Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

South East Sewers: Roman Cassidy

Watching Adam Caville handle Eira's pistol was a clear sign to Roman that he was the most capable soldier of the three. Without mechs, these two pilots were barely less defenseless than a civilian. This meant two things: Roman would need to step up as their protector and their lives were in his hands.

After exchanging pleasantries with Caville, Roman's radio went off. "This is Ryan." Dufont? A council member was in direct contact with Roman during his first mission. This black box must be even more important than he anticipated. Of course, they sent men to kill or be killed for it, so it made a sort of sense. "All of our local air-power is focused on others asking for help, however, if you can get through the sewer system, you'll reach an underground outpost of ours. From there we can easily get you home. Set one of your radios to frequency... One-Zero-Six-Point-Three. You will hear a light buzzing noise. The louder it is, the closer you are. It should be... South, generally. Once at the outpost you'll be taken above ground and driven here... That is all." And just like that, they had new orders.

Roman looked down the sewer. Either they could head south-west and possibly end up under a warzone or go south-east and possibly face some sort of danger that no soldiers nearby might be able to help with. Either way, they were likely to be on their own. Ryan Dufont himself stated that there was no backup coming, so what choice did they have but to go forward? Adam gave his own advice about the situation, saying "If it's... Generally south... Ahhh... South west? Anyone want to try that? I've never heard of a sewer outpost before."

Deciding that the potential danger of ending up near beasts like the Goleyeith was too much of a risk, Roman shook his head and said "We're heading down the south-east tunnel, where we know there won't be a warzone above us. This black box being brought to the outpost is our main priority. Eira, take the pistols and watch out backs. Caville, take Eira's rifle and change your radio's frequency to One-Zero-Six-Point-Three. We need to get moving." Holding his pistol to Eira again, he waited for his companions to do as he asked before they went down the tunnel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Icarus


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Beautiful evacuation, how he had longed to hear that word. They were well and truly in the thick of backing the fuck out of there now. While his hands were occupied by the assault rifle he was carrying he maintained superstition by crossing his toes as covering fire rattled off. He could practically taste his next meal.

Just focus on getting everyone still standing back home. Primary mission objective accomplished. Get the ever loving piss out, and serve another day. The thought of his next mission excited him nearly as much as it terrified him. Yet he still realized that he was far from safety.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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“If you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer.” -Daniel Anders, Page 2.
Central Apartments

As Kai leaves the room with Abimael in tow and Kiku on his back, he could hear the room he just left having one of its walls blown apart. Moving down the hall, though slowed with the weight of Kai on his back, he could then hear another wall being blown apart, the one between the cyborg soldier and Alyss. Turning to face the cyborg, Alyss is grabbed by the throat and lifted off her feet by a cybernetic arm, a small grin was on the cyborg's face as he saw her struggle to try and get free, though the grin faded somewhat at the realization that he wasn't able to crush her wind pipe. With the two struggling against each other, a sniper shot zips just shy of Kiku, through a wall, and into the cyborg's head. With a momentary twitch, the cyborg falls dead, and Alyss falls onto her knees, coughing and gasping for breath.

Junko saved Alyss' life using her scope to see through the wall, and earlier preparation to have a clean shot.

The momentary relief faded, however, as Kai barely manages to slip out of the hallway in time. Abimael had slipped behind him and pushed him in just as the heavily armoured soldier stepped into the main hallway. He then would hear a thunderous roar of a shotgun blast behind him. Abimael falls through the doorway, curled up, appearing to be in some level of pain but more angry than anything else, despite having a half a dozen large chunks of the shotgun's blast in his back. Chunks which he was pushing out as his wounds closed behind them, though the chunks were stained in an orange liquid that could only be comparable to what was Abimael's blood.

Matthew's cover fire manages to at least be enough to cause the armoured juggernaut to lift an arm to cover his face. Though the bullets failed to penetrate his outer shell, it did prevent him from reloading long enough to allow Jenive to act. She zips past Matthew as his cover fire ends, using her jet pack to make up for her wounded leg to get into the same room as Junko. "It's time for us to go!" Junko would see Alyss run and jump out the window of the room she was in, using her own jet pack to escape.

On the roof, a chinook landed to take them home, and they would all be able to hear the sounds of it coming.
South West

As everyone moves back, the first ones to burst out of the fog are Nathaniel and Annie. Spotting the convoy there to pick them up toting enough firepower to level the entire city block was sufficient to cause Annie to sigh, though not in relief. "Away from one nightmare and into another." He mutters, almost disgruntled, as he moves past Nathaniel and boards one of the Chinooks. The scientist was safe.

Meanwhile, inside the fog, Daniel's grenade toss didn't actually seem to hit anything. Perhaps throwing a grenade blindly isn't the wisest usage of such a device. Regardless, Daniel's attempts to stave off death weren't entirely in vain, as he managed to get behind Brucey just in time to avoid certain death as he hears the sounds of a wolf screeching and howling in pain, its tone fluctuating as its vocal chords melted.

Further tank shells come into the fog from Donovan's tank, first one, then two, as he attempts to hit the coordinates that Brucey specified. He failed to do so as one shot struck the APC and blew a hole clean into it, though his tank did have a significant amount of damage.

Finally, Brucey and Daniel clear the fog, along with anyone else lagging behind. "MOVE IT!" Came a voice from a sergeant at the front of the convoy. "Men on the Chinooks, mechs on the trailers!" There were three trailers, arranged one after another. Brucey would see a warning light come on as he looked towards the trailers, the floors were heavily magnetic, likely to keep the mechs on them so they wouldn't fall off. Ordinarily this would severely slow a mech down and potentially screw up on-board electronics, but then, these were meant for emergency transportation, anyway. "LETS GO! GO GO GO!" Donovan's tank began to advance backward slowly as machine guns opened fire into the fog, blindly, to try and pin down anything coming out.
South East

Captain Derek does as he is told and rushes up to the evacuation zone, only to see Carolyn waiting just outside a door with the rest of the evacuees. Before he can make a sarcastic quip, a loud explosion is heard, followed up with Carolyn bursting into the room. Smoke immediately flooded out, but Georgia was safe, having ducked behind a rather large desk as she set off the explosive. "Time for us to go." Carolyn states as she moves into the room. Derek moves into the room with her, along with everyone else. There was now a hole in the ceiling, and the clear sounds of an approaching pair of Chinooks. "Derek." The captain looks at her. "Mm?" Carolyn points at the hole in the ceiling, it was just a little too high for anyone to simply jump to the edge of it. Rolling his eyes, Derek kneels down and cups his hands together at the base of the hole. Carolyn steps onto his hand, and in a single quick movement, Carolyn managed to reach the edge of the hole and climb up onto the roof. As she did, Derek stared, a sheepish grin forming at the edges of his lips. "Well, it's a nice view." Carolyn looks back after she finishes climbing to the top, offering him a hand up onto the roof. "I thought country boys were supposed to be gentlemen." Taking her hand, Derek is lifted up onto the roof. For a brief moment, the two stare at each other, eye to eye. There was a small spark there. "... Sometimes, we can't help but stare at an angel fallen from Heaven."

For a brief moment, things seemed peaceful.

Then, Carolyn shook her head, though smiled softly as she leaned down into the hole to start pulling evacuees out. "Focus on the mission, cowboy." Derek leans in with her to help pull them out faster, and safer, one at a time. "Then we'll get some coffee after this. Maybe invite Peter to come, fellow's a little wet 'round the ears on these parts." With a slap across the back of his head from Carolyn, he finally shut up and simply focused on getting people to safety.

Meanwhile, during all of this, Peter and James continued to open fire down the stairs as they slowly advanced to the fourth floor where the evacuees were. The mutants were not getting past the sheer amount of firepower the two were dishing out at them, and as they reached the top of the stairs, Morai blew a hole into the top of the staircase with his shotgun. Kneeling down, though in pain as sweat coated his face, he pulls the pin of both of his fragmentation grenades with his teeth, then releases them into the hole, scooting them to each side. Diving backward, the grenades explode, taking out the next three steps of the staircase and trapping them all at the top. The shambling, white visages of human beings stare at them lifelessly, unable to ascend, and unable to figure out how to get past the problem. "... They're like puppets... They cannot problem solve." Morai states as he slowly gets to his feet, before stumbling and leaning on James. By this time the survivors had all been moved to the top, leaving only Georgia in the room. Carolyn shouts into the hole. "WE HAVE TO GO! COME ON!" They could hear the Chinooks coming in for a landing on the roof as their radios crackle to life. "A couple minutes until the streets are hell on Earth. That's all the time you have to get out, now!" The pilot yells, likely in reference to the fact that the streets were about to be fire bombed.
South East: Sewers

Adam Caville follows Roman and Eira down the left tunnel, though is visible nervous at the prospect. As the others evac, they traveled deeper into the sewer system down the left path. After several minutes of this, at points crawling on hands and knees, others walking upright, they finally reach a turning point. A corner that sharply turns westward, obviously dug into the sewer system recently. With a sigh of relief, Adam, realizing he couldn't use the radio as the signal's noise would drown them out, turns the corner just behind Roman.

In a split second, Roman would feel himself pulled back with an almost inhuman level of strength by Adam's gloved hand, as a panicked burst of fire came down the sewer tunnel. Adam lurches back as the trio hears someone screaming cease fire at the top of their lungs. Looking at the pair, he nods, then looks down at himself. One of the bullets had managed to hit him in the shoulder as he attempted to protect the black box, and a small bit of orange liquid had rolled out before the wound had closed. Frowning, he looked at the pair. "...Well... This is awkward..." If they turned the corner again, they would likely be safe, though Eira and Roman knew what Adam was now: One of the shapeshifters. "... Before you go and expose me, I would ask that you... Perhaps... Don't. I'm not your enemy... But there is no way I'm getting inside to talk to anyone important unless I disguise myself like this."

He sighs, and then looks at the black box, holding it out for Eira to take. "Here. This is the genuine black box of Carolyn's mech... And there was a pilot named Adam Caville... But he didn't escape. He was eviscerated by one of my kind. I took the remnants and replicated them to look like this so I could try and... Negotiate, try and talk and explain this to your leaders, but if I showed my true nature to anyone here..." He looks back at the west tunnel, remaining hidden just around the corner. "... Well, you saw it for yourself. That man didn't even bother to see if you were his friend before he shot at you, he is that scared of... Things like me."

In this time, his bullet wound healed. While there was a small stain on his clothes just beneath his shoulder, it wasn't particularly orange in colouration: One could easily mistake it for anything from a food stain to a blood stain. In fact, the stain itself disappeared momentarily afterwards. Even the clothes it seemed were replicated skin. "It's your choice. You can reveal me for what I am or help me slip inside undetected so I won't be gunned down by your men. I will comply either way."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

South East Sewers: Roman Cassidy

Happy with Caville and Eira's complete trust in his judgement, Roman brought them down the South-East tunnel with confident purpose, staying as vigilant as he could manage through tunnels both unreasonably large and uncomfortably small. They reached a recently-created tunnel, Adam's radio frequency so deafening before he turned it off that there was no doubt they had made it to the outpost. Roman was tired enough at this point to let his guard down- his feet and back aching, his eyelids drooping, effects of what he would later realize was mental exhaustion brought on by a stressful and chaotic first day in a true warzone- and found himself almost filled with bullet holes as his allies at the outpost greeted him with a hail of gunfire.

Luckily, he was pulled backwards and out of the way in time. Also luckily, he managed not to brown his pants when something used an amount of strength he thought could only belong to the Goleyeith or Caville's pursuer to pull him out of the way. A quick and frightened turn revealed that it was Caville himself that had saved Roman's life, an Adam Caville sporting a new wound leaking an orange substance instead of the red he was so used to see leak out of people. Looking down at his strange wound, which somehow had already closed, Adam added "...Well... This is awkward..." to his heroic act.

With the revelation that Caville was a shapeshifter, Roman could only wonder what other strange revelation would be enough to button up the day's events. Was the pursuer an angry shapeshifter girlfriend? Was Eira also not human? Was the Goleyeith really a regular guy that got all big when pissed off? Was Ryan Dufont a terrorist? Hell, at this point, Roman could believe anything.

Caville continued. "... Before you go and expose me, I would ask that you... Perhaps... Don't. I'm not your enemy... But there is no way I'm getting inside to talk to anyone important unless I disguise myself like this." He handed the black box to Eira, who now had two to carry. "Here. This is the genuine black box of Carolyn's mech... And there was a pilot named Adam Caville... But he didn't escape. He was eviscerated by one of my kind. I took the remnants and replicated them to look like this so I could try and... Negotiate, try and talk and explain this to your leaders, but if I showed my true nature to anyone here... Well, you saw it for yourself. That man didn't even bother to see if you were his friend before he shot at you, he is that scared of... Things like me." The shapeshifter had a point, and with the fact that he had just saved Roman from an ally's attack, there was more than enough reason to consider Caville's plea. "It's your choice. You can reveal me for what I am or help me slip inside undetected so I won't be gunned down by your men. I will comply either way."

Looking first to Eira, Roman tried to put his 'I am a completely confident and in no way in-too-deep soldier with a big gun and a big dick' face on before responding to Caville. "I'm not going to try and tell you that I anything but dislike the deception. To be fair, there seemed to be no other way for you to get here than with proper help. Listen: you may not be a soldier, but you are now the third or fourth person to save my life today- yes, I've lost count, but at least I know that you're one of them- so I can't help but think that I owe you something. You trusted me this whole way, and now it's time for me to trust you. But at some point, you will have to give me an explanation, especially when it concerns whatever you're actually here for, but also those little things like that monster that was chasing you and what that had to do with anything. So if Eira's alright with it, I'll play along for now." Having said his piece, Roman looked to his human companion and waited for her decision.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maxim


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

South West-Marvin Walters

At this point, Marvin just ran. He knew he couldn't stay here much longer before the wolves overwhelmed them all. As much as it pained him, he couldn't even stop to slow down the advancing wolves, otherwise he'd have to stop and thus get promptly overwhelmed. Fortunately, while his mech was slow, it was apparently enough to make it out alive, and with barely a dent to his mech as well! He was thankful to the evacuators, even if they did use those accursed trucks that made his electronics go haywire. Fortunately he made precautions to make sure it didn't fry the electronics this time, so he figured he'd be all right.

His mech slowly lurched up the ramp to the nearest trailer, and he heard the familiar metal "THUMP" from the mech being stuck to the magnetic plate. The screen fizzled a fair bit, clearly despite his precautions weren't quite enough to make the mech fine with this, but it didn't short this time at least. He took a deep breath, hopefully this would all be over soon. With any luck this was the last time he would ever have to take a mission within a Shadow Zone, though he somehow doubted that. Marvin reviewed the mission within his mind, it had gone pretty smoothly all things considered. The biologist made his way back safe and sound, though he didn't seem to like being back at home base...ah well, nothing he was concerned about. The Missiles worked out just great, but the Narrow Beam Laser, while precise, wasn't terribly well suited for escorting a man back to home base. Perhaps he should switch back to the .50 Calibur rifle. He could never really decide upon which weapon to use, as the Rifle was great for covering fire, but not so great if he had to take down a nasty target, while the Laser was just the opposite. Sure, he could use both, but then he'd have to give up his missiles, which made him feel safe, as if all things went wrong, he could generally blast it away with a well timed missile.

Satisfied with his work in the mission, Marvin was about to go to sleep before the trucks took him back to the bunker, but then he noticed something unusual. Was that David Anders, the priest? Marvin had met him a few times, the man was an ex-raider who had found solace in the Bible, though it didn't seem to help his bloodthirst at all from what Marvin heard. He had gone to Ander's church for a few months, but his opinion of religion soured considerably when he was told in no uncertain terms that his family was cast away. Why? For the simple fact that his family hadn't ever gotten ritually baptized by water, which apparently was an instant consignment to Hell despite their actions.

Brushing these thoughts aside, Marvin laid back in his chair, hopeful to get some shut eye while traveling back to the bunker.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Holmishire

Holmishire Ghost with no home.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Eira. South-East sewers.
Mech pilot: Two pistols and backpack.

Her arms trembled as her mind fluttered in shock, staring down the barrels of the twin pistols at the man she had helped rescure. Damn it, I thought it was over.

What was she supposed to do? This shapeshifter had deceived them thus far, how could she expect he wasn't deceiving them now? He could be toying with their morality, their human emotions and weakness, so as to easily infiltrate the base. Every instinct in her told her to shoot. To riddle his body with bullets, as she had been trained to do, as she had been taught to do. These freaks were their enemies, mindless beasts that could consume a man whole—she had seen it—and that would massacre hundreds of their own without mercy.

And yet... Adam—or rather his look-a-like—did appear to have a mind. A sentient being, seeking their aid.

Whether he was out to betray them or not, she couldn't bear the thought of betraying him. I can't shoot him. Not now.

With a heave of released breath, she lowered and holstered her pistols, accepting the black box and adding it to her backpack's inventory. She was relieved Roman had spoken first. His confidence boosted her just enough to regain some of her senses.

"Fine, your secret is safe for now. But I'm not letting you out of my sight 'til you reveal yourself to our superiors."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James - South East Sector

James' ears rang. The grenades were pretty damn close, and add a closed environment... you had a recipe for ear damage. Still, it appeared that they were safe for now. The things were on the third floor and unable to climb up the partially destroyed stairs. Things could have definitely been worse. Taking a moment to take his breath, James began to walk while helping Morai into the room where their escape route was. His hearing was starting to slowly return, and as he walked closer he could hear the sounds of the rotors from the Chinooks. It was like music to his ears. This mission was quite short, but he had seen enough for a week. These mutants were not to be trifled with and were a substantial threat to all people. There were so many close calls, but no one had died so far. James wanted to keep it that way.

James looked back at Peter and Georgia and said "Cover us. Make sure that no one and nothing is following us. I'm going to get Morai up and then provide overwatch from the roof. We have to make sure that the choppers are safe and that our evac won't get an unwanted surprise." He then walked over to the desk that was in the room (the same one that Georgia used as cover before) and began to push it below the hole, so that it would be easier to get up since they could use it to climb up. James said to Morai "Get up there. I'll push you up, and follow right behind you. Get in that Chinook immediately. I'll be using my scope to scan the area and make sure that the choppers are going to be safe, so don't worry. You've done more than enough today." He then began to help Morai up the table so that he could get up onto the roof.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GourmetItalia
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Peter Táo - South East Sector

As the last of the BCSEC Survivors climbed through Caroline's makeshift hole, Peter quickly unlatched his rifle's near empty magazine, ripped out another magazine, and rapped it along his helmet. Following acknowledgement to the magazine's melodic thunks, the Washington Specialist rapidly reloaded and fell into a crouched position near the hole. The sounds of helos and cries from the others to evacuate pierced Peter as would an electrical jolt and for several seconds, jubilation flooded his body. His momentary relief soon passed as sight of the incapacitated mutant and the thought of potentially suffering through a last minute ambush came to mind. They'd escaped relatively unscathed, however, in mutie country, anything flew and if freddy mutie got the jump, it was lights out … forever.

"Cover us,” James ordered, “Make sure that no one and nothing is following us. I'm going to get Morai up and then provide overwatch from the roof. We have to make sure that the choppers are safe and that our evac won't get an unwanted surprise."

"You got it, buddy," Peter answered.

Shortly afterwards, the F.A.S. Trooper watched as James pushed the desk towards the hole before managing an attempt to assist Morai towards the roof. The F.A.S. Specialist's eyes darted across the room in an attempt to locate any possible threats or assets. Following several minutes, his sight rested on an empty room entrance. A plan began to formulate and in a spur of inspiration, Peter whistled in an attempt to attract Georgia's attention. Without hesistation, Peter evenly planted two sticks under the hole for an immediate Final Protective Fire zone, leap rolled over the desk, and set up shop behind added cover and within both James and Georgia's proximity. Immediately afterwards, his finger wrapped around the trigger while he simultaneously aimed down his sights.

“Okay Georgia,” Peter hissed, “We only got a couple minutes before the flyboys barbeque this burger joint so we gotta make this quick! I'm going to stand watch, but I'm still feeling a little exposed with that open room over there. Before we evac this shit hole, first thing we gotta do is make sure Morai and Yorkie get out and I definitely don't have any mutie in me so ... you think you could tripwire that room for us? Still got my 'nades on me so if you need em', they're yours.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Central Apartment Complex

Junko Heizen

Breathe in, and breathe out. Calm yourself and hold after exhaling. Confirm your target, and pull the trigger.

There was but a small window to shoot through, but her experience and training pulled through.

She had taken to aiming past the walls as the walls in the other rooms was blown apart. The unknown figure seemed to have blindsided the strange woman who came out of nowhere and was now attempting to choke her to death.

Not that Junko would have let him.

With an undramatic blast of her gun, the figure simply jerked, and flopped on the floor. The way to dusty death, she thought to herself.

There wasn't much time for her to think, as a shotgun roared in the corridors, followed by the angry retort of a rifle, followed by Alyss jumping off a window with her jetpack and Jenive rushing into the room looking rather flustered. A momentary flash of panic came over Junko, as she wondered how she was to ride Jenive, and did that jetpack even had enough power for two?

Unfamiliar with how one was supposed to hitch a ride with a jetpacker, she simple grabbed Jenive, making sure she had a good hold.

"I hope this works."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

Banned Offline since relaunch

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 2 days ago

As Jenive rushed past him, Matthew reloaded his gun and retreated to the staircase, all the while muttering insults to the juggernaut and his armor. Unlike those who used jetpacks and their passenger, Matthew had to return to the roof the way he came in, but his mutation meant even without a jetpack he wouldn't be far behind those who absconded from their current location with one albeit a lot more tired. Jetpacks were loud and who needs one when you can jump as high without someone noticing? Being able to dive in without parachute and hovering not counted.

The sound of helicopter's blades greeted Matthew as he closed to the roof. He watched the door he came in from with one eye as he climbed into the transport, he doubted that there would be anyone chasing him that quickly, but he rather not have a bullet or something on his back
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Georgia - South East

Georgia looks at her tactical axe, wondering what exactly they wanted her to cover with. She however, listened simply and kept crouched down behind the desk before Peter gave her a suggestion. Her lips spread into a wide grin as she nods eagerly, "More sparkly plugs, got it." She giggles, face set into the blissful ignorance of childhood as she snatches his grenades away and goes over to the door mentioned. Quickly, she starts making an impromptu rig with the grenades, setting one on either side of the door to explode as she sets them with a trip wire of sorts from the metal cord she had packed away to take with her. The grenades were taped well against the wall, the rig simple to snag the pins away as soon as anyone tripped the cord. It was crude, but effective. Give her time and a pilot's tech kit, she might have been able to set up another rig like the last.

She shuffles back over to Peter, still crouched down as she spies up, seeing the other two finally wriggling out. She beams and points up, "C'mon, time to go before the boom." With that, she stands to her full height and merely leaps up, clearing from the floor to the roof as it it was nothing as she hefts herself up. For a moment, she spies Carolyn and the pilot of Achilles' Heel and confusion goes through her at how they were looking at each other. She furrows her brow, a slight frown coming to her lips as she leans over the edge and offers her hand out to Peter in order to heft him up, "Slowpoke, I got you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Brucey: South-West

Bruce eyed the trailers with suspicion. He hated those things. Disengaging the life support systems he sighed and clambered up onto one of the trailers, and predictably his screen started to jam up with false signals and distorted displays. Comming the driver Brucey gave some more specific orders. "Hey driver, make sure we're rearguard. I should be able to provide supporting fire still if necessary. And I want to make sure we all get out of this alive and kicking."

Bruce looked back towards the fog and then to the glitching damage displays. The magnetics were going to do a number on his damaged leg joint...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

South-West Block - Nathaniel

Nathaniel did not fuck around waiting for others. He followed Annie aboard one of the Chinooks and waited for the evacuation to get moving, already feeling pleased with himself for finishing the first step on the path of his destiny.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

"We aren't doing anything to it without a bigger boom. Thinking caps, everyone!... If that doesn't work, someone needs to lead it off so our friends can swoop out. After it's clear, the bait just has to Houdini out of its sight. Sounds like fun, right?" -Georgia, Page 2.
Central Apartments

As Kai and Matthew evacuate to the roof, Jenive grabs Junko and holds her tightly. With a quick nod, she moves out onto the balcony and blasts out onto the roof with her in tow. Reaching the roof, Jenive sees the chinook she heard earlier landing on the roof. Without a second thought or question she ushers everyone aboard, knowing that it wouldn't take too long for the heavy U-ARM trooper to realize they were escaping and not reinforcing the area. "Everyone! ON THE CHOPPER! NOW!" Hopping aboard herself, she quickly ushers everyone on and then motions for the pilot to leave. The U-ARM heavy trooper finally makes it to the top floor, dragging his damaged components with him before seeing the chinook and taking cover. There was no further attempts to stop them as they left the battlefield, though beneath them the carnage was very clear: Bunker Chicago had taken heavy casualties.

Mission Clear
South West

As everyone clears the battle zone to evac, they would hear a loud screech behind them. The alpha wolf glared at them, its large form resembling that more like a large bear, with spines clearly rolling down its back, and fangs made out of a metallic compound that, when grinded together, produced the noise that caught their attention. A moment of panic settled amongst the guards as they pointed and fired at the alpha, yet, as it braced, the fifty calibre rounds merely bounced off like toys. A few seconds of continual fire did nothing, so it ceased. The wolf glares at Brucey's mech and howls angrily before bounding back off into the fog. The assault stops, leaving the group to escape with ease, and just enough time to avoid the fireworks show to follow.

Mission Clear
South East

First went Morai as he complied with James' request. James followed immediately, as did Peter and Georgia. There was no further assaults coming as the only path of the relatively dimwitted enemies trying to kill them was the blown out staircase. Still, as they boarded the chinook, Georgia wouldn't be able to help but feel an unending chill, as well as a sea of whispers calling out for her to die. While Carolyn addresses and tends to everyone's wounds in the chinook as it takes off, Morai sits beside Georgia and keeps her calm while they escape unimpeded. Taking formation beside the Apartment's chinook, they too saw the carnage beneath them.

Mission Clear
South East: Sewers

Adam quickly agrees to what Eira has to say, seeing as how he had no other choice to get inside, though it wasn't entirely what he wanted. Standing up slowly and making sure not to make any sudden moves, he follows them into the sewer outpost. Indeed, it had been dug out in the ground, though it was fairly small. There was an elevator large enough to contain a jeep that allowed them to reach the surface, though at this point, Eira and Roman went alone: Adam was forced to stay behind, to be put in a more defensible convoy. In truth, his admitting to his own nature even to the superiors in the camp, whilst it did spare his life, was merely a poor coverup for his arrest. Still, he was alive, that was what mattered, and he had a chance to get his message to the "leaders" that he searched for now.

Mission Clear

In the aftermath of the emergency rescue mission, both targets Carolyn and Annie were evacuated. Carolyn quickly returned to service on her return trip, and Annie returned to his research laboratory. There was no sign of the woman that gave Nathaniel the mental messages. While there were casualties, they were minimal and this was noted and applauded. When they returned to Bunker Chicago, the wounded were immediately taken into the interior bunker to be assessed and healed, as well as analyzed for any potential contamination. None was found. Despite any attempts to ascertain what happened to Adam, Roman & Eira would discover that there was no acknowledgement that Adam had ever even existed. They were also told to keep quiet, though assured that Adam was being kept in good health, and that the silence was for his benefit.

Having had special interest taken in them, both Colonel Marie Black and Council Member Ryan Dufont agreed to assign them better quarters: They each now had their own apartment room, and all lived in the same apartment. They were also given access to some of the more secretive projects that Ryan had been authorizing and supervising over the years in the interior facilities. Having two weeks to rest and rearm, they had time to wander the settlement, talk to each other, or inquire about things going on with their higher ups.

Finally, while they were all now considered special operatives that operated within the military but independently of its normal structure, Brucey, James, Jenive, and Roman were all given promotions. They are now mid-tier front line soldiers: Able to order regular members of the military save those in command level positions. While technically also above their squad mates (PC's), due to the uncharacteristic nature of the squad's structure, this command right did not extend to them.

"Overall, a resounding success, don't you think?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Bruceys Bitchin BBQ

Brucey was found in a large area behind a vast brick BBQ with heavy grill plates and stuffing coal beneath it's steel. Hauling over prepared meats in a hand-cart he began spraying a concoction under the grill that made passer-bys noses wrinkle heavily before Brucey theatrically struck a match off of the behind of a passing woman who expressed interested in what he was doing for to long and tossed it at the grille from a safe distance.


The flames roared into the sky for all of a handful of seconds before dying out and Brucey approached more closely pulling out the largest set of tongs anyone had ever seen not on an industrial loader and began to heap meat onto the grille plates. A sign lit up as Brucey kicked the power point switch flashing neon. "Brucey's Bitchin' BBQ" it seemed that Brucey had an improvised off-duty job as well. Once the meat began to sizzle and the Australian nodded to himself in appreciation as the stereo hooked up to the same power point began blaring out AC/DC loudly he prepared the larger firepit and it's spit hauling a large boar spiked on a six foor spear of steel and put it over the supports tossing a few bits of currency at a young boy and instructing him in the proper rotation speed for a proper spit-roasted boar and if he screwed it up tomorrow night they might have roast little boy instead.

The boy nodded enthusiastically and only a tiny bit fearfully, he was sure the Australian was joking.... wasn't he?

Soon a crowd began to gather including a few of his team-mates and it was a quickly successful roaring party as Brucey cracked open a tinny and downed the golden nectar of the gods as he chatted up a pair of ladies who were eyeing his meat with clear and present interest, It turned out to be doubly successful when Brucey seemed receptive to requests for medium rare, unlike some Australians who only tolerated BBQ orders of "Light-Char, Medium-Char and 'nuke the fucker'".

It was in veritable high swing and Brucey was in a mighty cheerful mood and Jacko stuck close to the Aussie on the little chain and leash he was used to, his appearance getting curious looks from men and "Daaawwws" of cute from the ladies. All in all Brucey was pleased and his tribute to the fire gods was high. Especially given his promotion after the mission and the chance to upgrade the Ignis Dei. The old girl deserved it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Daniel 'Churchy' Anders

Pending the end of the mission, Daniel had been involved in a busy couple of days. After the landing, he was called in and received a short verbal ass-whooping by Col. Black for getting his mech scrapped, before being informed of a 'pending competency evaluation.' It hurt his pride somewhat to be called into question so much for a single mistake, but it was a hell of a mistake to make: so he didn't raise complaints. What annoyed him more was that the heretic was being promoted! Despite the fact he almost scrapped his own mech, were it not for the Holy-man's actions.

Following that fun piece of information, Daniel was informed that his quarters were being relocated, and as such, he would be sharing a building with other military personnel of interest: Which was a list that seemed to include all of the people from his mission and, assumedly, the others from the same operation that led to Annie and Carolyn’s rescue. It took him most of a day to move in, and after the exercise was complete; he collapsed on his bed and slept from dawn till dusk.

Following the day spent on moving in, he decided to make a visit to the local church. Daniel served as a priest-of-sorts there: but he did not own the facility. The facility itself was owned by a businessman, and run by an appointed fat man known as 'Reverend' Michael Montana. Michael was an obese, greasy looking Hispanic, who spent more time eating than spreading the word of the lord. Daniel put up with the man, but he had fantasized a number of times about the various ways Montana could be slain. His personal favourite involved forcing the stale bread he offered as the body of Christ down the gullet of the hypocritical bastard.

Indeed, the Church seemingly a place as much about hypocrisy as it was about god. Daniel longed for the day he could run the church or, better yet: own it. He would turn this house of sham into a house of worship!

Daniel entered the Church near the end of the service, which was being run by one of the more likable priests, a woman who went by the name of Jessica Dawn. He sat at the back of the meagre pews, letting the service commence undisturbed. At the end of the service, he made brief pleasantries with the woman, before asking if she would mind hearing his confessions. The request initially shocked the woman, but she agreed: and they went into a private room.

"Jessica, I have sinned grievously, and I need your advice. During the last mission, I let hubris and pride cloud good judgement, and I nearly got myself and a person of importance killed. What more, I have felt nothing but hatred for another, following his own success. Petty envy and pride have clouded my judgement, and I have grown to hate the heathen beyond what is just."

The woman opposite him listened passively, and nodded as he finished his words. She took a minute to contemplate, before speaking up. "Have you wronged the man?”

Daniel paused, stunned by the blunt response, before shaking his head. “No, at least I don’t think so.”

Jessica nodded, and then spoke again. “Have you spoken out against the man?” Again, Daniel shook his head in response, showing a simple ‘no’. “So lastly, have you shared your feelings of sinful pride and envy to anyone other than me and god?” Daniel paused, before shaking his head one last time. Even in the face of Black’s chastisement, he kept his resentment under wraps, for fear of sounding petty. “Then your confessed sins are heard, and in the eyes of god: forgiven. Go and meet this man, make amends with yourself and try and make peace with him.”

Daniel sighed in disbelief, amazed at the woman’s ability to soothe and abolish the worries and offer forgiveness. “Truly you are a blessing. Thank you.” Daniel stood up and rose to exit the room. As he opened the door, Jessica cleared her throat.

“One more thing, Daniel…” The taller man looked down at the still seated Jessica, confused by the call back. “…Try not calling him ‘heathen’ or some such: Use his name, for pity’s sake.” She smiled at Daniel, and he offered a friendly smile back.

This wasn’t going to be easy…
Later that day, at ‘Brucey’s Bitchin BBQ’
At the new apartment complex, Daniel moved through the hallway, in search of which room was Brucey’s. Eventually, he discovered the man was out, as were several others from the missions: attending a BBQ being run by the heatha…being run by Brucey. It was a place only a few minutes away, but perhaps Daniel could offer a better peace offering than words there.

He went into the nearest market district and procured himself a package, wrapped up in Brown paper. After that, he merely had to follow the hub-bub of people talking about some ‘crazy guy throwing a BBQ’ and eventually, the sound of old music, and he was soon at the BBQ itself.

The BBQ was a display of decedent enjoyment: Large wastes of electricity and fuel and food were on display, but that didn’t matter. The group had earned some R&R, and it seemed Brucey was being generous with the good food.

Finally, Daniel managed to corner Brucey, with his little wallaby on a leash and surrounded by many men and women. He felt his mouth twitch slightly at the further display of sin, and he called out to the man of the hour. “Hey, Hea…Brucey.” Waiting for the Australian to look up, Daniel tossed the brown bag at the man. Inside was a bundle of whole trout, a rare commodity in these times. “A gift, To celebrate your promotion. I guessed you’d have all the meat covered, well enough.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Brucey's Bitchin BBQ

Brucey caught the package thrown by the Churchy deftly with one hand already unwrapping it with the other. "Nice find Danny, good man." Having freed up his hands he clapped Daniel on the back. Without pause Brucey began to prepare the rare fish, they were no prawns, but the whole 'throw another shrimp on the barbie' trope was something Americans only thought Aussies said anyway.

"Feel free to dig in, got any preferences?" Brucey asked wrapping the fish in foil with a splash of alcohol. When the trout were all packed into their individual packages he tossed them onto the hotplate section of the barbie before beginning to dice some onions. He told a ribald joke before turning to Daniel. "Glad you could turn up, you need to let off a bit of steam after a mission like that." Brucey shrugged. "And thanks mate." He got back into the thick of cooking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Junko Heizen
Intermission- Group HG

Well that was that.

A mission completed and they haven't reneged on their pay. So far so good on this continent. Junko would have assumed they would have tried to cheat her out of some money or something and stuff themselves full of burgers from what she heard from the boys back home. She heard Jenive, the jetpack girl she rode to the heli, had gotten herself a promotion. Hopefully she doesn't get big headed from that and die in the next mission.

She laid down on her bunk, counting out the money again. She was unsure of how much this would turn out to be worth once she got back to Europe, but it seemed to be a good sum. It had better be considering what she was up against, and the dangers involved in this fog business. The fog was unknown, and the unknown had always brought more danger than anything else one could face. For instance, the previous mission was the first time she had ever seen a monstrosity with several eyes that doesn't even flinch from high caliber rounds. Was that perhaps a thing here, or was it the first time such a thing appeared here as well? Their blood interested her greatly; something that hot could be useful if the doktors back home had a look at it. Perhaps they may even find a use for it. Who knows? For now, Junko knows the things has a very high body temperature since Jenive got burnt just by tackling it. Or was that the byproduct of the jetpack? Perhaps Junko should go on another mission and make sure.

Opening her bag, she took a small rectangular package wrapped in paper, unwrapping it to reveal a white bar with a texture similar to sand. It tasted like sand as well when she walked out of the room eating the rations bar. Junko had submitted the chainsaw for inspection a while back, and ordered some new things to stick on Vladimir, as well as a new toy she had her eyes on. There was no sign of the delivery yet however, so she wondered if her equipments have been approved already or the overseer overlooked it. Or forgot about it entirely. Sighing, Junko readjusted Vladimir's straps, and continued walking.

She passed by a window with just a cursory glance, before stepping back to the window to have a good long look at the madness outside. A grill, complete with neon signs. How... odd? Nevertheless there didn't seem to be any snipers to take advantage of the situation judging from the lack of death, blood and guns firing, so she assumed this was ok for this place.

She could smell the meat sizzling, and though she was dubious of the origins of the meat, it did seem a whole lot more inviting than this sandy piece of anus bar she was trying to eat. However.... crazy fire man was not someone she'd like to go near, not when she heard rumors of him from the people in HQ. Perhaps her time would be better spent in the rest area, cleaning Vladimir's parts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

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