Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Earth: a once thriving world filled with video-game geniuses claiming that graphics for dogs' fur contained the next generation. Its advancements were fluffy, and though there were some fuzzy people wanting to milk out cash through thermoheated binoculars and stacks of Campbell Biology books, all was good. At least, it was good to a certain extent.

But suddenly, a wide, rainbow-colored portal opened and revealed things that one would only be able to see when they were high having nightmares. Out came the last thing people thought they would be seeing:


Out came Mario, out came Max Payne, and out came even Master Chief. Dozens- no, hundreds of heroes flew out of the portals. Everyone immediately thought that they came here for heroic reasons and to stop a four-dimensional creature with six-thousand spider legs. Everyone really did think that... Okay, only I thought of that.

And they attacked Earth. We don't know why, but these praised heroes attacked their makers... mercilessly cutting them down as if they were playing rock-paper-mario-scissors. Who would have thought that they would attack Earth?"

Sitting at his office inside a building with an unconfirmed location, a man shouted as he slammed the table,

"I DID!"

He then proceeded to tear at what was left of his gray hair, violently thrashing about on his chair as he yelled, "I'm the one who said that there were freakin' pulses of supernatural activities coming from the skies! I'm the one who said that we should get ready! And I'm the only guy ready now!!!"

The Gray Chair Man looked like he was about to scream again, only to suddenly calm down and drink his coffee.

"And now that I'm the only guy ready," he said, putting side his cup of coffee, "I can actually do something. Sucks to be you, Microsoft."

The Gray Chair Man kicked himself away from his table, letting his chair move on its own as he left his office. On his way to wherever he was going, he told one of his co-workers,

"Hey! We're gettin' the recruits today, amirite?"


"You mess with me, and your ass is grass, Jim."

"I'm Tim."

"F&%$ you too, TIm. Hey, Jimmy!" The Chair Man shouted to another co-worker.

"I'm Bimmy."

"The hell is a Bimmy?"

"Your mom."

Two years A day later...

The heroes shall now proceed to enter a wide, gray room that has an apple sitting in the middle of the dull place. They come in through a singular, wide portal. Standing in front of the portals in a fair distance stands Noob, the Saibot, who is next to the Gray Chair Man's assistant, Diablo. While he certainly looks like the Diablo, the demon king we all know of from Blizzard's video game, he is actually just the most powerful cosplayer who was able to use demon powers.

In other words, it was basically the Diablo we all know of.

Standing- or, more accurately- sitting next to Diablo was the Gray Chair Man himself. He had chocolate chip cookies in case something went wrong.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frizan

Frizan Free From This Backwater Hellsite

Contest Mod Seen 2 yrs ago

...and out comes Friza Angelo, in all of his incredibly oblivious glory! His black cloak and gorgeous gray hair flowing in the....well, okay, not the wind, but the air currents from a fan in the room. He slicks his hair back in the fashion of a well-known blonde zombie antagonist....and it immediately falls back into place. "Well, shit. There went my dynamic entry...".

Friza looked around at the room and his new employers. When he saw the Gray Chair Man, he shouted with a fanboy-like joy: "Holy crap...it's.... GRAY MANN! How's it going, buddy!? Hey, nice job with the Mann Co. deal! That Saxton Hale dude? A TOTAL jerk. If I had known it was you, I would have come sooner!". He eyed Noob Saibot. "You're pretty funny looking, aren't you! You're like...a ninja robot! Cool stuff." He toyed with the hilt of his sword. "So.....when are we starting this party?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"He-hey!" The Gray Chair Man shouted with a wide smile, much to Diablo and Noob's confusion. "Good to see you here, Mr. Angelo. It was pretty easy dealing with that Hale, y'know?"

Diablo blinked, looking from the newcomer and to the Gray Chair Man. He never heard of the O-Face's director actually getting friendly with someone. Well, actually, he did like any other human, but all of his employees just liked to make him look like a tyrant.

"You know him?" The demon king (cosplayer) asked curiously. The man sitting next to him let out a hearty chuckle.

"Of course!"


The Gray Chair Man, in all of his chair-sitting glory, took out a cup of win- yes, win- and began to drink out of it. He then put it on his chair's armrester as he simply replied,

"I first met him while I robbed your bank account."

"Mr. Director?" Diablo asked with his gentlest voice. "Would an a*s-kicking relieve your body?"

The Gray Chair Man simply laughed, while Diablo began to grumble inaudibly. He was already hating this Friza, though it was mainly due to the Chair Man being a complete jerk like usual. Noob, the Saibot, patted the devil king (cosplayer)'s head, simply telling him,

"You noob."

Diablo grumbled, "I really don't want to hear that coming from your mouth."

Noob seemed quite pleased with Friza. In fact, he was so please, he stole Diablo's sword and began to juggle it around as the men of O-Face awaited more recruits. "Angelo, come stand next to us and look as badass as possible. It's just awesome this way, you know?"

Noob dropped the sword, which stabbed his own foot. He apparently did not give a single sh%t at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spacehog


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‘There is an archaic Gnostic theory that our universe was not…uh…perfectly created, that the god who reportedly created everything out of nothing exhibited passive-aggressive tendencies and let his lethargic attitude cripple his magnum opus; sloth not salvation. So, from this aforementioned viewpoint our world remains the half-finished project of an idiot savant and so on. Nothing is fully realized due to the proverbial holes that scatter the landscape of creation, this is masterly compounded on in Marx’s German Ideology where he deals with the Being in its purest form, separated from the becoming and dealing with empirical development on an unprecedented level…’

An internal struggle raged inside the mind of noted Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek, not because he entered a portal that frankly defied the laws of reality mind you…that fact is just arbitrary; he is a philosopher so it is in his rather perverted nature to have a debate over every diametrical choice that life seemed to throw his way. Žižek is the kind of person that would seriously have an in-depth debate over whether he should choose paper or plastic grocery bags; oh, wait he did and it shut down Slovenian Wal-Mart’s express checkout lane for days…weeks even. In the end he chose plastic as paper was never even an option in the first place.

After a long period of time lost in thought about this current conundrum, the struggle eventually ceased and a relative “calm” returned to the Marxist’s mind; he stroked his disheveled beard as he stared awkwardly at the hodge-podge collection of characters.

“The Vanguard…uh…collectively rises and so on” he proclaimed in pseudo-whisper that would have been rather ominous if not for his thick accent and frequent pauses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Gray Chair Man blinked, surprised to even see this man in the first place. With a confused expression, he looked up at Diablo as he asked, "Who recruited him?"

"You did, you idio-"

"Ah, yes!" The Chair Man quickly interrupted the demon king (cosplayer) with a short exclamation. "I remember! Yes, you seemed like a dude smart enough to kill that Grima dragon thing from... Frying Emblem or something. Fire Emblem?"

"Noob Emblem."

"Shut up for a second, noob- erm, Noob."

The Gray Chair Man smiled, motioning to his side as he said to Slavoj,

"If you will, Mr. Zizek, stand by the spot I reserved for Mr. Angelo here. We want to look as bada*s as possible by the time everyone is here. I will explain things later... if things could even be explained at this point."

Diablo simply grunted, finally agreeing with something the Gray Chair Man said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The RC Master

The RC Master

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Ivan tumbled, literally, through the portal. What was once an attempt on doing a Mega Awesome High speed Cartwheel Double Flip Epic Entrance of Doom became a tangle of limbs as the lanky boy pinballed through the room. You could almost hear the dong ding ding pinball noise as he ricocheted off the tables and walls. Zipping throughout the room, Ivan gradually (and by gradually I mean roughly) landed (okay, crashed) into the Gray Chair Man. "Well, that was a nice trip. Note to self: do not jump through portals head first," he groaned while wincing and rubbing his head. "It will never be as cool as imagined."

Ivan glanced around the room, taking in all the...odd...characters. He coughed awkwardly and scooted a few steps away. "Huh...people...that's new..." He rose from the ground, giving a small wave. "Hi. I'm hungry, tired, and confused. But you can just call me Ivan."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Barthelus was in the dumpster he called apartment, enjoying the last issue of the "hot babes in swimsuit" magazine when he noticed a change in his surroundings and looking to the wall he noticed that the giant promotional poster of "Hooters", where a bunch of beautiful girls posed at two sides of the picture while the words "Come to Hooters" were suspended in the upper side, but strangely enough, instead of the eponymous restaurant, now the middle of the poster was occupied by what seemed to be an interdenominational portal or sumthing. And the girls were smiling, inviting Barthelus to enter

"Yeah, sure, like I gonna fall for that."

The girls were smiling and inviting Barthelus to enter

"Come on, even the girls in magazines feel like they loathe me when I read them



The man finally stood up from his couch and after taking a quick shower he dressed in his best clothes (which is to say, grabbed the only clean t-shirt he had left, "MROON") and decided to pass through the portal

What did he found on the other side?

Not a single beautiful girl, instead, there was a red eyed guy that seemed to be the personification of bismuth, a bearded man that was upon looking at Barthelus in eyes seemed to be already staring into his soul and checking something, a black dude that seemed to come from a cheap B chinese martial arts movie, freaking Satan himself by his side and a hipster Philippine version of son goku laying on who seemed to be the Earth ruler Gray Chair Man. Oh, he remembered now, this was probably about that transmission that Barthelus had received and that he ignored thinking it was a scam.

"I'm done"

He was about to turn around and was already entering the portal when he scratched his head and asked

"Wait, is this portable technically a vehicle?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Stephanie stared at the portal in front of her, still in her PJ's. She told them no. Why didn't they listen? She hated people. The last thing she wanted was to belong in a team of them. She got dressed, put her armor and ammo belt on, cleaned her gun with a care and love she wouldn't even give to her own child, put it in it's holster, needed a piss, cursed, took half her stuff back off, went to the bathroom, came back, put it back on again,

By now, she was in a bad mood. She didn't want to join this team, but on the other hand, it would be a good way to vent her continually building anger, stress, and depression that comes from being a friendless sociopath. She could look for flimsy excuses to punch people and then claim she's on her period. Actually, that sounded like fun. Almost as much fun as shooting a beloved hero in front of one of their fans and watching the look on the fan's face. Bleak, sad, conflicted confusion. It was delicious. She could drink the tears on their face right about then.

It was decided in her head. She walked through the portal. It was full of strange people she would learn the names of it time but sure as hell wasn't going to make an effort to. She walked straight past them without even sparing them a glance, folded her arms, and looked straight at the leader.

"I thought I told you I wasn't interested!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

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Though he had been busy at work restocking canned bread on the shelves of the Kelp-shack, Man Ray had listened intently to the announcement through the portal.

"What's this?" He wondered aloud, His white apron in front of his red skin portrayed a happy piece of Kelp and the worlds 'Kelp Shack' underneath. As he turned, the apron swished around his knees with the speed he had turned and brought a hand to his 'chin,' scratching it thoughtfully as his red eyes narrowed in thought. "A chance to redeem my dignity? To once again become..." His hands clenched into fists now, "EVIL INCARNATE ONCE MORE?!"

Dramatically he threw off his apron. "TO THIS, I SAY YAY!"

He stepped partially through the portal, only turning to hold a hand up in goodbye to the staring, fishesque coworkers and customers. "FARE THEE WELL BIKINI BOTTOM! SHALL WE NEVER MEET AGAIN! AAAHAHAHHAHA-"

"Should I just take this off your vacation days?" Came the nasally voice of his boss, standing with her hands on her hips.


"...Yes..." Man Ray sighed dejectedly, his red eyes half closed. He stepped all the way through the portal. "HELLO FELLOW DENIZENS OF EEEEVIL!"

Silence again as he stood grinning with his hands on his hips, waiting for someone to gasp and say 'MAN RAY!' as he was so accustomed to back in his hayday.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Greetings, Ivan!" The Gray Chair Man exclaimed. "Good to have you ready to di- er, be hired by the O-Face! Stand beside Mr. Z-"

Just before he was able to continue, two more people came in. The man looked as if he were about to leave, and the woman did not seem amused at all. What made things worse was that the man really was about to leave, the woman was really not amused.

Who dared disrespect him like that?!

"E-Everyone," he said, "if you would please just not get the f$&% out and actually listen to me, I'd appreciate it very, very much."

"You stuttered," Diablo said.

"I didn't."

"You did."


"What in the actual fu-"

Just before Diablo was able to finish asking his question, a new individual entered the portal.







"OH MY GOD," The Gray Chair Man screamed, pointing at the anthropomorphic manta ray in the room. "IT'S MAN RAY!!! HOW THE HELL DID I SUMMON THIS GUY?!"

Diablo finally smiled, eager to meet another doer of evil. While he certainly did not look like the strongest dude around the universe, it was still better than having an entire group of idiots who cared little for good and evil. Maybe this manta ray would keep his sanity intact- barely, at the very least.

"If you seek evil, I welcome you gratefully," Diablo (the cosplayer) said. "And I'm no cosplaying at all."

Yes you are.

Noob, the Saibot, told Barthelus, "You leave now, you are noob."

He then turned to Stephanie. "You aren't interested, you are noob."

Finally, he turned to Man Ray, effortlessly daying without any hesitation,

"You noob."

Diablo proceeded to give Noob a mighty b$&ch slap, leaving him on the floor for awhile. The Gray Chair Man waited for everyone to stand in formation with a look of anticipation.

Actually, he just wanted to take a dump at the toilet, but these people were too unwilling for him to take a crap in peace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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Billy was at home sitting on his 'couch' also known as frank his pet tiger. As Billy heard the message from what sounded like an old man. Billy didn't pay much attention to what he had said but it was a portal made of rainbows so what could really go wrong. Billy leapt onto Franks back and yelled "HIGH HO FRANK-O" he yelled as Frank leapt through the portal marketing the most sickly cat noise. It sounded like Frank was trying to cough up a hair ball by swallowing a eagle and power tools. As the two came out the other end of the portal Billy saw all the important looking people and immediately thought he was being sued. "IT WASNT ME. THAT MAN JUMPED IN FRONT OF MY TIGERS TEETH. it wasn't me. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO A LAWYER. YOU CANT DETAIN ME I HAVE MY RIGHTS!" Billy ranted on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frizan

Frizan Free From This Backwater Hellsite

Contest Mod Seen 2 yrs ago

Friza stood still with his mouth agape at one of the new people that came through the portal to join in his quest of asskickery. "Muh muh muh muh...muh muh...MAAAAN RAAAY!!!!" Friza simply couldn't contain his inner fanboy, to his great dismay.

Then he turned to the other newcomers. "Oh. Hi there, my name is Friza!" He jumped into position next to Noob. "Slayer of heroes! Legendary swordsman! And maker of DELICIOUS FRUIT SALADS!" Friza waved his sword in a silly flourish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

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Satisfied by the attention, Man Ray went to the desk and slammed his fists down onto it in front of the Gray-chairman. "What fools will we squander today?" He laughed, scowling and grinning simultaneously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Noob, surprised by Friza's sudden appearance next to him, breakdanced away from the man... until they were only a few steps away from each other. How he managed to go so little with such vigorous movements was a mystery, but hey, he was a Saibot.

"You scared me, noob," Noob, the Saibot, said with a monotone voice.

"Noob plz," Diablo whimpered, unable to comprehend the man who originated from a supernova that took way too long to actually become a dwarf planet.

The Gray Chair Man raised an eyebrow by what Man Ray just did. Sure, he felt nostalgic in seeing him, but he never recalled a table being in front of him.

"Sir Man Ray," the Chair Man said, patting the table in front of him, "I don't think there's anything for you to slam your fists on-..."


"...Wait, when the hell did this thing get here?"

"I did."

The Gray Chair Man turned around, only to turn back as he shoved his face into his hands, mumbling, "Oh, God..."

For standing behind him was... that one dude.

That one dude who was always there to shame the boss of the main characters.

That one dude who was always there to make everyone scream with joy... but mostly agony.

That one dude.


"I am certainly a dazzling piece of fine art, aren't I?"

"Please, just get the fu- okay, what the hell did you just do to my dialogue format?"

"I'm Edmodo. I'm a piece of sh&%. Therefore, I can do whatever I want."

Now that he was not talking to Edmodo, the Gray Chair Man's dialogue returned back to normal. His attention turned to a particular man who just came in. Billy was his name, and screaming incoherently was his game. At least, for now, that was.

"Okay, Billy," the Chair Man said with a kind smile. "Chill the f&%$ out and stand by us as we stare on to the portal as a straight line. And someone get this office desk out of my way."

Not a single f&%$ was given about his desk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 1 yr ago

A hot girl

Somebody had the decency to invite to the team a hot girl!

Wait, how old could she be? Meh, probably enough, you know what they say, if there is hair there is no jail. Barthelus was already mentally revising his list of s***ty one liners when he appeared, the image of terror itself, MAN RAY!. His sole vision stroke fear in the hearth of the worker, nobody told them they would be working with bad guys, he was about to complain when the b chinese ninja called him noob. Wow, noob, that actually made him feel bad, so he remained silent in shame until a freaking white ball of fur jumped onto Barthelus and threw him to the ground and was now being chewed profusely by the jaws of this creature


"GET THIS FREAKING TIGER OFF ME! IT'S MESSING MY HAIR! Although it's breath smells quite nice actually..."

And damn, it didn't hurt because of the resistance he had, but oh boy how pissed he was at the sudden appearance of the overgrown cat.

Chair Gray Man said "Okay, Billy, chill the f&%$ out and stand by us as we stare on to the portal as a straight line. And someone get this office desk out of my way."

"Don't tell HIM to chill! Tell the freaking tiger! Also, if the portal is a vehicle then I better be the last one to go through. Also, what desk?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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One one hand, there were just too many people now, and it was actually exhausting her to put up with this noise, and this chaos, and this cramped space. And she had been called a noob. On the other hand, the satisfaction she gained from watching Diablo get slapped made it all worth it.

"Slap him again," she remarked, before lining up, and shutting up, and praying that everyone else had the good grace to do the same and give her some peace and quiet. If not, she'll see how obedient they are with a gun pointed at them. She looked to Man-Ray. She was probably the only person in the room who knew who he was but didn't care.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The RC Master

The RC Master

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He could talk to them. Or maybe he could stay quiet. Or talk. Or quiet. Or qalk. Or tuiet. Or talk.

As Ivan mentally argued with himself regarding his socialising skills--or at least lack of the--he took a long and creepy hard look at everyone around him. A ticked off looking girl who gave Ivan a sliver of fear from looking at ("Another note to self: avoid girl or risk getting punched"), an anthropomorphic manta ray that seemed to be the subject of fans, a master of fruit salads, a tiger, a boy screaming about a lawyer--



Ivan was torn between running from the beast, laughing his arse off at the feline attacking someone in the room, or making a terrible cat pun. He chose all three.

"You have gotta be kitten me!" he yelped, jumping and clutching onto the nearest person Scooby-Doo style. He let out a nervous laugh as he saw who he was clutching to:

The girl.

"...Hi. Eheheh...pleasedon'thurtme."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Alright everyone, before we all get bored of just waiting for everyone to stand in a line, I'm gonna fast-forward the boring sh&%."




"...I'm gonna kill that tiger if it's biting me by the end of this time-skip."

Soon enough, all of the recruits of the O-Face stood in a straight line (mainly because the Gray Chair Man wanted some hero-killing action). With everyone standing with a variety of idle expressions, the Chair Man simply kicked his office desk away from him before moving his miraculously self-aware office chair. People told him that wheelchairs were better, but he absolutely hated moving like a car when he could just move around like a joystick.

The Gray Chair Man eventually sat in front of the recruits of the O-Face, as well as its original members, Edmodo and Noob. Edmodo flexed his arm at Noob, only to get the middle finger as a response. The Saibot did not even turn away from the Chair Man as he did this.

With a calm expression, and his hands clasped together on his desk, the man decided to speak.

"Okay, I know what you're all thinking, but I don't particularly care about it either. As far as we could tell, the longer we stay here, the more sh&% those heroes out there are going to destroy."

With a swift snap of his fingers, a laptop shot out of the top of the desk. He quickly began to type some things, pressing the Enter key several times.



"...Hold on a second."

The Gray Chair Man proceeded to pick up his keyboard and smash it on his laptop. When the keyboard snapped in half, a wide presentation holo-screen appeared above the portal. Various footage of well-known heroes from entertainment media appeared, one of the most prominent ones being Mario, who apparently burned up the White House with a happy smile.

After Mario's appearance came Link, the Hero of Time, chopping a soldier's arms off before finishing him with a spin attack, instantly slicing him in half. Some sort of Gundam robot with a white head, blue body, and a pink laser sword proceeded to stomp on a kitten, and Master Chief teabagged the corpse of John McClain, one of the few heroes who attempted to stop the outbreak. A naked guy flew across the street of New York, firing lasers out of his eyes while carrying a Nissan Pathfinder, and an anthropomorphic, muscular Pikachu electrocuted an entire factory, causing it to blow up.

It was a pure compilation of chaos.

"As you can tell, you might recognize most of these guys. There are heroes we've known only through games, shows, and various kinds of media, but now they're attacking their makers. We don't know how, we don't know why. There must be a reason, but my sugar rush is far more important. Oh yeah, and Wreck-it Ralph is actually being a villain (aka. Hero) now. That fatass..."

The Gray Chair Man shook his head, remembering a time when the mentioned Disney character destroyed his ice coffee for no reason, which was the reason why he decided not to go outside anymore.

"All you people need to do is kill every single one of these bastards. Truth be told, we're not the best, and we're not exactly the viral and charismatic group of anti-heroes you'd find. But I can sure as hell tell you all that if someone doesn't stand up to these idiots invading our planet, there won't be any heaven or hell waiting for y'all in the afterlife. I am sorry to say this, but being under my lead guarantees a safer path to hopes of living... and a less violent death, should you ever die in our missions."

"Recently, our team discovered a strange, concrete fact about these heroes invading our planet. They stay in certain locations, acting as world bosses like you'd find in Super Mario Bros. Noob, who stands next to you, barely managed to defeat the Street Fighter, Ken, in a duel. He said a portal opened up, and something within apparently took Ken away before we had our hands on him."

"Hurry up, you noob."

"Point is, the portal that appeared every time we defeated the heroes on our land continued to grow larger each time one of our members defeated a hero. By the time Edmodo managed to snap Gameboy Max Payne's neck, the portal was two times larger than it used to be. This portal's different from the one we use because it disappears so quickly, but I'll get to that after your first mission. We're fighting one big video game, and if my theory's right, then there's got to be a Game Over to this crazy crap-festival going on here."

The Gray Chair Man turned off the holo-screen, replacing it with a hologram of what appeared to be a decimated town in Texas.

"We received reports about some dude named Kamina. They say he's from Gurren Lagaan or some sh&% like that, but regardless of his name, he's a strong target we need to take down. We already lost Oklahoma to his red-haired lady friend, so as abrupt as it is, I think it's about time we get to business."

The Gray Chair Man closed the current portal opened at the center of the wall the recruits came out of via his computer (how he was controlling it with a destroyed keyboard was not to be questioned about), and soon enough, a new portal opened at the very left corner of the wall. The portal was orange.

"Whenever you're ready."
Noob, the Saibot, glared at the new portal. He simply stared at its orange color. The Saibot never really used these portals because he preferred to walk on land like a noob, but if it was to find and kill some heroes, then no obstacle would stand in his way. The black ninja immediately headed over to the orange portal with a fast dash. When he was at a fair distance away from it, he jumped, doing a Dragon Kick as he jumped into the portal. A white light flashed, and Noob was no longer inside the gray room.

Edmodo lied down, his stomach flat on the ground, before fire shot out of his butt, sending him flying like a rocket.

"'Tis a fine day to show this Kamina the future of education. Two plus two is two divided by two and multiplied by two twos."

In all of his educational, yet retarded glory, the half-naked man wearing only a bath towel known as Edmodo jumped into the orange portal. He, too, disappeared in a white flash.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frizan

Frizan Free From This Backwater Hellsite

Contest Mod Seen 2 yrs ago

Nearly falling asleep during the Gray Chair Man's monologue, he jumped up at the sound of Edmodo's arse-based propulsion system. "What? Huh? Oh, are we killing heroes now? AMAZING! I can't wai...eh...ACHOO!". Friza sneezed mid-sentence, sending plasma spraying over the Gray Chair Man's office floor. "Uhm....sorry about that. Just talk to my agent about the repair costs! ....wait, I'M my agent!". He then pulled out a clipboard from his coat and wrote some utter nonsense down. "Now, before I destroy anything else, I'm gonna go jump through that portal! See ya!". And so he did. Friza went into a full-on sprint, spun around and did a backflip through the big portal of death.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Stephanie merely pulls Ivan off him, and then fires a shot at his feet.

"...One warning. Only one..."

She silently walks into the portal.

"Let's go kick Kamina's ass."
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