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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alice curled up tighter the bear licking her face a few times the turning the the guard and growling at him standing in front of the tight curled up body to protect her. The bear growled again and licked her face to try and wake her up when that didn't work it started to run around her curl growling and making a gurgling noise. making sure the guard didn't come close again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Francis walked the halls of the asylum, his cold silver eyes scanning every face, corner and step he encountered in great detail. Though his eyes read annoyance and distain his warm smile said welcome to the world. He searched for the room that was supposed to be his own but found no such luck, and he refused to ask any of the guards he pasted. He eventually found himself out side a room with a unmistakable growl flowing from it. He raised a brow slightly as he wondered why they would keep a animal in a mad house. Curiosity finally got the better of him and he went and knocked on the door to the room and said in a warm tone that only he would know to be fake. "Hello? Is somebody in here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alice's pet made a whimpering noise again since Alice wasn't waking and started banging on the door which swung open guard probably though when she awoke she would be calm. The bear rushed out and looked at the man curiously it looked at Alice then the man and started licking Alice's face again. Alice move a bit from which her hand moved to the right two darts/pinched things in her leg keeping her in sleep- New thing about her things like darts or something like that will keep her in sleep till the dart or pinched things that sticks to your skin are pulled out.-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Francis' brow rose slightly as the bear came busting out of the door he had just knocked on. "This really is a mad house." He said with a slight shake of his head as he noticed the girl passed out on the floor. It didn't take long for him to notice the darts in the girls leg. He took a step forward, but remained wary of the bear. He was able to retrieve one of the darts without the bear biting him and he began inspecting it. "Hmmm.. sleep darts." He said looking the dart over. He ran his thumb up it's length. "African grade, my guess southern." He shook his head and flicked the dart to the side with a look of disgust on his face. "Cheap knock offs. I beat O'Dare was the pusher on these." He said to himself before looking back at the girl. "Might as well.." He said before removing the second dart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She didn't wake up too quickly but soon Alice's eyes opened slowly and she yawned not noticing the man, her bear cub bumbed over and pushing on her head as she got up facing the wall. Noticing the man she smiled her psychotic smile " hello I'm Alice" she said getting up. She was half as tall as the man and estimated he was 18 to 20 by how tall he was she was good at guessing ages like that. Picking up the cub she kissed its nose the smell of rotten flesh starting to rise in the room. " excuse me for being rude this is fluffy " she said energetic as if she had been up for a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Francis' brow rose slightly yet again as he got the odd greeting from this young girl that only mere moments ago was passed out on the floor. He looked down at the girl as she picked up the cub that was the one that allowed him in the room in the first place. This is a mad house with out the slightest doubt. He thought to himself before dawning his warm smile. "It is a pleasure young lady Alice and Fluffy." He said with a kind tone and a small bow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alice giggled and looked around putting the cub back in the corner she waved her hand over it and it stopped moving. "Their now you can rest fluffy "she said to the bear which just sat their like it was waiting it's mouth open still showing its teeth. " so why are you here, I'm here I think because of fluffy or did the foster parents just think I was crazy. " She started rambling as she will most of the time do. Brushing back a strand of brown hair she looked like a normal 8 year old though she was 13.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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"MMHMPH!!" Geoffrey said as the bumpy ride finished and he was left alone in his room. In truth he was not alone he still had his hallucinations to keep him company but in the way of another mortal on this world then he was completely alone and left alone to fend for himself I t he cold, dark room where spirts and demons lurked looking for souls to take. Sure enough it was not long before one of these "demons" appeared, Geoffrey gave a blood curdling yet muffled scream.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Francis allowed a warm chuckle to escape his mouth as he listened to the young girl. "Well my parents wanted to make sure I had everything alright in my head, bless there hearts," He said, a kind smile coming to his lips. Though what he said was a complete and utter lie, his parents were in fear of him and had a true right to be. He was about to continue when he heard the muffled sound come from down the hall. "Well do you hear that young lady Alice? I think someone needs some assistance. Shall we?" He said, his smile still on his face. He gestured with his black metal suit case for Alice to exit the room first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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booksmusicanime said
"Thank you." Mia said looking around her room. She turned to Dr. Vlad. "Are we allowed to decorate our rooms?"

"We have already had this conversation." Vlad reminded her."as long as you cooperate you can decorate your room with approved things."
sheeplon said
"Sure. I mean, you're leading." He was really just content to go wherever, following Griffin. It probably wouldn't be a good idea for him to make these decisions.

Griffin guided them back the way they had come. He wanted to see where all the important rooms were. Bedrooms and labs were not important. So they needed to try another hall. Once he reached the main area, Griffin choose another hall to explore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Amani had been talking about how interesting each hallway was and Shakespeare of course described them.in the most poetic way possible. When Amani started to once again feel utterly cramped she frowned and her lip quivered as she started to pout. "Please tell me we are going somewhere huge."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Dorian sat in his room rocking back and forth. To be honest this wasn't as bad as his actual home but it was.....just sinister. It was like there was always a feeling of dangers behind every corner, he couldn't stand it. He pushed open his door and walked out , his head twitching and his eyes darting back and forth. He could feel Stan...sleeping so he decided he would make friends.....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alice came out of her room a nervous smile on her face she hoped the her friend fluffy wouldnt jump up and run around causing terror while she wasn't watching him." Make sure to close the door all the way." She said calmly waking to the muffled voice 'this man doesn't sound like what I would call crazy or anything that's a ""risk to social interactions"" he.must be here for some other reasons maybe he is crazy just not crazy to girls? ' Alice had her smile fade then it reappears quickly after.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Scallop said
Dorian sat in his room rocking back and forth. To be honest this wasn't as bad as his actual home but it was.....just sinister. It was like there was always a feeling of dangers behind every corner, he couldn't stand it. He pushed open his door and walked out , his head twitching and his eyes darting back and forth. He could feel Stan...sleeping so he decided he would make friends.....

Vlad saw Dorian wondering as he escorted Mia to her room. "Feeling better Dorian?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Dorian nearly jumped when he heard Vlads voice beads of sweat going everywhere and his silver hair all rifled up and scruffy. "M-much better sir....." He muttered nervously, his eye twitching violently
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Scallop said
Dorian nearly jumped when he heard Vlads voice beads of sweat going everywhere and his silver hair all rifled up and scruffy. "M-much better sir....." He muttered nervously, his eye twitching violently

"You don't seem better." Vlad approaches the boy. He walks around Dorian studying him. "What has you so worked up?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Dorian started to shake but he stopped himself as the doctor began to walk around him. He stopped himself sweating and tried to put the nervous smile away but he couldn't. "I-I am better air..." He started to breath heavily. "N-nothing I just want it all to end....." He started shaking again and looked around with a terrified look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"Well we can'r have that." Vlad place his hand on the boy's shoulder. Partly to comfort him and partly to see his reaction. Vlad needed to know where to push each patient to get the results he wanted. "Why do you want to end it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Dorian started to shake at Vlads touch, he wanted to shrug it off but h couldn't do it he was frozen in fear. "T-take your hand off please doctor....." He muttered. "This is all Stans fault....."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"You must get use to my touch." Vlad scolded the boy. "How else can I do my experiments? I will not hurt you. My job is to help you. In order to do that I must touch you."
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