Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aoi Sora

Aoi Sora

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So what characters have problems with authority? Because I have an idea that will give us all pretty good laughs.. Especially me! MUAAHAHAHAHHA!!-

I'm just so giddy about my idea!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

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my girl doesn't have it listed but she's been spoiled so you can assume she does ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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HylianRose said
While having beginning Lily would be fantastic, I just can bring myself to restart her for any reason.

I know I'm not involved in this convo and know very little about it but...I completely understand what you mean here :P Not sure how to remedy it mind you, except for not changing the character ^^' Must be some way of working it so you didn't have to :S
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So I was working on my CS, and then I accidentally pressed my the "First" button at the bottom of the page.

I'm gonna go dump my head into a fridge for a sec
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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NarayanK said
So I was working on my CS, and then I accidentally pressed my the "First" button at the bottom of the page.I'm gonna go dump my head into a fridge for a sec

Ouch >.< To all of that :O
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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NarayanK said
So I was working on my CS, and then I accidentally pressed my the "First" button at the bottom of the page.I'm gonna go dump my head into a fridge for a sec

OMG. That's literally the worst feeling in the world. Dx

@FaithsRose. Yeah. I've debated with starting her over but I just can't. I don't want her to change. She's my little Lily. Like you guys have no idea how attached I am to her. It's been almost a year and I'm still not bored with her. Which says something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And then I make Ryuu accidentally drop a bowl of demon soup on her from a mile away trolololololol (just kidding, he's too dense to even eat soup properly anyway)

ARGHH!!! You know what, I'm gonna take a deep breath and hope that my motivation in creating a new character returns. I'll come up with something original. I promise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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HylianRose said
@FaithsRose. Yeah. I've debated with starting her over but I just can't. I don't want her to change. She's my little Lily. Like you guys have no idea how attached I am to her. It's been almost a year and I'm still not bored with her. Which says something.

Exactly ^^ I've got one of those types of character xD 6 years since creation still can't change a thing about her >.< History or Bio's are a nightmare xD Advice would be not too change her if you're that attached to her :S Must be some way to make her gradually remember...:S
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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FaithsRose said
Exactly ^^ I've got one of those types of character xD 6 years since creation still can't change a thing about her >.< History or Bio's are a nightmare xD Advice would be not too change her if you're that attached to her :S Must be some way to make her gradually remember...:S

She's fine as she is. I haven't restarted her and she remembers everything. She just got her Grace back. Trust me I have plans for her that will include all of you peeps. the entire school. Muahahahaha. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

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FaithsRose said
Exactly ^^ I've got one of those types of character xD 6 years since creation still can't change a thing about her >.< History or Bio's are a nightmare xD Advice would be not too change her if you're that attached to her :S Must be some way to make her gradually remember...:S

i know the feeling
i've got one of those
she's not currently in any rp's but she's hanging out in my head
actually, i might add her here ... wait! i got to write up a CS
ohhhhhh .... yeah history will be a nightmare
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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HylianRose said
She's fine as she is. I haven't restarted her and she remembers everything. She just got her Grace back. Trust me I have plans for her that will include all of you peeps. the entire school. Muahahahaha. :D

Awesome ^^ As for the plans...I'm not sure whether to be excited about that or afraid xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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FaithsRose said
Awesome ^^ As for the plans...I'm not sure whether to be excited about that or afraid xD

I'm... not sure yet. xD

I'd assume the worst though.

Also, I'll likely be leaving soon as I have reading to do and I need to head to bed before like... 12. So yeah. :D
I'll be back on tomorrow after about 3 or so. So expect that. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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Worse has been assumed :P Angels or fallen angels generally lead to messy situations xD Ok thanks for chatting ^^ I'm actually going to have to log myself, it's like 3 am over here -.- So I'm going to say good luck with the CS's and night all ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gonna go eat some stuff. Updating this post with something important soon.

EDIT: Nvm, this post isn't that important after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

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Hylian, I'm making my character somewhat based on Lily, and by somewhat based... You will see when I post it, ahahaha!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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Oh? I can't wait. ~

Sorry guys but I've got to get off. This book won't read itself! (Good thing it's a pretty interesting book. It's called Teach With Your Strengths if anyone is interested. I'm an English Education major so... yeah. :D) -cough-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

so i was considering making an old character of mine but i'm sort of in the same boat as Hylian
because my character has a very, very heavy backstory because i've had this character (mainly in actual stories and one or 2 short rp's with friends) for nearly 8 years and i'm horrible to my story characters most of the time

but i don't want to change her

so here's my question for you guys
i have 3 options:
rp her from after all the horrible stuff happened
rp her from before all the horrible stuff happened
or not at all

but i can't decide, help?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

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Height: 1.78m or 5'10
Weight: 64kg or 141lbs

Name: Bael (No surname known)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Demon
As a demon, Bael is 'blessed' with powerful demonic magic which gives him the ability to conjure varying spells. Not only that, but being a demon, he possesses naturally enhanced strength and agility, he's stronger and faster than any average human, but not by much. His magic is based on darkness, and thus, when in complete dark he becomes much stronger and his eyes also seem to prefer the darkness over the daylight. No, he's not weak out in the sun, he's not vampire.

Known spells:

Demonic Purge - Bael conjures a small mass of demonic energy into his hands and releases it as powerful blast. When hit by this, the person's skin is burned, but not burned literally: Their soul is burned. The skin turns into a pitch-black color and the muscle in the particular area becomes unusable as if that part of the body has been taken away. This can be restored by any angelic magic, or any sort of healing which is beyond physical. This can only affect one small part of the body at once(For example: Hands, wrists, shoulders, pecs, knees, shins, feet) And he's only capable of using it three times before resting. The mass is not slow, but it's not extremely hard to dodge either.

Spectral Torture - Using his demonic magic, Bael creates chains which attempt to physically restrain any foe, the chains burn with demon fire, hurting both physically and spiritually, like his demonic purge spell. The longer someone is held by them, the more it will hurt: The pain becomes so much, that the person starts to allucinate due to the demon's influence, sometimes seeing things such as a friend dying, a family member killing another, that sort of... obscure thing. This takes a toll on Bael's energy, so he can't hold someone for too long.

Shadowstep - The ability to step into the shadows. By this, it means that Bael can merge himself with shadows in order to completely conceal himself from sight. This can only be done in the shadows, natural or not. Though any source of light in said shadows will reveal him. Note: If he moves, he becomes visible again.

Shadowform - Bael changes from physical to spiritual form, becoming a mass of floating shadow. He's unable to cast spells in this form, but he's also invunerable to physical contact or attacks. This is his travelling method, as he can pass through objects, wall, persons and everything while in this form. He can keep it for a maximum of two hours.

Unwielding Force - Bael, whilst still in his human form, allows both of his hands and arms to transform into his demon form. He then concentrates all of his strength into his arms, clapping them together as he tries to smash both of his hands at something or someone. The strength of his attack is so strong that it could easily create a relatively big sized crater into the ground. Needless to say, a direct hit from this attack can easily destroy the target. Bael needs to learn how to partially transform into a demon before using this.

True Form - Bael can do this at will, instantly transforming into his true form, which is the one of an imposing demon with spikes scattered over it's body. In this form, his already enhanced strength and agility becomes exceptional, his attacks can do massive damage and the demon is capable of moving at incredible speeds, to the point that even the greatest running athlete wouldn't be able to keep up with him. His stamina is also increased, however it's not of much use since Bael currently can only keep this form for two minutes at most.

It's to be expected that he's pretty powerful, being a demon. However, being so young and only having a few number of spells disposable, he's not an extremely dangerous creature. For one, his spells does need certain... energy to be conjured, which is restored by resting or eating, as well as being in a dark place. Overuse is impossible, as when he runs out of energy, he's simply incapable of using any sort of his demonic spells. Secondly, while he's above-human in terms of strength and agility, his body is incapable of utilizing that to it's full extent. When in his true form, Bael loses his conciousness and becomes enraged: Everything and everyone represents danger and he will attack everything in his path. Friend or foe. It's unsure if this is a weakness or not, but well.

Holy or angelic harmful magic is pretty bad to him. In fact, he's actually weak to any sort of magic, whatever the source, while somewhat resistant to physical damage.

Bael is someone cultured and sophisticated, with refined tastes in art and music. He's elegant, in his own way, often making use of a rather flexible vocabulary. He takes pride in this, and will often state with arrogance that he can speak like an idiot, if someone is having difficult in understanding his complex vocabulary. Talking about arrogance, the boy is indeed arrogant, he thinks highly of himself, which naturally makes him confident. He thinks that he's important, while everyone else is not, and often states that openly as well. While arrogant, he's not outright disrespectful. He's just... simply annoying. Or at least, the majority of time he appears to be annoying. This is also reflected by how sarcastic the boy manages to be; he will mock anyone when given reason, and will act plainly rude with those who ask idiotic questions. He's ironic as well, and enjoys greatly using irony or sarcasm to irritate people.

Besides this, Bael can appear as an extremely flirtatious young boy, who's always got the right compliment or the perfect words in his silver tongue. He manages to be charming and intriguing at the same time, the mixture causing a feeling of inevitable mistery. He's soft-spoken and prefers to mind his own business... even if his business often means choosing what target he should hit on this time.

He's aware of his power and enjoys it, but he's disgusted by it at the same time. Not because of it's source, but because it's not enough. He believes that he absolutely needs to be powerful, like a real demon should be. In fact, he's not someone very morally acceptable, as he's willing to do anything for power. There is no limit when it comes to him, he deeply believes that the end justifies the means.

Bael's birth didn't happen on earth. Born in the depths of hell, between hellfire, blood, death and corruption, the young creature had been taught since young that a demon was a powerful thing which should not merge itself with other races, as well as how to deal with his given powers. Supposedly, Bael should've remained in hell until he was powerful enough, but he always watched the average world with interest, to him, humans had a very special way to deal with their problems. That was when it was decided that Bael, due to his very young age, should go to the world he was so interested in. He was told that in there, his powers would've been weakened and he'd never be able to use them to their full-extent, but also that he'd learn that in the place he was going. He was some sort of experimental spy, in fact: To observe and partake in the special academy known as Athalia's Academy, to learn and master his demonic powers as well as observe how others would progress with their own. At least he had an objetive, which was much better than remaining in hell for the rest of his life.

And so, Bael was sent to do this. All by his own. He barely had the opportunity to walk on the normal world before being enrolled in the academy, which bothered him, but he didn't care. He was there, after all... He had absolutely no idea of what to do, but he might as well try to be... normal. Somewhat normal.

Study: Art, computers and P.E

Music fitting for his persona:

Battle Theme:
To be decided
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I have some questions to ask about your character. I'm no co-GM, but there were several things that caught my attention.

First things first, Shadow Step.

How long does this last? It sounds as if it lasts for a pretty long time ad can be used freely, seeing how he can technically hide behind anything that is a solid image. I don't know what the last phrase in particular means (pardon me, English is honestly not my first language ;_;).

Shadowform: So you can pass by anything? How often can he do this? I don't think it'll provide any counterplay to those who actually want to hit him if he simply keeps that form on, and seeing how this is his travelling method (dunno if this is only for combat travel or not), it sounds as if he can remain invulnerable for a fairly long time without losing a massive amount of energy.

Spectral Torture: This is a pretty cool ability. I dunno, I just wanted to point that out lol

Demonic Purge: This particular ability is what I'm worried about the most. While it is a fairly simple ability with a consequence fully present, there's are no consequences for Bael utilizing this ability.

Demon Form: That's a freaking awesome transformation. Again, I just wanted to point that out.
I don't know if it's just me, but the ability kit he carries currently contradicts the fact that constant use of his abilities weakens him. Listing out the side-effects would certainly help balance out some things, because I'm sure you did not intentionally make him slightly overpowered. ^^

Basically, I think you should add in notes on what happens to Bael when he uses each ability. But maybe I'm just nitpicking way too much, I dunno. His personality seems fitting of his character, and his background is different from most of the C.Sheets and pretty awesome. :D

btw, I love dat appearance, though I don't know who that exactly is. o_o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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NarayanK said btw, I love dat appearance, though I don't know who that exactly is. o_o

Yato from Noragami. :P
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