Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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When Vlad introduced himself, Damon couldn’t help but let out a little snort. Vlad Putin. It sounded like something out of a bad horror movie. Yeah, Damon had one question; what the hell was he doing here? He didn’t ask though, he didn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of all the crazies in the room. A girl asked to have her handcuffs removed, but surely Vlad wouldn’t fall for it?

Another person entered the room and actually managed to fall over! When she stood she froze in place, like a deer in the headlights, she seemed terrified of all the people in the room. Damon almost felt the same way, he just wasn’t so open about it. She sat in her seat, curled up in a ball and actually made Damon feel sorry for her. He wondered what her problem was.

Damon couldn’t believe it when Vlad allowed the guards to remove the weird girl’s handcuffs, surely she was cuffed for a reason? “The more you cooperate the more freedom and rewards you will receive. The more difficult you are the less you will get. We have individual, small and large group sessions” Vlad told them. Well Damon didn’t plan on hanging around long enough to get freedom and rewards- he was going to get out of here, he just needed to speak to Vlad in private to explain his situation. However, if he had to stay longer than he wanted, he certainly wanted individual sessions, he didn’t want to moan about his problems to more people than necessary.
The girl who had grabbed Damon’s shoulder before asked about what being good meant and Vlad replied with a pretty obvious answer. Then she said “Lucy doesn’t agree, she likes to be dangerous” before starting to hum” Woah, what a creep. At least Damon knew her name now, Lucy. But when Vlad referred to ‘Lucy and you’ realisation hit him, she was just like Zack. He wondered what her ‘other’ name was. Lucy interrupted Vlad before he could answer the next question and actually seemed to cut herself off mid-sentence and was quite rude to Vlad. It was really strange.

Yet another figure entered the room, another girl. She walked straight to the corner of the room and sat on the floor. Yet another freak, Damon thought to himself. He heard Lucy say her name was Sara- so that was her other personality. The newest girl’s name turned out to be Lana. The girl from before who was curled up in a ball ran across the room and sat in a different corner, she obviously thought Lana had a good idea. Damon sighed to himself, he couldn’t be bothered to deal with this crap.
The girl who had her handcuffs removed started muttering to herself, and the conversation between Sara/Lucy and Lana took a darker turn as Lana admitted to hurting people! Handcuff girl started talking to Zack, Damon wondered if he should talk to someone.

He got up and walked over to the corner where the girl who’s name he didn’t know was sat, the one who had fallen over when entering the room. There was a commotion in the middle of the room and he turned to hear Lucy/Sara screaming and shouting and eventually saw her get tranquillised. When he turned back to the girl on the floor she was rocking and humming, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to talk to her any more but it would seem rude to turn back around. He sat on the floor a couple of meters away from her as she seemed pretty timid and said softly “Hey there, my name is Damon” while ignoring the absolute chaos behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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CallaLily180 said
Sara turned her head and examined Vlad, he didn't look like her father, or mother for that matter. As she got up she stumbled a little and smiled brightly at Vlad. "Sara, you are very pretty Vlad. Why are you here? I got shot...?" Sara's words were dazed and her eyes were foggy as she laughed and waited for his reaction. "Lucy didn't like getting shot Vlad, it hurt her. She was defending us."

"Take a deep breath for me little one. You're not making sense." Vlad said. He took a deep breath to show her what he meant. "Once you are calmer. We'll talk about what happened in the therapy room. But we can't talk about it if I can't understand you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Sara sighed and rolled her eyes, she walked up to Vlad, grabbed his shirt, and stared into his eyes. "I am Sara. I have tried this before Vlad, before I came here in fact. Therapy doesn't work, Lucy will always be here. You can't help me, I don't want it, I will refuse treatment and if that means I stay here longer I will. I hated my room, my parents threatened me daily. Now, I am free. If you want to cuff me, throw me into isolatation, feel free to do so. I like to have time to talk to Lucy. By the way, do not question me later, I saw what they did to us. I will fall asleep again and forget about all of this." She let go of his shirt and went to sit back down on the bed, she smiled and started to make the sounds of a clock.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lersa growls in his empty room, His straight jacket and muffle on he kicks on the door, After about ten minutes he stops and just lay's there almost like sleeping.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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CallaLily180 said
Sara sighed and rolled her eyes, she walked up to Vlad, grabbed his shirt, and stared into his eyes. "I am Sara. I have tried this before Vlad, before I came here in fact. Therapy doesn't work, Lucy will always be here. You can't help me, I don't want it, I will refuse treatment and if that means I stay here longer I will. I hated my room, my parents threatened me daily. Now, I am free. If you want to cuff me, throw me into isolatation, feel free to do so. I like to have time to talk to Lucy. By the way, do not question me later, I saw what they did to us. I will fall asleep again and forget about all of this." She let go of his shirt and went to sit back down on the bed, she smiled and started to make the sounds of a clock.

"Very well then." Vlad went to the door and had everything but the bed, matteress, and pillow removed from the room. "I can't help those who do not want help. The cells around you are empty so you will only have Lucy to talk to. I will visit again in a few days."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"Perfect, this is what I wanted." Sara laid back on her bed with a small innocent smile on her face as she suddenly fell asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Vlad shook his head sadly. Who would want to be so alone. Vlad could not imagion wanting to have only one imaginary friend as company. But he could help the young one if she was not willing to try. So Vlad made his way to the next patient. Lersa was a cannibal soVlad would have to be careful how he approached the boy. But he had an idea of how to win him to his side. Lersa's door was a bit different from the others. All doors were made of titanium, but Larsen had a glass screen so that Vlad could talk to the lad without going into his room. "Larsen I have a deal for you,lad."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lersa growled sitting up glaring at the glass Screen, With his muffle on he spoke from behind it "What...Do you want!" Lersa said aggressively trying to threaten him by biting on his own arm but his muffle hit his arm, Lersa just keeping the aggressive stare then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 42 min ago

"If you cooperate I will serve you human meat once a day." Vlad offered. He wondered if the boy would take the offer. Vlad wasn't worried about filling his promise. He had the means if the boy agreed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lersa raised an eyebrow stopping his aggression standing up to his feet "Y-You...Have a deal...W-What do you want..." Lersa said slowly trying now to resist the anger he wanted to release.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"I will make sure you are feed human meat once a day if you cooperate with me and the guards." Vlad explained slowly. He wanted to be clear to Lersa what he was offering. "All you have to do is not threaten the patients, the guards, or me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lersa flinched at the returning offer, He didn't want to show them respect but he wanted to taste flesh! "Y-You...Got a deal Vlad...I'll Cooperate as long as I get that meat..." Lersa said really trying to hold back his anger, But he thought about it doing a slight smile "Could you put me with someone in a room...I-I won't hurt them...I made a promise."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kautalya
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Stele stopped laughing. She glared at every single person, the guards let her go as she dragged herself across the floor, quite confused. She noticed a few chairs set out for them. She stared at the empty chair and decided to dash towards it. Sweet ran down her forehead, she was never good at making friends. She growled slightly at herself of how stupid she is. 'IT' decided to control her for a while. For fun. Tch. She looked to her side, not wanting to face the others. Half of them even scared her. Tears rolled down her check as she thought, What if 'it' took over. What if he decided to control my life, forever. She tightly held onto her hand as she sniffled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Arabella paused in her humming when she heard a voice speak up from in front of her. She blinked her eyes, seeing a boy sitting on the floor in front of her. Seeing the distance still between them didn't cause her to go into a complete panic attack but she eyed him warily, really hoping he wouldn't come any closer. "I-I'm Arabella." She said in a very soft voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Alexjits said
Lersa flinched at the returning offer, He didn't want to show them respect but he wanted to taste flesh! "Y-You...Got a deal Vlad...I'll Cooperate as long as I get that meat..." Lersa said really trying to hold back his anger, But he thought about it doing a slight smile "Could you put me with someone in a room...I-I won't hurt them...I made a promise."

"If you cooperate all day tomorrow I will consider it moving you next to someone. No one is sharing a room. We have more then enough rooms that we don't need to double up." Vlad replied. He didn't like the idea of Lersa too close to the others. Not until he had to see how much control he had. Vlad would hold his end of the bargain as long as the boy did. "I will see you at breakfast Lersa."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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Arabella, what a beautiful name Damon thought to himself. He could see she was still nervous and so didn’t want to startle her by asking personal questions. He just sat quietly for a while trying to get his head around the fact he was going to be stuck here a while. Vlad had already gone, so much for getting him alone to talk.

Damon let out a sigh before suggesting to Arabella “Hey, it’s pretty crowded in here. I don’t really like it. Want to get out of here and, I don’t know... Explore or something? Maybe we can find out where we’re staying? I don’t really care, I just kinda wanna get away from all these people and sort of guessed you do to?” He still felt sorry for her, she was such a timid little creature.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Thank you Griffin for the offer. Maybe if we ever get out of here I'll take you up on that deal." Sammy said smiling a little bit
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Arabella listened as Damon talked before she hesitantly nodded at his suggestion. One person she was okay with as long as they didn't get too close to her but a room full of people made her want to scream and bolt out of the room. There was only so much comfort curling up in a corner away from them could bring her. She shaky climbed to her feet, not giving him a chance to get up first and offer a hand to help her up. It would be so awkward refusing that. Especially when he had been nice to her so far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lersa moaned in sorrow, He was getting very lonely as he rolled around his place "I want a frieeeeeend!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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Arabella nodded and stood up quickly, she seemed pretty eager to leave. Damon got up and led the way out of the room, knowing she would follow when she was ready. Once in the hallway he felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, he couldn’t stand another moment with all those crazy people.

“Ummm... I don’t actually know where we’re going” he admitted sheepishly, looking around for a clue. In the end he just picked a direction and walked, admiring the decor. He glanced back at Arabella and asked “do you have a nickname? Arabella is a lovely name but a bit of a mouthful.”
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