Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Francis had arrived to the therapy room and clamed a seat among the others. He listened and memorized each and everyone's stories as they spoke them to each other, making sure he would be able to use them to his advantage later one. It eventually came to his turn and he rose from his seat, looking over the room offering his warm smile. "Good morning and my name is Francis Lock, like a few of you already know. As to the reasons of me being here it is out of the pure concern of my beloved parents." He said in his kind tone though he knew what he said about his parents was a lie, his parents feared him and he saw them as weak and worthless. "To move onto my unique abilities, they are surely no where near as impressive as the rest of you fine fellows and ladies, but I possess the skill to mentally manipulate with the Biological make of organic beings." He said in the same warm tone before reclaiming his seat and crossing one of his legs over the other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jane turned invisible hiding her wristband behind the chair, she didn't like this Francis guy he seemed not like it seemed well wasn't every thing she could turn invisible. " so did I get this right you can control people, sick you don't have to do homework or not do what you want why don't you just go home since you can. I wish I could but as you see I'm a bit tied down right now" she said to Francis her voice echoing and her figure flickering between visible and invisible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Francis allowed a light chuckle to escape from his lips as he listened to the girl named Jane, who was quite literally fading in and out of sight before his eyes. "Well young lady Jane I find it using my gifts on others just to achieve my desires would make me less than of the gentleman I strive to be." Francis said in his kind tone and cheerful smile. Though yet again the words he spoke were completely hollow and lies as he used his powers countless times to do whatever he pleased.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Mia raised her hand, well had it so it was up near her legs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Francis raised a brow slightly and looked over to Mia. "Do you have a question young lady Mia?" He asked in his polite tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jane chucked as she faded from sight just the wrist band giving her as their. "If only my mother though it wouldn't be safer for me here I would have been just fine at home with Katie my little sister." She slight laugh escaping her mouth echoing in the relatively quiet room. Coming into view she worked on untying self so she would stop fading. A few locks of hair falling in her face as she went.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Yea just wondering if I can get my hair cut. Its way too long for me to even bother trying to care for it." Mia said her arm falling back down and lifting up a chunk of her hair that was so tangled that she couldn't get it undone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


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" I would if this tape wasn't so God damen sticky as you see I'm still stuck her like a fly on flypaper. Did they make this for me because I've gotten out of tape before and this stuff is sticky." She said barely making progress to little for the guards to notice. " getting her other grand free she leaned back at least she could do something now she said scanning the room for the second time. Nothing of use she will just have to wait their till he untapped her from the chair so she can run upstairs find her room and leave the radio way to loud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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booksmusicanime said
"Yea just wondering if I can get my hair cut. Its way too long for me to even bother trying to care for it." Mia said her arm falling back down and lifting up a chunk of her hair that was so tangled that she couldn't get it undone.

"Excellent children. I am pleased with you all. For that you will all be rewarded. I think we can call this a successful day, Enjoy your evening." Vlad said dismissing the group. "Mia I will have someone her to cut your hair during your first individual session."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


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" Can I please now be undone you know this isn't fun" Jane said wiggling " this tape is like super glue."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Vlad rolled his eyes. He was sure that Jane was being dramatic. The tape couldn't be that bad. If she had only cooperated earlier there would have never been an issue to begin with. "Alright I will set you free, but if you do not follow the rules you will be right back in that chair." Vlad leans close as he takes a knife out of his pocket and slices the tape.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Dorian laughed nervously as Janes tape was cut. He shuffled up to her nervously with a cracked smile. "H-hey..um jane. I-I'm Dori...Dorian" he looked around terrified that she was gonna kill him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Zack looked at the others sitting in the circle. Most of were strong then he and Griffin. Some of them were more violent then Griffin as well. This made Zack nervous. He was use to Griffin being the strongest andc the scariest. They would have to be careful until they learned who they could trust.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jane got up and shook of her shirt " you really people really need to stop tapping me down, the guards the coops all of u." She said turning invisible the wrist band showing her location if you looked. By now she was making her way to the window in the room the guards shrugging. Turning visible she looked at Dorian " hello Dorian how are you " she said happy to be freed from the stupid tape what was that military grade tape if not then some other kind. " I'm not going to hurt you my father was just being bad and got punished I don't think I'm crazy just different." She smiled again flickering visible invisible then somewhere in between that's where she stayed.
Alice looked up and then went back to drawing her bear who was posing on the floor in front of her ' what's up with the new girl, either way invisibility is a pretty cool power.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

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Sebastian was relieved when they were all dismissed, and didn't hesitate to leave to his room. It took him a bit to find it, but if nothing else he was getting better at the layout of the building. While he wanted to lock it for peace of mind, he realized the doors didn't have locks on them. It made sense, considering if a crisis was going down. He sat on the floor, putting his head to his fingertips and talking to the dead. Familiar ones, old friends, people to calm him down. He'd probably be attacked if he tried to talk to an unfamiliar spirit with how nervous he was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

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Kazuki walked into the Asylum. He had many feelings and thoughts, mostly anger against his mother. He walked and tried to find his room.
- 'This place is huge!' Thought Kazuki
-'Be quiet Kazuki, it's only a matter of time before you make this place disappear like all the other places.' The Split Persona Said.
-'Shut Up!'

Kazuki found his room and unpacked. There didn't seem to be anything to do today. He walked out the room and started to explore around.
-'This place has amazing structure, though there are many people just like me.' Kazuki Thought.

Kazuki looked at the kid whom walked by him.

-'Little boy, you are so naive, these kids, they might turn on you!' His split persona said.

-'I said be quiet!' Kazuki said to the split persona.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Amani rushed to the group therapy room with a sigh, when she got there she put her head in her hands and took a seat away from the others so she wasn't crowded. "What did I miss? I'm sorry, Helen was keeping me busy." She said with a sigh as she shook in her chair and waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

jane walked past the boy who was talking to him self invisible brushing against him but he couldn't see her. " Opps sorry" she said her voices where abouts unknown to him. She hurried past not knowing if she was able to be seen or not , she wasn't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

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Kazuki felt someone bump into him but he decided to ignore it.

-'Now, I want you to behave Amatsuha.'

-'Fine, Fine! Do what you want Kazuki, just don't tell me I didn't warn you, they will backstab you like everyone else has!'

Kazuki was still walking around the Asylum, there wasn't anything to do. Out of nowhere he saw something that looked like his Father. He approached him.

-"Father! Why did you leave me to rot in the cruel world of Mother!"

-"Im sorry son.."

The Illusion disappeared and Kazuki fell on the floor. He had shed a small tear.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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KatherinWinter said
"Excellent children. I am pleased with you all. For that you will all be rewarded. I think we can call this a successful day, Enjoy your evening." Vlad said dismissing the group. "Mia I will have someone her to cut your hair during your first individual session."

"Thank you sir." Mia said doing a roll off of her chair and she stood up.
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