Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexander was among the random Trainee's within the crowd. Though he had seen and talked to most of the others here, they were all strangers to him. He huffed up and sighed out, keeping his stance in check as he stared up at Alannah. This was the lady that commanded the entire Scouting Legion. He was an idol to him and he had many questions to ask her, but he knew now was not the time. "Just keep it cool, Alex...you need to keep your cool or else you'll never join the Scouting Legion. His attention then averted to the rest of the Trainee's, his curiosity growing...and a need to make some friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheyMostlyComeAtNight


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Tilt and Kaiz shared a glance as people started shuffling towards the exit, They'd made their choice and Tilt and Kaiz had made theirs, they remained.


As the speech began Anya pushed herself up and pulled Arya up behind her, other trainees started shuffling towards the exit, Anya watched them leaving, a moments uncertainty took her as she watched them leave for the safe slots on the Garrison and M.Police, the moment was dispelled as Arya's firm grip took her hand and they stood together as the last of them left. At the front she could see Tilt and Kaiz standing next to each other, resolute as always. Henry had remained aswell and she spared him a smile as they set their feet on this dangerous path.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryan listened as the ceremony went about its course. he stood nearby as the speech was made to request that the trainees join the scouting legion. He scratched the back of his head, holding off a small yawn as a large group of trainees left with Levitt. So this is what we have to work with...? He let a yawn out as the formality of the moment seemed to fade away. Alright... let's see here... Who looks like they work together well...? He glanced about at the group, seeing three that already seemed to be focused on each other.
Alison listened to the speech, letting herself be serious for now as the branches were explained and another reason to be in the scouting legion was given. She nodded slightly as the idea was suggested, like she was confirming to herself that they were right to suggest the scouting legion to her. She continued to salute as other trainees followed Levitt out of the area. We are the ones that will put out lives in the open as the armor of the ones who just left... She smiled slightly to herself, feeling like she was finally getting somewhere with her plan of helping others not have to feel pain. She stepped forward somewhat, returning to her salute directly afterwards. She wanted it to be clear that she wasn't moving from there until she was officially a member of the scouting legion.
U glanced up to Alexandria, smiling slightly and nodding back. She would wait until Alexandria had talked to Levitt before going to talk to him, so until then, she would find a group. "A-alex... Will they be splitting us up for this...?" She frowned slightly as she looked to Alex. She knew they probably should, but it was nice to have at least someone she was able to actually talk to when it came to training and the such. Throughout their days in the academy she had taken it for granted, but now, she might lose that benefit.
Ryan glanced to Alannah, making sure she was generally finished with her speech. "Alright, Alannah, we get out trainees now, or do you have anything else to say? There's no need to do anything like praise them for how brave they are, you basically already did that, and I'm sure some of them are eager to find out why they shouldn't be eager." He glanced down at the group of people left, seeing that the three he thought would work together didn't quite seem so great, so was once again looking for a good team to not have to save every five seconds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rinnee


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Todays the day, isn't it? How are you feeling about all of this?"

The question was almost too surreal for her. It forced her to breathing to hitch in her throat, and goosebumps to rise along her arms. Swallowing hard, and trying to escape any oncoming anxiety, Eve answered Xia truthfully as her eyes landed on Henry before falling to the Instructor ahead, "Terrified." Falling into a salute like the rest of the recruits, she listened carefully as information about the other branches was given out to trainees. Eve kept her salute strong as she waited for another to take to the stand. Once the instructor finished his words a powerful figure stood before the recruits in his place. There she was, Allanah Abend, the Commander of the Scouting Legion.

Excitement rushed through the small girls figure, causing her chest to tighten in anxiousness and her salute to stiffen. She had only met the Commander once before with her father, but that had been many years ago. With circumstances being different now, the experience was on a whole new level for the girl. While she tried to persuade the other trainees to join the Legion, Eve, like Xia, and Henry, had already made up her mind long ago--The Scouting Legion was where she belonged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Alannah continued looking at the trainees, of course most of them left, but despite how many left they still ended up with more than she ever expected. Over twenty atleast, it honestly shocked her. She wasn't sure if they already planned on joining or if they already planned on it, but atleast they weren't as cowardly as the others and others before them. She had a soft smile on her lips, but Ryan's words snapped her out of thought as her eyes glanced over to hers she replied, "Before you get your trainees we're going to go on a small mission first, to study them. Of course we have our reports, but I like to take a look on my own. See who fits with who, of course not everyone will be trained, but....You get what I'm saying, watch them first, then I'll choose later. Of course you'll have an opinion in who goes into your Squad, but I have final say."

"I'm fine with whoever," Adam said with a small smirk, "They all need toughening up, I specialize in that. I'll be at the stables if you need me, when you need me...." Adam then walked down the stairs and past the trainees. Standing at 6'2 he towered over most, if not all of them and had been looking between each and everyone of them before he left the area.

Alexandria ignored the tall man looking at them, he could fuck off for all she cared. She looked down at U to answer her question, "Levitt told me what him and Alannah agreed too, so yeah, we might be split off. Don't frown U, we just may be put into the same group together," Alexandria cupped U's cheek giving her a quick reassuring smile.
Arc 1 start: Our new life!

Alannah took one last look at the trainees and nodded, speaking as loud as her speech this time, "Looks like we have our new, official, Scouting Legion members. I welcome you, I thank you, and I admire you. Now is not the time for celebration though, that's afterwards. Normally I would wait to do this, but it needs to be addressed quickly. We're going to be heading outside the walls now to clear Titans out of a certain sector, it'll give you all some expirence as well. It's too late to turn back now, humanity is resting in our hands. Ryan will lead you all to the wall once you've gotten your 3D Maneuver Gear, then we head out."

And with that Alannah walked down the stairs and past all the new Survey Corps members, she left the ceremony area and went to the wall. Awaiting, she finally noticed the newest members coming towards her on horses, Ryan leading them. Alannah was on her own horse, Adam on his beside her. He stayed face towards the wall, not looking back. Dante was riding his horse forward alongside Alison and Kevin. "Hm, looks like we're ready then," she said as she turned towards the wall, "Open the gates!" she yelled forward as they then began. She began racing forward on her horse alongside Adam as the civilians watched them, some gawking at the well known soldiers, but now was the trainees time. Their new life was ahead of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexander had secretly brought a small book and quill with him inside of a pack on the side of his horse. He smiled at his choice and looked up at the sky, staring at the sun behind the clouds. This was what he's been waiting for. He looked at the other Trainee's, hoping to make some kind of friend within the ranks. He then looked up at Alannah and gave a salute. "Commander, it's an honor to finally make your acquaintance!" His heart was pounding nervously, but he at least wanted to make a good impression on his commanding officer and idol. He then put his hands back down and rested one of them on the pack and the other on the reins.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheyMostlyComeAtNight


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Kaiz sat the horse comfortably as did his cousins the now familiar weight of 3D manoeuvre gear hanging from their belts, they rode side by side, the twins for once silent as they took in the crowd that had assembled to watch them leave, they'd had plenty of experience around horses at the waystation, although not as much as he'd like had been actually riding the horses, still they were competent.

The commander kicked her horse into a gallop as she shouted for the gates to be opened, as one the Survey Corps followed Green cloaks billowing out behind them, A wide grin split Kaiz's face as the crowd cheered them off, hell even Tilt had a grin on his face! The shadow of the gate approached and then they were through, the world stretching out before them, no wall on the horizon, a fresh wind raked through their lines pulling his hair free to billow with his cloak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryan nodded as Alannah spoke, explaining the situation. Alright, guess we're going to fight some titans... He took a step towards the stairs only to hear that he was going to be the one guiding the trainees to the wall. He stopped, his eye twitched and he just stood there completely still. ... You... ass... He sighed, Stick me with all of these trainees? Ugh... I'll get you back for this... He stopped, then looked over the crowd, "Alright, I'm Ryan, I know, I look twelve, heard it before, don't care, say it if you want. Only thing that really matters is how well you kill titans, so let's get going." He stepped off the stage and started walking to the stables. "All of you meet me at the stables when you have your gear."
U glanced at the ground, nodding as Alexandria reassured her slightly. She looked at her nodding. "A-alright..." (sorry, short, she's gonna wait for you to move before she does)
Alison let her salute drop, walking towards Dante and Kevin. "Hey guys, let's get going... We need to be quick so we can kill the most titans!" She smiled at them before rushing off to get her 3D maneuver gear.
(after that, simply skip to the part that Expllo had posted for me about us riding up to the gate)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Henry after securing his 3d gear he went to get a horse as picking one was just as important, so of course he had to observe every horse and when he found one that looked as though it was sunned by the other horses but didn't care. This was the horse for Henry so once he got it saddled and ready he followed everyone else that were heading towards the gates with his suspense eating away at him. The perfect chance to show his parents he could be just as amazing as them, and that he wouldn't be afraid of these monsters. All he could do was hope his friends didn't get hurt or killed when they did this. They did have trained professionals watching them, but even then they cant just help them all the time if they mess up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Now it was their time. Xia had her 3DMG secured to her body, it's weight not unfamiliar to her, but now carried a different feel to it. A sort of... Intent behind it. She had practiced and trained, but now was not the time for either to those. This wasn't a drill or a tutorial, this was the real deal. Do or die. Xia mounted herself on a horse and got ready to leave. In the distance, she saw something constantly flashing at her eyes. She ignored it at first, but when she looked closely, a small smile broke out on her face. On top of the wall leading deeper into the city was a lone woman. She waved at Xia, and than saluted her. Xia couldn't really respond back aside from turning her head towards the gate where the others were riding out from. "I'll make you proud mom..." Xia took a deep breath and steeled her resolve. When the Scouting Legion galloped out of the gates, Xia was one of the few near the front.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

While on his horse, Alexander took out his book and quill, and began to write silently to himself. It was a bit scraggly, but he could manage. He seemed to become lost in his writing as he scribbled away, noting about the different tree's, plants, and things of such nature around him. SUddenly, however, his horse had made a large move, which sent him nearly flying off to his side and onto the grass. "C-Crap!" He only had time to blurt out that much before he hit the grass, straight on his rear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kevin grinned as he rode his horse alongside Alison and Dante "Finally! I've been waiting for this for so long, this so exciting!" He said, filled with excitement as he followed their commanders. He looked at Dante and Alison, with a sly smirk "How bout lets make a competition out of it? Whoever gets the least amount of kills has to do whatever the other 2 decide?" Kevin said, full of himself and sure that he wouldn't be the one to lose.

Ray rode behind many of the new recruits, staying back just in case something unexpected came up. He looked at all of the new recruits, some of them shaking in their boots while others had a calm expression. Ray let out a chuckle "These kids better not regret any of their decisions" He said, looking around at an idiot getting excited about fighting the Titans. He let out a sigh "What an idiot, I hope he doesn't end up on my team" He said to himself, waving and smiling at all of the people that were seeing them off..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rinnee


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pent up energy welled up within the small red head as she adjusted her posture along her horse. Gracing a hand along the mares neck, Eve cooed out gently to the horse as it shifted uneasily between the other soldiers. Casting a glance at the crowd Eve picked out the veteran soldiers, from the freshly graduated trainees. Their experience out on the field was evident in their eyes and composure. Most of the graduates either looked terrified, or too eager, but it was clear that no one was expecting this to be a walk in the park. Many of her division had never seen a Titan before, so this was going to be a wake up call for many.

As she searched the crowd, Eve finally found Xia among the front. The taller girl had been rather eager for this moment, so it was no surprise that she wanted to be one of the first out. Henry on the other hand was only a few horses away from her. Her childhood friend looked as ready as ever, slipping on a weary smile once they made eye contact, Eve focused her attention ahead as soon as the Commanders voice rang out, "Open the gates!"

Blood flooded into her ears, and her heart thundered in her chest. 'This is it.' Grip tightening along the reins, Eve felt a shiver run down her spine as sun light shined down upon her once the gates were wide open. 'This is really it!' Like a herd, the Legion took off. Passing beneath the gate, Eve stared back at the wall one last time before snapping the reins and taking off and keeping pace with the rest of the Scouts. Galloping past tree's and abandoned buildings, the red head took in everything. While they weren't far from home, the world outside of the Walls was unlike anything she had ever seen. Massive trees, old buildings, and worn down paths surrounded her. The unexplored world felt like it was just waiting for her to adventure in, but she knew that time would come eventually, right now there were other matters to attend too.

A small shout came from ahead of her as one of the new Scouts tumbled from his horse as the group took a sharp turn. Grimacing at the fall, Eve clicked her tongue in frustration as she though to herself, 'Dammit, we haven't even been riding for ten minutes!--' Leaning forward along her horse, the red head bumped the heal of her boot into the mares side causing it to speed up as she tried to catch up with the riderless steed. Wind roared in the girls face as her eyes squinted in concentration. Coming up next to the horse as it continued to travel alongside the group, Eve outstretched her hand and began to carefully lean out to reach for the reins. With a small anxious huff, she snatched the reins and gave both a light tug as the horses began to slow. Quickly leading the horse back to the fallen graduate, Eve towered above the other as she held out the reins to him. An irritated frown sat along her freckled features now as she stared down at the blonde, "Get up! We don't want to get left behind!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 12 days ago

Teran & Feather Duster

After a part of Allanah's speech, Teran began to clap while staring at the kids walking with levitt with a smile on his face. "Congrats foolish brats for running away like the cowards you truly are. Now leave this matter to the real warriors that's destined to rid the Titans from this world!!! Don't feel bad about changing your decision, you would only just get in my way." He said which caused the kids that were paying attention to point their little fingers and shout their meaningless words until they faded from distance. He skimmed through the rest of Allanah's speech, pretty much skimming through the tagged on emotions and just focused on the stuff he needed to know. They weren't going to survive off of teamwork and that nonsense. It was the leader in charge that would drive them forward but the woman had already set the bar pretty low in his head.

Teran headed in the direction of the stables as soon as the woman had concluded her speech. He respected her skills to survive for this long but just not the motivational speech one would expect from something like this. His main motivation was the very thing that was said to probably kill him, the Titans that had everyone hiding behind these walls in the first place. Teran looked at all of the horses and most looked exceptionally well trained but he wasn't looking for the top of the food train after reaching the stables. The one that would soon become extremely loyal to it's master unlike the ones that act like it before abandoning you halfway while also being the type to never falter. He was very picky about these things, mostly because once you choose one, that would be your one true horse for life.

He caught a glimpse of a horse that was all the way in the back with a flicker of determination in it's eyes. Jumping over the fence while safely making sure none of the other horses intended to stomp him out, Teran walked over to her before opening his mouth. "My name is Teran Segoiwa and you are? ...no name I see, then from this point on, you will be known as....Feather Duster!!! Don't like that one? Well how about...Creeper Stallion? ...Blue Eyed Demon? Titan Stomper? Mountain Climber?" Everyone else that were choosing their horses at the time would probably think that it was absolutely weird for him to be talking to a horse like a human but this was one of the most crucial parts.

"You like Blue Eyed Demon the most? Well we're going with Feather Duster and that's final!!!!" The horse gave him a hard stare which could only mean one thing, it was challenging Teran to a stare down and he didn't back down from anything. His eyes focused on the horse's own and they kept at it without blinking for nearly 40 seconds before a winner was decided. "Let's go.....Feather Duster!!!" He jumped on it's back and begin following behind everyone else after outfitting Feather Duster for the occasion. Feather Duster wasn't far behind but most of that chatter had pushed them back quite a distance so she needed to increase her speed in order to catch up. Teran didn't hesitate in making her increase speed to catch up with the others after getting acquainted with the "discipline rope" as he called it.

Eventually they caught up with the others and made it past the walls to the outside world. The plains were so luxurious and blooming with life while the fresh air made everything feel alive. Inside the walls, people didn't get to breath this type of air, mostly because the wind wasn't able to flow directly on its designated course. It was amazing to think that the Titans even existed outside of these walls but Teran kept his eye out anyway. His surroundings were only trying to get in his way and that would be a rookie mistake to began to believe that the Titans were never actually here. "It's surprising to see that the beasts that forced humanity behind these walls, didn't even bother to devastate the scenery not one bit. Maybe this is how they mange to kill so many unsuspecting Titan fodder...Duster!!! Jump!!!" Teran yelled, getting Feather Duster to jump over the boy that had just flew off his horse. "Idiot!!! Well I know for sure who's going to be first one to die now." He said lowly as he tried to catch up with the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheyMostlyComeAtNight


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Up ahead a trainee... no, a soldier had fallen from his horse, a lone rider, red hair trailing behind her, chased after the fallen soldier's horse. Tilt thought about leaving them to deal with it but if the fallen soldier had managed to injure himself then the redhead might find herself in the awkward position of having to hold onto two horses and boost the guy onto his horse, Tilt leaned over to Kaiz and pointed to the fallen soldier.
"Go see if they need a hand?"
He made it a question, Kaiz could be prickly about being ordered about.


Kaiz looked where Tilt was pointing, the red head was returning with the horse but the kid on the ground hadn't made a move yet, he shrugged as he left the formation, he'd catch back up quick enough.

As he drew near he saw the redhead was holding out the reins of his horse to the kid, the kid was still on the ground though.
"Get up! We don't want to get left behind!"

Kaiz nodded to the redhead as he drew up alongside her.
"We won't be left behind, A few riders can catch a big formation like that any day"
Kaiz slid off his horse, holding out a hand to the kid to get him back on his feet.
"Are you injured?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Standing up from the tall grass, Alexander wiped off the grass and dirt on his uniform, sighing out dejectedly. "I-I'm fine everyone! I'm sorry, I was just writing in my book, see?" He showed them with accurate drawings of plants and animals, along with scribbled words that seemed like information on said drawings. He hopped back onto his horse, put the book and quill away, and held onto the reins as they continued into the wilderness. At the others, he gave the most heartwarming smile he could give, and spoke out. "I'm Alexander, I'm from the....er....-" He seemed to be lost in thought for a small second, then quickly caught himself before he made himself sound like a rambling idiot, "-Inner District! From Mitras!" He seemed to have this welcoming personality to himself, that could lighten the mood of most people, unless they simply chose not to be happy or just couldn't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheyMostlyComeAtNight


Member Offline since relaunch

Kaiz jumped back onto his horse, the kid seemed alright.
"Focus on your riding, if it grows out here it probably grows inside the walls too, do your drawings there."
He glanced at the redhead.
"I'm Kaiz, shall we get going then?"
He waited for her response, he didn't need to be stepping on anymore toes and throwing orders at his equals might not be such a great idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Once outside the walls Alannah sped up causing the others up front to speed up, which would make the ones behind them speed up. Dante knew it wasn't the time to be amazed, but the outside world was so beautiful it was hard to believe Titans even existed and killed humans. But he was also taught, for some reason, Titans only ate humans. They left animals alone, as in killing humans was just for fun, they didn't even have digestive systems and threw everything back up....He didn't want to think about it, but sadly that's what it was and how it was going to stay for a while. He sighed keeping his eyes forward following Alannah, he was so lost in thought that he didn't even hear Kevin's challenge, not that he would have accepted anyways, besides, him and Alison were gonna share kills.....They worked better together, or more so he worked better with her, he wasn't the type to get excited off killing Titans and wanted someone to do equal or most of the work than him. He looked up at the sky, of course he had seen the azure sky before.....Glaring sun.....But not like this, out here, it was more beautiful. He wished it could be like this all the time, without going out to kill the Titans to see it, just live....In peace. He lowered his head and looked forward.

Alannah rode into the Forest of Giant Trees, once there she held up a hand signalling all to stop as she did. She looked over to Adam, "We wiped most of them out last time, but there's a possibility more showed up....Or an Aberrant, you specialize in killing abnormals so it would be no problem for you. But if anymore showed up then I want you to take them down in numbers, take it back down to what we left there."

Adam nodded and jumped off his horse, shooting his hooks into a branch and pulling forward, before he got too close to the branch he released the hooks and flew off into the distance. Not a minute later he came flying back by the same branch and landed gently in front of Alannah, he swung his blade towards the ground causing most of the blood to fall onto the grass. "Clear....I don't think they're skilled enough to take on fifteen and fourteen meters yet....Which is why I left about two of them, they better have good teamwork," Adam said, in which he glanced towards Ryan, hopefully he was watching the largest Titans which would hopefully bring the teamwork out in the new recruits. Though it got a glare from Alannah, she sighed as she understood, besides....The experienced members would be looking over them all, so it was fine.

Hearing that, Dante looked over to Alison and then Kevin, "The fifteen meter is gonna be such a bitch to work with....So us three could go after that one first, get most of the work out of the way. Hopefully the other Titans get wiped out by the time we finished killing the fifteen meter.....Or Kevin, if you wanna stick with your girlfriend back there, me and Alison would be fine on our own," he finished with a cheeky little joke, a smirk plastered on his face.

Alannah gave a quiet and small laugh at the new recruit talking behind her before her face became a serious one, she looked behind her and began speaking, "Alright new recruits, here's the deal! You will be taking the Titans out by yourselves, and with each other. You won't get any help from experienced members or me unless it's absolutely needed, and even still that's not a reason to not give this all you've got! Now straighten up and fly with me!" Alannah jumped off her horse and flew forward in unison with Adam and a few other experienced members.

"Let's just get this done quickly!" Dante said as he jumped off his horse and shot forward following Alannah and the others, hopping Alison and Kevin was right behind him, though Kevin might have been back there talking shit to Xia. Alexandria knew she could catch up with the others fast but she was better in her 3D Gear than U, and didn't want to leave her, so she went at the same speed as U. "If you come up with a plan then tell me, I'll follow through."

Once the new recruits caught up, Alannah had ordered the veterans to stand on tree branches watching and waiting to see if anyone needed help. The trees they were on formed a circle with a clear path up ahead that was obviously for travels, but in the decently wide circle were Titans, they were blocking the path. Of course there weren't too many, as most were already wiped out, but it was enough for trainees to get expirence. Dropping to the ground Dante looked up at the fifteen meter class with semi-wide eyes, it looked....Gross, and the mouth it had on it....Dante swallowed and hooked onto a tree and swung away from the Titan which made it seem like he was running away, but not in the slightest, he just needed a bit of speed. He swung around the tree and went flying towards the fifteen meter, knowing Alison or Kevin would follow up also, he was confident, but knew not to get too cocky. He had fixed up his own 3D Gear, he knew the ways it worked and the limits, he could get away if needed and save his comrades.

Once there, Alexandria spotted an eight meter class and shot down towards it. She flew close to it's face in which it quickly swatted at her with it's right hand, turning in the air her hooks attached to the side of it's hand which sent her flying towards it. Releasing her hooks and spinning, she went around the hand which smacked into the Titan's face. She took that time to go around to it's neck and slice it, blood splattered over her but she didn't care. She went back towards U, wiping the blood on her blade onto her own sleeve. "Well then," she mumbled as she kept her battle hard face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheyMostlyComeAtNight


Member Offline since relaunch

The forest had been getting bigger and bigger on the horizon until there was nothing but forest in front of them, the commander kept course and soon they were inside the canopy, huge trees towering above them. The forest was undoubtedly a brilliant place for 3DMG, in every direction there were trees and branches to swing from although you'd have to be careful not to crash into a tree he supposed.

Up at the head of the column one of the veteran members of the Survey Corps fired his 3DMG and swung off into the forest after a word from the commander, whilst he was gone they held position. Tilt wondered where Kaiz had got to, after sending him to check on the soldier who had fell he hadn't returned to their spot in the column, he was probably still with the fallen guy, still Anya and Arya were still here. He leaned over to them
"Whatever we're doing here stick together yeah?"
They nodded, excited grins on faces.

"Alright new recruits, here's the deal! You will be taking the Titans out by yourselves, and with each other. You won't get any help from experienced members or me unless it's absolutely needed, and even still that's not a reason to not give this all you've got! Now straighten up and fly we me!"
The commanders voice carried back down the column, after the first few veterans had 'launched' the rest of the corps began jumping up as well in a ragged wave going back down the column, when his time came Tilt fired his hooks up into the trees and jumped, the wind whooshed past him catching his cloak and hair and throwing out behind him, Arya or Anya he couldn't tell which wooped behind him as they too jumped into the trees.


On the forest floor almost engulfed by the dead leaves and other plants grew a single flower, it's bright yellow and orange petals standing out all the more for it's isolation. Weeds grew around it, creeping poisonous things with dark almost black thorns growing along their long sinuous stems, ever reaching towards the bright flower that grew above them, unreachable. On every side the great tree's of the forest soared above, their tiniest branches giants next to the flower, their canopies drinking in the sunlight only leaving space for a few sparse pillars of light to shine down to the lone flower and yet in that little light the flower bloomed, outshining all other denizens of the forest, outgrowing the weeds, the ragged bark of the great trees seemed crude and rough compared to the fine gossamer like smoothness of the flower's stem. It seemed to her that around the flower colour, life itself was returning to the forest, a bright yellow and black bumblebee buzzed cheerfully past, some green shoots could be seen just under the surface, it was as if the flowers domain was a safe spot for life and joy. She was certain, the flower represented humanity and it's strug-


Anya snapped upright on her horse turning to see Arya grinning at her.
"So Anya, What sappy thought had your attention all wrapped up?"
Anya reddened a bit at Arya's mocking tone but she had to chuckle when she thought over her thoughts.
"well... you see that flower?" she pointed out to where she'd seen it...
Arya's grin widened. Anya looked at her and then shook her head.
"oh nevermind! like you'd understand anyway"

The column was pulling to a halt and their conversation faltered as they pulled their horses in and waited, Tilt leaned over and said something to Arya who then leaned closer to her, Anya.
"Stay together, wouldn't want you getting lost eh?"
Anya snorted as her sister winked
"You wish"

"Alright new recruits, here's the deal! You will be taking the Titans out by yourselves, and with each other. You won't get any help from experienced members or me unless it's absolutely needed, and even still that's not a reason to not give this all you've got! Now straighten up and fly we me!"
and with that the commander was off into the trees, soon everyone was following, Tilt flew off with a whoosh and then it was her turn, she fired her hooks up into the trees and flew after Tilt!


Arya saw Anya wizz past in a dizzying blur of green and then she was off herself! she let out a loud woop as her long blond hair shot out behind her.


The veterans were gathering on the branches above them, titans spread out before them, only now taking notice of the Survey Corps as the green cloaked ex-trainees streaked in delivering death and pain in long strokes of their razor sharp swords.

Tilt looked round searching for an isolated titan that hadn't been engaged, he saw one off to the side, it looked to be about 10m high, most of the trainees had dived straight in, not Tilt, he pulled up and landed -with a little luck- on a large branch overlooking the titan, the twins joined him moments later, hair wild from the ride.
"You two keep it's attention, I'll circle round and go for the neck... stay safe"
They nodded and he was off, circling through the trees to get round the titans back.


Anya watched as Tilt flew off.
"okay how are we going to play this?"
Arya pointed to the ground
"You get it to go low, I'll take it's eyes"
Anya managed a shouted "Okay" as she jumped from the branch, shooting down towards the titan.
She skidded on the loose forest floor as she landed maybe 10m away from the titan, it's huge eyes fixed on her, it's huge mouth opening and closing as it took her in, it began to move, each stumbling step taking it closer to her, it was much faster than it looked, covering the ground in huge steps, crushing the forest floor underneath, it's foot came down and Anya swear she saw a flash of orange and yellow just before it's foot came down, ending whatever had been before. It's arms were reaching forward, reaching for her, Anya stood transfixed as the huge hands closed in.
"Anya get out of there!"
There was a shout and then a flash of blonde and green as Arya flew across it's face, blades flickered and it's eyes exploded in blood, it's hands grabbed after Arya but she was already gone.
Anya came to her senses and fired her hooks up into the trees, gaining height as fast as she could.


Tilt saw his chance, the Titan was totally focused away from him, he dived firing his hooks as he fell, the wind ripped past him as he gained speed, he slashed with his blade as swung past the titans neck, a huge gout of blood spurted from where his sword had been and then he was away, a moment or two later and a ground shaking crash confirmed the kill as the titan fell to the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Trees, trees everywhere. Xia has never been to a place like this. She's seen a few trees planted around the city, but nothing like this. You could guild an entire city on these trees. Certainly make it easier to get the drop of titans that way. Soon enough she was going to have to put that theory to the test. The experienced Survey Corps Members took to the trees and gave them a quick run down on what's about to happen; they needed to kill all of the titans. Working together or running solo, either way, they just want to see how the Trainees do. Some would even die. Xia would make sure she wasn't one of them.

Xia spotted her target a couple hundred yards away. It was about 8m, not the largest titan, but still dwarfing the trainees. More threateningly, there were three other titans with it, so they had some numbers combined with their size. But Xia didn't fret. While still on her horse, Xia deftly maneuvered through the forest and towards the titans. They haven't yet engaged against any of the other trainees, so Xia had the honor of getting the first crack at them. She whistled loudly at them, attracting their attention. "Come at me, Titan! Hiya!" Kicking her horse into gear, Xia began to run away from the titans, with two of them giving chase, the other two who were caught by some other trainees. Xia kept a situational awareness to ensure that she didn't run into another trainee or titan, as well as getting a feel for the surroundings. Too many relied on their 3DMG to take down titans, but sometimes you need to know how to improvise and when to strike.

By the time Xia finally left her horse behind only one titan was following her, the 8m she had targeted. They both separated from the group and went a fair ways away. If Xia screamed, no one would hear her but the titan and her horse. The titan meanwhile kept chasing the horse, not knowing that Xia had already shot her hooks into a tree and jumped out of there. Soon the titan himself realized that he had been duped, and turned to walk back to the action. His mistake. Xia had lauched herself well above the treeline, through the branches and canopy to the skies above. It was... Pleasant. The skies looked different here. Inside the walls, the sky was just a backdrop, a large clock to remind you what time it was. But here, it had different meaning. "The Sky's the limit" they say. Out here, outside the walls, reaching for the skies seems like something that could actually be achieved. Not a dream.

But this was not the time for dreaming. Xia snapped out of her philosophical bent and looked down. She couldn't see anything but the tree tops, but through the cracks she could see the titan walking away. This was her opening. Falling faster and faster towards the ground, what she was about to do required an intense amount of timing and reaction speed. Both she had. She fell towards the titan with her blades outstretched to her side and she began to spin. She was spinning not only to increase her speed, but to control her direction while falling. Soon it looked like she was about to fall right on top of the Titan's skull. But instead she barely missed it's scalp. What she didn't miss however, was it's neck: Seven seven slashes tore through nape of the titan's neck. It roared in pain and fell with a loud thud. Throwing the blood and gore off her blades Xia shot her hooks out to the trees around her, loosing no momentum as she headed towards the next titan.
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