Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Amano__Yukiteru said
- Amatsuha said in Kazuki's mind.-Kazuki looked at the Doctor. The needles didn't really hurt him but he was getting restless. -"Hey umm Doc, I'm sorry for asking you if it's personal you don't have to answer, but why did you decide to become the Headmaster of this Asylum?" Kazuki asked.

"I need to understand people like you. Does your illness affect your ability or does ability affect your illness? Do you inherit both your ability and your illness or just the ability? What makes you different from the other supernaturals? What makes the supernaturals different from everyone else? I became headmaster so that I can learn the answers to all my questions." Vlad explained as he sealed the last tube of blood. "I will put these in the cooler and then you can join the others."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

-"That's a pretty nice reason and I thank you for your work to help heal me, no, all of us Supernaturals." Kazuki said.

Kazuki watched as The Doctor sealed the tube full of blood.

-"Well that was pretty easy, now Doc, can I go because I'm getting pretty hungry." Kazuki said as he let out a tiny laugh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Amano__Yukiteru said
-"That's a pretty nice reason and I thank you for your work to help heal me, no, all of us Supernaturals." Kazuki said.Kazuki watched as The Doctor sealed the tube full of blood. -"Well that was pretty easy, now Doc, can I go because I'm getting pretty hungry." Kazuki said as he let out a tiny laugh.

"Give some thought to what you would like as a reward." Vlad suggested as he began to unfastening the straps. His hands lingered longer then necessary once again. "I always reward those who cooperate. You may go enjoy your meal."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

" My names jane not jade" her voice echoed and she flashed as she was making her way around her wrist band hiding behind chairs knocking over a few as she went around the room. " Your not like us you aren't as you seem" She was getting louder knocking over more chairs getting more and more psychotic as she went. " You are hiding something aren't you no one here can be as nice" she said in a scarcastic tone " as friendly...you don't stutter or make any thing look wrong with you, so what is wrong with you are you a killer....oh I know ou use your power for something other than what you 'strive to be'" her voice sounding full psychotic as if she had something sharp she would use it somehow.
Alice looked at the chair knocking over and shrugged and went back to drawing the two then kept drawing. jane had went around Alice by then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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One of the guards stormed over to Jane. "You will straighten all those chairs. They will be put back exactly where they were. If you do not do so I will taser you and tell Dr. Putin that you have been uncooperative."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

" I will he just has to tell me the truth " she said flickering a psychotic grin on her face as she picked up a chair and went around the room doing so making a snickering evil laught as she went on still listing posibiltys on why he was acting so strange. She had finished and was walking around the room snickering as she was happy the gaurds were afraid of her and that's all she needed other than that she wanted to know why he was so...happy..caring. " So what is it" she said looking around the room once more and turning visible five feet away from him. " what is going on inside of your head. Why are you so happy so joyish" her smile looking like just as she was a schitophrenic psychopath who killed two people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kazuki gave some thought to what the Doctor had said. He walked into the dining room, he saw a guard motioning and saying something about a taser and the Doctor.

-'I think it's time for us to get involved, right, Amatsuha.'

-'Yep Let's do this.'

Kazuki walked over to where the guard was standing. He used his Time control abilities to take away the guard's taser before he even tried to use it. He stood in front of the girl.

-"Hey, so what if she did this, kids do this all the time, and hello she probably didn't mean to, or hasn't the Doctor teached you any different."

Kazuki stood by, wondering what the guard would do. He protected the little girl, he wouldn't let anyone hurt anyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

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Suddenly there as more noise than the normal dull roar of the cafeteria, and instinctively Sebastian hid his head in his arms, putting it on the table. There was even more noise, and he could hear one of the guards getting involved, with more yelling. He started shaking, muttering to himself, on the edge of a panic attack. He wasn't prepared for a morning like this at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


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" IM NOT A KID " She flickered before stopping her foot, knocking over a few chairs near by. Sitting in one of the chairs huffing and puffing her face was red and her smile was still their as if she didn't know what to feel. " Why do you think im a kid. Kids don't kill two people. Do you think I can't handle my self? Do you think I was not used to be allowed to watch my baby sister why my late father was playing with his late Girl friend " she broke the line between crazy and psychotic. " do you think I am a kid or is it just your illness that makes you think that way" Her face was a full white color and her hand was in a fist she was flickering fast as if she was their then not. A deep growl started coming from her as she was turning into full psychotic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Francis kept up his hurt expression. "A thousand pardons lady Jane. I have always been horrid with remembering names." He said in his sympathetic tone. He didn't move in the slightest as the room started to be torn apart by the girl, he had seen and done much worse in his years so a few up turned chairs wouldn't faze him, and kept up his concerned looked. "I don't know what I can tell you milady, this is who I am. I look for the sunlight among the storm clouds while others would focus on the murk." He said dawning his warm smile again, though he quickly replaced it with his hurt expression. "Though I am sincerely sorry that if this up sets you." He said again in his sympathetic tone. Though like always this was just one of his flawless acts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

DixeyRay said
" IM NOT A KID " She flickered before stopping her foot, knocking over a few chairs near by. Sitting in one of the chairs huffing and puffing her face was red and her smile was still their as if she didn't know what to feel. " Why do you think im a kid. Kids don't kill two people. Do you think I can't handle my self? Do you think I was not used to be allowed to watch my baby sister why my late father was playing with his late Girl friend " she broke the line between crazy and psychotic. " do you think I am a kid or is it just your illness that makes you think that way" Her face was a full white color and her hand was in a fist she was flickering fast as if she was their then not. A deep growl started coming from her as she was turning into full psychotic.

Kazuki was about to loose it. This is the Thanks he gets for trying to protect some one from a guard dog. Kazuki started to float in a tiny time ball.
-"Well I'm sorry Lady Jane, or what would you want me to call you?" Kazuki asked.

He looked at the girl, then at the guard. He activated an Illusion on the Guard that would only hurt the guard.

-'This is proving real difficult Amatsuha, when I say go you take over.' Kazuki Thought.

He looked at the girl once again, she had her Illness much worst than him. He actually felt sorry. Kazuki thought of fighting fire with fire, maybe that would stop her.

-"Well I'm sorry! At least you had a father and a mother, I had nothing! No one to have my back! I never met my dad or knew of my past! Oh and by the way I don't think you're a kid, you are just acting like one! Plus yeah I know how it feels having your family be scared of you, having you locked up in a chair for your whole life never even evere being able to leave the house or even go 5 inches off the chair!" Kazuki didn't want to hurt the girl or anything he was just playing the fire with fire card.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Her face was calming down for a bit but his last part just made her go even more. " If I was lucky why did my father cheat on my loving mother, why was i forced out of the house till he was done, why when I came home he was their with her and he didn't even tell her he had kids, why was that why did I snap why did I do this why am I like this because of him he was his own death I just brought it to him like I did his Girl friend and I still brought my sister home happily without sheading a tear." she was so worked up she stopped flickering and stayed half invisible half not. " I not a soft girl who can't take a little blood shed I have been in so many fights not scratching my self so if you think this would work it didn't and by the way how would you hit a girl who you cant see." she said the last part fading out of sight her wristband behind a chair. Her snickering echoing around the room as the voice had no place to start from.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Armani had slept in, it was Shakespeare that had woken her up reciting silly poetry and poking her. She had gone over to the breakfast hall and gotten a piece of toast before heading to the room with the others. She took a seat and watched as they talked with small smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kazuki was loosing it, Amatsuha was forcing his way out. Suddenly Kazuki's eyes turned a dark Yellow and his hair turned blue. A giant portal opened on top of Kazuki which was now transformed into Amatsuha, he had lost it, he was now floating.

-"Dammit!!! I can't stand this!!! I tried to play the nice card but I'm done!! First of all, and I've learned this the hard way, never get involved in the life of adults, you'll end up getting hurt! Second, I never said you were lucky I said that you were a little bit fortunate for having a family when I dont even have one!"

Kazuki's/Amatsuha's Portal was getting bigger the more he got enraged.

-"Thirdly, and I'm sorry but your father is a retard and he is the main problem of all of this, if you're mad at you're father don't take it out on anyone else! Fourthly ((This is a long list lol)) I wouldn't hit you and I can probably force you out of invisibility" Amatsuha said enraged.

Amatsuha was mad, more than what you can imagine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

" It's hard not get I v holed when it's going on in your living room. By the way nice portal dude and your right about my father but one thing invisiblaty is my only power the rest is because of my illness but any way you might as well close it because I'm tired of fighting with every one every where I go it's always fighting with me or just literally beating me to a pulp invisibility was my only way out . " She flickered visible than not, a tear running down her cheek, her mental shield was broken usually she could run of till she healed but where would she go she was trapped, ' this is just like with my father and I made it out alright right, right ' she said getting up and turning visible her hair sticking to her face little. " why can't anyone know when to inter fear and when not to " she said before turning invisible and running away from the seen over to the two people by them selves at a table and hiding behind it crying.(( yay psychotic break downs and lots of emotional ishues))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Amatsuha fell to the floor, he couldn't contain himself.

-'Dammit Amatsuha, why did you come out?!?!'

-'It wasn't me I swear it.'

Amtsuha began to turn back to Kazuki. The portal closed, he couldn't control it, maybe it was because he was mad. He was upset and had mixed feelings. He remembered about what the Doctor had said about a prize and to think about it.

-"Hey umm, you the guard can you bring me to the Doctor I have to talk to him"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jane came out from the corner spot and sat under a empty table the guards confusled on where she went the boy seemed to be done so way she. She was done with being locked up she though about taking her birthday that she would be able to come out since her mother only sent her their to help her invisibly nothing else. Oh now that I think about it my mother hates me and my power she wanted to get rid of my power and all this is doing is bringing up stuff and hurting her as she had noticed a needle mark on the boys arm where it looked like blood was drawn from well she wasn't coming out from being invisible or from under the table she just wished this was a dream that her little sister hasn't woken her up from.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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The guard grab Jane from under the table. He wasn't happy that she had ignored his warning. He had been trying to protect her, but the crazy girl didn't seem to understand it. He drug her back to the chair she had been in during group. Didn't bother with tape this time. This time the guard used the metal straps the chair came with the fasten her down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Dorian was running through the corridors fighting Dorian inside his mind. "SHUT UP!" He was screaming until he came crashing into the dining hall with his hands grasping his head. "Well....what do we have here..." Stan smirked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jane just sat their crying in the chair she hated it when people tried her up but no one seemed to get it, they wanted d her to lose her power and stay here forever where she wanted to go home and play with Katie and Matthew across the streat. And then she could hang out with James from down the road and ride a bike and all of this why was she sent away because her father was a dimbo and couldn't be happy with his wife. Jane turned invisible and trashing saying names of people she probably won't ever see again. "Katie I'm sorry ill never be there to watch and help you grow, Matthew your still I jerk but I will miss tree climbing with you, James I will miss walks in the park and riding our bikes together with Katie in a side car beside me." She kept naming people you would have no idea why but she still said something they did together. " Julia I will miss sharing secrets together in your room..." She still hadn't noticed being tried down to the chair she just sat there lifeless saying names of people you would never know.
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