Character you have created: William Price
Alias: Death Dealer
Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): OliveDrab
Character Alignment: Walking The Line (Aberrant)
Identity: Secret (for now)
Character Personality:
William Price is a man motivated by his convictions, tragedies and traumas. More than that he was a loving husband, a dedicated marine. Goal and mission-oriented. Tough, self-reliant, with a gleam in his eye. An Operator, and craftsman. Believes in mastering the things he learns and does. Adaptable, flexible, even when planning. Capable of completely improvising as well. Introverted, not usually given to long speeches. INtuitive in his grasp of concepts, information, people, able to fill in information and the blanks quickly.

Build: Lean & athletic
Weight: 185 lbs
Height: 5’ 9”
Eye color: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Uniform/costume: None, specifically. Anything from street clothes to full tactical gear, to even martial arts gi... depends on the moment and the day, and what's going on.

Blood Type: O+
DOB: 3/14
SSN: 546-17-7199
Birth Order: Middle ( 2 sisters, 1 illegitimate)
Land of Origin: United States
Environment Growing Up: Small to medium city (15,000 to 500,000)
Socio/Economic Background: Laborer/Middle-class
Marital Status: Widower
DOB: 3/14
SSN: 546-17-7199
Birth Order: Middle ( 2 sisters, 1 illegitimate)
Land of Origin: United States
Environment Growing Up: Small to medium city (15,000 to 500,000)
Socio/Economic Background: Laborer/Middle-class
Marital Status: Widower
William Price (named after his grandfather) was never born to a happy home. His father, Shane was something of a man-slut. He got around quite a bit. His mother, Amelia died in the process of child-birth due to complications, but they were able to save him. With his older sister in tow, he wound up being raised solely by Shane and his holder sister for years. Finally, Shane found another woman, Elizabeth Franks, whom he married once Liz as she was commonly known became pregnant with Shane's third child.
Shane resented being saddled with not one, but two children from prior relations. To this day, William still feels that his father blames him for the death of Amelia, as well as other marital troubles. His older sister, Lacey Williams was allowed to do as she wished, but was a natural caregiver. It was no surprise when she became an EMT or paramedic for LHEMS.
Always trying to live up to the memory of his sisters in his father's eyes, William never seemed to quite get there. This alone was frustrating. Sensing his frustrations, his grandfather Billy took him under wing. Taught him to hunt, fish, and live off the land. As a former Marine, Billy told his grandson all sorts of stories from during his time in the service.
Fortunately, early childhood woes began to wane as Will discovered that his family was a large one that extended over a good portion of the globe, both on his mother's side as well as his father's, and also included his step-mother's family. This allowed him to travel and pick up other languages as well as give him a more rounded upbringing, well into his teenage years. His father was happy to not have the boy underfoot most of the time. This still saddened William, but he accepted it as fact.
Along the way, Will picked up an interest in martial arts, , as well as a need as he occasionally traveled in dangerous parts of the world, especially during the summer months. This gave him a wide array of knowledge, and allowed him to perfect it through the school year. Unlike most of his classmates, he didn't train for sport but for combat. He also took an interest in tactics, both military and civilian (law enforcement). He began to look at his gear along with with his hunting trips as opportunity to train.
Already planning on joining the US Military once he was out of high school, he had entered the Marines. He'd finished with training at Paris Island. His time before prepared him, made him mentally tougher, and more ready, and a better soldier. AS a result, his instructors pushed harder, farther, seeking to turn him into an even better Marine. He took to most every aspect of Marine Corps life.
Just before 9/11 Will sought to enter enter Scout/Sniper school. Slots were harder to come by then. With the attack on the Twin Towers, more space was opened up. Making entry into the school, his prior experience proved useful. A-School sharpened his fieldcraft, his initial shooting skills. But more than that, they gave him the skills to make and modify his own weapons, and give him the skills to make him the most effective weapon on the battlefield.
One of the proud few to make it all the way through Scout-Sniper training at Quantico, he moved into full time military service where his skills served to keep Marines and other service personnel safe, and bring the fight to those who would seek to bring terror to American soil.
Eventually, William wound up re-uping for another four years. During one rotation back to the states he met a girl by the name of Andrea. He was fairly taken with her. The two entered into a relationship that was sometimes rocky. As a civilian the demands that William had placed on him, as well as on himself were a little hard to fathom. But they made it work for the next few years, despite frequent conflicts on when him leaving the military.
Looking to make extra money, William joined Black Dog Security Services, a private contractor. Effectively a mercenary, he took a one-year contract. The pay was far more than his time in the military, essentially doing the same or similar jobs with much lower risk. And he was able to travel home much more readily. It was a happy medium, with a much lower operational tempo. There, he met a by the name of Joel Goodman. The two became friends. Turned out Joel was a native to Lost Haven as well. They were able to bond over home. Joe was former Army, which meant there was a friendly rivalry there, as well as swapping war stories.
So it was that the former marine began the process of transferring back into civilian life. Transferring back to Lost Haven. Black Dog worked specialist security for a few VIP's and other groups in the region, as well as for important corporate business locations. One such contract happened to be for Gene Corp. Unfortunately, one such protection contract resulted in a lot of deaths, both within Gene Corp and Black Dog Security. The incident in question related to a meta-mutated test subject for an experimental virus killing their way out of the building.
The death of several friends within Black Dog was a tragedy for him. Deciding he could no longer protect Gene Corp and it's interests, he sought to dissolve his contract with Black Dog. The company let him go, quietly. A short time later, other things began to go wrong within Lost Haven. (Further details to be shown IC and elsewhere)

Hero Type: Hybrid (normal/other - Special Training)
Power Level: Street Level
Powers (Be Specific): None
Skills and Notable Abilities:
- Common Skills - Speaks multiple languages, skilled/crack driver, basic and advanced math
- Weapons Skills - Has an expert rating with nearly anything that fires a projectile, or holds an edge.
- Wilderness, Hunting, & Survival - Due to being a career hunter from a young age, as well as par to Marine Scout/Sniper training, William is a survival skills expert and can put on a S.E.R.E. (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) Master Class
- Manhunter/Hunter of Gunmen - Trained in scouting, reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, as well as tracking, surveillance, imitation, impersonation. This allows him to track friends and enemies, anticipate their strategies, quickly count weapons and personnel, and analyze organizational structures. This also makes him able to select when, where, and how he will eliminate his targets, and lethal at any range.
- Fast Learner & Jack of All Trades - William has always been sharp as a razor and whip smart. Able to pick up languages, to bit sand pieces of all sorts of things from basic electronics and mechanics and more.
- Quick-Draw & Sharpshooter - Due to a number years as aprofessional operator, he has mastered skills with firearms with many hours of practice, allowing him to draw pistols or ready rifles faster than most. As a sharpshooter he is able to perform shooting tricks, such as shooting upside down, over his shoulder with a mirror, ricochet shots (within reason) and so on. This is experience based, not some sort of magical power/ability. As a result he also as an intuitive grasp for trigonometry. - Don't play pool against him lightly.
- Gunsmith - As part of Scout/Sniper training, all candidates are required to learn to build their own firearms able to shoot sub-MOA within a given range. (400 meters I believe). They learn the ins and outs of gunsmithing. Basic combat training teaches recruits to maintain their weaponry. Along the way, William learned to modify weapons, ammunition, repair, and even build firearms and parts as required.
- Tracking/Trapping - As a long time hunter, it is always easier to procure meat when you don't actually have to hunt. In this way, William learned how to make all manner of traps and snares, dead falls, and pitfalls, as well as learning to track all sorts of animals. This has translated well into tracking and trapping people as well.
- Disguise Scent - spending much time hunting, as well as a Scout/Sniper, William spent much time learning myriad ways of diverting or disguising his scent, reducing it, letting the wind take it, or altering it to seem like something else.
Note: All skills have chances of failure. I track their percentages. So don't think everything is an automatic thing.
Strength Level: Normal Human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Peak Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours, or fighting flat out for up to forty-five (45) minutes
Agility: Peak Human
Intelligence: High Average/Low Genius
Fighting Skill: Highly Trained/Mastered (would never call himself a master)
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Peak Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours, or fighting flat out for up to forty-five (45) minutes
Agility: Peak Human
Intelligence: High Average/Low Genius
Fighting Skill: Highly Trained/Mastered (would never call himself a master)

Resources: Large
William has been fortunate, despite an ill fate with his father. Having earned a fair amount of extra money while working for Black Dog he has been able to accrue extra cash, which he squirreled away a decent amount. His grandmother passed away several years ago, and his grandfather left a few things to his namesake grandson. These included a lakeside lodge/house, along with a restored '69 Challenger, and the hidden nest egg of his retirement, sum - one hundred thousand dollars.
Cache & Other Locations
Cash: You receive $100,000 from a hidden nest egg your family kept.
Life Savings (personal): $6,000
$30,000 (Additional) to DD’s personal savings & funds for the fight.
- Lakeside Lodge - Grandfather's place - lived there off and on for 10 years
- Two-bed apt - Lived there for 8 years
Cache & Other Locations
- Rooftop - Cache - go bag hidden away, with cash, sidearm, and a few other items needed for SERE
- Warehouse - Forward operating base - Contains a few weapons, supplies, radio gear, ammunition, and gear to make custom loads, and do some modification to weapons
- Abandoned Steel Mill - Bug-out location - Similar to warehouse location
- Buried bolthole - rural property - food, water, ammunition, weapons, other supplies. Location is buried in the woods, made from pre-cast concrete pieces, buried sufficiently deep with surface access disguised. Can have power supplied by solar, wind, and conventional generator. Also has batteries and inverters if wishing to give no sign at all of presence on the surface.
- Van - 16 yrs old, still runs
- SUV, light - 3 years old (paid)
- Jeep Wrangler - 4 years old (paid off)
- ‘69 Challenger - $30,000 (can only get 80% @ auction)
Cash: You receive $100,000 from a hidden nest egg your family kept.
Life Savings (personal): $6,000
$30,000 (Additional) to DD’s personal savings & funds for the fight.
Equipment - Budget: 35,000
$10,500 to be spent on weapons, ammo, and mahunting gear.
$7,000 to be spent on camping, hunting, and wilderness type equipment.
The rest can be spent on other items
As much as $10,500 of the money can be saved for later purchases.
Weapons & Armor: Anything goes with this wild guy, but he won't waste his time reinventing the wheel, so he usually has conventional weaponry, body armor, and equipment available.
【Item type】
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Notes: Presumably, the character already has a nice furnished apartment or flat, a reasonable number of personal possessions and creature comforts. He owns a jeep that is 4 years old and in excellent condition, plus a den or workshop for storing equipment and working on his weapons, ammunition, etc. (Has spent $40,000 equipping it, this could be a secret compartment/room)

Weaknesses: While tougher than average, character is still susceptible to most human frailties.
(pondering some substance abuse here)
Supporting Characters:
Grandfather(Deceased): Billy Price

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Grandmother: Margaret 'Margie' Price (Maiden name - Gilmore)

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Mother: Amelia Price (Maiden name - Holman)
Father: Shane Price

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Grandmother: Margaret 'Margie' Price (Maiden name - Gilmore)
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Mother: Amelia Price (Maiden name - Holman)
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Father: Shane Price

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Friend: Joel Goodman
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【Loved Ones】
Wife (Deceased): Halle Price (Maiden - Denzil)

Halle grew up on a modern banana plantation not too far from Cebu in the Philippines. They met during his travels as a younger man before joining the military. Her family owned the plantation and was a decent producer at the time. Adventurous, fun-loving, outdoorsy, he was taken with her and spent at least one sumemr together. They kept in touch, and grew closer during his time with the military. He made a point to visit again during times when he had leave, and could make it.
Halle had learned much about the States. Having developed an eye for photography, she had a dream to come to the US and become a photographer, as well as perhaps continue traveling the world. So i was that she had moved in her early twenties, to live with one of her uncles. In the process, she had come to live over a coin-op laundromat that he owned. Eventually he moved out but she was allowed to stay, and lived there for some time.
Emphysema took his life, leaving her to run the coin-op as there were no immediate family. As a relatively low-maintenance business, it allowed her to pursue an education, work on her photography and be comfortable, while sending money and keeping touch back home while living in Lost Haven. By then, Halle and William had been seeing each other regularly especially when he was home. After a few years of this, he proposed, and she accepted. It was a relatively good sized wedding with his family being the size it was. Quite a number of hers flew in from her homeland as well.
To this day, memories of Halle are some of his strongest, and most bittersweet ones.

Halle grew up on a modern banana plantation not too far from Cebu in the Philippines. They met during his travels as a younger man before joining the military. Her family owned the plantation and was a decent producer at the time. Adventurous, fun-loving, outdoorsy, he was taken with her and spent at least one sumemr together. They kept in touch, and grew closer during his time with the military. He made a point to visit again during times when he had leave, and could make it.
Halle had learned much about the States. Having developed an eye for photography, she had a dream to come to the US and become a photographer, as well as perhaps continue traveling the world. So i was that she had moved in her early twenties, to live with one of her uncles. In the process, she had come to live over a coin-op laundromat that he owned. Eventually he moved out but she was allowed to stay, and lived there for some time.
Emphysema took his life, leaving her to run the coin-op as there were no immediate family. As a relatively low-maintenance business, it allowed her to pursue an education, work on her photography and be comfortable, while sending money and keeping touch back home while living in Lost Haven. By then, Halle and William had been seeing each other regularly especially when he was home. After a few years of this, he proposed, and she accepted. It was a relatively good sized wedding with his family being the size it was. Quite a number of hers flew in from her homeland as well.
To this day, memories of Halle are some of his strongest, and most bittersweet ones.
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Person: None, yet
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