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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

(This is a spinoff of the roleplay, Infinity Ends. If you are new, the main thread can be found here!)

[Location: Green Greens - Dreamland - Kirby Universe]

This group of characters that had been called forth by the Redeemer would find themselves in a quite...childish environment. That was what the Green Greens was, a bright colorful landscape of cartoonish animals, plants, and even the sun in the sky was with a smiling face. Before they could figure out where this was exactly, their guide for this world finally speaks up and makes his presence known as if their guide had been sitting around here this entire time.

"So you're that strange group of people the Redeemer was talking about...at least this seems better than what I usually put up with..." Aege comments on the group he has to guide around for their mission. It would be normal for him to just leave this group right now with his time-stopping abilities, but decided that he would keep to his word this time. It shouldn't be too hard. "The mission's simple. Some space ship called the Lor Starcutter just crashed some time ago, not so far off from where we're at. If time wasn't so screwed up, then Kirby and his team would had gone to the crashed ship and helped repair it for this person named Magolor, the owner of the space ship. Instead, Kirby and his team never realize of the crashed ship, and that would soon come to the end of this world as we know it. All you guys have to do is to assist Magolor in getting missing parts to repair the Lor Starcutter, and go with him to his home planet. From there, you should...you know what? I don't want to talk too much, just read this. I'm pretty sure you get the picture anyways," Aege proceeds with the quick briefing, but eventually got tired of the talking and just took out a piece of paper that had the mission objectives written on it. The objectives were:

--Help Magolor repair the Lor Starcutter by collecting the missing ship parts that had been broken off from the crash. These missing ship parts are scattered throughout Dreamland. (A total of 8 major missing parts)
--Once repairing the Lor Starcutter, accompany Magolor to the trip towards his home planet, Halcandra.
--Defeat Landia upon arriving in Halcandra.
--Find Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, and Waddle Dee before departing to Halcandra and have them come on the trip.
--Do not alarm any of the creatures on Halcandra before entering the battle against Landia.

"There, we got that out of the way. Anybody want to waste our time by asking questions, I rather just show you the way and be done with this briefing already..." Aege says after showing the group the objectives list on the paper. Though, even for the Chrono Breaker, Aege sounded like he just wanted to get back to napping like none of this ever happened...

(No backup until arrival to Halcandra, no god like powers so characters that are like this are nerfed down.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Slug looked at the cheery world around him. It was nothing like cybertron. "No questions" he said briskly, this mission would be a breeze if the rest of the opponents were as rough as this world looked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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"A simple thing it shouldn't be to hard," Charr said doing a check on his equipment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

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Yukiteru looked at the creature, and what it was explaining about the missions. Yukiteru looked at his Future Diary, It was functioning perfectly. He had his darts ready.

-""This shouldn't be so hard, I mean it could be depending on how strong these creatures are." Yukiteru said.

He got his darts to the ready for any trouble that would happen on their way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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"Um...I'll do my best." said Kanon trying to demonstrate enthusiasm, she felt something diferent relating to her God Arc.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Good, then let's get going," Aege sees that everyone was ready to go, he appears to have "teleported" to where the edge of the forest was, which wasn't that far from the group. Of course Aege would use his time distortion ability to move a bit quicker than usual. "The ship should be down this way," Aege says before walking into the forest as he leads this group to where the Lor Starcutter would be at. After a bit of going through the forest, they would see a downed spaceship, the ship that they had to help repair.

"Hopefully there's someone in there, or else this will take forever," Aege grumbled a bit, hoping that Magolor was inside the ship, considering the door to enter the ship was wide open.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Pyrrah looked around and was surprised to see a peaceful environment which was so different in comparison to the forests of Vale. "I accept this mission.." She said as she followed the others and Aege to the ship.

"It does not look like anyone is here.." She said looking around for any trace of the person or whoever they were sent to help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Slug walked up to the ship, "Does this even fly?" he remarked sarcastically. The ship was tiny, not capable of fitting even a single Autobot, let a lone a Dinobot!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"I am not sure it can fly now but looks like it did.." Pyrrha replied.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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"The strangest looking space ship I've seen," Charr said joining them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Um...Is anybody home?" said Kanon as she entered the ship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

((No one has said the size of Kirby's race ... I'm assuming they're small. How small?))
Slug was way too large to fit in the ship, so instead he stood outside, looking in. "So we need to fix this thing, right?" He asked, his voice still gruff and curt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

-"I guess so... let me check what my Future Diary says" Yukiteru said.

He checked his Future Diary, it probably said that one part was to the south. He got his darts to the ready. He felt as if something was watching him.

_"The Diary says that there is PROBABLY a spaceship part to the south." Yukiteru said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"So our mission is searching and fixing for one.." Pyrrah said with a nod.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

(Going to assume that Kirby's race is probably 2 and a half feet, as I've seen in the height comparison in the Super Smash Bros series)

Aege goes into the ship with Kanon, and saw that a certain person, Magolor, knocked out near the control panel of the ship. "H-Hey! Wake up!" Aege is shocked at this and immediately runs over to him, shaking him several times. And just like that, Magolor wakes up right away, suddenly realizing that something had happened before passing out. Upon checking the control panel, it showed on the display screen with information that the ship cannot take flight as many of it's major parts were missing. "Yeah...the parts are missing, but we can go and find them for you," Aege says, seeing as now Magolor realized that his ship was missing parts. "Huh? Of course! It will be a great help!" Magolor suddenly brightens up from Aege's offer, shaking the latter's hand but stopped as soon as he saw that Aege didn't really like the handshake. Then it came to Magolor's attention of the other people that were here. "So...are these others with you? The more help, the better!" Magolor asks curiously. "They're with me, and they're going to help," Aege only gives a shrug, wanting to get this over with already. With that said, Aege goes out and hears Yukiteru mention the possible location of one of the missing parts. "Then let's get going," Aege said towards Yukiteru.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

-"Alright it should be about 700 meters to the south." Yukiteru said to Aege.

He started walking south with the Team. Looking around every 10 mins, to check if everyone was there. They got about 50 meters when he heard something move . It was just a squirrel. He then got close to part of the spaceship.

-"We are here, guys."

Something was not right here. He felt he was being tricked or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mysterion spoke, "And how large is this part?" He said in a ((best way I can describe it is "batman-ey")) voice. He looked around at the silly world he was in. So this is what they were trying to save? Well it didn't matter. As a hero, it was his duty. He followed the team headed towards the missing part.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Amano__Yukiteru said
-"Alright it should be about 700 meters to the south." Yukiteru said to Aege.He started walking south with the Team. Looking around every 10 mins, to check if everyone was there. They got about 50 meters when he heard something move . It was just a squirrel. He then got close to part of the spaceship.-"We are here, guys."Something was not right here. He felt he was being tricked or something.

Kanon Daiba was feeling uneasy, her senses as a God Eater told her something was wrong, she looked at any sides to see if this wasn't some kind of trap, the shy guy everyone saw turned into the veteran of war known as Kanon Daiba. "This is too easy..." she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Well...where is it?" Aege asked, a little annoyed that there was nothing notable to be found here. Though, something came up on Yukiteru's Future Diary, and since it was so sudden, he wouldn't have time to warn everyone about it once he read it. It read:

A wormhole appears and sucks everyone into it.

Just like the entry said, a large wormhole is created and that it would instantly suck everyone into it, there was no way to get out of there... Immediately, everyone would find themselves in some kind of negative space, a lifeless parallel universe of the forest they were in. Only to make matters worse, there was some kind of distortion coming towards them, as if this reality was starting to fall apart. "Not again...run!!!!" Aege knew that getting caught by these distortion masses wouldn't end well, and began to run as well as using his time ability to get a head start. It seemed like Aege wasn't really going to wait for everyone else...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

-"I knew that there was something coming, If I had my godly powers I would stop this but since I don't, Everyone Run!"

Yukiteru started running forward, but It didn't seem to work since he didn't know where he was going. If there was one thing he knew about Parallel Universes was that they most of the time lead nowhere. He had no choice but it run.
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