Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Thora Sigrundotir

Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III
~"I am the storm."~

Character Summary

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
Avatar of Tearstone

Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Brunsen Kelvynson

Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III
~Quote from the Character~

Character Summary

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
Avatar of Tearstone

Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago


Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III
~Quote from the Character~

Character Summary

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Please note these details may change in the future as the RP advances. All the powers available to her are not necessarily known, but the ones listed are for sure known/available, even if she may not be aware of them yet.

Character you have created:
Name: Justine Shepherd
Alias: Myth/Mythica

Speech Color: B799CD|MediumPurple

Character Alignment: Hero
Identity: Secret

Character Personality:


This will of course include a mask, or possibly a black cloak and cowl.

Origin Info/Details:

Hero Type: Mystic/Supernatural - Magical Weapon

Power Level: 2 - City Level, currently. Could scale upward to World or Cosmic level, depending on the needs of the story.

Powers (Be Specific):
  • Almost all powers Justine has stem from the magical sword Edgewind, and require the transformation the sword brings on. A few may be used without transformation. One power is available to Justine even without her sword, or being transformed, so long as she is it's champion.
  • Edgewind
  • Teleportation:
  • Flight
  • Transformation
  • Superhuman Strength - When transformed by the power of Edgewind, Justine's power is significantly increased. She gains the ability to lift nine to ten tons and carry over five tons.
  • Enhanced Durability - The sword provides Justine with enhanced durability, able to soak up two to three times more punishment than compared to an average human. A bullet to the head, or a blade through the neck is still lethal, and she may be killed by any other normal means, but it simply takes more. When not transformed she does not enjoy as much vitality.
  • The Sight - Due to the magical attunements provided, and her perceptions aided by the sword, Justine gains the power to See the Invisible, this includes astral constructs, spirits, ghosts, beings rendered invisible by magic or psionics, or other powers, usually as a ghostly image with distinct outlines. This may function with or without the sword so long as she is it’s champion.
  • Healing Touch - The sword has the power to heal almost any wound, especially for average humans and may do so 10x per 24 hours. This is magical healing which means no scarring, bones are fixed immediately. Only wounds created by cosmic, divine, or magical attacks may leave scars and even then those are minor. May heal herself or others.
  • Invisiblity: Superior
  • Words of Truth
  • Lightning Stroke
  • Mystic Shield

Skills and Notable Abilities:
  • Gymnastics & Freerunning - Justine is a skilled gymnast and runner, and has gotten into the sport/hobby of free-running or parkour. Usually viewed as a boy's activity, she has found she rather enjoys the challenges and physical activity. It also gives her high agility when pursuing or fleeing from foes and allows her to handle falls and throws well, and gives her access to an array of acrobatic maneuvers.
    Martial Artist - Justine has been raised from a young age to not be a victim, learning in several different styles and methods of fighting, empty handed as well as with edged, impact, and flexible weapons.
  • Kickboxing
  • Fencing
  • Investigation & Research

  • Strength Level: Normal human (But upper limit of human capability. Can carry 600 lbs (briefly, using mostly her legs), and lift 1,200 lbs (briefly)) when not transformed. Can lift 10 tons and carry five when transformed.
  • Speed/Reaction Timing Level:
    • Reaction time: Approximately 2x faster than avg human, high nerve conduction velocity naturally (.07 seconds for basic, .15 sec for complex)
    • Speed: 22 mph running speed, natural & trained - bestowed with teleportation - 5 mile range, 24x per minute (about every 2.5 seconds), comes out to mach 7.5 roughly if traveling line of sight and measured over time, otherwise instant point-to-point
  • Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human/3 Hours
  • Agility: 3x to 5x more agile than normal human with physical body. Teleportation significantly increases this.
  • Intelligence: IQ of 150 - high average, low genius
  • Fighting Skill: Trained - Martial Artist, kickboxer and fencer/swordswoman (may rise to mastered over time)

Resources: Not sure how you want to gauge this.

Weaknesses: None, per se, other than typical human frailties. May be ageless and immortal while possessing the sword, and championing the cause of light (unknown).

Supporting Characters: (Also see contacts listed in Resources)

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: I already did, didn't I?


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
Avatar of Tearstone

Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Character Summary

Name: Hiroki Bannen
Aliases: Hiroki Kurahashi, The Oni/Demon/Devil
Speech Color: Money |
Age: 30
Birthday: Feb 18th (Aquarius)
Ethnicity: Japanese/Caucasian
Birthplace: Lost Haven
Alignment: Villain
Starting Location:
Gender: Male


Height: 5'6" / 6' 6"
Weight: 160 lbs / 250 lbs
Build: Athletic / muscular/built/chiseled
Eyes: Color of Money
Hair: Black
Skin Tone: Lightly tanned w/ golden complexion

Personal Style: Minimal 2 paragraphs


Weaknesses: (minimum 3)
Runs from emotional expression


Trait * Trait * Trait * Trait * Trait * Trait

Sexuality: Straight (Kinsey 2)
Relationship Status: Widowed
One on hand, one might see someone who is shy, and quiet. On the other, Hiroki can be boisterous, eccentric, and energetic. He is a deep thinker with a desire to help others. Highly intellectual, this man is a fierce independent that prizes intuition tempered with logic. He maintains an uncanny ability to see both sides of an argument without prejudice, making him an excellent problem-solver. While very much attuned to the energies around him, Hiroki has a deep need to take time out alone and away to rejuvenate himself. The keyword for this guy is imagination. He sees a world of possibilities even when there appears to be none.
Much of the light, happier side to Hiroki vanished after the death of his wife. He has since turned much cooler and more aloof. Since then he has conducted himself with focused determination. He is often unforgiving, or at least uncompromising in the pursuit of his goals. He is tough on his underlings, expecting success. Failure is punished harshly. Success, however is well rewarded.


  • Insomnia - With a mind that is often buzzing, despite meditation, Hiroki finds it hard to sleep for long periods. His goals consume him, and if he is not moving forward he is nothing or worse.

  • Journaling (Detailing his studies, personal thoughts, anecdotes, but no record of crimes)
  • Hookups
  • Video games - Hiroki likes to test his mind, pittin ghis wits against others, as well as keeping his reflexes honed. He will use them as a way to decompress, train, and possibly allow the two parts of his mind - conscious and subconscious - to work together on problems.


Fun with friends
fighting for certain causes
helping others when it suits him
intellectual conversation
a good listener.

being lonely
broken promises
dull or boring situations
people who disagree too strongly with them

  • Seeks resurrection for his wife and children, so his family may be whole again
  • Punishing the organization that took his family, especially the shot-caller behind the attempt

Cards On The Table

General Skills:
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description

Specialty Skills:
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description

Active Skills:
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description

Knowledge Skills:
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description
  • Skill: Description

  • English
  • Japanese


A listing of powers/abilities, their descriptions - usage times, conditions needed to use (if any), expected damage, any drawbacks

  • Power/Ability: Description
  • Power/Ability: Description
  • Power/Ability: Description
  • Power/Ability: Description
  • Power/Ability: Description
  • Power/Ability: Description

Property, Resources, Finances

A listing of items, finances, and property, their descriptions, locations, value, and so on.

What Is On Your Person:
  • Clothing -





  • Ducati motorcycle - Black - Leased, making monthly payments of $1500
  • 2018 Audi RS8 Spyder Coupe - Black w/ silver & chrome accents - Leased, making monthly payments of $2000


Personal Items: (Things you keep on you at all times (Wallet, pictures, jewelry you never take off, keys, ID's)

    (Things you keep at home that are of a personal nature and/or doesn't fall under everything else - wardrobes, memento's, etc)


The Reason You Chose The Side You Did:

In The End

Character Quote: Something they say a lot or live by
Theme Song: What would be playing when they walk up if we were in a movie?
Record: File of any crimes or exploits committed
Anything Else:
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Character you have created: Hiroki Bannen (Kurahashi)
Alias: The Oni
Speech Color: As Hiro: DarkSeaGreen | As The Oni: OrangeRed
Character Alignment: Villain
Identity: Secret
Character Personality:
One on hand, one might see someone who is shy, and quiet. On the other, Hiroki can be boisterous, eccentric, and energetic. He is a deep thinker with a desire to help others. Highly intellectual, this man is a fierce independent that prizes intuition tempered with logic. He maintains an uncanny ability to see both sides of an argument without prejudice, making him an excellent problem-solver. While very much attuned to the energies around him, Hiroki has a deep need to take time out alone and away to rejuvenate himself. The keyword for this guy is imagination. He sees a world of possibilities even when there appears to be none.
Much of the light, happier side to Hiroki vanished after the death of his wife. He has since turned much cooler and more aloof. Since then he has conducted himself with focused determination. He is often unforgiving, or at least uncompromising in the pursuit of his goals. He is tough on his underlings, expecting success. Failure is punished harshly. Success, however is well rewarded.

Uniform/costume: None, to start. Once his powers are attained, it will resemble a battle dress akin to samurai armor and very much resemble the Japanese Oni demons of lore/myth
Origin Info/Details:

Villain Type: Mystical/Other - Enchanted Weapon
Power Level: City/World
Attributes (Select one at each category):
Height: 5'6" | 6' 6"
Weight: 165 lbs | 230 lbs
Strength Level: Equivalent to a human who engages in frequent vigorous exercise/training
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 17.72 mph running speed as a normal man, reaction speed is roughly 2x faster than a normal human as a normal man.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort:
Agility: 2x average human due to training
Intelligence: Genius level
Fighting Skill: Mastered
Resources: Large to Extreme

Supporting Characters:
  • Wife (Deceased)

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Why is this question still here? Of course I do.
Sample Post:
Not my first CAH character. TYVM.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
Avatar of Tearstone

Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Annabel D. Morris

Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III
~"You aren't scared of the dark, are you?"~

Character Summary

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Name (Full): Jahzra Rocvard
Aliases: Prafra Shobrut, Kifarrane Fisass
Nicknames: Jazz, Jazzie, Jasmin, Rocker, Rockie, Rockhard
Sex: Female
Age: 27
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 132-139
Build: Well built
Measurements: 36D-25-34

Hair: Long, midtoned
Species: Zeltron
Birthplace: A hospital. (Zeltros)

Force Potential: Yes. (top 20% in natural strength/affinity of those that are Force Sensitive)

Physical Appearance:

Click for full-size version

Baudo-class star yacht. (Modified) named Swift Horizon- Ship status: Active.
Skyhopper - (Made by Incom) - Status: Mothballed
Swoop bike - Status: Active

Weapons: DL-18 blaster pistol (modified, barrel - protective guide rod so does not catch in holster), vibro-shiv, holdout blaster pistol.

Armor: Nerfhide jacket

Life Savings: 2500 creds
Pocket cash: 250
Weekly income (average): 400 creds
Line of Credit: 5000
Inheritance: $100,000 (Jahz gets half, sis gets the other)

Jahzra is a middle child born on a party planet to a middle-class family in a small farming community. She has proven to consider herself nothing special. With myriad faces coming through her life, and being the middle child she is good at making friends. Often she prefers to make new friends rather than enemies. Jahzra has a strong independent streak, which often leads to her being rebellious as well. She is resourceful and cunning, as well as socially intelligent. Despite this, she has her own securities. She also has a secretive nature. As a natural negotiator or mediator, this aids her in her entrepreneurial attitude, especially for negotiating contracts. A people pleaser, she thrives on friendships and connection with others. This often comes easily due to her Zeltron heritage. She can be competitive at times. Jahzra is almost always open to new experiences and is unafraid to try new things. Unafraid of authority, she refuses to back down. This is especially when it comes to protecting friends, or in regards to what is fair. She is generous and giving when she has the ability to be. Her skills, ability to adapt, and attitudes make her team-player rather than a complete loner. She is, of course, perfectly happy on her own as well. She enjoys mental games, such as puzzles, as well as though exercises, and figuring people out. She also enjoys physical pursuits, often sports, as well as other physical...hobbies. It is often easier to motivate her by telling her not to do X-thing. Or she might see it as a personal challenge, which she is also unafraid of. She cares little for long-odds. With her resourcefulness and other capabilities, she is often able to do things others would consider quite hard.

  • Mother: Pedella
  • Father: Kigios
  • Sister (older): Drakina
  • Brother (younger): Okrend
  • Extended: Several aunts, uncles, cousins, along with grandparents.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Race: Human (Corellian)
Gender: Male
Name: Merek Nigel
O.C.C: Smuggler (Gunslinger)/Jedi Guardian
Occupation: Combat Instructor (former), smuggler/mercenary (former), Jedi Knight
Location: Nar Shadda (formerly), Ossus
Favored Weapon(s): DL-44 Deathsingers
Vehicle: Skipray Blastboat (in storage), Baudo star yacht (used, active)
Credits: 8,000

Str: 17
Dex: 18
Con: 15
Int: 14
Wis: 16
Cha: 15

Skills: Basic Electronics, Pilot Starship, Tracking, Read Sensory Equipment, Weapon Systems, W.P.: Sword, W.P.: Energy Rifle, W.P.: Staff, W.P.: Chain, W.P.: Blunt, Cooking, Literacy, Escape Artist, Astrogation, Navigation, Pilot Repulsor Craft, Gaming, Mathematics: Basic, Persuasion, Body Hardening, Conditioning, Athletics, Running

- 30 magazines – 30 shots apiece
Neural Mace
DL-44 Deathsinger heavy electronic blaster pistol (2x)

Personal Equipment:
2 Sets of Storm-trooper Elite armor, a compact personal computer, an R2 astromech, small fusion reactor for recharging droids and weapons, 2 comlinks, spare blaster carbines, power packs, power cells, nergon-14 charges, concussion grenades, ion grenades

Skipray Blastboat
Name/Model#Skipray BlastboatDesigner/ManufacturerSienar Fleet SystemsWeapons3 Ion Cannons2 Laser Cannons1 Concussion Missile Launcher1 Proton Torpedo Launcher The Skipray Blastboat carries a wide array of weapons, enough that it is suitable for any situation where a fighter would be used. It carries both concussion missiles and proton torpedoes, along with both laser and ion cannons, usually matching the weaponry of opposing starfighters, whether they be escorts, strike fighters, or bombers.Skiprays are heavily armored starfighters designed to be fast and powerful. They are long, streamlined ships, about twice the length of an X-wing. They never became as popular as TIE fighters, and became obsolete in the mind of the Empire. They are now found in many smuggler defense fleets. They have rear-mounted engines, and have a rotating ventral fin for stability.

When the Remnant was walked all over by the Vong, Merek had fled. He hadn’t deserted, in actuality; he simply fled to survive as he was on the edge of Remnant space. He had leaped to hyper-space only moments after spotting a leading wave of Skips. Sad thing was, his jump was blind after taking a swipe at the Coral Skippers. By the time he had managed to get his bearings and head to Bastion, the wave was on. He was forced to leave for survival, and then after the war was over, he thought the Remnant was wiped out, as he was on the far side of the Galaxy, on Nar Shadda, working a business as a personal attack and defense instructor. He also taught Teras Kasii in addition to his other classes. He made a decent living, enough to afford the upkeep of his Blastboat, and buy occasional upgrades, or extra ordinance. Occasionally, he would do a smuggling run as well, for Nar Shadda thrived on smuggling still.

Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 170
Hair: Close cut, Silver (Dyed)
Eyes: Blue
Other: Mustache (black), goatee (silver – dyed)

Merek has a slightly muscular build, giving him a fuller appearance and better definition. His frame is well toned from frequent exercise and combat. His teaching and training have left him in excellent physical condition and he seeks to keep himself in top shape. His silver hair is close cut, in a stylish but not over the top spacer’s cut. His blue eyes are somewhat steely. His mustache and goatee contrast with each other, but the contrast only accented each other. His movements were graceful as well as powerful, like a predator, but this man did not give off the impression he was hunting, at least at the moment.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Name: Nein Sonda
Race: Sullustian
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Ht: 5’ 6”
Wt: 165 lbs

Nein is an unremarkable Sullustian to look at, other than he seems a little more gaunt than most, but for most humans it might be hard to tell that because as a race, Sullustians are a heavy-set race. Almost always does he carry several kits with him, making him look like some sort of repair man, but his clothes are always neat, his manner precise, as is his speech. Carried with him are always several styluses, as well as a number of mediums to record information on, from flimsiplast prints, to his datapad. His large eyes always give him a slightly surprised expression, as if life itself was full of mystery and surprise at every turn.

Nien’s upbringing, education, and intelligence give him a thirst for life, and knowledge that is rivaled by only a few, but instead of cloistering himself in data-libraries all the time, he prefers hands-on experience, and experimentation. Finding one’s own mind to be the best teacher, this is the route he prefers. Quick to indulge, but never to excess, he makes life as best as he can, having long ago realized how short and bland it is, without taking the time to experience it as well. Combined with his appearance, and his light demeanor, one would find it hard to guess on a random meeting that he was one of the galaxy’s foremost weapons and warship designers.

Occupation: Nien is a tech-specialist, specifically in the area of weapons and starship design. Can design anything from a vibro-blade, to doomsday weapons, though he doesn’t have the ability to build anything on that scale. The biggest he could build alone is a capital-class weapon, such as a heavy turbo-laser, Mag-Pulse Cannon, or the like.

As for ships, he can design anything form the size of a speeder-bike, to a Super-Dreadnaught. Again, making anything larger would be out of his scale, without fellow researchers of the same caliber.

Notable Skills: Above genius intelligence, High end mathematics (All the way to astrophysics, and Vector Algebra), Head for electronics and mechanics, computer engineering, electronics engineering, weapons engineering, metallurgy, advanced chemistry, theoretical applied sciences, masters in material sciences

Weapons: Custom made sonic shock rifle, flash pistol (both are just-in-case things)

Technology: (do we really wanna do this?) Fusion cutters, laser welders, plasma torches, hydrospanners, if you can think of a tool he has it, or can make it, or can come up with something to supplement it. The galaxy is his oyster when it comes to tech, and if he needs something, but can’t find it, he can make it or invent it.

Brief History:
Nien Sonda was born on Sullust. It was one of the worlds that did not survive the Vong War so unscathed as others. It didn’t take it the worst, but didn’t weather it the best either. Many pilots work the galaxy’s trade routes as pilots, be they legit or otherwise. Nien was different though. He was always looking for solutions to problems, rather than simply marking time. He was possessed of an inquisitive mind, and curiosity that would make some feline races look self-absorbed. His parents always fed his curiosity, and encouraged him to learn by trying and doing.

Once his regular education was finished, he traveled to several technical colleges, and had quite the ride, fast-tracking into many classes that according to his age should have been out of his reach. Being of a very sharp mind, he put himself through colleges on his own, through various HoloNet scams, as well as applying for governmental aid from several governments, businesses, and foundations.

Graduating and completing numerous degrees, he began to garner resources, using his cashflow to create even more revinue to support himself as he began to design ships and technology, submitting them to companies like Merr-Sonn, Taim & Bak, Slayin & Korpal, Kuat Drive Yards, and many numerous planetary and subsidiary shipyards. It wasn’t long before his success began to pay off, and now over time, his works are very sought after.

Currently, he is adrift, or at least that’s the rumor. He was last spotted along Belkadan, and seemed to be checking on several holdings there. Who’s to say what he is really doing though.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Character Name

Character Summary

Name:(Full Name)
Aliases:(Nicknames, previous names, maiden names, etc.)
Birth Place:
Current Residence:


Skin Tone:
Personal Style: Minimal 2 paragraphs


Trait * Trait * Trait * Trait

Relationship Status:
Personality: Minimal 2 paragraphs
Habits: Minimal 2
Hobbies: At least 1
Fears: 3 real fears that make your character unhinged

Likes: 6 minimal

Dislikes: 6 minimal


A Memory: Minimal 1 well developed paragraph of a memory
History: Minimal 3 paragraphs about your characters life up until this point.


Character Quote: Something they say a lot or live by
Theme Song: What would be playing when they walk up if we were in a movie?
Anything Else:
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Full Name
"Character Quote"
- Meaning of quote

⚘ Looking Inside
Delving into the characters mind. How do they think and feel. Their overall general perception of the world and people. One or two well developed paragraphs that show how a character thinks. (Not why they think that way)

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Gender Age Ethnicity
Height Weight Build
Eye Color Hair Color Skin Tone






Character Trivia

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
Avatar of Tearstone

Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Name: Given name
Age: Lets keep it above 18 please.
Gender: Your character's gender
Nationality: Neo-Japan? Somewhere Else?
Alias/Handle: Nickname/Street Name your character goes by- It is assumed that Given names are generally fairly valuable and secretive.

Psychological Analysis: Fancy talk for 'Personality'. Give me a good paragraph or so describing your character's personality. Rule of thumb: the more detail, the better.

Employment Record: Your Character's background, up to his/her beginnings as a Ronin or joining up with the crew. Again, give me a few good paragraphs describing your character's history. Again, the more detail, the better.

Enhancement: Cyber/Biotech Your character has installed, list grade and price(so its easier to calculate your 50k).

Equipment: Any equipment your character carries on his or her person or owns. List grade and price(again, so its easier to calculate your 50k)
Hidden 8 days ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 8 days ago

Name: Milton Brandt
Aliases: Thomas Pennington, Sergei Cherpovka

Rank: Corporal (SAS)
Role: Rifleman| Intelligence/Interpreter
Unit: Tempest Strike 1
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Reason chosen for Tempest: General field experience, skilled linguist, interrogation and information gathering. Will not be a tactical liability for security operations, can be a go-between with civilians on team, and serve as a point of contact between outside NEO's (Non-Earth Origin beings). Has a variety of other side skills that may be useful.
Personality: Focused, likes to pit his wits against others, favors social engineering. Brains over brawn, duct tape over guns.

Short Biography: Milton went into the armed services just after graduation. Coming from a dysfunctional family, his father was an abusive drunkard, and his mother was a hypochondriac that left him with some near prescription grade issues. The entry into the military was an effort to get away from home life. As a result of his background he was used to rough-and-tumble situations, taking a beating, and thinking on his feet. It also meant that he didn't miss home much. He worked his way into the SAS after plenty of letter writing and petitioning. Once in, he did well, but some of the selection course that year was brutal enough it nearly killed half the class during the survival phases. Milton, or Mills did well enough though and came out pretty hardened on the other side.

Inside the military his training was focused on intelligence gathering, interrogation, and interpretation or linguistics. Using military metrics and language key activation systems, he picked up fluency in half a dozen languages and competency in close to a dozen more. With his mind focused on these abilities, he can pick up new languages rapidly and be competent with them, quickly able to sound like a native speaker. MI-6 picked him up soon after, refocusing his skills he'd picked up in the military, and adding to them, playing on his charisma and natural desire to match wits against others, along with his patriotism. By age twenty-eight he had heard rumors of a Project Stargate, and when it was discovered that he was researching into it, his superiors had a choice... either make him look like a looney, or they could read him in, and bring him into the program. Being such a useful asset, they decided for the latter.

It was for these reasons that he was chosen to begin to work with the SGC as part of an international SG team. When the HMS Tempest began to need crew, he was passed over more than once, as the mission for the ship was to be exploration, not intelligence or combat assignment. It seemed that the military minded naval folks aboard, along with those running security felt that a person that could fall between full military and civilian, could pick up languages fast, adapt to new situations and environments and more would be useful, and could be able to deescalate situations rapidly and glean information faster, process intelligence more quickly than relying on analysts back aboard ship or back at base, or or by relying on allies like the Tok'ra or the Asgard. With having an asset like that on the ground, they could follow up on things much faster, and get to know the locals better, put a friendly face to military forces and so on.

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