Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


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"I was sent in at 15, spent 9 years at Yomi, and 4 at blackmist, so 28 I guess..." she said, "and I look like I am close to 25 to some people..." she looked at her, "And I bet killing your family was the right thing, did they abuse you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kautalya
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"Woah. Heh, you're older than me." Sayu smiled and then quickly announced. "Don't worry, Himori I'll protect you from harm!" Sayu pounded her chest lightly, proud of her statement. Fawning over her amazing skills, Himori blurted out, "And I bet killing your family was the right thing, did they abuse you?"
Sayu paused for a while. She slowly turned around and shook her head. "No. I killed them out of jealousy. I'll tell you a little story. My parents came home with a new child, whom hated me. For some odd reason. Ha. Anyways, I was always the center of attention and I guess greed ate me alive. Cause, I killed my little sister and my parents. I couldn't stand them, especially Abby. My little sis."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Maria said
Himori came over and sat by her, "my skin is like coming in direct contact with the effect of a potent aphrodisiac, well everyone sweats in small amounts all the time, so it is the sweat, but it makes people feel good but it could addict them, so touch me if you want, but try not to get addicted, it is very powerful... the jerks from my first prison made me like this, even my tears are saturated with pheromones..." she sounded kind of sad, "but this is who I am now, they call me the Succubus, but my name is Himori Hikarashi.... Nice to meet you"She looked at Griff on the other side of the table, "I was framed, they said I killed many men by "loving" them to death, it wasn't true but as I am now, if the prison doesn't spike my food or bring me my drinks, the balance will be disrupted and I may become that monster they claim I am... I loth the feeling of wanting whoever I see... but while I have enough of what I drink in my body, I am fine... no worries about me loving people, but I don't know maybe I can over come it now... but I am afraid... if they make me wear a proper uniform... it could be bad... this outfit isn't just because it looks nice..."

"I will kill them." Griffin told her. "It is my job to take out those who hurt others. You should see the doctor. He could probably give you what you need. He is a bit touchy though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Jerid sat down with the 3 without a word and listened intensely to the stories. He kept his mind to himself. "Damn these girls are fucked up. I wonder if the thing about the pheromones is true, it's more likely she's batshit, but the story intrigues..." Speaking his mind would no doubt get himself stupidly killed.
The food was still remarkably fantastic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"What they did to me can't be fixed, the glands put into me, the gene therapy, everything that was done to make me this, is permanent... my body accepts itself now, and I am not comfortable talking about getting fixed..." she said to Griff, the looked to the other girl, "I have a brother, but he is miles away, doubt he is still fighting for me today though, after he saw me... but i never envied him.... so I can't relate to what you did, but I can tell you, when I find out who made me this way... I am going to use the steel wire i keep on me, Blackmist you had to have a job on the grounds, and fight... I didn't get exempt from that..." she said

Then saw Jerid seeing the look in his eyes, "I don't think you should touch me... but if you must... test me... because I see you don't believe me"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"Good you have gathered." The doctor announced as he entered the dinning room. "I would like to tell you that you all appear in stable condition. You must come to me if you have any medical concerns."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Jerid smiled. He picked up his glass and sipped it before holding it up to Himori's face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"How about this instead" She grabs his arm, where the skin is, and then lets go the same moment, a tap piratically, the rush to his system almost knocks him out of his seat, his body becomes aroused... and wanting.... "that should be enough to convince you... spitting would be so much worse for you... if you feel like you need to touch me again go to the doctor... and if you are addicted from a simple tap... I would be glad to take you to the doctor, or give you a kiss so you can cope for a few hrs." her voice is always seductive sounding... not like it is forced, like she always is like that, and she doesn't try to sound normal ether, the seductive in her voice is normal "ohhh... and I would only kiss you so you could stand to go to the doctor and get my pheromones and the addiction out of your system, I am not into men."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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This surprised Jerid. He had planned to slip the drink into another inmates drink and watch from a safe distance.
Things didn't go quite as planned. He felt his blood rush and eyes widen. Paralyzed with the thought "Oh shit."

After a few seconds of silence he stammered. "I..I think I'll take the kiss"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"Are you sure you can't make it to the doctor with out it?" she asked, "because though my saliva breaks down other addictions, as long as it is from me and the pheromones are not boiled off, you will always come back if you don't see the doctor..." she said, then used a seductive glare and smile, "You know I could have you do things for me, in exchange for a reprieve... and make you want me so much you would do anything I wanted.... I could torment you sooo much... but since I am not that kind of monster..." she reached out so seductively and kissed him on the lips frenching him.... the rush from her touch, for that short time till she ended the kiss was like going into a Heavenly kind of Hell, where ones soul wants to fight against the want to do something bad.... but a haze of want keeps you wanting more, but then it eased off, "You have about 4 hrs before my pheromones over power the enzimes in my saliva and then the withdrawals will start, enjoy, whether you go to the doctor or not... is up to you... but you will come back... the withdraw symptoms include headaches, and the urge, which both get progressive worse... your judgment impairs, your entire being will want me... and I doubt you want that.... so go get me off your mind...."

She herself got up and headed over to the doctor...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"He is not my friend." Griffin replied bluntly. "I am not friends with killers. Let him suffer like the people he has killed suffered."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Himori stopped, "I don't want him having to come back to me for a kiss, or put up with the insentience begging for a kiss or to be touched" she said "I could always Inflict it on you, a drop of blood, a bead of sweat, any one of my body fluids will work... even the oils on my skin... I do not like having men addicted to me... because then I get taken advantage of... it isn't fun... feels great but no... not fun after at all." she walked right over to him, "It isn't easy being me.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"Do not touch me." Griffin growled. "I will not have you taking advantage of me. You might have something that will allow me to come to you but I will not allow myself to be put in such a position again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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In silence he sat staring into space. A smile on his face and wide eyes.
Jerid knew damn well he was high on endorphin. But he couldn't resist drifting on the chemicals for a while.
Thoughts of the all natural drug and images of Himori clouded his mind.
After a little while though he stood up hesitantly and walked light as a feather over to the doctor.
He casually put a hand on his shoulder grinned stupidly.
"One stomach pump STAT,"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

(It wouldn't be a stomach pump, it is a vial of her saliva that has been boiled down and compounded to remove the addiction... also removes any other chemical addictions/ drug addictions people have no more need for rehab ^_^ it resets the chemical receptors in the brain and body so they work properly without the need for other chemicals or drugs)

"I don't intend to touch you" Himori said, "I am just saying it isn't something I like, and I don't wish it on anyone... even if they like me." she said softly. "I don't like that position ether..." she commented, "I hate it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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((I asume I can control NPCs for minor things like this right?))

The doctor scratched his beard and looked over at Himori, then at Jerid and then at the file on the dining table that had been fashioned into a desk for the routine check.
He gave Jerid a condescending look as he shook his head and nimbly picked up a syringe. "You're an idiot, you know that?" He said as he pushed the antidote in Jerid's veins.
"I am right now." Jerid responded tepidly, not reacting to the needle at all.

The doc threw the used needle in the garbage bin. "We're going to need a lot of these I'm afraid."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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(ninja post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Himori laughed "They brought you a whole case, and you can't Synthesize it... so as long as people keep their hands off of me I should be fine." she said, "and it doesn't take much to do it just a spit and put it into water and boil, the enzymes expand in the water, once the pheromones cook off... Director Dridan told me how it all works... when he was working on a way to get people unaddicted."
She spit into a large vile, lady like, and then left. "I would rather see a female doctor thank you..." she said. as she left, "I am not comfortable with men."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Jerid sat playing with the stethoscope.
"I however, think you are doing a great job."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jasmine walked into the cafeteria in her usual manner knocking anyone stupid enough to be in her path out of it.As she made her way over and sat by Sayu "sup" she paused and looked at the new girl who was seated there "who's the new one? And why does he look like he's going I orgasm?" She scoffed a bit and clenched her fists she wasn't sure what it was but she didn't like that look or any sexual look for that matter.She had her many tattoos on her muscular arms displayed proudly as she awaited a response
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