Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crank


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

It has been seventy long years since our kind was discovered living among men.

We were quickly sought out as creatures to be feared. After all, we looked like them. We spoke, acted, and walked like them. We were told as dangers and creatures of myth, and to see these legends are alive, hiding right under mankind's noses, was a huge shock. Something that was seen as a threat to the very existence of the humans. Even when we lived in peace, even when we kept ourselves from releasing our power and wrecking our havoc on the ignorant race, we were still hastily sought out to be eradicated. Laws were set. Hunting parties were sent out. Our kind was forced out into the expansive wildernesses of the world, unable to take on our human forms in fear we couldn't survive in them within such a harsh environment.

We were attacked. Sheer numbers picked each of us off, one by one. Homes were demolished. Lands were ravaged, We tried to fight back - we took many humans down with us, but it wasn't enough. Our lands of peace were disturbed, and we were taken down with them.
We have been diminishing in numbers ever since. I don't know how many of us our left. I don't even know if any others of my kind are still out in the world, surviving like me. We've been sectioned off from the human populations, forced into our own half of the world that has been constantly invaded and wrecked by the humans anyways, though remains as ours nonetheless.
They can't be far, in that case.

I have been alone for these seventy long years. I have raised myself up into the creature I am today. My will to survive has driven me to live. I have not fought often, only evaded. I have kept myself preserved, only fighting when it's absolutely necessary, never involving myself in the associations the humans keep solely out of my yearning to live.

I have been alone.
So very, very alone.

And I'm determined to change that.
I'm determined to search these lands for another. I cannot continue living the way I am, without a person in the world to share my troubles with, to fight and survive alongside, to feel a sense of home and comfort towards.
I can stand this. I refuse to stand this.

It's my time to search. It's my time to seek out another.

And nothing will stop me.

~ ♠ ~

The dragon species was always greatly feared and recognized among humankind, but now, a new fear has arisen, and caused for hundreds of these unique creatures to be slaughtered into near non-existence. It has been revealed that these magnificent creatures have the ability to take on human forms just as well as their original forms, and this has struck too deep of a fear and posed too much of a possible threat to humanity to be ignored. Many of this species has been completely decimated by power in numbers from humankind, and now, only two of this entire species remain alive.

These two are on a mission - to find another like themselves, and to stay close to them in hopes of revitalizing their species back into existence, to provide aspiration and a stronger will to survive.

Will the two last remaining creatures of this species be captured and slaughtered, causing the inevitable extinction of their entire bloodlines?

Or will they seek each other out, and manage to provide a flame of hope to their ancestors, vengeance for the lost brothers and sisters of their kind, providing a newer, stronger generation of their glorious race?

~ ♠ ~

The Survivors

- 1 -

Name: Obscura
Gender: Male
Age: 643
Species: Boreal

Description of Dragon/Backstory: Obscura is a pure blood, direct descendant of the first Boreal dragon, Aurora Borealis, a great queen of the north. Nearly 100 generations before Obscura's birth, the night skies of the north were bare and void of the great lights that dance about in these modern days. The great dragons of the land stay away from the cold, bland lands and thrived in the vibrant, warmer climates of the world. But there was one dragon, who wished for silence from the chirping of the birds and howling of the beasts, and from the heat and excitement of the south. She left her native lands and travelled as far away as her wings could carry her, quickly finding her scales coating over with ice as the air grew silent. She had never ventured this far north, for had she before, she would never have returned. The frozen land offered her refuge from the hustle and bustle of the populated lands to the south, it offered silence so that she may rest and meditate in peace. They offered freedom for the skies were open and the thick forests could easily be left behind as she journeyed past the treeline into the frozen tundra. It was perfection. Or so at first thought. As time passed, the pristine white dragon found herself missing the only thing she had grown fond of in the southern lands; the beautiful colors that surrounded her. She thought for many centuries how to bring about a display of such beauty but could find no way to transfer the growth of the vibrant colored plants that had once lain grace before her gaze. One day though, while she sat at the peak of an icy mountain, singing her praises to the Lady Moon, she caught a glimpse in the corner of her eye of the light of the moon reflecting off the peculiar ice crystals that covered the highest peak. Her mind sparked as she realized a way she could bring color to this white world. But she would need the help of the Lady Moon, for the magicks she wished to conceive were not of her power. For 100 years she lay in silent mediation, dormant, in fast. And the day came that the Lady Moon answered her calls and offered her a deal. She would assist the dragon in bringing color to the northern lands, but she wished for something in return. She wanted the beautiful colors to be near her, for she was fond of beauty in all its forms. She would grant the dragon with wings of stunning light and color, a body as black as night so as to draw all attention to the magnificent wings, and she would offer her eternal flight so long as she owned the sky. The she-dragon agreed, not wanting to wait a moment longer to have such beauty bestowed upon her. And so the moon and the dragon entered into an eternal contract, and the white dragon shed her pale scales to reveal a body as black as the empty night sky. She molted her wings and revealed shimmering dancing lights in place of her leathery membranes, And she took to the skies, filling them with streaks of stunning light that danced about across the barren lands. She took up the name Aurora Borealis and shall forever fill the northern skies with beauty and light with each rise of the dear Lady Moon.

No one knows how the first descendant of Aurora Borealis came to be. Perhaps some brave sire who chased the queen of the northern nights in her never ending flight, courting her with each rise of the moon. It can never truly be known, but of the first great Boreal dragon, came a line of pitch black descendants with wings that shimmer and shine as the Aurora Borealis do at night. They are cold weather beings, inheriting their ancestor's love of peace and relaxing cold, and spend their nights soaring about the northern skies, dancing with the soul of their ancestor, singing thanks to the Lady Moon.

Backstory/Personality: Obscura, by nature, prefers solitude, he enjoys silence, filled occasionally by the perfect sound of song. He was raised to be noble and proper, peaceful and very much an introvert. His mother and farther were both noble Boreal dragons, who met in the sky under the light of a blue moon. They claimed each other as their own and for years ruled the tallest mountain range in the north. Upon siring a son, his father saw no need to produce more offspring, for his bloodline would be continued in Obscura. And so he was raised without siblings, and with few friends, for most dragons prefer the warmth of the southern sun. Obscura had no clue the draconic species was dying out, he had heard rumours of great slaughtering, but paid little heed for there were few men in the cold lands of his home. When the day came that his mother and father informed him of their nearing departure to the other side, after a millennia of life, he finally felt a sense of loneliness settling into him. Without his dear parents, who would he sing aside in the dark of the beautiful nights? Who would he confide in? Who would he share his heart and soul with? Knowing it was his obligation to be strong, on the day his parents took to the skies for the last time, he kept his head high and sang the most beautiful song to the Lady Moon and to the ancient queen Aurora. He spent years in solitude after that day. Finding it in himself to accept the loss of his parents, he one day decided he must find a mate of his own; one to rule with him on the proud mountain peaks of the north. He did not know that the deaths of his fellow dragons was so severe, for when he left in search of another soul, he found no one. And to this day, he spends the summers seeking another of his species, shifting to his human form and slipping into the two-legged beast's cities in search of another essence of his own breed. He struggles constantly with taking up the form of the men who destroyed his kin, but in the dark corners of his heart, he hesitantly admits within himself that the loneliness of his lifetime screams for him to shift into his human form and accept some form of acceptance and belonging, if even among the species he so hates. His heart will not give up on his search for another of his kind, for if all were truly dead, he believed, his heart would no longer have a reason to beat, yet it did. And it could only be beating if it knew there was another whose heart would one day beat back.

- 2 -

Lumenia {Lumen}





Description of Dragon/Backstory:
Lumen's breed is by far one of the rarest of kinds to encounter. Whether it be a brief glance or a close relationship with one of this breed, it's very seldom for any to come across an Astrum dragon, purely because of how small and limited the bloodlines of this species is. It is unsure to any dragon that isn't of the species of where this breed first originated from - many believe that the species first was forged by Stella, the goddess of the stars, who rules alongside the Lady Moon, hence the very name of the breed 'Astrum'. Others would assume differently, since it would be guessed that coming from a pure deity would grant these dragons powers beyond the mortal spectrum. The true origin is completely unknown and widely debated.
The species was in fact forged by Stella, but was not directly sired through her. The very first Astrum dragon to be brought into existence was originally just a normal, black European dragon, whose heart was pure and whose ideals were always righteous towards fellow dragon-kind. The dragon's life was filled with good-doings towards others; the dragon never seemed to do wrong to the innocent. On a particular night, the dragon came across another dragon, a female dragon, being cornered by a handful of human poachers. The male dragon felt he couldn't simply stand by and watch one of his kind be slaughtered so ruthlessly, and leapt into the fray, battling away many of the humans and earning far more injuries in the process. By the time the last of the surviving humans had ran, the he-dragon couldn't stand from the pain his wounds inflicted, and fell before the she-dragon he had saved, whom looked on him with gratitude, guilt, and desperation. The she-dragon prayed to both the Lady Moon and the goddess Stella to save this soul, who had done no wrongs, only rights, and deserved to live on. The Lady Moon and Stella took pity on the he-dragon, and Lady Moon offered Stella to save him from his fate. Stella did so, making the dragon rise once more, and rewarded him for his sacrificing his life for another by granting an array of sparkling gems and beautiful color in his once black wings and hair, forging an entirely new race of dragon that was there on named the Astrum species in reflection of the one-of-a-kind, twinkling features this breed always carries.
The she-dragon and revived he-dragon did not part ways; they found a sense of content in each other, and flew together among the stars, siring the second generation of the Astrum species. The generations carried on, from the second to the third, third to fourth, and onward until Lumen's generation - the sixth generation - came to be. Compared to more common species of dragons, the Astrum species is extremely rare, seeing as there have been less than fifty to ever come into existence. With such small bloodlines and such few impurities in their early stages, Lumen has managed to attain the more original color scheme of the species with a splash of her own colors - black for the body, with a range of different purples and pinks meshing together, as well as the many gem-like sparkles embedded in her hair {tail tuft, head, and tufts on legs} and wings. The Astrum species dwell in a variety of climates, though are most compatible in cooler weather, keeping away from overly dry or overly hot locations. Some can thrive in colder weather conditions, but it's dependent on their previous bloodlines as to if they are or not. They are naturally accustomed to praising Stella, the star goddess, and the Lady Moon, and enjoy taking flight during the night time where they can blend with their patterns and give thanks to Stella and the Lady Moon alike.

Despite her dazzling appearance, Lumen prefers to remain quiet, releasing an aura of tranquility wherever she goes, yet with an alertness always hiding underneath. Ever since she began flying the skies on her own, poachers have been constantly on her tail to capture her for her elegance among dragons. With time, she’s grown to be very jumpy to the smallest noises or movements, always self-aware and rarely, if not ever lets her guard down. She tends to be rather quiet, though is more than able to become chatty and sociable when presented with a close friend. Her silence is so deep that she often goes undetected while in the same room or area, and even sometimes when standing right next to someone. Her life was never quite hard and rather normal for a dragon, with her parents’ passings being the only significantly difficult time for her to handle – that is, before the species was found out. When the humans blew out full on attacks on the dragons, Lumen was faced with her friends being killed in front of her. As much as she wished she could have stayed to help, she knew that fighting would only get her killed, what with the amount of humans pouring forward to attack. She was caught in the first war between the dragon and human species, and managed to be one of the very, very few who escaped. Ever since that time, she has been ‘on the run’, so to speak. She’s more of a target than any other dragon would be, considering her rarity, and therefore must remain alert at all times. Her first experience made her prone to flight rather than fight, something that has laid guilt deep within her heart, guilt that she attempts to mask and keep from view. She despises going into her human form; you’ll rarely see her in it, and humans tend to be the one topic that brings out irritation or anger from within her. You’ll mainly find her in her dragon form, and you’ll also want to refrain from delving too deeply into the subject of humans in her presence. She has a sort of secret longing within her heart ever since the eradication of her species had begun – to regain the feeling of companionship in any form, whether it be by finding a mate {which she highly doubts and yearns for the most} or finding just an ally to share her company. She’s always on the lookout, just as much as she’s alert for danger, in fact.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soulserenity20
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Stokkkked, This looks amazing crank! I'll try and get my CS up tonight :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crank


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Awesome, take whatever time you need. And thank you!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soulserenity20
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Obscura
Gender: Male
Age: 643
Species: Boreal

Description of Dragon/Backstory: Obscura is a pure blood, direct descendant of the first Boreal dragon, Aurora Borealis, a great queen of the north. Nearly 100 generations before Obscura's birth, the night skies of the north were bare and void of the great lights that dance about in these modern days. The great dragons of the land stay away from the cold, bland lands and thrived in the vibrant, warmer climates of the world. But there was one dragon, who wished for silence from the chirping of the birds and howling of the beasts, and from the heat and excitement of the south. She left her native lands and travelled as far away as her wings could carry her, quickly finding her scales coating over with ice as the air grew silent. She had never ventured this far north, for had she before, she would never have returned. The frozen land offered her refuge from the hustle and bustle of the populated lands to the south, it offered silence so that she may rest and meditate in peace. They offered freedom for the skies were open and the thick forests could easily be left behind as she journeyed past the treeline into the frozen tundra. It was perfection. Or so at first thought. As time passed, the pristine white dragon found herself missing the only thing she had grown fond of in the southern lands; the beautiful colors that surrounded her. She thought for many centuries how to bring about a display of such beauty but could find no way to transfer the growth of the vibrant colored plants that had once lain grace before her gaze. One day though, while she sat at the peak of an icy mountain, singing her praises to the Lady Moon, she caught a glimpse in the corner of her eye of the light of the moon reflecting off the peculiar ice crystals that covered the highest peak. Her mind sparked as she realized a way she could bring color to this white world. But she would need the help of the Lady Moon, for the magicks she wished to conceive were not of her power. For 100 years she lay in silent mediation, dormant, in fast. And the day came that the Lady Moon answered her calls and offered her a deal. She would assist the dragon in bringing color to the northern lands, but she wished for something in return. She wanted the beautiful colors to be near her, for she was fond of beauty in all its forms. She would grant the dragon with wings of stunning light and color, a body as black as night so as to draw all attention to the magnificent wings, and she would offer her eternal flight so long as she owned the sky. The she-dragon agreed, not wanting to wait a moment longer to have such beauty bestowed upon her. And so the moon and the dragon entered into an eternal contract, and the white dragon shed her pale scales to reveal a body as black as the empty night sky. She molted her wings and revealed shimmering dancing lights in place of her leathery membranes, And she took to the skies, filling them with streaks of stunning light that danced about across the barren lands. She took up the name Aurora Borealis and shall forever fill the northern skies with beauty and light with each rise of the dear Lady Moon.

No one knows how the first descendant of Aurora Borealis came to be. Perhaps some brave sire who chased the queen of the northern nights in her never ending flight, courting her with each rise of the moon. It can never truly be known, but of the first great Boreal dragon, came a line of pitch black descendants with wings that shimmer and shine as the Aurora Borealis do at night. They are cold weather beings, inheriting their ancestor's love of peace and relaxing cold, and spend their nights soaring about the northern skies, dancing with the soul of their ancestor, singing thanks to the Lady Moon.

Backstory/Personality: Obscura, by nature, prefers solitude, he enjoys silence, filled occasionally by the perfect sound of song. He was raised to be noble and proper, peaceful and very much an introvert. His mother and farther were both noble Boreal dragons, who met in the sky under the light of a blue moon. They claimed each other as their own and for years ruled the tallest mountain range in the north. Upon siring a son, his father saw no need to produce more offspring, for his bloodline would be continued in Obscura. And so he was raised without siblings, and with few friends, for most dragons prefer the warmth of the southern sun. Obscura had no clue the draconic species was dying out, he had heard rumours of great slaughtering, but paid little heed for there were few men in the cold lands of his home. When the day came that his mother and father informed him of their nearing departure to the other side, after a millennia of life, he finally felt a sense of loneliness settling into him. Without his dear parents, who would he sing aside in the dark of the beautiful nights? Who would he confide in? Who would he share his heart and soul with? Knowing it was his obligation to be strong, on the day his parents took to the skies for the last time, he kept his head high and sang the most beautiful song to the Lady Moon and to the ancient queen Aurora. He spent years in solitude after that day. Finding it in himself to accept the loss of his parents, he one day decided he must find a mate of his own; one to rule with him on the proud mountain peaks of the north. He did not know that the deaths of his fellow dragons was so severe, for when he left in search of another soul, he found no one. And to this day, he spends the summers seeking another of his species, shifting to his human form and slipping into the two-legged beast's cities in search of another essence of his own breed. He struggles constantly with taking up the form of the men who destroyed his kin, but in the dark corners of his heart, he hesitantly admits within himself that the loneliness of his lifetime screams for him to shift into his human form and accept some form of acceptance and belonging, if even among the species he so hates. His heart will not give up on his search for another of his kind, for if all were truly dead, he believed, his heart would no longer have a reason to beat, yet it did. And it could only be beating if it knew there was another whose heart would one day beat back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soulserenity20
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lol yes, my little colored picture looks lame, but I couldn't find a reference image that fit my idea. And yes, yes I used Hugh Jackman as a reference. The man is perfection, come on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crank


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Oh, please, that picture is much better than anything I could ever concoct, especially when it comes to anatomy - the muscle tone and all is extremely accurate. He's a great character.
Oh, ha, Hugh Jackman is pretty perfect. [wink]

I'm going to get started on mine and also add in your sheet to the first post. It might take a little bit, and I apologize if it does - I'm determined to forge something that fits with him, heh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soulserenity20
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lol no rush! I have to get to bed soonish anyways, so I won't be on until tomorrow evening :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soulserenity20
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh and god I didn't DRAW it lol, no that's lineart from online, I did nothing more than color ^~^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crank


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alrighty then. Goodnight in advance, then. u v u
Oh. Oh. Well, you still colored it very wonderfully nonetheless,
x u x
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soulserenity20
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Night crank! Talk to ya tomorrow. I'll look forward to your CS
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soulserenity20
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

How's your dragon coming along darling? :) can't wait to see what you concoct, your characters are always so interesting
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crank


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

It's going pretty well! It's a bit troubling trying to find a good realistic picture, heh. That's always been my main bump with character sheets.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soulserenity20
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lol don't I know that, that's why I just colored one XD if you need help let me know, I've been through ALOT of dragon pics in my journey through Illos lol
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crank


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Oh, no no, I have plenty of dragon pictures to choose from. I mean the human appearance, heh. Dragons pictures are bountiful for me to choose from, but thank you. Seriously.

It goes to show you that choosing anime pictures isn't realistic, but easier to choose from, haha.
^ ^;
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soulserenity20
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lol yeah I usually go with anime pictures. But man oh man, as soon as I thought of a 600 year old man who can shift into a black dragon? Hugh Jackman. There were no auditions. It was all his XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crank


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hehe, seems about right. > u < He'd be perfect for that role, I'd think. He's a really versatile actor, and he's got that versatility to his attractiveness too. Seems he could fit any role physically if he wanted to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soulserenity20
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I just adored him as van helsing. His best role, in my opinion.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crank


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Lumenia {Lumen}





Description of Dragon/Backstory:
Lumen's breed is by far one of the rarest of kinds to encounter. Whether it be a brief glance or a close relationship with one of this breed, it's very seldom for any to come across an Astrum dragon, purely because of how small and limited the bloodlines of this species is. It is unsure to any dragon that isn't of the species of where this breed first originated from - many believe that the species first was forged by Stella, the goddess of the stars, who rules alongside the Lady Moon, hence the very name of the breed 'Astrum'. Others would assume differently, since it would be guessed that coming from a pure deity would grant these dragons powers beyond the mortal spectrum. The true origin is completely unknown and widely debated.
The species was in fact forged by Stella, but was not directly sired through her. The very first Astrum dragon to be brought into existence was originally just a normal, black European dragon, whose heart was pure and whose ideals were always righteous towards fellow dragon-kind. The dragon's life was filled with good-doings towards others; the dragon never seemed to do wrong to the innocent. On a particular night, the dragon came across another dragon, a female dragon, being cornered by a handful of human poachers. The male dragon felt he couldn't simply stand by and watch one of his kind be slaughtered so ruthlessly, and leapt into the fray, battling away many of the humans and earning far more injuries in the process. By the time the last of the surviving humans had ran, the he-dragon couldn't stand from the pain his wounds inflicted, and fell before the she-dragon he had saved, whom looked on him with gratitude, guilt, and desperation. The she-dragon prayed to both the Lady Moon and the goddess Stella to save this soul, who had done no wrongs, only rights, and deserved to live on. The Lady Moon and Stella took pity on the he-dragon, and Lady Moon offered Stella to save him from his fate. Stella did so, making the dragon rise once more, and rewarded him for his sacrificing his life for another by granting an array of sparkling gems and beautiful color in his once black wings and hair, forging an entirely new race of dragon that was there on named the Astrum species in reflection of the one-of-a-kind, twinkling features this breed always carries.
The she-dragon and revived he-dragon did not part ways; they found a sense of content in each other, and flew together among the stars, siring the second generation of the Astrum species. The generations carried on, from the second to the third, third to fourth, and onward until Lumen's generation - the sixth generation - came to be. Compared to more common species of dragons, the Astrum species is extremely rare, seeing as there have been less than fifty to ever come into existence. With such small bloodlines and such few impurities in their early stages, Lumen has managed to attain the more original color scheme of the species with a splash of her own colors - black for the body, with a range of different purples and pinks meshing together, as well as the many gem-like sparkles embedded in her hair {tail tuft, head, and tufts on legs} and wings. The Astrum species dwell in a variety of climates, though are most compatible in cooler weather, keeping away from overly dry or overly hot locations. Some can thrive in colder weather conditions, but it's dependent on their previous bloodlines as to if they are or not. They are naturally accustomed to praising Stella, the star goddess, and the Lady Moon, and enjoy taking flight during the night time where they can blend with their patterns and give thanks to Stella and the Lady Moon alike.

Despite her dazzling appearance, Lumen prefers to remain quiet, releasing an aura of tranquility wherever she goes, yet with an alertness always hiding underneath. Ever since she began flying the skies on her own, poachers have been constantly on her tail to capture her for her elegance among dragons. With time, she’s grown to be very jumpy to the smallest noises or movements, always self-aware and rarely, if not ever lets her guard down. She tends to be rather quiet, though is more than able to become chatty and sociable when presented with a close friend. Her silence is so deep that she often goes undetected while in the same room or area, and even sometimes when standing right next to someone. Her life was never quite hard and rather normal for a dragon, with her parents’ passings being the only significantly difficult time for her to handle – that is, before the species was found out. When the humans blew out full on attacks on the dragons, Lumen was faced with her friends being killed in front of her. As much as she wished she could have stayed to help, she knew that fighting would only get her killed, what with the amount of humans pouring forward to attack. She was caught in the first war between the dragon and human species, and managed to be one of the very, very few who escaped. Ever since that time, she has been ‘on the run’, so to speak. She’s more of a target than any other dragon would be, considering her rarity, and therefore must remain alert at all times. Her first experience made her prone to flight rather than fight, something that has laid guilt deep within her heart, guilt that she attempts to mask and keep from view. She despises going into her human form; you’ll rarely see her in it, and humans tend to be the one topic that brings out irritation or anger from within her. You’ll mainly find her in her dragon form, and you’ll also want to refrain from delving too deeply into the subject of humans in her presence. She has a sort of secret longing within her heart ever since the eradication of her species had begun – to regain the feeling of companionship in any form, whether it be by finding a mate {which she highly doubts and yearns for the most} or finding just an ally to share her company. She’s always on the lookout, just as much as she’s alert for danger, in fact.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crank


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

There we go, she's done. I hope you like her, I tried to make her character rather unique. u v u
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soulserenity20
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh my god, of course you post it as soon as my night class starts haha
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