Hidden 3 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Welcome to The Walking Dead, Miami. We are planning for two main groups, one based around an asylum, and one based around a boat, like a yacht or shipping vessel. Slots are currently open and accepting. The players will be a group with a little chemistry and a small amount of resources, the group will have to hunt and scavenge food, supplies, ammunition, fuel. Survival will be part of it, but not just keeping the zombies form killing you, but also dealing with starvation, hunger, hyper/hypothermia, and so on. How will these rag-tag survivors handle this new world they've been thrust into. More information is to follow, and documents will be added.

GM: Tearstone
Co-GM: (closed)

  • ((Special Mention)) Do NOT make a sociopath unless you can explain in no uncertain terms, exactly how they became that way, why they became that way, how they operate, what things set them off, what they value, AND it had better work/make sense. I do not want a thinly veiled Dexter Morgan clone from the series Dexter. I've seen it more than once here. If you're going to make a sociopath or psychopath, make sure you have them wired down tight.
  • 1. Respect your fellow RPers.
  • 2. Take all adult stuff to PM's.
  • 3. No fighting in the OOC or you will be kicked.
  • 4. No character look alikes, Rick, Daryl, Carol, Carl or Michonne
  • 5. All injuries should be realistic, example if a character sprains their ankle it should slow them down and be painful to walk on and would take time to heal. Guns are deadly.
  • 6. Most have one disability or fear, can be anything you can think of no one is perfect.
  • 7. Most importantly have fun!
  • 8. If a player drops and their character is removed from play, there is a chance they may be re-encountered as a zombie or a corpse. If so their equipment may be up for grabs. If a walker, they may be an adversary survivors may have to face. If a player wishes to bow out and decides to do so "on screen/in play" then their fate can be determined by the player. Walking off into the sunset may be acceptable, and they might be able to return as a character later on, depending on the circumstances. Characters dropped or abandoned by players may also become NPC's and used as such for a variety of purposes. Just because the player left them behind, doesn't mean they aren't still out there in one form or another.

CS as follows, improvements are welcome. Keep it easy to read.

Walking Dead Miami player scratchpad/sketchbook/document thing

Active Characters/Players - will be sorted into asylum and boat later.

Unsorted or tentative

Linc Myles - Tearstone

Asylum Crew

Brant Harlow - MouseKing
Daisy Morris - liah
Damien Maddox - Hellscream
Ellie Haft - libbypt
Isabel Torrez - Fallenreaper
Thomas Harris - Verdant

Boat Crew

Boyd Jager - Svenn
Chris Williams - Tearstone
David Schoenberg - Polyphemus
Robin Hunter - Fiddler
Zephy Daniels - Hakai

The Graveyard
(dead/removed characters)
Maribeth Kane/CallaLily180 - Dropped on Request
Mike Zimmerman/Sturmgewher - Dropped on Request
Sarah Zimmerman/Sturmgewehr - Dropped on Request

Maps, locations, other info

Tide Runner - Photo Gallery
Tide Runner - Ship Specs (also has pics)

Spring Grove Psychiatric Hospital

Spring Grove main floor plan

Asylum notes:
The asylum dates back to 1915, it served for quite a number of years as a sanitarium and psychiatric ward. Due to hurricanes repeatedly bashing it, the place became run down. A lot of patients were removed either by their family or case workers. In an attempt to revitalize the business (it is a business after all) they applied for renovation funding with the state. They were awarded a good sum of funding and construction began. Many of the patients were removed, but some of the more docile and clearer ones were allowed to stay if they chose. The place ran on minimal staffing, nothing more than a skeleton crew. It was a relief for some, and they did have the ability to get way from the banging and sawing and noise.

The new construction seems to be building on the old which had been built quite sturdy to begin with. Construction crew abandoned the project as soon as the outbreak started, seeking to get home to their families. A couple staff members may still be there, looking after the small population left over, no more than five or six... However.. they might have been overrun and turned into walkers. The staff could have fled, and could have taken the few remaining residents with them to somewhere else.

I do intend for there to be a grounds keeper/landscaper still on the property, holed up in a small workshop, sectioned off. The entire compound is surrounded by a chain link fence, topped with barbed wire angled in and out on the top. There's also an iron square tube bar fence running around the property set into a low one foot wall of brick and concrete,, with two-foot high crenelations every ten feet. It's decorative in look, but it's hard to climb, even for the living. The top features arrow or spear type tips an inch or so wide and about two inches long. Not exactly sharp on the edges but the points would not be fun to slip onto. This fence, again, is hard to climb, is much sturdier than the cyclone fence, and could possibly hook and slow down any geek that did manage to get to the top. Fence is 10', both of them. There's an iron gate at the front with a buzzer, but that's not active now and would need to be secured with a chain and lock or carabiner or something.

Also, if power can be restored, there are security cameras inside and outside the building. There are some radios too, some food supplies, water, showers, so on. There is a generator on site. If it's run on natural gas it could still be operational, or you might have to find some fuel for it if not.

As has been stated in other parts, the Asylum was under renovation, so it is likely there are tools on site, such as sledge hammers, saws, nail guns (electrical, battery powered, or compressed air), as well as nails, hammers, possibly crowbars, saws (power and hand), and more.
Update on fencing, just so everybody is on the same page. The spiked fence here, I would say the poles are set into the concrete, making the fencing even stronger. In looking at the fence, I think the Asylum group could possibly defend the perimeter quite nicely atop the platforms with something like axes, bats, maces..anything that gave them a decent reach. Geeks couldn't reach them, but the group could reach the geeks and knock 'em out one by one. Of course, you could always spear through the fence too.

The main gate is decorative but made out of the same material and is flanked by a guard shack and visitor check-in building

The chain link fence about ten feet or more behind the main exterior fence is just a typical perimeter fence.

Hidden 11 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KOKO


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shall we begin? Heh!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hakai
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Zepheria ‘Zephy’ Daniels
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5ft 8in
Build: Athletic

Tanned and toned, with the physique of a life-long swimmer, giving her powerfully built legs from the waist down, with a tummy in a flat 4-pack, with well defined neck and very strong shoulders and upper chest. Her arms are fairly cut from wrestling with large fish on deep sea lines in battles that can last for over an hour. Living mostly on a marine diet has left her with little body fat, but does leave her deficient in some things.

During the Outbreak - Mild Mature Image

Family: Mother: Karen Daniels - Unknown Father: Jacob Daniels - Deceased before Outbreak.

Personality: Independent, strong willed, a bit of a loner, without being anti-social.

Occupation Before: Self Employed: Sports Angler. Recreational Fishing Guide, Freelance Free Diver

Notable skills: Spending most of her life on a boat she is a strong swimmer, is able to navigate the waters easily. She is able to survive in coastal and oceanic environments fairly comfortably. Fairly good cook when it comes to fish and other marine life.
Coastal & Oceanic Survival Skills:
Deep sea fishing, spear gun fishing, bow fishing. Able to set lobster and crab traps. Knows how to hunt for clams, oysters, octopus and squid. Knows some uses for marine life in a medicinal fashion.
Water extreme sports - surfing, windsurfing, jet-skiing, and water skiing.

Being the only child of her parents she spent most of her days with her father on the boat as he ran a small business of taking people out on the weekend trips deep sea fishing. Her mother worked out of the home, handling the office duties for the family business, even after Zephy took over. They were a happy family that allowed their daughter to grow and learn what she wanted. Growing up in Miami she was use to being out in the heat and humidity all the time, though the cooler air on the ocean was always welcoming.
As she grew from a child to a young teen her father gave her more responsibilities on the boat, mainly being in charge of making lunch for the men and women they had on the boat with them. Learning how to prep and cook fish as well as lobster, crab and clams gave her knife handling skills. She picked up free-diving while learning to inspect the hull and for doing minor boat repair. SCUBA diving, spear and bow fishing came later as she got into her late teens, and quickly became a divemaster, adding scuba-diving tours to her father’s business, which soon became her business. Her father passed away in an unfortunate incident on the water with a shark.
Not long after her father passed away, her mother and herself chose to sell their house and invest more into the family business by moving to live on the boat at the marina itself.

In her free time, she took to sport free-diving as well as surfing, windsurfing, and jet-skiing. Needless to say she is almost more comfortable in and on the water than she is on land. It almost doesn’t move right to her.

When word of the outbreak started, Zephy and her mother had pulled away from the marina to seek the safety in the open waters they were use to. After a few days had passed they headed back into the marina to be able to get a few things they needed but didn’t grab. During their resupply trip Karen and Zephy got separated, leaving Zephy to get back to the yacht herself. Returning every so often, hoping to find her mother. She makes a few runs now and again for supplies she can gather from other boats, using the tender boat and leaving her yacht anchored a ways away from shore.

Suffers from Diver’s Ear now and again. She has a healthy fear of large sharks, most over the 5ft she doesn’t tangle with.

Weapon of Choice:
Spear Gun, A dozen spear rods.
Compact Bow with adjustable draw poundage used mostly for bow fishing, generally having somewhere in the range of twenty to thirty fishing arrows at all times.


64' Viking Enclosed Flybridge “Tide Runner” - GM Has info on this
--Watermaker in need of repairs.
--400 Gallons of Fuel Remaining

Deep Sea Fishing Equipment:
6 - G.Loomis Rods, Graphite and glass light weight balanced rods.
Assorted Reels
Assorted Lines and Trolling lines. In assorted poundages.
Assorted Hooks, lures and weights.
Assorted pliers, wire cutters and lip grips for fishing.
Catch Nets of varying sizes
A few Gaff poles for hauling fish in.
Six Crab Traps

Freediving gear: Flippers, Masks, snorkels and weight belts.
Fish bag for placing speared fish in when diving.

150 gallons Fresh water, stored in on board tank.
20lbs dried Rice
10lbs Dried Beans.
6lbs White Flour
6lbs Corn Meal

Several changes of Clothes

Always carrying a mora stainless steel knife.
When off boat: A pair of bolt cutters, wire cutters, pry bar.
2 - 32oz bottles of water.
A dozen mixed snack bars, energy bars.
15 Assorted Arrows.
Tide Runner may end up being the boat for Yacht Group. Gm has Info on the Boat, will detail later.

Tearstone and I have spoken on length about this character ^^ He hasn't given the final stamp of approval yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Luminiscencia


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Sophia Marchessa
Age: 22
Height: 5’4
Build: Very slim

Family: Her step mother, Cecile was the only one with her when the attack hit. She is unsure about her family in other parts of the world.

Personality: Haughty, snobbish and rich.

Occupation Before: Does spending daddy’s money count?

Notable skills: Obviously Sophia can’t do much for herself, but she can tell you in a second a fake LV from a true LV.

Her father met her mother while they were both poor living in a Hispanic neighborhood in New York. Her father hit it big time, and eventually their marriage broke up from the “fast life” of women, boozing, and more women. Her father didn’t realize the mistake he made, and now pines for his ex wife, who won’t speak to him or Sophia, who has undoubtedly inherited the same lifestyle. Her father remarried Cecile, who is only a decade older than her and Sophia hates the union. Her father sent her and her step mother on a cruise to help them bond, and maybe repair the rift in their family. Which leads them to where they are today.

Sophia has anorexia and is pretty afraid of everything.
Weapon of Choice:
She is dragging around her pepper spray and a small pistol she had tucked away in her luggage, from her father. She only has a few extra rounds though, and isn’t a good shot.

She’s wearing Loubies (which she will NOT part with), a small white dress (as seen in the picture), a leather jacket and carrying a large LV tote with her cell phone and charger, two bottles of water and her diet pills. She also found In the bottom of it a tube of lipstick, a bit of gum, and hair elastics.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Svenn


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Boyd Jäger
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Build: Slightly muscled with defined muscle tone, but not heavy.

Family: Boyd was born in Virginia from a 17 year old mother. She didn't want to get an abortion so she had another couple adopt him right away after birth from Wisconsin. That family consisted of his two foster parents and their real daughter Melissa. When the outbreak happened Boyd was on a camping trip away from social media with his wife and some family friends. Once they got back to their home town, it was deserted and dead bodies littered the ground. He drove straight to his house and found blood smeared and spilled everywhere, but no bodies. He found his sister hiding in their secret closet and took her. She was shocked and wouldn't speak. There was no point in finding them because they were most likely part of the outbreak by then. He took his wife and sister with his friends to drive down south to have their backs to the oceans.

Personality: Boyd is quick to think. He has leadership skills, but will offer to anyone else for he hasn't have much confidence. He is good at running away from situations and conserving food. He doesn't have the tolerance for people who don't want to live, the drunk, the rich, and many more. Because of this, not many people like him. He's not capable of trusting people very well.

Occupation Before: Graduated college student for biology major. Only went for four years and trying to save up money for more education. He was a lab assistant for Madison college.

Notable skills: He goes camping a lot and so he has the skills to live in nature. He also can classify animals, plants, and bugs. He knows the human body, both male and female, and so he can help heal people with broken bones or sicknesses. Even though it isn't really important, he can do many lab procedures.

Like what I had written before, He was on a camping trip and took his sister, wife, and a couple of friends to go to the south for safety. Ont he way they had met people who had helped them and people who have tried to destroy them. One of the biggest losses was his 16 year old sister who's life had been taken by a guy he thought was a friend. Thus, making it hard for him to trust people. One of his friends, not the closest, but still a good buddy, had gotten sick and tired of looking for food and other survivors. He was slowly becoming lonely and the only girl available was seven years younger than him. He was a good guy, but this outbreak had changed his soul into a monstrosity. He fought with himself over the idea over and over again, but one day he couldn't hold himself back. He took Melissa and raped her. She fought back with every bit of strength she had, but he hit her head with his gun and she bled out. Once Boyd found his sister's body, his friend who murdered the poor girl (Whose name is Charles), told him that she killed herself. Boyd was quick to believe it because she was never the same when he rescued her from their house without their parents insight. She always seemed depressive and suicidal.

Over time Boyd had seen his friends disappear and turn into the dead. He became accepting of it and shed no tear when it came to a person's death, especially one close to him. He felt almost selfish that he showed no sympathy. He just thought it made him look weak. During this transition, he learned that killing silently was the best option, but that meant close range attacks. Boyd and his wife went out to search for more supplies when they hit the jackpot, a hidden bunker full of ammunition and weapons. They both decided not to take much, but a few pistols, knives, and a Kukri. His wife became a fast shooter with a pistol and Boyd have become familiarized with the knives. He didn't like the fact that you had to be up and close with the dead so he had learned to throw them. Not good, but seven out of ten times he can hit the target. His last resort is the kukri that they had taken. It was a swift and curved machete type blade. Easy to lodge into the skull of a rotting walking carcass.

When things finally looked good with their group (with whom Charles, Boyd, and his wife were the only originals), something terrible happened. A group of bandits had attacked and split up their group. Boyd's wife and Charles had escaped and ran south while he hid and watched his group be brutally raped and murdered. This didn't end well for Boyd though. He couldn't stand the thought of rape and he lashed out from hiding and killed three men of the bandit group. He escaped after that trying to find his wife, but couldn't. He walked, drove, and ran for his life to the ocean. There he had found Miami, obviously a dangerous place, but mountains of supplies for him. Along his looting he found a group of people, or they actually found him. They took refuge on a boat in the ocean outside of Miami.

Boyd cannot trust pretty much anyone other than Charles and his wife. Even with the yacht group he is in, he cannot trust very well. He also needs to have his weapons on him all the time, again with the trust issues. Boyd is extremely terrified of drowning however and to sleep. On the boat it is easier for him to sleep, but on the ground with no protection, it gets hard for him.

Weapon of Choice:
Ten throwing knives and a kukri is all he uses. He does have a pistol on his side, but never uses it and it only has eight rounds.

He has only two pairs of outfits saved from the journey (One of which he is wearing). The other is a pair of brown checkered shorts and long sleeved blue Hollister shirt, i mean it doesn't match, but who cares it's the apocalypse! He has two water bottles (both are 24 ounces) with iodine cleanser from places he looted. His weapons (Look above). A small to medium sized backpack to hold his items. They other are three cans of salted nuts (all three are 16 ounces) and a bag of dehydrated strawberries (a regular sandwich bag full).He also has a flashlight with two pairs of extra batteries. He doesn't carry much anymore like he used to.

[If needed to fix things, just ask me to]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Rhodry Glenn
Age: 19
Height: 6"5
Build: Tall, strong & muscular

Family: He is an only child, & his mother and father were in the UK when it happened.

Personality: An arrogant, hot headed, short tempered man. The slightest misdemeanor against him will send him off into a huge boiling rage, he is also manipulative & controlling and will do anything to keep and make people under his control.

Occupation Before: Student in Uk

Notable skills: He's highly knowledgable about psychology and uses this knowledge to manipulate and make people under his control, he's also a strong swimmer & climber.

Bio: He partied for most of his life, and the reason he was in Miami when it happened was him partying. He was born & raised in Wales. He was bullied for a lot of his life because he was ginger, but one day when he turned 16 he finally snapped and beat up a kid. Let's just say nobody ever crossed his path again. He also trained to join the Olympic swimming team, but he didn't in the end, although his swimming skills have stayed with him for a long time.

Disability/Fear: Rhodry has retinitis pigmentosa, he cannot see in dark areas, and his vision slowly deteriorates over time.

Weapon of Choice: Usually his bare hands.
If a firearm, you can only start out with 50 extra rounds besides what's in the weapon itself, if you don't have a gun then can be anything. NO rocket launchers, landmines or other heavy military weapons. Molotovs, homemade things are allowed.

Equipment: A couple of cans of food & some clean water, he has a change of clothes & a lighter and a pack of cigarettes
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by libbypt

libbypt Libby

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Ellie/Eleanor Haft
Age: 17
Height: 5"8
Build: average strength and slightly longer than average durability/stamina. Slim due to her high metabolism.

Family: unknown of whereabouts or survival.

Personality: she is unsociable and pessimistic but strong minded and sarcastic at the same time. Although she can be shy and very dislikeable her journey during the apocalypse so far has been lonely and she has gone senseless and has a tendency to talk to herself in stressful times.

Occupation Before: Recent transfer student, also worked at a paint ball arena part time.

Notable skills: Other than playing video games she has good aim with semi automatic paint ball guns.

Bio: Her mother was a gold digger in search of a 'sugar daddy' and eventually found her father, a gullible rich man who obsessed over the idea of 'true love'. A year into the marriage her mother became pregnant and the two parents loved and cared for her together in England. 18 years later her father realised that his wife had been having an affair and after divorcing her he recently moved to Miami with his daughter due to his employment in architectural works. The apocalypse hit when she was working at the arena, the only reason for her survival so far is hiding in a small tree house

Disability/Fear: she has a strong fear of the dark and slight claustrophobia, including being in a crowd or large amounts of people surrounding her.

Weapon of Choice:
She has a two paint ball guns in her rucksack, one with full ammo(200 balls) and the other with half(100 balls)(both attached with two air pressure tanks). A baseball bat. (Limitations: Paint ball guns are weak and would not do damage. The baseball bat is short range and not in the newest of conditions, it is also difficult to carry if needed to be hands free as it does not fit into the rucksack properly.)
Equipment:She wears a jumper, joggers, converse (same in the picture) a paintball mask and albow and knee pads. A backpack with her pink 3DS(currently full battery) and battery powered 3DS charger, 1 bottle of mountain dew (full, unopened 500ml), 1 tube of pringles(full, unopened) a few hairbands and a packet of contraception pills (for period only, 47/50 pills left).

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Svenn


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sophia Marchessa makes me laugh and how she will survive lol

I like how Rhodry Glenn has a little of insanity spark to him.

For Ellie, I have a question... what happened to her father? haha just wondering, but I Like her and her treehouse. That's a good idea.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by libbypt

libbypt Libby

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Svenn said
Sophia Marchessa makes me laugh and how she will survive lolI like how Rhodry Glenn has a little of insanity spark to him.For Ellie, I have a question... what happened to her father? haha just wondering, but I Like her and her treehouse. That's a good idea.

I like sophia marchessa as it would be interesting to see her reaction to everything haha.
Thank you and Ellie isn't sure what has happened to him so far as he went to a conference for work the morning of the tragedy. However since he is working with a large company that have blue prints to many of the modern (and not so modern) buildings in Miami he may have a chance of survival due to this extent in knowlegde. But Ellie hasnt been able to contact him via mobile so she is almost certain that he is dead. :(
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by libbypt

libbypt Libby

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Totts said

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thatguy


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Spot reserved for Asylum group member
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonIvy13


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Reserve! I'll be posting a CS in a little bit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonIvy13


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Never mind, pretend I wasn't here.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ivy... what kind of "Bow and arrow"

Are we talking a simple longbow or recurve with nothing much in the way of fittings? Are we talking something like an improvised bow made from PVC pipe? Or something like a bundle bow? Or are you talking something like a compound bow with risers, string silencers, sights, and so on? Or perhaps are you even referring to a crossbow? What about a slingbow? (slingshot modified to fire arrows)

There are many different "bow and arrow" concepts out there. Also, quivers don't hide arrows. They are holders for them... So if they're 'hiding' 25 arrows, how many are they not hiding?

What kind of arrows are you using? Wood, bamboo, aluminum, carbon fiber/fiberglass? What are they tipped with: stone, bone, metal, and broadhead, target/field tip, or even no tip?

What size bottles of water? How many apples and oranges? Are the bottles full, or empty, or in between?

Also, this is Miami. Starting date is going to be June 14, which is late spring, early summer. The temperature is in the mid-90's with high humidity from daily or near daily rain, with lows in the eighties. Black on black on black with a leather jacket is going to be pretty hot. If that's what you want to work with, it's cool, but it's something to think about.

Also, how does an unskilled high schooler (while a sociopath) become good with "Bow and arrow" who's spent most of her time in an urban environment? What opportunities has she had to pick up this skillset, and why? How did she keep this from being noticed by her father or friends, especially if she spends a good amount of time trying to blend in and appear normal? This skill is only mentioned in passing in "notable skills" but there doesn't seem to be much of anything in the history that agrees with it.

None of my questions are meant to be mean, but the devil is in the details. Those were just some things that caught my eye right off the bat. I will be going over the other sheets with a pretty fine-toothed comb as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KOKO


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tearstone said
Ivy... what kind of "Bow and arrow" Are we talking a simple longbow or recurve with nothing much in the way of fittings? Are we talking something like an improvised bow made from PVC pipe? Or something like a bundle bow? Or are you talking something like a compound bow with risers, string silencers, sights, and so on? Or perhaps are you even referring to a crossbow? What about a slingbow? (slingshot modified to fire arrows)There are many different "bow and arrow" concepts out there. Also, quivers don't hide arrows. They are holders for them... So if they're 'hiding' 25 arrows, how many are they not hiding?

Talk about OWNED! Anyway, I am posting my character sheet soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Svenn


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tearstone said -snip-

Oh man, I gots stuff to fix probs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 4 mos ago

At first glance, yours seems fine, Svenn. Kinda like actually.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
Avatar of Tearstone

Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Details are important, and they don't have to be a lot, specifics help. I didn't mean to run Ivy off, I wasn't trying to be mean or anything. She could have just picked a bow type, and then just said "assorted" for arrows. That would have been fine.

Sven, you do probably need to figure out water bottle sizes and how much is in each. I was kind of impressed with your basic items, actually. Fats, protiens, carbs, calories, the iodine I could have applauded for. I think the throwing knives aren't probably the greatest for zombies, but they work for other purposes. The kukri is good, and multi-functional. The pistol is good, and with only 8 rounds, I see no problem. It's probably an emergency/last ditch item.

I'm assuming the nuts are probably the small snack size Planters nuts type? Probably similar for the dehydrated strawberries?
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