Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"I am Himori" she said, "And Trust me, you'd be doing the same thing, if you touched me..." she said, her voice was even seductive, and she wasn't even trying to talk seductively... like it was a accents she could never throw off... "I didn't choose to be how I am today, I was forced to be.... soooo if you don't want to be begging for my love, I would Suggest keeping your hands off of me. unless you have gloves or something that doesn't absorb sweat, oils or blood."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Ha!" She laughed a bit and hit the table with her fist smiling "kid I've had exposure to hormone chemicals before I've been part of a terroist organization and military marines....they have little effect on me now after the nova six leak...." She shifted a bit and looked at the girl and shook her head a bit "id be careful if I was you though kid these men are already pent up and creeps as it is" as she said this she glared at a man staring at Sayu with a deadly intent and he quickly looked down and away."if what you say is true you should avoid touching them....as much as I'd love beating a rapists skull into the floor id rather stay as low profile as possible..." She looked forwards and spoke again "names Jasmine by the way...or if you'd fancy the punisher" she paused after presenting her nickname giving no further explaination on the matter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"I am the Succubus" she said, "And I doubt you have been exposed to anything like me before.... It is Pheromone not hormone chemicals my body makes... if you want to be friends we can but if you touch me, use gloves or get a vile of the antidote before you don't use gloves..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"You shouldn't doubt me kid...." She tapped he tattooed knuckles on the table and cleared her throat after grabbing another prisoners drink shooting him a deadly glare as he was about to protest which made him fall silent.She smirked and drank it down and left it before her on the table "anyways....I don't know what this worlds coming to dropping little things like you two in a place like this!" She chuckled a bit looking towards Sayu and the one calling herself Succubus which was a sex demon if she recalled correctly,the name disgusted her to an extent but the girl hadn't done anything to warrant an action from Jasmine. "I guess it's the ones you don't expect that are the most dangerous...." She looked around the cafeteria and had thoughts of if she had enough support a battle formation and a way to fight the guards and get weapons,it was a rugged plan but sophisticated her years in military organizations made her quite adept at forming battle plans and working out the scenarios with all factors included.If only a riot would break out she thought a big one....volatile yet controlled...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Wake up" a guard said,tapping Dylan with a baton. He yawned, while saying "We're hear already?" He got up and stretched, while the guards started shoving him a bit with their guns. "I'm going, I'm going" he said irritably. He walked inside the prison. They shoved him into the cafeteria, while saying "If you have some type of medical concern, go see the doctor". He saw that there was already a good amount of people inside. He didn't feel like sitting with any of them. He walked to a table that was somewhat close to the side which had no one in it, though there were people in a table close by.. He put his feet on the table while leaning back, letting out a sigh. He studied the people to find out any weaknesses they may have.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndus


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kazumi woke up to the sound of crackling "Fire!?" she sat up quickly and saw that a guard was messing with her by crackling a bag. Kazumi growled but didn't retaliate. She got up and started walking towards the cafeteria, being escorted by guards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jaclyn walked with the guards to the lunch room sitting down they carefully removed her cuffs and watched her. Jaclyn herself was waiting for someone to talk to her even say hi she wasn't liking this place not from the first lol she'd been to prison before none like this one, maybe her last job she shouldn't have taken.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Himori sighed, she could take on anyone here, "I am not doubting you, but if a simple tap gets an normal person addicted to me, think what prolonged touch does..." she said, then went back to her meal, the guard brought her drink over to her, a bottle that looked like wine, "thank you" she said, taking it and sipping from it, the smell of it was the smell of a very potent aphrodisiac... edible, but no normal person could take a drop without being aroused modestly, from her reaction, she was, but not nearly as much as one would think, but it took some edge off and she relaxed... "that's better" she sighed, "I dare you to take a single drop and lick it, and not think every man in here is your friend... very close friend... to me though I guess it could be like being buzzed, on ever clear... or having a few drinks" she blushed, "But I am not afraid now... that I am going to go all slutty on people..." she kept sipping on the bottle she had like it was a beer...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jasmine growled and gripped the table tightly as the girl spoke she began to agitate the former Marine and terroist leader and it was clearly showing through her facial expression twisting into a even more angry look then usual."maybe I outta snap your fucking neck here and now!" She punched the table rather hard hard enough that blood began to pool from her knuckles "fucking slutty brat you disgust me" she spit on the ground and shook her head.She calmed down finally and wiped the blood off the table with her sleeve and glared at the girl with the coldest look she had given anyone in here yet "Nothings worse then a stupid little bitch trying my patience and bringing me up in a sexual manner....I'll only warn you this one time....talk like that again around me....I'll stomp your head into the ground myself..." Her words had a cold sting and were obviously serious and honest.She stood up and walked away from the girl and had her fists clenched,she didn't have to push anyone her look and clenched fists along with her knuckles dripping blood were enough to deter them from her path.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 34 min ago

Griffin shook his head watching the confirmation. It amazed him how some people reacted to things. He pushed his tray away and climbed to his feet. The guards glared at him but didn't stop. He moved to a table where it was quieter. He could have go to back to his cell but he rather enjoyed watching the others interact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jasmine stopped and her gaze turned towards griffin she might have been strong and seemingly brutish in her methods of violance and terror but she was by no means stupid and she was highly observant.She walked towards him her knuckles still dripping blood she seemed rather uncaring about it,she came right over to his table and set her hands palms flat upon it she looked him in the eyes sitting down as she still had an aggitated look about her.She opened her mouth to speak to the man who's been so keenly observering everyone "So you've been scoping everyone out huh?" She looked at him and continued it wasn't really a question at all and that would be apparent "That means you have a plan of some kind....either you plan on killing some of us.Or something more....profitable?" This was more of a question as she propped her elbows up on the table leaning down a bit,her tank top on like usual concealing of her cleavage of course she didn't want anyone gawking at her....nor did the staff want to clean the teeth up afterwards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 34 min ago

Rock Killjoy said
Jasmine stopped and her gaze turned towards griffin she might have been strong and seemingly brutish in her methods of violance and terror but she was by no means stupid and she was highly observant.She walked towards him her knuckles still dripping blood she seemed rather uncaring about it,she came right over to his table and set her hands palms flat upon it she looked him in the eyes sitting down as she still had an aggitated look about her.She opened her mouth to speak to the man who's been so keenly observering everyone "So you've been scoping everyone out huh?" She looked at him and continued it wasn't really a question at all and that would be apparent "That means you have a plan of some kind....either you plan on killing some of us.Or something more....profitable?" This was more of a question as she propped her elbows up on the table leaning down a bit,her tank top on like usual concealing of her cleavage of course she didn't want anyone gawking at her....nor did the staff want to clean the teeth up afterwards.

Griffin turned his attention to the girl who decided to join him. He briefly looked at her clothing. She was pretty in a tough sort of way but he had no interest in someone who was a betrayer. He knew what her tattoos meant. "I like watching people. You can learn a lot by watching people. You can learn their likes and dislikes as well as their strength and weakness. I am considering a couple of plans. I haven't decided which of the plans will accomplish my goals. Why do you ask?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"That's true enough...." She watched him looking over her tattoos and scowled slightly "like you trust the government?" She chuckled a bit at herself she wasn't about to explain herself or whatever but these plans interested her greatly "Well..I've been thinking of a few myself..." She watched him she was being cautious she didn't want to give away her ideas just yet most of which were ways to combat the riot guards and breach the armory following with a battle plan to fight her way out.....she was tough she knew that but she couldn't execute her plan alone....much less was her plan perfect....it was missing a few steps she felt other things should be done to up her chances....but she wasn't sure what exactly...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 34 min ago

Rock Killjoy said
"That's true enough...." She watched him looking over her tattoos and scowled slightly "like you trust the government?" She chuckled a bit at herself she wasn't about to explain herself or whatever but these plans interested her greatly "Well..I've been thinking of a few myself..." She watched him she was being cautious she didn't want to give away her ideas just yet most of which were ways to combat the riot guards and breach the armory following with a battle plan to fight her way out.....she was tough she knew that but she couldn't execute her plan alone....much less was her plan perfect....it was missing a few steps she felt other things should be done to up her chances....but she wasn't sure what exactly...

"I didn't say that. However the government makes the rules. Rules are very important." Griffin told her. "You're problem is that you bash the rules the way a chef bashes meat to try and tenderize it. Bash things only make chaos. Chaos doesn't help anyone. You have to find away around the rules. A way to get what you want without anyone knowing that they are playing right into your plan."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Rules....laws....decrees are made to be broken.." she grinned a bit "that's why we are both here isn't it?" Again it was a rhetorical question she did enjoy them a lot which should have been apparent."you think I don't know how to plan? Have you ever heard of a group called Venom?" She looked at him curious as to just how widespread Venom had become inside the criminal world....she knew it was huge but she always did like to see if people knew of it....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 34 min ago

Rock Killjoy said
"Rules....laws....decrees are made to be broken.." she grinned a bit "that's why we are both here isn't it?" Again it was a rhetorical question she did enjoy them a lot which should have been apparent."you think I don't know how to plan? Have you ever heard of a group called Venom?" She looked at him curious as to just how widespread Venom had become inside the criminal world....she knew it was huge but she always did like to see if people knew of it....

"Rules serve a purpose. But sometimes they get into the way. I did not break any rules. I never break rules. I go around them." Griffin told her calmly. He nodded at her question. "I have heard of the group. They approached me at one point but we were not a good match."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Not surprising....." She looked at him "I'm the co-leader of venom..." She tapped her knuckles on the table and looked at him "went around them you say? Heh I did plenty of that issue is the government sees it just the same as breaking them....I do what's the most easy..." She turned her neck to the side popping it shaking her head a bit."if only I could get in touch with venom command this place would be rubble in under an hour.....but that's not going to happen so I figured id have to do it the old fashioned way...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 34 min ago

Rock Killjoy said
"Not surprising....." She looked at him "I'm the co-leader of venom..." She tapped her knuckles on the table and looked at him "went around them you say? Heh I did plenty of that issue is the government sees it just the same as breaking them....I do what's the most easy..." She turned her neck to the side popping it shaking her head a bit."if only I could get in touch with venom command this place would be rubble in under an hour.....but that's not going to happen so I figured id have to do it the old fashioned way...."

"Yes. I can see you taking the easy way. Why put forth the effort to actually use your brain when you can use other methods." Griffin chuckled. "You have no patience. Some things take time. If you want to escape I think you are going to need more then brawn. You are going to need someone who can actually use his brain. Preferable someone with a larger brain then those who created the prison."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The hormone high was past it's peak so Jerid was starting to lose interest in it. "Aaaaaaand, now I'm bored again.."
He hopped off the table and walked back the the table, accidentally knocking over the garbage bin in the processes. Jerid paid no attention to the used needles and band aids that scattered over the floor, pretending no to notice them while avoiding stepping on them with ease.
He sat back at the table. "Making new friends everywhere I see?" He said slightly mockingly to Himori without expecting an answer, his attention was secretly fixed on listening to the conversation between Griffin and Jasmine. They had a look that he could only describe as 'plotting'. Plotting equaled entertainment in his book.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"You are a real testy man you know that?" She smiled a bit highly amused he though Jasmine was simple minded."how exactly would I lead an entire organization with out using my brain?" As she said this she popped her knuckles "I'll admit I'm not the best with a lot of subjects.....but when it comes to planning combat...I can't be beat by anyone in here....anyways..." She sat her palms clasped together the blood finally dried and clotted on her knuckles."Regardless I think I like you...think being the keyword I don't know if I can really trust you or not,we are all crooks after all...but I'll agree that my battle strategy needs a bit of timing and distractions...I was thinking something that goes boom?" She watched his facial expression mostly before continuing "I've noticed when vehicles arrive they drive around the back of the prison...towards the south east wall I'm willing to bet that's a gas stop its a long drive out here after all..."
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