Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Emmeltine18 said
Name: Damon WintersAge: 19Appearance: Mental Illness: Insomnia, depression, anxietyBio: Damon was a bright student in school and everyone had high expectations of him. Despite being bullied throughout his life, he excelled at everything he attempted. When he was 17, his best friend passed away- killed in a car accident and Damon missed a few weeks of school. When he returned he found that he couldn’t enjoy learning like he had used to, especially as no one had filled the empty chair next to him, where his friend had sat. It was distracting. More often than not he would daydream rather than pay attention and his grades started to slip, no matter how hard he tried. When Damon failed his first exam ever, he was angry at the entire world, but mostly at himself. His parents yelled at him, telling him he was wasting his potential and his father even went as far as to call him a ‘useless waste of space’. The longer this went on the more withdrawn Damon became; leading to him being bullied at school more than ever.A few days before Damon was sent to the Asylum, his parents had been on his computer and found that he was googling ways to kill himself. When questioned he became so anxious that he passed out. While he was unconscious, his parents found scars and recent wounds on his wrists.

Approved. I'll add him as soon as I catch up. Go ahead and do an introduction post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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CallaLily180 said
Name: Sara/LucyAge: 17Appearance: Mental illness: Multiple personality, depression, and horrible panic attacks. ((*Heavy Sarcasm* Its not stealing if I had the idea first Katherin, I know you got it from Sara/Cas))Bio: Sara was an only child, forced to stay up at night while her mother and father threatened her through her locked door. She wasn't allowed out, that is where Lucy came in. Lucy helped her through problems but in the end developed a depression that spread through both of them. As the years passed by, Sara would be heard crying while guests were over. No one knew why except Lucy, she was the only one that ever understood her. When she was scared as she always was Sara would confide in her other half that now seemed more real then Sara in herself. Lucy forced Sara to scheme and go downstairs for unwanted revenge at times, and when they got in trouble Lucy would take the blame. It was if her parents had forgotten about their real child. It was a perfect life for the two of them, but every other week Sara had a panic attack. She realized that Lucy may or may not be good, it hurts and she freaks out badly. When she does these things Lucy disappears which makes it a million times worse on Sara, as if it were her punishment. In the middle of one of her day long attacks her door was knocked down by her parents and while her mother finally made an effort to calm her down, her father was packing her things and throwing them in the back of their rickety car. They threw her in and headed off to the Asylum.

Whatever Calla. I had a multiple in the Academy of heroes and villians before Sarah and Cas :P.
Of course Sara accepted. I look forward to the chaos you cause.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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*bows* I look forward to being the tack on your chair Katherin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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*Glares at Calla* Why do I like you? Oh yea. Your not boring :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kautalya
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Stele is an adorable girl who enjoys spending time with people around her. Did you actually believe what I just told you? Stele is fake. She enjoys hurting people, meaning she'll take on the job to hurt anyone that comes her way. No matter what, she gets excited when she's in danger, that adrenaline rush she gets is like a drug to her. In front of everyone's eyes, she's the sweet girl everybody wants her to be
Stele didn't really have a good childhood. She was always bullied by those around her because her parents didn't have the money to buy the things other kids had. She was lonely and decided to create an imaginary friend to keep her company. She talks to 'it' everyday of her life, even today. She says that 'it' can be rude sometimes and actually try to hurt her. Back when she was a kid, she found herself in the strangest situation. She was at the back of the school, knife in hand and pointed directly at some other girl. She found herself staring at the little girl's frightened face. Shaking, Stele lowered her knife, dropping it to the ground. The girl ran away crying for help; Stele, in turn, looked up at 'it' and said "I hate you! I thought I could get more friends like this! You lied! Liar!" Everything was a blur after that, her memories were just mushed together.
She suddenly found herself in front of the principal with her parents sitting beside her. The principal called her various names. Some of which included, dangerous, disturbed, and the worst one was murderer. Aside from her parent's castigation, now she had to deal with a punishment from 'it.' They expelled her from the school, and she decided that she was different from everyone else. She needed to hide her real self and 'it,' at least until she needed it. Stele is just a pure innocent girl.
Obviously, Stele has a personality disorder. What began as an innocent imaginary friend turned into a different side of Stele that would take care of anything dangerous or any harm that would come to Stele. Since he other personality doesn't really have a name, Stele just calls her other self, 'it.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Kautalya said

Very intense. She might have to be in isolation atleast part time depending on how dangerous she is to the others will that be a problem?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kautalya
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Don't worry about it :D
It's no problem at all I'm fine with it~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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;) alright then Stele is accepted. Post an intro.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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I'm going to go add more to my characters intro
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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I enjoy your character. Bookmusicanime.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Thanks. She's a fun character to do plus I have a habit of having some crazy characters in anything I do so actually compared to some of my other characters Sammy's an angel...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Oh? I am exited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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I think I might be in over my head. Oh well the doctor has the most control. I'm going to make this as much like a real asylum as I can. (Which I am researching)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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No!!!! At least let Sara find Lucy!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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At least let Sammy find a way to break the mirror! What is with me and having my characters shatter mirrors...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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CallaLily180 said
No!!!! At least let Sara find Lucy!!

Huh? How does my plan interfere with that?
booksmusicanime said
At least let Sammy find a way to break the mirror! What is with me and having my characters shatter mirrors...

What mirrors? Mahahaha
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Not again Vladimir! Not again, Sara is not as good as Ada was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Sammy has a mirror with bars around it in her room. She wants to shatter it so she can use it as a weapon. I edited my intro post so theres more to it now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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CallaLily180 said
Not again Vladimir! Not again, Sara is not as good as Ada was.

LOL well then Sara will be in even more trouble then Ada. Although I haven't decided how creepy to make Vlad this time.
booksmusicanime said
Sammy has a mirror with bars around it in her room. She wants to shatter it so she can use it as a weapon. I edited my intro post so theres more to it now.

I'll have to look at it, but most institutes don't have mirrors. Because the glass could be used as a weapon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Well he is a mad scientist again, but this time he is also being a psychologist. So I would say a medium level of creepiness. Especially if this is after Spliced.
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