Name: Milton Brandt
Aliases: Thomas Pennington, Sergei Cherpovka
Rank: Corporal (SAS)
Role: Rifleman| Intelligence/Interpreter
Unit: Tempest Strike 1
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Reason chosen for Tempest: General field experience, skilled linguist, interrogation and information gathering. Will not be a tactical liability for security operations, can be a go-between with civilians on team, and serve as a point of contact between outside NEO's (Non-Earth Origin beings). Has a variety of other side skills that may be useful.
Personality: Focused, likes to pit his wits against others, favors social engineering. Brains over brawn, duct tape over guns.
Short Biography: Milton went into the armed services just after graduation. Coming from a dysfunctional family, his father was an abusive drunkard, and his mother was a hypochondriac that left him with some near prescription grade issues. The entry into the military was an effort to get away from home life. As a result of his background he was used to rough-and-tumble situations, taking a beating, and thinking on his feet. It also meant that he didn't miss home much. He worked his way into the SAS after plenty of letter writing and petitioning. Once in, he did well, but some of the selection course that year was brutal enough it nearly killed half the class during the survival phases. Milton, or Mills did well enough though and came out pretty hardened on the other side.
Inside the military his training was focused on intelligence gathering, interrogation, and interpretation or linguistics. Using military metrics and language key activation systems, he picked up fluency in half a dozen languages and competency in close to a dozen more. With his mind focused on these abilities, he can pick up new languages rapidly and be competent with them, quickly able to sound like a native speaker. MI-6 picked him up soon after, refocusing his skills he'd picked up in the military, and adding to them, playing on his charisma and natural desire to match wits against others, along with his patriotism. By age twenty-eight he had heard rumors of a Project Stargate, and when it was discovered that he was researching into it, his superiors had a choice... either make him look like a looney, or they could read him in, and bring him into the program. Being such a useful asset, they decided for the latter.
It was for these reasons that he was chosen to begin to work with the SGC as part of an international SG team. When the HMS Tempest began to need crew, he was passed over more than once, as the mission for the ship was to be exploration, not intelligence or combat assignment. It seemed that the military minded naval folks aboard, along with those running security felt that a person that could fall between full military and civilian, could pick up languages fast, adapt to new situations and environments and more would be useful, and could be able to deescalate situations rapidly and glean information faster, process intelligence more quickly than relying on analysts back aboard ship or back at base, or or by relying on allies like the Tok'ra or the Asgard. With having an asset like that on the ground, they could follow up on things much faster, and get to know the locals better, put a friendly face to military forces and so on.
Aliases: Thomas Pennington, Sergei Cherpovka
Rank: Corporal (SAS)
Role: Rifleman| Intelligence/Interpreter
Unit: Tempest Strike 1
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Reason chosen for Tempest: General field experience, skilled linguist, interrogation and information gathering. Will not be a tactical liability for security operations, can be a go-between with civilians on team, and serve as a point of contact between outside NEO's (Non-Earth Origin beings). Has a variety of other side skills that may be useful.
Personality: Focused, likes to pit his wits against others, favors social engineering. Brains over brawn, duct tape over guns.
Short Biography: Milton went into the armed services just after graduation. Coming from a dysfunctional family, his father was an abusive drunkard, and his mother was a hypochondriac that left him with some near prescription grade issues. The entry into the military was an effort to get away from home life. As a result of his background he was used to rough-and-tumble situations, taking a beating, and thinking on his feet. It also meant that he didn't miss home much. He worked his way into the SAS after plenty of letter writing and petitioning. Once in, he did well, but some of the selection course that year was brutal enough it nearly killed half the class during the survival phases. Milton, or Mills did well enough though and came out pretty hardened on the other side.
Inside the military his training was focused on intelligence gathering, interrogation, and interpretation or linguistics. Using military metrics and language key activation systems, he picked up fluency in half a dozen languages and competency in close to a dozen more. With his mind focused on these abilities, he can pick up new languages rapidly and be competent with them, quickly able to sound like a native speaker. MI-6 picked him up soon after, refocusing his skills he'd picked up in the military, and adding to them, playing on his charisma and natural desire to match wits against others, along with his patriotism. By age twenty-eight he had heard rumors of a Project Stargate, and when it was discovered that he was researching into it, his superiors had a choice... either make him look like a looney, or they could read him in, and bring him into the program. Being such a useful asset, they decided for the latter.
It was for these reasons that he was chosen to begin to work with the SGC as part of an international SG team. When the HMS Tempest began to need crew, he was passed over more than once, as the mission for the ship was to be exploration, not intelligence or combat assignment. It seemed that the military minded naval folks aboard, along with those running security felt that a person that could fall between full military and civilian, could pick up languages fast, adapt to new situations and environments and more would be useful, and could be able to deescalate situations rapidly and glean information faster, process intelligence more quickly than relying on analysts back aboard ship or back at base, or or by relying on allies like the Tok'ra or the Asgard. With having an asset like that on the ground, they could follow up on things much faster, and get to know the locals better, put a friendly face to military forces and so on.