Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

SaekoGami said
Name: Fallon Valentine Age: 74 but appearance is 16-19Appearance:(Not wearing those cloths of course, just closest picture I could get to what she looks like)Ability: Psychokinesis, Mainly Mind reading and Controlling things with her mindCrime: MurderPersonality: Fallon is very quiet, shy, nervous and cautious. She doesn't talk a lot. When she is angry she will babble, mumble and scream. Leading up to her angry outbursts she will twitch and yelp. That's a warning sign to leave her alone or for the guards to remove her.Bio: Fallon was born in 1950. At the age of 5 she would constantly talk to herself. Her parents worried, they took her to a doctor. The doctor diagnosed her with schizophrenia. Her parents tried to cope with her, but she just got worse. She would hurt other children and blame the voice in her head. At the age of 16, her parents dumped her at a Mental Hospital. She got a little better, but then declined and got so much worse. The only way to help her was shock treatment. It worked the first couple of days, but then something went wrong. The volts were too much and killed Fallon. The hospital hid her body for 3 days in the nurse staff room. They obviously presumed she was completely dead. But she wasn't. One night, that shock had triggered something inside her, something horrible. She awoke from her bed, the sheet over her face slid off. She walked down the halls. Every person she walked passed dropped dead where they stood. Every single person in that hospital dropped dead. The wardens, the nurses, the doctors and patients. Everyone, dead. Fallon didn't get far before she collapsed at the doors of the hospital. Soon to be found by police checking on the hospital. Since then she has been in and out of hospitals and prisons, no where was she able to stay more then a few weeks before, destroying something or nearly killing someone. Until she was finally sent to this Prison. She should be in an asylum, but no place has the equipment to handle her. No one knows why she doesn't age, or why she has these powers. But to make sure she can't use them, she must wear a large metal helmet in small groups of people, so she can't ready their minds or harm their brain waves. In large groups of people, she is fine without a helmet. But she must constantly wear metal gloves so she can not touch anyone. The serum helping her gain some control, so she can;t kill anyone, even if she wanted to, but she can break things and harm people, but not kill them. Other: Helmet:

Accepted.....Many my CS looks sad now. I will have to work on that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

XD awww, I'd gladly help if you want it :D, can't wait for the RP
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I need all the help I can get. I am getting better at describing my characters in post but my mind goes blank when I try to put the information in a CS
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well I'll help, Just a heads up, your pic of Griffin doesn't work.

Name: Griffin
Age: 25
Ability: manipulate light
Crime: murder
Personality: Griffin is very gruff and aggressive.
Bio: Griffin doesn't talk a lot about his past. He feels he was justified for killing the people he killed.

So everything up to Personality and Bio is fine, like mine, With Personality, I find it hard too, so I describe the character then add some mannerisms, like eg "Griffin, when extremely angry, will take his anger out on objects or others uncontrollably" Or "Griffin is very aggressive and acts all tough but deep down he uses it as a coping mechanism, with the traumatic events from his past changing him" Something like that, go into a little depth about your characters personality, mannerisms and mentality. And then with bio, some characters will not talk about their past IC, but when making the characters, it usually best to write one, Bios can be really hard, I understand, but maybe just choose the event from Griffins past that caused him to have powers, of if he was born with it, explain how he got into prison or the events that surrounded it. A small bio is perfectly fine, but you still will want to add a Bio. It will give an idea to others how your character will act and why they act that way. Just advice, your choice to take it :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Of course it doesn't Pictures and I have a love/hate relationship. That is excellent advice. When I get do with my homework I'll see what I can come up with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I can see that, good luck with them gosh darn pictures, also with home work, and glad to help :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hey view I was wandering if you would mind if I made my character one of Dominus' old experiments?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Saarebas said
Hey view I was wandering if you would mind if I made my character one of Dominus' old experiments?

Sure, that would be a bit awkward for him/her. Mostly cuz Dominus would probably be a bit stalker-ish towards him/her.

Also, please explain how he managed to gain self awareness. It's not like Dominus to create monster's who are self-aware.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Great and that I was hoping for. More drama
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Barbas "Bloodbath" Barker


Hemokinesis- Barbas can control his, others or the blood surrounding him with his mind and body movements. He can use this to control the bodies of others, using them like crude puppets, or weaponize the blood, turning it into blades, whips or even bullet like pellets. As a side effect of this his healing process is highly accelerated.
Animalism- Barbas possess razor sharp claws and fangs. His body moves in a way similar to a lion or tiger, being able to run on all fours. He is also faster, stronger and more agile than almost any human. His senses are also increased, being able to smell, hear, see than others.

-563 accounts of murder, both premeditated and heat of passion
-631 accounts of manslaughter
-274 accounts of assault
-323 accounts of sexual harassment
-168 accounts of armed robbery
-899 accounts of resisting arrest with violence
-401 accounts of skipping bail
-754 accounts of vandalizing/destroying both public and privet property
-233 accounts of trespassing on private property
-1 account of littering

Barbas is a walking, talking ball of passion and rage. He lives and breathes hate and anger, rarely ever speaking in a kind tone. Everything he does has his full force behind it, be it the simplest task. Despite his harsh nature Barbas does have a sense of humor, he finds people being hurt hilarious and even more so if he is the one doing it. He isn't one known for thinking things through, he is a keep hitting it until it breaks or die type of guy. He has a very black and white view of people, if your weak he'll crush you under his heel and if your strong he'll show you some respect... before crushing you under his heel.

Barbas was once your run of the mill street thug committing petty robberies, muggings, and the occasional murder here in there. He was living this rather common life until he found himself locked up in prison for killing some soccer mom who didn't give up her purse fast enough. He would of still been rotting away in there if he wasn't approached with a offer to get him out, all he had to do was be apart of some experiment for some scientist guy. Needless to say Barbas jumped at the chance and was hauled out of his cell and locked in another. If he had known the experiment he agreed to meant he was going to be locked in some building with some genetic freaks he would of clocked that smug bastard of a doctor when he had the chance. But it was too late he was being experimented on a nearly daily bases and slowly began to be changed into the monster he is now. To say he hated the abilities he got with the torture would be a hell of a lie, loved, loves and will always love his powers, but he still hated the bastard who tricked him and still curses his name, that god damned Dominus K. Sicofex. He was only able to get away when he was sent out on one of the doctors field experiments to wipe out a small town up in the Smokey mountains, which he did merely to let off some of his steam. It was after that that he went on his rampage across the country and eventually got captured and thrown into this new prison, though he is already planning on busting out and ripping apart anyone who gets in his way.

Blood On My Hands
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Excellent! Excellent! MUAH HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!
My inner evil genius is screaming!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

XD Glad to see I can be of service.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Natalie (Nate) Kara
Age: 20

Ability: She can control and create fire
Crime: Murder, Theft, Trespassing, and Destruction of Private Property
Personality: Feisty, quick tempered, and a smart-alec. She acts like she is a flame
Bio: Nate had a somewhat normal life but when she turned 12 she found out she had powers. She never got along well with her parents and one day they got her very mad and she killed them by lighting them on fire. After that she lived on the streets stealing and tresspasing. She was finally caught when she 'accidentally' blew up a train demarptment
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by libbypt

libbypt Libby

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

room for one more?!

im too excited ivealready done the cs sorry! haha
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by libbypt

libbypt Libby

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Eleanor/Ellie Trinket

Age: 23


Ability: Levitate unassisted/can cause oneself/subjects/objects to hover/float in the air unassisted.

Limitations of ability: Difficult to stabilise at times. Ellie also floats uncontrollable when she is nervous.

Crime: Murder of multiple peoples.

Personality:Although Ellie is a soft hearted kind woman she suffers from Bipolar Disorder. Diagnosed at the age of 15 she can quickly change from happy to mad in a split second. However she is a wreck. Even though she tends to start many arguments she usually tries to finish them shortly after, arguments are one thing she hates. Mainly due to the fact that she managed to kill her friends over one. When not in a bad mood Ellie can be a funny, sarcastic woman and enjoys to wind people up.

Bio: At the age of 14 Ellie noticed she could jump higher than other people in her class, however she never really thought about it. It was when she was 16 in PE class that she jolted upwards away from the ground and stayed in the air for about 2 minutes. Luckily only her childhood bestfriend/sweetheart (Danny) saw and he kept quiet about it, while she tried to find out what she is/had. After a year or so of research and 'training' together she managed to master levitation on herself and everything around her (to a point). She could only levitate 8 things at a time and they all had to be at least 30 meters from her.
4 Years later and Danny and Ellie only told one other person - Sarah. Sarah was another close friend (also a room mate) of the two. 6 Months after telling Sarah they all got in a huge argument over Danny somewhat flirting with Sarah, Ellie found out and went ballistic. Danny and Sarah both got in the car while Ellie was freaking out, she began to lift the car in the air and spin in multiple times at a rapid speed before she slammed it back onto the ground. Seconds after what she did she handed herself in, but as the police were locking her into a cell she freaked again and levitated 2 police officers into the air and repeatedly smashed their bodies into the ceiling above until they went limp and lifeless.
Of course, they put her into asylum. It only took her 1 year to recover and gain strength to compose herself, however she needed to be punished for the crimes she committed. Therefore ending up in this prison.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Can't wait for this to get started
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Adrian Reichenberg
Age: 29
Ability: Summoning and Astral Projection
Crime: Assisted suicide, murders, kidnapping, terrorism, disorderly conduct and battery
Personality: Adrian is a person who considers themselves to be the Blessed Emissary to the Supreme Being, and gets angry when gender pronouns are used for them, believing they are 'above the human construct of gender'. They're charismatic and narcissistic, with a strong personality and good at reading people. Acts like a patient and caring person, but can become hostile in a split second if questioned. Doesn't handle being ordered around and questioned well.
Bio: They grew up to a very Catholic single father who constantly beat him. As they grew older they grew more discontent with the teachings of the church, soon practicing they're own beliefs, discovering his powers in the process. They're father caught on to their rituals, and by 16 they were kicked out of their house for being 'a spawn of Satan.' Started making they're beliefs more widely known, and started gaining followers by the time they were an adult.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Saarebas said

You have officially scared me Saarebas. Bloodbath is accepted.
booksmusicanime said
Name: Natalie (Nate) KaraAge: 20Ability: She can control and create fireCrime: Murder, Theft, Trespassing, and Destruction of Private Property Personality: Feisty, quick tempered, and a smart-alec. She acts like she is a flameBio: Nate had a somewhat normal life but when she turned 12 she found out she had powers. She never got along well with her parents and one day they got her very mad and she killed them by lighting them on fire. After that she lived on the streets stealing and tresspasing. She was finally caught when she 'accidentally' blew up a train demarptment

Looks good Natalie is accept
libbypt said
Name: Eleanor/Ellie TrinketAge: 23Appearance: Ability: Levitate unassisted/can cause oneself/subjects/objects to hover/float in the air unassisted.Limitations of ability: Difficult to stabilise at times. Ellie also floats uncontrollable when she is nervous.Crime: Murder of multiple peoples.Personality:Although Ellie is a soft hearted kind woman she suffers from Bipolar Disorder. Diagnosed at the age of 15 she can quickly change from happy to mad in a split second. However she is a wreck. Even though she tends to start many arguments she usually tries to finish them shortly after, arguments are one thing she hates. Mainly due to the fact that she managed to kill her friends over one. When not in a bad mood Ellie can be a funny, sarcastic woman and enjoys to wind people up.Bio: At the age of 14 Ellie noticed she could jump higher than other people in her class, however she never really thought about it. It was when she was 16 in PE class that she jolted upwards away from the ground and stayed in the air for about 2 minutes. Luckily only her childhood bestfriend/sweetheart (Danny) saw and he kept quiet about it, while she tried to find out what she is/had. After a year or so of research and 'training' together she managed to master levitation on herself and everything around her (to a point). She could only levitate 8 things at a time and they all had to be at least 30 meters from her. 4 Years later and Danny and Ellie only told one other person - Sarah. Sarah was another close friend (also a room mate) of the two. 6 Months after telling Sarah they all got in a huge argument over Danny somewhat flirting with Sarah, Ellie found out and went ballistic. Danny and Sarah both got in the car while Ellie was freaking out, she began to lift the car in the air and spin in multiple times at a rapid speed before she slammed it back onto the ground. Seconds after what she did she handed herself in, but as the police were locking her into a cell she freaked again and levitated 2 police officers into the air and repeatedly smashed their bodies into the ceiling above until they went limp and lifeless.Of course, they put her into asylum. It only took her 1 year to recover and gain strength to compose herself, however she needed to be punished for the crimes she committed. Therefore ending up in this prison.

Eleanor is accepted.
Mtntopview said
Can't wait for this to get started

Give me 5 and I will open the IC
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by libbypt

libbypt Libby

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

KatherinWinter said
Give me 5 and I will open the IC

woop woop!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

libbypt said
woop woop!

Whoop the whoop!
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