Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 2 days ago

Yeah, noted.
Squee you can still haunt Drakel and use him as a mouthpiece. :p
Also anyone think it's suspicious that half of all the pairs got killed after Drakel speculate? :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wiffu, Nooo... :C

Also, Nat,.. You had ONE JOB!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Quick roundup of things I noticed that might be important killer clues, and my interpretation of them.

Jorick - "blah blah blah I'll kill you." Oftentimes used as a major red herring to point fingers in the wrong direction, but that doesn't discount me from being the killer. It also shouldn't make me the prime suspect, but I'm obviously biased. Nat then dying in this post was purely incidental and based on his own role, nothing to do with me.

Seravee - Face showed nothing, no emotion, after watching Shy get shot in the face. Could be shock, could be iron-willed control over her emotions/expression, could be a lack of empathy, could be she knew it was going to happen and was able to prepare herself. Inconclusive at this point. The emotion shown in the next segment, with Squee talking to her, could have been skilled acting, so that doesn't exonerate her. Oh, also, her not going to the challenge makes me think she just didn't send an answer in, which is an educated guess based on knowing that she's a busy lady, but I can't be sure about this. The fact that she apparently had some alone time with the Master and his assistant is worth considering though, the whole thing could have been an in-story ploy to get a chance to talk to him privately.

Jordan - "...watched as all the other victims slowly filed into the lounge." Seems to indicate a mindset of himself being one of the victims, which would mean he's not the killer, but it could of course just be some narrative flair from the author rather than his actual thoughts. Shared a look with Svenn, could mean anything or nothing.

Vordak - Anxious, though trying to hide it. Is he anxious because of the situation at hand, or because he was psyching himself up for his first kill? Inconclusive but noteworthy. The fact that he's being hands off with the puzzle is interesting though. Perhaps the killer doesn't want to taint the integrity of the game and is letting the others actually solve it?

Svenn - Dislikes Drakel, apparently. Also seems to have an issue with me and Nat. On friendly terms with Knightshade in some fashion. Shared a look with Jordan, could mean anything or nothing. Gets rather pissy about Squee knocking him down a couple pegs. All of the people he got upset with were part of a couple (though Squee also made him look dumb), could be his character's jealousy of their relationships. I'm of the feeling that his being annoyed by others isn't enough to point to him being the killer, could just be an ornery little shit.

Drakel - Dislikes Svenn, apparently. The lack of expression on his face when Squee died could again be anything from shock to lack of empathy, nothing solid to conclude from it without further evidence.

mbl - Chatting with the Master? Very suspicious. Too suspicious, even. I feel like this is a major red herring, but your interpretation may vary. Pretty sure that was just some thing to explain away why he wasn't in the challenge, since he didn't send an answer in and thus shouldn't have logically been there participating in the story.

Alphakoka - Helped to solve the puzzle for his team. My guess is that this is meaningless, just a way to show that he sent in the right answer.

Knightshade - Helped to solve the puzzle for his team, same conclusion as above.
The whole thing of splitting off into two groups may be important. Knightshade, Squee, Drakel, Svenn, and Jordan went with the Master; Alpha, K-97, Nat, Jorick, and Vordak; Seravee and mbl were not present for the challenge. Ignore the poor dead bastards as killer suspects, obviously. I'm thinking that the Master might have wanted to put some distance between himself and the killer, but you never know, could have just been random draw stuff going on that means nothing.

Another grouping might be even more important though: those who were called forward. Alpha, K-97, Knightshade and Squee were called forward, and only Alpha and Knightshade made it through alive. It stands to reason that one of them might have been the person to kill Squee, as they were nearby when the lights went out. It doesn't say how long they were in the dark, and it said people started to run around. As I said, it stands to reason that one of them may be the culprit... which is exactly why I'm discounting them from my voting choice at the present time. They're too bloody obvious. I'm guessing that those four were all the people who sent in the hexagon arrangement idea (the thing about breaking planks to make smaller rectangular cages was my actual idea, not just a thing Shy made up, heh), so their proximity was incidental rather than planned out. Given the supreme lack of evidence pointing at either of them and this seeming like a massive red herring to me, I don't think either of them are the killer at the present moment.

Oh, and as it turns out, it seems that there actually isn't a traditional matchmaker role in this game. One of each pair died (literally all the pairs, not just the romantic ones), but the other remains alive. This leads me to believe that all the pairings were shenanigans that Shy threw together just to screw with us and allow some easier story bits (like how in this post the first two segments were focused on the couples). I know my own role has nothing to do with Nat's deranged cop thing, and I'd be surprised if there's any linked nonsense with the other two either. This just goes along with my previous assessment that the pairs are mostly meaningless, with the simple change that all three were nonsense instead of just two.
So after putting that all together and reading the post a couple more times, my top killer suspect at the moment is Vordak. Svenn's dislike of people was sorta fishy, Seravee and Drakel's lack of apparent emotion were cause for suspicion, and Alpha and Knightshade having very little in the way of character development and activity in the post send off some minor alarms in my mind, but Vordak is the one that I keep coming back to. The anxiety and the imperious manner he had during the challenge make me think that he's either the killer or perhaps working will the killer/Master and feels like he's better than everyone else. Putting that manner off all to him being rich would stretch credibility, seeing as Seravee is also supposed to be rich but acts on a level manner with Squee. So I think I'll be voting for Vordak, unless someone else comes along and gives a more compelling interpretation of the evidence at hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So there's only ever one solution to a puzzle?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shy


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Captain Jordan said
So there's only ever one solution to a puzzle?

Depending on the puzzle. In the case there was only one correct answer, if you'd like me to point out what is wrong with yours I will do so. Others will have multiple answers and creativity will be your saving grace.

Also Jorick wasn't the only one to suggest breaking sticks
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 2 days ago

You said you'd share the funniest answer, c'mon, it can't be "break the sticks."
Did someone suggest impaling the beetles like Squee suggesting to kill all the beetles?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shy


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The funniest was probably "hunt down and kill whoever stole the stick then go put it back in its place." I laughed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shy said
The funniest was probably "hunt down and kill whoever stole the stick then go put it back in its place." I laughed.

I'm amazed that wasn't accepted as a legit answer just for that fact. (No, this wasn't my answer.)

I'm not really convinced of anyone's guilt at this point. Jorick makes some good points, but I hesitate to believe that Shy would give us such an obvious clue in Vordak at the first murder scene. Nor do I believe Svenn did it, his actions are shady but it seems more like his character is just really amped to win the game the legal way.

If someone can win me over to one side or another, my vote may actually count for something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shy


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I totally want to point something out but I must control myself :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by K-97


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


I fucking hate you right now, why? Why? Why?

And don't worry Shy, I'll leave now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shy


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

K-97 said
NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I fucking hate you right now, why? Why? Why? And don't worry Shy, I'll leave now.

You character was my favourite.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by K-97


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shy said
You character was my favourite.

And the depressing thing was I was actually going to start doing analysis from this phase because I thought there would be more when the killer had killed someone, sigh just my luck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by natsumehack


Banned Offline since relaunch

K-97 said
NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I fucking hate you right now, why? Why? Why? And don't worry Shy, I'll leave now.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by natsumehack


Banned Offline since relaunch

Drakel said
Wiffu, Nooo... :CAlso, Nat,.. You had ONE JOB!!!

That job was to have fun with my role, which I did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Svenn


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shy said
The funniest was probably "hunt down and kill whoever stole the stick then go put it back in its place." I laughed.


And jorick has pointed out a lot of stuff. The story posts really make me look suspicious however.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shy


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

13 hours until the deadline.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Seravee
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Seravee Like Lightning in a Bottle

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Jorick said Oh, and as it turns out, it seems that there actually isn't a traditional matchmaker role in this game. One of each pair died (literally all the pairs, not just the romantic ones), but the other remains alive. This leads me to believe that all the pairings were shenanigans that Shy threw together just to screw with us and allow some easier story bits (like how in this post the first two segments were focused on the couples). I know my own role has nothing to do with Nat's deranged cop thing, and I'd be surprised if there's any linked nonsense with the other two either. This just goes along with my previous assessment that the pairs are mostly meaningless, with the simple change that all three were nonsense instead of just two.

Unless something was put in place to override the suicidal pact put in place by the matchmaker role. For instance, suppose A and B are partnered up by the matchmaker role. A is set to be killed, and so B should die too. However, a protective ability (from player C), intervenes. That might keep B alive.

Not that I think this is particularly important right now, as you're right, we have halves of pairings running everywhere. I'm just thinking that there could still be a matchmaker out there. And often times, a matchmaker is allowed to pick another pair if his or her initial one dies early on. Just something to keep in mind if we see another pair spring up in the future.

Jorick, I also come to the same conclusion as you have with Vordak. Being rich isn't reason enough, as I am also rich, but not a killer. I think the stark differences that Shy has drawn attention to between myself and Vordak are reason for suspicion, however. The way he carries himself is a strange mixture of cockiness, confidence, and impatience with those around him. Look at how he yells at those around him to hurry up with the puzzle. He is trying to take a command role. But he doesn't offer his own ideas - just dumps the work on someone else. He's annoyed by the people around him. He doesn't think very highly of them. But he thinks highly of himself. Look at him, adjusting his Armani suit. The one time he seems to be anxious is when everyone is getting together for the challenge. He doesn't seem too nervous DURING it, which makes me think he wasn't nervous about the challenge itself. Maybe he had just been told who he was supposed to kill first. That might be a stretch, but this odd mood swing strikes me as suspicious.

Could he just be an overly confident little shit? Sure. But I think is way more at ease here than he should be. And he isn't in the group that was asked to step forward, as an added bonus. I think he is the most suspicious of all the players currently.He has been on my mind since the first post. We've raised suspicions about him in previous pages, and he's said nothing. I totally get being busy, but after all this time, and all this suspicion... that's pretty scummy to me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 4 mos ago

I shall write a post soon, one that will hopefuly covince you that i am just another red herring - ableit, one, towards which are pointed the most subtle and belivable hints, making it much more easier to fall for.

But for now, i explain why i have been so quiet for the first round: i simply thought that immediatly countering Jorick's evidence, which in my opinion was very meager at that time, would only raise unwanted suspicion. It is only now, after the second IC post, that i have found myself in need of a defense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 4 mos ago

While i write my post, please, re-read the IC, while assuming that Shy is trying to fool you by making the killer's identity so painfuly obvious, that it's disregarded as crude and simple trickery. That will be the base of my counter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 4 mos ago

...meh. It's not like i dont have any ideas, it's just that im too lazy to write any of them down. Maybe i'll do it tomorrow, but as for now, i go to sleep.
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