was the first down the stairs, her spines seeming to ‘taste’ the air as she led the descent down to the 9th floor. She withdrew both her daggers and paused at the first set of rooms: one on the left, one on the right. She had to make sure that they could clear each room silently, and that meant hitting both sides at the same time. If they didn’t, one might turn around to see its buddy with a knife in its throat. That always spooked people.

She used her black knife to point at Kai, indicating he should take the rooms on the left hand side, before slinking to the edge of the room’s entrance and peeked inside. The room itself was a tip. It used to be nice. That much was obvious from the large bed; the person sized broken mirror frame and the large window. In one corner of the room, a skeletal body was lounging in a chair: covered in ripped grubby rags and wearing an oversized pair of dusty-ass sunglasses. Maybe that person used to be a celebrity or something, who knows.

From a single glance, she hadn’t seen much: but then again, if a mutant was set up, it could be as camouflaged as she was. She waited for Kai to get into position before she moved into the room. If they didn’t do this at the same time, the jig could be up real quick: and she didn’t want this to devolve into a shooting contest. She’d already admitted she was a pretty bad shot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

Banned Offline since relaunch

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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“Deus animae tuae misereatur (God have mercy on your soul)” -Daniel Anders, Page 1.
South West

Nathaniel and Chris move into the fog ahead of the others, Chris' mercenary training contrasted against Nathaniel's paranoia, but both were effective enough to get them to the APC only a few hundred feet into the fog. The area, luckily, was still choked with debris that they could use as cover at any point. There, the APC sat silently. Something the tank driver hadn't mentioned was the massive tower--at least eighty feet tall, stretching out past their vision--made out of a green-brown flesh, that had sprouted up in front of the APC. From, presumable, the top of the tower, creatures were climbing down the walls. At the APC, there was two creatures, akin to wolves, tearing apart the front of the APC with their elongated paws. Both Chris and Nathaniel would feel fear looking at them: An unnatural kind, that could likely debilitate them if it came down to a melee fight.

At the door of the APC was something that would likely surprise everyone there. A six foot tall man, shirtless, wielding a chainsword. His body had no scars or hair, not even nipples or a bellybutton--it was not human, and yet, took human form. It was battering away at the APC's door, screaming guttural curses in Latin. Unlike the wolves, it noticed when Chris and Nathaniel appeared. When it grinned, one could see orange coloured teeth, and an orange coloured tongue as it licked its lips. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap..." Its voice was surprisingly dead on to that of a human male, though without any tangible sort of emotion. It cackles as it slips to the opposite side of the APC they were at.

The woman in blue was nowhere to be found here, though Nathaniel could feel her presence close by. Though he likely tried, he couldn't discern precisely where the emanations were coming from. Still, he knew what she had said, he could perhaps use that as a clue to find her.

Bruce would see two more of the wolf-like creatures stalking up behind Nathaniel and Chris, silently. They however noticed the approach of the Ignis Dei and sped off into the fog. Bruce knew their behaviour from back on the Australian continent: They would try to circle around them in the fog, and if any of them were at any point alone, leap in and attack. They may even try that against a mech, and judging by how well the claws were destroying the APC's frontal armour, it would likely get through and kill the pilots of the two mechs.

Thus, the south-west group was left with several targets. They could hunt down the two that sped off into the fog, flush them out, and kill them to prevent an ambush, though that might allow the reinforcements to arrive before they could feasible get into the APC themselves and see if the Biologist was still alive. On the other hand, rushing for the Biologist could open themselves up to an attack, and the man with the chainsaw had looked fairly intimidating, though they knew his position behind the other side of the APC. Walking around the APC would attract the attention of the two attacking the front of the APC however, and could cause them to be attacked all at once.

Decisions, decisions.
South East

Georgia's brazen charge out of the building didn't catch the attention of the creature, but it caught Carolyn's attention, who looked at her wide eyed for a moment before nodding in approval with a large grin. As Georgia pulls the trigger, she could feel a sensation running through her veins, and her vision would shimmer for a moment as the combat drugs kicked in. Her grip steadied, and her eyes could focus on the targets more clearly as her bullet spray managed to badly damage one of the eyes on the Goleyeith's leg. It didn't seem to react in pain to that, but it did prevent it from noticing the small rounded, metallic object that rolled underneath its copious form.


The creature immediately falls down and tumbles over itself. As it does, Georgia hears an ear splitting scream of pain, genderless and alien, followed up gargles and howls like those of a creature driven to some kind of deranged rage. Her instincts would indicate to her to flee while she had the chance.

During all of this, Junko's bullet finally reached its mark and pierced the side of the creature, but had little apparent effect. If it did have any internal organs, they weren't hit, though for about a minute, an orange liquid did roll down from its side, and it did seem agitated by the wound briefly as it stumbled trying to stand back up.

Meanwhile, Eira landed safely on the apartment building, though it did indeed creak under the weight of the mech, and her barrage kept the blinded, wounded Goleyeith down for just enough time to allow Carolyn to get everyone off the tank. They immediately bolted for the apartment that James and Morai were holding up in. Carolyn however, stayed behind to help Antov climb out of the cockpit. He too was a pilot, judging by his outfit.

The creature finally starts to come back to its senses as it stumbles into the apartment that Eira was standing on. It did so with enough force to break the foundation, and the building, without further adieu, cracked and started to collapse, sending Eira down into the alleyway with a rough landing. Had she not been in her mech, that same fall would have most certainly killed her, but instead, it left with her with a couple bruises and a very pissed off Goleyeith slowly managing to regain vision.

Its eyes open widely, spotting Roman nearby itself it immediately lashes out. However, bullets flying from a certain apartment window rain down and hit one of its eyes, causing its aim to be a little off and giving Roman enough time to evade the attack, though with likely a renewed sense of survival in his mind. He would however notice the Goleyeith's eyes change colour from pure blackness. There was a small, dark red orb at the centre of each one now. It was evolving actively to fight them. There was no guarantee the flashbang trick would work as effectively next time.

As James would finish firing off the burst that saved Roman's life, he would feel a hand grasp his shoulder, a cold, dead hand. Being pulled backward he would see the face of a Vampyr, its eyeless, grey form akin to those of the mutants within the Shadow Zone but native to the biome of Bunker Chicago. Its seven foot tall height easily would overpower him, its mouth opens, fangs gleaming... Before a bullet pierces its skull, red blood spraying across James' armour as it falls dead. In the doorway was Morai--or, well, most of Morai--pistol in his left hand, nodding to James. "Got fixed up enough to help you now." He states simply as his arm lowers. "No man should go it alone here." He then slouches down beside the open doorway, pistol in hand, and manages a small smile with now cleaner teeth that weren't coated in blood. "Now what do you think we should do?"
Central Apartment

Jenive set up and prepared to fire, but stopped upon seeing the whole situation unfolding below. Quickly she goes on her radio, realizing that the creature was evolving. "Achilles Heel, open fire on the massive creature in south-east. Give everyone time to run!" The Achilles Heel immediately descends past her head and starts to position itself between the apartment buildings. "I am SO gonna tag me this Gol-eye-ith! Get'it? Ahahahaha... Y'all can thank me later!" Jenive then targets one of its eyes and fires, missing, but hitting the leg at least, causing a little more of the orange liquid to drain out of it before the hole healed up. "What do you think that is Junko? Its blood?" She asks curiously of her sniping partner, managing to keep a chipper attitude even now, before noticing something out of the corner of her eye.

Jenive rolls out of the way of a chainsword slamming into the concrete where her head had been. She immediately stumbles to her feet and sees a woman, six feet tall, and wearing loose clothing, stares at them both. She was bald and, like her male counterpart, had no sign of birth marks or scars or anything else, yet also mimicked the human form. "Not bad... But I can't let you continue to hurt my pet." Her sword roars to life as Jenive quickly looks to Junko with fear, then looks back at the woman. What was she supposed to do, she was a sniper, not a melee specialist!.. If only she had kept one of them behind with her. Drat. Damnable imperfect plans.

Meanwhile, as Kai and Kiku checked the rooms, they would both hear a voice. An angelic, sweet voice, perfect in all ways, feminine, just like the one that had (not to their knowledge) spoken to Nathaniel earlier. "You will find a boy here. His name is Abimael. Address him by name and he will not attack you." Sure enough, as Kai checked the third room on the left, he would see a boy, no older than fourteen, without a single hair, and with red eyes. The boy pulls out a pistol, in a configuration totally unknown, and points it at Kai. "S-Stop, p-p-please, d-don't... Don't..." His english was broken and his voice cracked, as though his voice box was damaged... Or incomplete.

Kiku, on the other hand, would see a Vampyr attempting to hide in the second room on the right. Amusingly, it seemed, she had the drop on a creature that normally has the drop on people. It wouldn't directly attack her so long as she didn't make it think she knew it was there, so with a little sleuthing, she could easily move in and execute it before it could harm anyone. However, one quick glance across the room also had her see the body of a dead pilot, likely one who had attempted to flee from the attack and hide in this very room. His neck had been ripped out, though the blood had already dried, leaving her without any pleasure in the act, and the Vampyr's blood, well, unless she wished to be infected with something that would require regular medication to keep under control, its blood was most certainly out of the question for her delectable taste buds.

"Ryan Dufont?"
"Yes, yes, what is it? Is it about the budget for Research and Development? We don't have any left over for--"
"Eve has been detected."
"What?! Where!"
"Her psychic call was detected in the burgeoning war zone in downtown sector."
"Inside the Shadow Zone?"
"Yes, but not far. It's the content, sir, that is the interesting part... We couldn't make out most of it, but she called for a Nathaniel... I believe we have this... Nathaniel, on record?"
"Yeah. Marie was defending why we should allow that borderline psychopath with delusions of grandeur into the military... Maybe she knows more than I do."
"We doubt that, there's nothing a military officer would know that we don't."
"Don't count on that with her... Still. Send in Mirkov. Now. It's too much of a clusterfuck there for us to try to take her in with extreme force, so use subtly. Also, try to get me in contact with Carolyn Antoinette. Her father owes me a favour. I can use that here and now."
"We'll try, but she isn't known for her exemplary sense of patriotism, Ryan, neither her or that dirty street scum she associates with as a friend."
"Just try. That's all I ask."
"Oh, and one more thing... Can we talk about that budget now that you've mentioned it? We have this new, glorious way of compacting trash that shou--"
"That's enough of that, Joseph. End transmission."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Bruce "Brucey" McFoster

Bruce noticed the wolf-like mutants prowling on the somewhat easier meat targets before they noticed his approach and fled into the fog. But the situation at the APC was more dire and he couldn't spare the time to hunt the creatures, especially in this low-visibility soup. "Ok gents, we have two wolf-beasts prowling in the fog. We can't afford to be separated for even a minute otherwise those things will ambush. Unless a couple of you want to go hunting for wolf-pelts. But it's time for the Ignis Dei to do what it must."

Bruce turned up the music to the maximum as Through the Fire and the Flames came next on his playlist and he spooled up the Sprint Gyro to full stride. "As for me... don't stand too close to the tin coffin. Nathaniel. If you can cover me I need to climb on board the APCs roof." Bruce charged forwards unleashing a burst of flame to distract the APCs attackers, and burn them, "Seminate vobis in loco purificationis, et in flammis Ignis Dei pecora communia" Bruce called out through the speaker playing the music. The latin speaking mutant should get the point. From there he prayed to the first flame from which the universe sprung that his back was being covered enough to climb onto the APC.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Daniel Anders

To hear people speak in the lord’s language was unusual, yet here: Daniel was confronted with two people who spoke it as fluently as he did. He wasn’t entirely sure which party confused him more: The mutant’s latin curses or the outburst from Brucie as he sprang into action. Where on earth or in heaven had these people learned latin? He had thought himself lucky to find a latin bible in the Bunker’s library, which was cross-referenced with his own holy scripture to form a rough vocabulary. To this day, he had to think about whatever he said in Latin, speaking it like a small child struggling to understand a second language.

...Yet now the suicidal Australian and an orange tongued mutant spoke the lord’s language with an ease that Daniel felt envious for!

Pausing, Daniel inhaled and exhaled sharply. The breaths were deliberate and slow as he purged the sins of pride and envy from his body. He’d seek confession after this outing, to be sure. To show such weakness was unbefitting of a holy crusader.

Feeling suitably soothed, Daniel began to analyse the situation with the ruthless intellect picked up from years as a Raider. The obvious tactics seemed out of the window: not a chance in hell of intimidating anyone and not a chance to use superior numbers. That meant the best option was a sneak attack.

He had a plan in mind, to use Brucie as bait for the wolves, but instead the lunatic had began to blare out music and make a general ass of himself. ’I guess that counts.’ It seemed that Daniel’s part of this mission would be the shepherd. He would watch the barbaric australian sheep and, when the wolves came, slaughter them.

Daniel spotted something at a slight distance away: a six-foot tall slab of reinforced concrete. It was likely a part of a building at some point, but for now, it would serve an entirely different purpose. He fired the grappling hook of his powerfist into the column and choose to leave the length of the hook slack. After that, he began to move behind Brucie, while keeping as close to cover as he could. His plan was a simple one, remain relatively hidden behind the abundant cover and await the inevitable attack upon Brucie-the-Bait.

After Brucie fired the first burst of fire, Daniel was forced to switch from Infra-red into the Standard Scanning Package. He wished he could have gotten a confirm on any more enemies or, more importantly, the safety of the lamb they sought: however, the main resource the mechs had was fire, and nothing would be worse for the Infrared pack than a location bathed in fire.

“Don’t cook the APC, Brucie. We need the biologist alive.”

His part of the plan was in place: now he just had to wait for the bait to be taken. Either Brucie got into position, or Daniel defended the heathen while he got there.

Some might think Daniel too cautious in this mission, and some might claim him a coward or a fool. He laughed at those to blind to see. Abundans cautela non nocet: one can never be too careful.

It was always gratifying to realise just how good at something you were. Just about every BCSec member should know what a Vampyr was. Among the few sightings of mutants in the shadow zone on record, these stealthy bastards were always a trouble to deal with...unless you happened to be the evolutionary pinnacle of stealthy motherfucking badasses! Kiku couldn’t hide the excitement she felt at getting what she hoped might be first kill of the mission. She was grinning inside her mask, feeling the urge to slash and mash and cut and bleed and…

A voice in her head caused Kiku to pause. It was not a normal voice: Too pretty, too serene, too soothing. Even Kiku couldn’t muster a reason to stab the owner of the voice. It was like a choir in her ear. It evoked long discarded feelings: like safety and serenity and inner peace. It talked about a boy...Abimael. Kiky memorised the name, keeping it inside her brain as she attempted to rectify the list of people not to stab for the length of this mission.

Her train of thought was halted by the sight of an unfortunate victim of the Vampyr. It was a human pilot, not handsome-Achilles heel-pilot, but some poor sap who’d had his goddamn throat slit and had been bled dry. If she was visable, people would see the genuine sadness in her eyes at the dried sanguine on the floor and walls.

...What a waste.

She slid both daggers into her sleeves as she inhaled, then exhaled. They were almost as hungry as she was. Of the trio here though, only two of them would be getting a feast.

Kiku made her way into the room with a cat-like focus. At first, she feigned moving towards the pilot’s body, as if going to explore it. She knew the Vampyr wouldn’t strike until she fell asleep or left herself truly vulnerable, that was just how the monsters worked. If anyone knew how monsters worked, it was Kiku; she grew up in a den of monsters, after all.

Kiku waited until she was practically in range to touch the monsters before she turned lazily in its direction. The beast thought itself safe as the gas-masked girl looked past it.

And then she went for the kill.

It was a brutal thrust from her right hand: the black dagger plunged into the beast’s eye with an audible, enjoyable ‘squelch.’ At the same time, she slammed the second dagger into the monster’s left lung. Straight through lucky rib number seven and not-so-lucky number eight. This thrust had been for business: a dagger in the lung stopped any screams of pain. You stopped being able to scream when the air you wanted to scream with was deflating from a gaping hole in your chest. She’d basically popped the balloon that was the Vampyr’s lung.

Focusing a little, Kiku dispelled the camouflage of her face, while maintaining the camouflage of the gasmask. She wanted the monster to stare her in the eyes as it died. If she couldn’t drink up the blood, she wanted to drink up the expression of its agonising death. If the Vampyr were not such a hideous, mutated monster, she might have saw terror in the creature’s eye: as if it was Kiku was the monster.

She dragged the black knife across the Vampyr’s dead-eye and across the bridge of its nose, taking out its second eye with another satisfying squelch. That was the second thing she’d robbed of the beast. First its voice, now its sight. Kiku had been robbed of her feast, this was the least she could take from the vampyr.

The creature was trying to pull back from Kiku, and she let it stumble backwards: into a wall. As it moved back, it pulled out the second knife from the lung wound and a violent spurt of blood sprayed onto the floor and onto Kiku’s boots. The blood lingered for a few second, before the camouflage remedied the imperfect guise. The beast was blind now, and Kiku had no reason to be seen any more as she camouflaged her face again.

Blind, mute and defenceless, Kiku decided that she’d dragged enough pleasure from the beast and moved forward for the kill. She tanked the black blade from the monster’s eye socket and then slashed across the monster’s throat from both sides. An ‘X’ formed where the two blades intersected. Kiku stepped to the right as a violent surge of blood pumped from the wound and sprayed the wall a deep crimson. She purred in delight at the sight of the gore.

Looking down at her daggers, Kiku stared into the deep red that marred their otherwise perfect edges. Her nerves were on fire as she fought everything she wanted. In the end, logic prevailed. She didn’t want to catch the many diseases associated with the Vampyr’s blood and she didn’t want to taste the Shadow-Zone air that would be required upon removing her gas mask and sampling the creature’s blood.

Disappointedly, she reached down and wiped the Vampyr’s blood of her knives with the nearby bed sheets. She reached for something witty to say, but instead she pondered which direction to go. She wanted to go and see the other girls and tell them all about her little adventures: but she still had other rooms to clear.

She had one new advantage in the search, yet how that would go for her might be up to debate. Enough of the creature’s blood had gotten onto her that she smelt of Vampyr. Not the perfume you used in BCSec, to be sure, but if she was stalking mutants, Eau d’mutie would be perfect.

She noticed the broody-sword-doody in the doorway of the third room. His bulk blocked her sight, so she just looked inside the third room on the right, not wanting to disturb him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 2 mos ago

South West Chris

His eyes darted quickly left and right, the gun always facing a different direction to his head so as to maximise his reaction times. The fog was rather cloying, though with only fifty feet separating him and the APC he could clearly see, and hear, the wolves tearing apart the bonnet. He knew the fog was dangerous; he couldn’t afford to hang around in some long-ass firefight. More importantly, those wolves made him want to turn and run, which wasn’t a familiar feeling for a mercenary as hardened as him by war. Then, the crazy Australian did him the favour of alerting him to more of the wolves, and he turned around quickly to make sure he wasn’t being snuck up on.

Regardless, he swerved away from his position and further away from the wolves at the front, keeping his shotgun trained for the smooth-man with the chainsaw who had been hacking away at the backdoor only moments ago. If they were going to secure these VIP’s before-

Chris was suddenly taken aback by a reckless sprint executed by the music-blaring Mech driven by the insufferable Aussie. He could no longer hear particularly well, which was always nice to have when fighting in fucking fog. He swore under his breath and watched the flames roll out from the Mech’s weaponry, preparing to bathe their foes in fiery death. It was very nice and all, but Chris would have preferred it if he had moved –away- from the target with the squishy, valuable VIP’s within.

Daniel echoed these thoughts perfectly, and left Chris staring in bemusement at the irrational act that followed, even as he approached the APC at a far slower rate. Conceivably, he could protect the Mech from some foes should they dive towards it on this side of the APC, though he wasn’t particularly suited to the job with his shotgun.

“Let’s get the VIP’s and get the fuck out of dodge before these lunatics burn us to death.” Chris spat out quickly to Nathaniel, strafing as far from the flames as possible while making a beeline for the back of the APC. If anything didn’t have its attention on the mech clambering atop the APC and sending flame in every god damn direction it was a miracle, and Chris knew this as he skirted wide around the APC. With one quick look behind him, he dropped a hand to his left hip while his right arm strained to hold his shotgun ready to shoot anything which popped out behind the APC. Then, with the practiced ease of someone who trains with using weapons and equipment without looking, he popped out the flash bang and threw it up and over the APC, where it bounced down just on the other side.

He raised one hand towards Nathaniel to halt him, provided he had decided to join Chris in actually completing their objectives here. When the flashbang popped with the noise loud enough to be audible over the damn soundtrack blaring out of the mech, Chris could swing round about ten feet from the back of the APC (his mind still thinking back to that vicious looking chainsword) and prepare to put a whole lot of holes into the smooth man to secure the back for evacuation of the VIPs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Her shot did find its mark, but it didn't seem to do much to deter the monster. It did seem mildly irritated by the wound instead of just shrugging it off. It was interesting to say the least, for while it seemed undeterred, it did show some discomfort about it. Perhaps if she shot at all of the hotspots, she'd find somewhere where it irritated it the most, and buy some time for the team there as well.

"What do you think that is Junko? Its blood?"

"I think so." Junko took off her eye from the scope, giving a glance over to the heli as it flew towards the beast, wondering about what that man just said. She didn't get it at all. "Whatever it is, I'd stay far away from it."

She lined up on another hotspot on the thing, just as she heard a loud metallic clang as something metallic smashed against concrete.


A huge woman stood just before them, a behemoth of a human, just under the size of a fully grown bear.


A chainsaw sword, or a chainsword, or the one way ticket to fucksville as some people she knew dubbed it. And with the confidence with which that woman held it.... It was times like these that Junko wished she carried more than this tooth pick and standard pistol as a backup. But she had been through worse with less, plus, she had that girl, Jenive, to back her up.

As the chainsword roared to life, she put down Vladimir, and took out her combat knife and the pistol. "Jenive." She gave a gesture with her left hand, a signal to flank and attack when opportunity presents itself. If Junko didn't get cut down in the first few minutes of this fight that was.

Junko fired off a round at the smooth woman's chest, more as an attempt to focus the woman's attention on her than anything else. She held the knife in a reverse grip, her right holding the pistol, ready for dodging and counterattacking should she find an opening to exploit.

Counterbalance the knife, quick slash, and retract...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

South-West Block - Nathaniel

Nathaniel's eyes and attention were locked on the APC to the exclusion of all else. He was still rushing straight for the thing when hearing his name pulled him out of this hyper-focused state. The fire-lover was asking for his aid? It took a moment, then it clicked in Nathaniel's mind. Brucie was no heathen, no, nothing so simple as that. He was the bearer of the purifying fire of God, sent to bathe the sinners in its cleansing heat. Why else would he called upon Nathaniel, upon the burgeoning divinity for help? No heathen would ask for divine aid, after all, whether or not he knew consciously that divinity was at hand. So far as Nathaniel could tell, heathens had a natural aversion to interacting with him, which he thought must be some sort of instinctual fear of the inevitable judgment they would face for their sins.

He stayed with Chris as the man said he wanted to get Annie out of there quick, which was the goal of course, but kept his eyes and gun trained on the area around Brucie. Nathaniel would shoot at anything that tried to stop the mech from getting up onto the APC, and anything that tried to attack it once it got into place. He saw Chris grab a flashbang and toss it, though since the man didn't say anything Nathaniel gave a quick warning to the others over the radio: "flashbang on the big guy." He stopped when signaled and averted his own eyes to avoid the flashbang, then quickly took stock of the situation to make sure nothing had used the bright flash to its advantage while he was looking away.

Nathaniel spoke to the others over the radio again as he readied to head forward with Chris. "Let's try to take out the big one on the way forward. I'll pop the door when we get there, Chris make friends with anything left standing. Once he's out I'll rush Annie back to Daniel, then we can fall back out of this fog. Let's do it quick and clean, boys." As he finished, Nathaniel thought a silent prayer to himself, praying for the safety of the others with him; he was already sure of his own safety, so there was no need to pray for that. He didn't think his future godly self would grant mercy to anyone just because his current mortal form was praying for it, but it couldn't hurt to try.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Holmishire

Holmishire Ghost with no home.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Eira, Mercy. South-East block.
Mech pilot: Medium armour, 2x.50cal, jets & supportsys.

Pain bolted through multiple points on her body as she lay dazed on the asphalt of the alleyway. Beginning to doubt that there was any chance of them all making it out unscathed, she groaned and moved around a bit. Nothing's broken, she mused, and that means I still need to fight.

Straining her aching body, she staggered to her feet. A sudden headrush afflicted her, but she ignored it. This was a matter of comfort or life, and she hoped she wasn't petty enough to mix them up in importance.

Rubble surrounded her, scattered across the alleyway. It seemed the beast had sent her—along with a large part of the apartment, crashing down. And now it was after them. And Roman.

Roman was close to the beast now, ahead of her. And as always, he was defenseless against a creature so powerful. It wasn't that she doubted his skill. She just doesn't didn't think that this is exactly his domain of expertise.

Turning to face the beast, she called out to Roman. "Get behind me and look for an exit! I'll try to hold him off." Again she raised her twin guns and directed them at the beast. Quickly backing away, she waited for Roman to get behind her before shooting. And if ever that beast tried to charge her, she'd have to use her jets to blast herself up out of the way. She didn't want to abandon Roman, but at the same time, she was of little use dead.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

South-East Block: Roman Cassidy

Almost immediately killed by the Goleyeith for his sloppiness, Roman stood before the mass of flesh with no idea what to do next. The flashbang was a nice trick, but the evolving creature wasn't exactly weak to it anymore, and it only had eyes-and a lot of them- for him. He'd been able to wipe out entire raiding camps without breaking a sweat, but his face was so covered in it that it was getting in his eye, the sting unfamiliar. He had to think more quickly, fight the way he knew how to fight. But what cover of night could a man find in the day, with his target staring right at him?

And the he heard it. "Get behind me and look for an exit! I'll try to hold him off." Eira was trying to protect him, knowing that he was vulnerable and in need of assistance. So I guess I am in a team then. Good. Looking one last time at the monster before him, Roman decided to hit the bastard with something stronger before taking the opportunity Eira gave to start fighting the way he would excel at. Running to the mech, he pulled both frag grenades from a pocket, pulled the pins, and threw them towards the Goleyeith. If he survived the retreat, he'd do exactly what Eira recommended and look for an exit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

South East - James Wolff

James looked at the corpse of the... bloodsucker that almost ruined his day. He looked back up at the Sargeant and said "I owe you one." He then looked back at the road to see the survivors run into the apartment. He then said to the Sargeant "Let's go back downstairs and find out exactly what the hell is going on. See if they know something or can tell us something." James then reached over to his pack and placed it on the ground. He dug through it quickly and pulled out his medikit. He zipped up his pack and put it back on. He then went through his medkit to find some disinfectant. He used it to clean himself of the blood from the creature that lay dead on the floor. After all, he didn't want to risk anything especially since not much was known about the creatures of the fog.

With a systematic swiftness, James then reached to his holster and pulled out his pistol. He then looked at the Sargeant and said "Also, I'll give them this stuff. Someone could be injured and needs treatment... or maybe someone knows how to patch you up better than I do. Either way, I don't need this medpack right now, and someone else might. Also, practically none of them are armed, so I'll give them a fighting chance by giving them this pistol to whoever looks like is the best shot in the group. Now then. Let's go. We might end up having to just run away if we can't deal with that thing outside." James then began to walk out of the room with his pistol ready until he realized that the people were probably scared out of their minds. He figured that it might be a good idea to warn them that they were coming down. Thus, he yelled "Friendlies coming down the stairs. Check your targets!" At that point, James then continued his walk toward the group downstairs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
Avatar of Tempest

Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Georgia looks at the beast with too-many eyes. The unearthly shriek sends chills down her spine and she drops her weapon, letting it lay lax on its strap as she covers her ears, staggering on her feet. Everything seemed to be moving so slow, she was too wound up and she needed to do something. Needed to do anything. The Goleyeith was a monstrosity and all those big bullets that punched into it and riddled it with holes were nothing as it recovered. What could she do to it. Nothing. Nothing... Except make a nice snack. She shudders and turns back around, darting for the tank and Carolyn. Let the big mech mess with the big scary thing that screamed wrongness at her and terrified her immensely. She grabs her radio and speaks into it, "We aren't doing anything to it without a bigger boom. Thinking caps, everyone!... If that doesn't work, someone needs to lead it off so our friends can swoop out. After it's clear, the bait just has to Houdini out of its sight. Sounds like fun, right?" In her mind, all the activity did sound like a lot of fun... She did not get to play hide-and-seek often anymore, leave alone with someone who must be a master!

Climbing up onto the tank, she passes her pistol into Carolyn's free hand and grabs the other arm of her pilot friend, "Miss me?" She grins, feeling antsy. "I wanna ask how Thomas is, but guess we should all get clear, huh?.. Thomas is with you... Right?" Her eyes lock fearfully onto Carolyn, hoping she did not lose her big brother. Even if the sparkly-plugs rocket were needed, and he did get left behind... She tries to shake off the idea. She trusted Cara. She would never do something like that. Ever. She was too strong and caring and her best friend.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

Banned Offline since relaunch

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

“Fuck it, I want that bonus.” -Chris, Page 1.
Central Apartments

As Kiku investigated the other rooms she would find nothing of any significant interest, darting in and out of each one yielded nothing. If there were anymore Vampyrs, they weren't here. This area was secure for the snipers to move in, she simply had to go get them now. However, once she finished and ended up back in the main hallway, she would hear a woman's scream out on the left side of the apartments--someone had fallen from the top of the building!

Abimael had lowered his pistol when his name was used. The sound of a screaming woman falling to her death got his attention though, and he jumped in fear before curling up into a ball. There didn't appear to be much that Raen could do except report Abimael being here or not, as from the looks of it, he wasn't going anywhere fast. He could of course also try to drag Abimael places, though judging by his unorthodox appearance, that might not be wise. "G-Go." Abimael croaks out, before pointing to himself. "S-Stay." That is when Raen would hear the voice in his mind again, the angelic voice. Kiku would also overhear it, though could tell it was meant for Raen. "Tell Abimael to cooperate with your soldiers and report his being there. Consider him a gift for your scientists, so long as they do not harm him."

Meanwhile, on the rooftop, Junko's attempts to get the mutant's attention succeeded. Not that it took much goading, as she walked towards them with a savage grin on her lips. A bullet pierced the creature's chest and it hesitated, but didn't seem to actually be mortally wounded by it as it continued to advance, chainsword coming to life. "All sinners shall perish before the might of the lo--" She is interrupted by the sound of a screaming lunatic using a jet pack, Jenive, who, when realizing that neither of her weapons would do much good to it from what she saw, decided to slam the creature off the side of the rooftop using her jetpack and her own body as a battering ram.

The creature's chainsword falls to the ground as it is hit, sliding to Junko's feet it was powered by some odd substance as there was no smoke to indicate gasoline and yet it clearly in operation from the sounds of the interior motors in the hilt. Looking up she would see the creature fall off the side of the building, eyes wide open in surprise, before screaming a series of guttural curses in latin. Jenive rubs her left arm in pain, and looks at Junko with an awkward smile. Her left arm had been burned by simply coming into contact with the creature, and the fog wasn't helping. "Welp! That worked! Nice thinking with the bait!"
South West

Brucey's distracting attack actually proved remarkable effective against the mutant wolves, who weren't paying attention to Brucey and were seemingly obeying the last orders they received to a fault. One is immediately bathed in flame as the other scampers away. The mutant wolf on fire howls in intense pain before, seconds later, being reduced to some kind of orange liquid substance, though the liquid quickly enough blackened and turned to ashes. Fire appeared to be an effective weapon, if one could get a very good, close range burst on them. Though whether that worked against all the mutants or not was debatable.

A few seconds of climbing up onto the APC was all the second mutant wolf needed to close the distance. With utterly inhuman speed, it dashes through the fog faster than Daniel's standard sensor package can track, and sinks its elongated jowls into the mech's left knee during its ascent. Brucey's mech made it atop the APC, but its left knee joint was now disabled and locked into a partially bent state, causing the rest of the world to look somewhat slanted to him as the computer warned him that there was something attached to his leg. The fangs sunk in closer and closer, threatening to possible even sever the leg before being hit with a large piece of concrete in a power fist. Daniel had caught up and decidedly ended its life in the safest manner possible. After all, he wouldn't cook the APC, and he was actively covering Brucey.

On the other hand, Chris' wide turn to try and put space between him and the mutant put him too far out for Brucey to help. Not that the flamethrowers would be too effective at covering him through precise methods anyway. Nathaniel and Chris would both hear the most spine chilling growl from behind as they turned the corner on the APC, and Nathaniel locked up in fear. He wasn't mentally or physically prepared for such an encounter, though Chris would rotate on his heels and fire at the two charging wolves. Despite having inhuman speed, one falters and falls over in anguish, several pellets laden into its skull. While it still wasn't dead it still felt pain. The other wolf, however, closed the gap and tackled Chris to the ground. Its maw locks around his right leg and in one quick, deadly motion, the leg snaps in three places. As though that wasn't bad enough, Chris would hear the sound of a chainsword revving up as the chainsword mutant charged from its compromised APC position towards them.

He'd manage to lift up his shotgun and try to take a shot, though only a few pellets hit, and despite getting a chest shot, it didn't seem to have any real effect on the chainsword mutant except to piss him off. He swings down with his chainsword and in a bloody menagerie of guts and arterial spray, Chris' life came to an eventful and disturbing end.

Nathaniel would snap back and look back at Chris' corpse, the wolf had managed to gnaw his leg off, and he could see the chainsword mutant madly cutting the corpse in half across the chest. He had nearly finished... And when he was finished, he would go after Nathaniel next. The only thing keeping him safe were the pheromones emanating from his body that told them that he was no real threat. And thus, his option became plain and obvious: Run.
South East

Georgia advanced to the APC to Carolyn. Upon asking about her 'older brother' she would see Antov pulling it out with him as he climbed out of the tank. He gave it to Carolyn, who in turn handed it to Georgia. "Safe and sound." She whispers, though concern was still in her voice that she would be thinking of that now and not about her, or anyone else around. "Quick, we need to move." Antov stated plainly as Carolyn looks back at the large creature, and grits her teeth as she sees it advancing on Eira and Roman. As Antov scrambles out of the tank and starts limping for the apartments, Carolyn looks to the tank and starts climbing inside. Just as soon as her feet get into the hatch the tank's engine comes to a sputtering stop. Her eyes widen and she curses it. "They're on their own now." She states simply and sadly as she grabs Georgia by the arm and runs for the apartments.

Just as they're about to enter the apartments, they hear something hit the pavement a few feet away from them. Carolyn and Georgia are both splattered with a few orange droplets as they would see a few physical giblets of what was likely once one of the mutants. Jenive's voice can then be heard on the radio. "Oops! Hope nobody got hurt down there!" It was clear from the tone of her voice that she was in pain.

Meanwhile, Morai grinned a little at James' mention of owing him one. "Just pay me back in gin." He states plainly as he follows James' lead and limps with him. James' declaration of friendlies is followed up with Morai shouting the same in another language, it sounded oriental in origin, only further cementing his immigrant background. As James and Morai reach the few survivors now on the bottom floor of the apartment and scattered over a couple of bachelour suites, Georgia and Carolyn get inside as well. Carolyn looks back outside and her eyes widen at the sight of the orange puddle slowly becoming a solid again, though they likely had a few minutes before it could finish. "No fucking way..." She states with a pale face as Morai looks over. Though not disturbed, he looked concerned as he looks at James. "Your plan of running away? I think that's a good plan here. Advance through this apartment away from the fog. Start radioing for evac and start getting the survivors moving."

The sergeant appeared to be taking charge of the situation as he limped over to Carolyn and Georgia. "Georgia, I see you made it." He says with a small grin. "Remind me later and we can split a bottle of gin." He then motions around at the various survivors, there were only eight there, not including Antov or Carolyn, and most of them in pilot jumpsuits. No camouflage. Morai grimaced as he looked outside. He bites his lip before he opens the med kit that James had generously given the survivors, taking out a bottle of pain killers and eating twice the recommended dosage before giving it back to the survivors. With a deep breath he tests weight on his leg, still grimacing in pain, but now able to stand on it, despite being a bit sluggish in more precise movements. "I'm going back for the other two of your group." He states plainly. "The rest of you, move out." With that said, he steps out from the apartment, and starts moving for the other side of the street to try and intercept Roman and Eira.

Prior to this, Roman managed to get behind Eira after tossing his frag grenades. They succeeded in damaging the Goleyeith's eyes again, and though it seemed pained, it didn't stop its attack against Eira. It lashes out with its limbs, and although the attack wasn't accurate, it manages to grasp Mercy's right arm, and with a violence not even seen in mother nature, rips it off. "Warning: Lost connection with right arm!" Eira's mech would inform her of the obvious as it was about to move in to finish her off, before being sprayed with several 50 calibre rounds and a pair of rockets to its back side. "YEEEEHAW!" Achilles Heel has arrived. "Git'on outta there! This is a tango for two now y'hear?"

Roman looked down the dark alleyway and noticed two paths. One deeper into the fog, and one away from it, both alleyways that would ordinarily have a hard time fitting Eira's mech, though missing an arm, it would fit now. From the path deeper into the fog, Roman realized there were things moving around back there, but they didn't seem interested in him. Strange, the mutants had been nothing but filled with a genocidal, murderous intent before, and surely they had seen him, yet... Was it worth risking an investigation now, knowing that at any time the Achilles Heel might run out of ammo or have to retreat?

The sound of the plane's jet engines would be an odd sensation for most aboard. They were the backup crew, those ready to deploy in the event of a catastrophe, or a very dangerous situation. Aboard were a few people, bounding for various places, but at the moment, they were hovering just over what was quickly becoming known as the Battle Zone of Downtown. There, divided into three sections (central, south west, south east) they had been ordered to wait by a higher up named Mirkov. In the back of the plane was the cargo hold, where those with parachutes and jet packs were awaiting clearance to drop. Large enough even to hold small mechs, this plane was expensive, likely far above any of their pay grades to dream of flying.

One woman in particular there was waving people off the plane. Covered head to toe in sleek black armour she ran off a list of names and told them to drop at a mere five thousand feet, though their parachutes were quick deploying, and could be used as low as five hundred feet safely, but no lower. A stern, but soft voice came through their radios. "Sam Houston, Liam Grillod, Marvin Walters, South West. JUMP!" Sam's mech was equipped with a parachute large enough for itself, and which would automatically cut itself away from his mech when it detected that he was at ground level. "Peter Táo, South East, JUMP!" She then stops and taps her helmet, likely switching to a private channel.

"I'm depending on you to retrieve one of Eve's personal projects, or Eve herself. Failure is not an option."
"Of course Mirkov."
"Oh, and one other thing, Alyss... Someone from your past is down there. I'm assuming there won't be any... Trouble."
"I... I'm past that. He can't recognize me in my armour anyway... The mission will come first, Mirkov."
"Good. Best of luck, and come home safely. If you should die--"
"--Die like a Russian."

With that said in a private channel, she looks to Mathew Fetcher and motions him off the plane. "Mathew Fetcher, Central, JUMP!" She jumps off as well, using her jet pack to slow her descent, though Matthew would likely get there before she would. She would succeed. There was no other choice than success in her mind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

South-East Block: Roman Cassidy

"Run. RUN!" The voice of the Black Viper pushed Roman down the alley, past his ally and towards uncertainty. Eira's mech had one less arm than normal and the pilot was surely going to die; all Roman could do now was survive the Goleyeith's attack and retreat to safety. His survival was always all that mattered, and nothing had changed. Nothing but the setting.

Silently creeping up on the camp, Roman held the shotgun tightly, his finger on the trigger despite the Viper's insistence that it wasn't safe gun practice. It made him feel better about the situation they found themselves in, so he would shamelessly use whatever crutch he could find. The Viper's leg was still hurt a month after a mistake of Roman's during a raid got his mentor shot, but the Black Viper insisted on them getting back to work sooner rather than later. The old man's pride would be hurt if he was forced to admit that he wasn't ready to continue traveling, something Roman would just have to live with.

There were three exits in the alley: back to the street and into the fight against the Goleyeith, one path away from the fog and one entering it. Before disregarding the foggy path completely, Roman saw the movement inside it. People, or mutants, close enough to see him but shrouded by enough fog that their appearance was unclear. And they must have seen him at this distance (or at least heard him approach), but weren't paying Roman any attention. Were they not hostile, or was something more interesting than fresh meat nearby? Walking into the fog was a tempting prospect, but safety was very much less than guaranteed in the fog. It could be a trap for all he knew.

Most of the raiders were asleep, one awake and sitting before the bonfire, stoking it with a stick. He yawned, setting the stick down and resting his head in his hands. There were no signs that he intended to watch over his companions, more like he was having trouble sleeping, and the noise of the bonfire would more than cover up the sounds of Roman's approach. A more aware, jumpy raider would hear him coming, but this one didn't have a chance. A hand over the mouth and a knife in the back would be all it took.

As Roman and the Viper started creeping towards the camp, another raider arrived, carrying a bit of cloth and laughing. "Took longer than expected. Too bad we didn't have any paper, it's a real
shame I had to use Barry's favorite shirt to wipe." As the two raiders laughed, a third stirred, then a fourth. Suddenly the entire camp was waking up.

"It is time for us to leave." The Viper started to step back, making the decision that it was too dangerous. Suddenly a twig snapped, and the raiders saw them. The predators of one moment had become the prey in the next.

"YEEEEHAW!" The Goleyeith was being attacked from behind by the Achilles Heel. Suddenly the hopefully quick death of Eira became the hopeful survival of Roman's somehow-still-living ally. "Git'on outta there! This is a tango for two now y'hear?" And from here Roman would gladly 'git'on. But with the pilot behind him, his options were no longer so limited.

Roman ran, the Viper hobbling behind, the raiders waking their companions and grabbing gear before going on the offensive. The Viper breathed heavily, his face drenched in sweat that shined in the dull moonlight. "You can go faster, boy. Run. RUN!" As the Viper looked back in worry, he slipped and fell. Screaming in pain and clutching his leg, he looked up at Roman. "GO! YOU SURVIVE! RUN!"

Roman pulled the Viper up by his jacket with one hand, his shotgun still on the other. "Vipers don't run." Taking a grenade out of one of the Viper's jacket pockets, he pulls the pin and throws it towards the still-preparing raiders. "They coil." Pushing the Viper against a tree, the old man's back to the now chaotic raider camp, Roman added a final "Then they strike.".

Taking a step back, Roman whistled to the mech pilot to get their attention. "Eira! Somethin's up in the fog. Get your mask on an' let's go!" There could be people there, more in need of saving. A little fog wouldn't stop him from helping them. And if there was something going on that could help in the fight against the mutants, putting himself in danger would be more than worth it. Twice now his life was saved by teammates, and who would he be to not return the favor? Taking a moment to put his mask on and make sure it worked properly, Roman walked down the path into the fog, his shotgun at the ready.

"You are an idiot." The Viper hobbled into camp, standing before the crater where several of the raiders were reduced to pieces of flesh thanks to Roman's grenade. Seeing that only three bodies had shotgun wounds on them and the rest were dead because of the grenade, he added "You are a lucky idiot."

As Roman chuckled and nodded in agreement, a raider stood up, clutching his chest with one hand and holding a gun in another. His back to Roman, the raider had no chance to do more than bleed when a shotgun blast caused his once-intact head to rain down upon the Viper. Angrily wiping blood from his face, the Viper sat by the bonfire. "Thank you for this great gift." Roman smiled, the knowledge that this was the closest that he would get to a true show of appreciation from the Viper being more than enough thanks. The feeling of helping others, whether they found themselves in danger of put themselves there, was satisfying enough already.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
Avatar of GreenGoat

GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Central Apartment Complex

Junko Heizen

When the bullet entered the mutant's chest without so much as a grunt of pain from it, she remembered thinking about how she should have just emptied the whole clip into its body. Junko had prepared herself for a series of long drawn out dodges and ripostes as Jenive tried to shoot off that thing's head. Surely without a head it would die, no?

The mutant advanced on her, which as scary as it was, ensured its attention was not on Jenive. By now she expected Jenive to take the opportunity to strike. Instead of a high caliber round to the face however, the mutant was blown off its feet by a high speed missile that was Jenive with her rocket pack, throwing the mutant right off the ten story building. She collapsed on her rear, as her legs went limp from relief at the mutant fell to its death. Going toe to toe with a chainsword wielding mutant with nothing but a knife was not her idea of fun. It was a good thing Jenive thought of using her jetpack, Junko herself had not even thought of that.

There was a loud clang of something landing near her, the chainsword that previously belonged to the mutant. She didn't know how it ran, since it had no smoke to indicate fuel being burnt or anything, but it was certainly still running. Must be batteries or something, small enough to fit in the hilt, and still strong enough to power a full sized chainsword. Perhaps the techies would reward her for picking up this sort of thing? But... it was not her kill, so Jenive had first pick of anything off the corpse, unless she declined or showed no interest in scavenging. It was an unspoken rule most followed in where she came from after all.

Which means if Jenive showed no interest in the chainsword, Junko can keep it.

After carefully examining the thing, she found the switch the mutant thumbed earlier, and shut it down.

"Jenive, I..."

She was wounded? Her arm seems burnt, but from what? Was the mutant woman scalding hot to the touch? Junko didn't think on it too much, simply grabbing the chainsword, and took out the small med kit they all had. "Give me your hand." was all she said, putting her hand out for Jenive's injured arm. If Jenive trusted her enough to give Junko her arm, then she would treat the burn with first the alcohol, pouring it all over the wound, and then putting the dry bandage on it. If not, well.. it was her choice.

One takes care of one's team, regardless if they just met or not, if one wants to stay alive till payday. A treated hand shoots better than a wounded one after all.

Now they only need to wait for the all clear from the chameleon team below and move into better cover.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Daniel Anders and Bruce "Brucey" McFoster

Things were going wrong quickly.

First off, they had underestimated the wolves. They moved at an incredible pace, and that meant that Daniel was imperfect in his shepherd's duty. Brucie did well to incinerate one wolf, and the fact that it burst into a puddle of orange goop was encouraging. Would the Chainsword wielding Latin-speaker suffer a similar fate?

A blur moved across the scanning pack, and suddenly the HUD flashed red with the sign of a non-friendly. He turned the mech in time to see it lashing out at Brucey’s knee joint. Daniel swore in latin, before charging forward and reeling in the grappling hook. He made up half the distance between Brucie and himself when the concrete slab connected with his hand. The fingers of the mech tightened around the pole, wielding it like a longsword. With a fluid movement, Daniel slammed the concrete slab against the wolf attached to Brucey’s knee joint. It didn’t take a genius to recognise the damage to the knee joint. Brucie wasn’t getting off the top of the APC any time soon.

“Brucie, Your knee joint is buckled; make sure you calibrate the angle when you fire your next burst.”

Bruce didn’t much care for getting told things he already knew, or people who fucked up covering his back. But he forgave the Churchie for quickly rectifying the issue. Despite the perfectly filtered air of his cabin, if perfectly meant the smell of stale air, Bruce stabilised his position as best as possible. Instead while keeping one eye on the displays Bruce went over the damage readouts. The knee joint was locked up, the hip and foot joins would still move but they’d require more effort to pull off.

And while a sprint like that might look hilarious Bruce throttled it back from full military power, he wasn’t sprinting anywhere like this. Instead he adjusted his aim before Daniel’s transmission came through.

Daniel’s mind whirled as he planned through the next stage of their mission. They needed to deal with the mutated humanoid next. Was it as weak to fire as the wolf was? It was their best bet: other than the slab of concrete in his hands, of course.

“I have a plan, Heathen. I need you to bathe that bastard in as much fire as you can muster. Play some of the devil music as well, I’ll do the rest.”

“Heathen? Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For I am fire incarnate!” Bruce responded over the loudspeakers with a grin as he changed the track playing.

Keying the comms again. “Nathaniel. Piss bolt for the APC and keep your noggin down. The Ignis Dei is bringing the fire and I need you to cover my back.” Bruce said as he adjusted to face the chainsaw wielder as much as possible without compromising his position on the APC.

With that Bruce brought his incinerators to bear on the Chainsword wielder as he smashed Chris’s Corpse giving the man’s body about as dignified a treatment urinating in a coffin. FWOOOOOSH Bruce opened up a long stream of flame at the mutant as he flicked comms again to the Bunker Chicago channel.

“Is there anyone in the APC still alive and kicking, Bruce McFoster of Bunker Chicago. I’m the Lean Mean BBQ Machine currently riding your ride like a surfboard and i’m askin nicely for an idea whether i’m protecting a box of people to save or a coffin.” But nothing came back on the comms except static. “Fukkin yakkbox is probably on the fritz.” Bruce lamented.

Daniel couldn’t help but smirk at the Australian heathen’s presentation. Perhaps it was the bravado or perhaps it was just the confidence, but it gave a small spark of amusement and a glimmer of hope that this plan wasn’t a doomed one.

Daniel manoeuvred the mech two steps backwards as he flicked off several sensors and safety mechanisms. In truth, Doc Asian would probably flip his shit at Daniel for being so reckless with the mech, but being shouted at by that Asian-Asshat was probably better than being dead. God knows what safety mechanism would kick in and get the man murdered, should Daniel not turn them off. An auto alignment correction here, or the reallocation of power from the Sprint gyro to the cooling system there...all could prove fatal.

With the appropriate settings turned off: namely the auto heat-dampening unit, the gyroscopic calibration protocol and the damned audio warning system, Daniel was about ready to get going with his stupid plan.

Daniel activated the Sprint Gyro’s overdrive protocol. He’d been preparing it for a while now, and the feel of the mech entering a more reactive pace was refreshing. Sprint Gyros were all about closing the gap. So, it was time to close the gap.

He launched the mech forward, using and abusing the new burst of speed to hurtle towards the APC. Before slamming into the carrier, he forced the mech into a jump: Planting one sped up foot on the APC and buckling the metal under the combined force of weight and speed: then he forced another step, and then a third. Finally, the forth step used the APC as a springboard, and hurtled Daniel forward.

...Into Brucey’s firestorm.

The HUD lit up with warning lights, but Daniel ignored them. He had enough knowledge about the mech to be sure it could handle at least a minute of flamethrower heat before it, or he, were seriously damage. He didn’t intend for a minute in the heat, after all.

Soaring through the air, Daniel lifted the improvised slab of concrete above his head, wielding it like a sword of some sorts. His target was bathed in fire right now: distracted, maybe even falling apart like the wolf had before. He doubted that last one a little, but that didn’t stop it being a possibility.

Besides, this side of the plan would deal with that. Daniel intended to introduce the creature’s skull to a block of concrete. Even a regenerating creature shouldn’t be un-phased by a blow to the head that hard. At the least, it should get knocked the fuck out because its brain would be jarred.

”If it gets knocked out, I’ll tie it up with the grappling hook. If it doesn’t get knocked out...well...He’d have no time for thinking.”

He had no speakers like Brucie, but silence didn’t seem to fit the situation. He shouted out his own words: Knowing full well that no one would hear them.

“Dues Vult, vermin, as God wills!”

Kiku felt like skipping as she started to move down the main hall again. She had been able to satisfy a killing urge, and the entire hallway seemed to be clear: at least on her side. She hadn’t really spotted the sword-totting grumpy-grots, although she hadn’t really been that worried. He could probably handle himself. Besides, if he couldn’t she got a shiny new sword!

Suddenly, the sound of a woman’s scream had Kiku’s head shoot up. Someone had fallen off the top of the building? Fuck! How on earth had one of those two been able to fall off a building unless…Unless one of the Vampyrs had gotten up there?

Fuck! No single word was as versatile as fuck, and here: it showed the annoyance Kiku felt. Her job had been to watch the ladies’ beautiful booties. Instead, she was probably responsible for the loss of some fine tail. She started to run down the hall, dodging past the figure of Kai, still standing in the same doorway.

” Tell Abimael to cooperate with your soldiers and report his being there. Consider him a gift for your scientists, so long as they do not harm him." Kiku didn’t stop at the message. None of it was really relevant to her anyways. It was probably meant for Kai or something: maybe he was talking to the boy right now! That would explain him standing around, doing naff-all.

She sprinted up the steps, two at a time. Hoping beyond hope that she would be able to save whoever was left. It would be a waste if the girls took a tumble over the roof: two pretty lasses, completely out of reach bodies…

Pushing open the roof door, both daggers brandished and ready to attack whatever monster was besieging either Jenive or Junko, Kiku skided to a halt. Instead, there was nothing threatening the pair at all. Kiku stood there, bewildered. Who had been screaming? She looked around the roof and spotted the chainsword. “Oh god, what is that cool thing!?”

…What? They were fine.

“9th floor is pretty much clean now and ...Hang on, what’s up with her arm?” She pointed at Jenive, who seemed to cradle her arm.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

South-West Block - Nathaniel

Nathaniel felt his heart beating rapidly, as if it was trying to pound its way out of his chest. The wolf-beasts had paralyzed his body and mind, and he was absurdly lucky to be alive at this point. He needed no encouragement from Brucie to run, and he was already on his way toward the nominal protection of his mech-suited allies by the time the message came on the radio. God in the making or no, Nathaniel wasn't fool enough to think himself immortal or immune to pain, at least not after getting a fear-laden reminder of his own mortality courtesy of the wolf things.

He made for the side of the APC facing the way they'd entered the area from, cursing under his breath in a simple litany of "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" that he chose not to broadcast over the radio. Once there, with the vehicle now at least partially between him and the giant mutant that had carved Chris up, Nathaniel turned round to look for the wolf that was still unharmed. The thing was still chewing on Chris's corpse, which was perfect for his purposes. He spared but a moment of thought for the dead man, who had obviously been a sinner so far gone as to be beyond saving if he died here in this holy place, before the whoosh of flamethrowers caught his attention. Nathaniel could only hope they caught the attention of that damned chainsword wielding freak too, as he took the opportunity to fire on the feeding wolf. He held the gun as steady as he could, aiming for the body of the thing as the basic training courses they'd been given suggested they do for maximum chance to hit the target, and fired repeated short bursts rather than hauling back on the trigger and unloading everything at once. There was some pounding sound from behind him, then the crunching of metal, but Nathaniel paid no heed to those distractions and focused on taking the wolf down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Icarus


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

South West - Liam

It felt as if the earth were screaming. Every muscle in his body was tense as he plumeted towards the ground. His fingers clutched the parachute release for dear life and he wanted nothing more than to pull it immediately, and float as slowly down as he could. Perhaps the emtire ordeal could be missed in this case, but he doubted that. He breathed very deeply, calming his nerves as best he could. How many simulated drops had he done? Enough surely. Feeling that it was the correct time to pull the chord he felt himself slowed down as the parachute engaged

Looking down he noted the bank of fog that the South-West was bathed in. "Shiiiiiit" he whispered to himself. Reaching to his side he grappled for the gas mask which would probably be a good idea to wear, having it secured he still didn't relish the thought of landing right in the thick of it, and so he began steering his parachute towards it edge, and closer to those he had deployed with, so that they would all be closer upon landing. "S-sam? Ma-arvin? I'm coming closer to you both so we can all venture into the fog together. Strength in numbers, right?" With a nervous quiver in his voice he squeaked out a weak laugh as he continued upon his descent. He had as it happened pulled his rip chord to soon allowing the others to whiz past him, he was now trying to make sure he was manuevered between them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 5 days ago

Matthew: Central Apartments

'Skydiving is fun,' Matthew thought as he whizzed towards the ground with no small amount of laughter. This was not something he would have a chance to do when he was still with his caravan and the first mission he was assigned to upon joining the Bunker Security had him do it? If all the mission involved this and he knew about it earlier, he'd probably join faster. It wasn't long before the altitude meter indicated that he was almost at the safe height limit for deploying his chute. He was almost reluctant to pull the chord that would deploy the canvas and kept going to feel the wind. Yet he pulled and his descend quickly slowed down as he directed his fall towards the apartments' roof. There wasn't much to see there, other than three figures who might be hostile positioned in a close proximity. It didn't look like they noticed him yet.

'Well, who am I to ignore an opportunity,' he thought as he steered towards the roof. When he reached a safe height, for him, to jump off, Matthew detached the parachute and dropped towards one of the figure, hopefully knocking them down with the combined momentum and added weight he has. Then Matthew could tore their throat and move against the other two before they could react with equal hostility. Before he could though, he noticed the gleaming of dogtags on their necks and realized his mistake. Rolling away, Matthew then stood up with a I'm-not-guilty smile.

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